Chapter 36:Kids and Stories
Quick note:Thank you @CookieChan_and @RainbowPineapplez for the suggestions of the fantasy stories! I've added them to the chapter and I hope you enjoy! :3
Two days have passed and Palette has now gotten the same suspicions that Shino has about Goth. Science got them to swap back to normal, but Palette made sure "Goth" never left his sight. He tied his wrist to one of Goth's like you would tie your ankles for a three leg race. Goth is wandering around in the Shadow Realm, looking for a way out. But things are gonna take a turn for the worse real soon.
Allsun's POV
The sun shines through the window's blinds. I lay beside Kills in bed. He holds me close, pecking at me with kisses or nuzzling his head against me, anything he could come up with. He nuzzles me and then kisses one of my ears for the first time. I let out a yip of surprise. I feel my face burn up. I cover my mouth.
"What's wrong?"He asks
"I gotta stop doing that!"I say
"Why? I find it adorable when you yip, though not in pain."He says, caressing my cheek
"Kills......"I whimper, feeling my face burn up
He smiles. He removes the hands from my mouth and he kisses me. My soul pounds.
"You're so cute, Nighty."He says, nuzzling his head on my shoulder
"Killer, y-"I begin
"Don't deny it or I will get at your ticklish spot."He says
"Ok! You're right!"I say
"That's better."He says, kissing me multiple times
He continues with his ideas and I kiss him back. Like if he was kissing my shoulder, I'd kiss the top of his head. It was a back and forth cycle. It was nice.
But I could hear something going on outside.
"What the heck happpened here? Shino! We gotta round them up!"Ghastly shouts
"On it! Come here, little ones! Father, put Mama down."Shino says
"No!"Reaper says
"Ghastly we have a runner!"Shino says
"On it!"He says
There is a pause.
"Awww dang it."Reaper says
"Mister Suave, don't spray Mister Cross!"Shino says
"Ooopsie."Suave says
"Did you just hear Suave say oopsie?"Kills asks
I nod.
"Who is that and what did they do wirg rge real him?"He chuckles
"Auntie Dalilah don't chew on that!"Ghastly shouts
"Everyone just come with us!"Shino says
"Something's going on."I say
"Eh, probably nothing to worry about."Kills says, then starts to kiss my neck
"I'll go check to see if my Papa and Future Papa are okay."Ghastly says
A few footsteps are heard.
There is a knock at the door.
"Papa? Future Papa? Are you in there?"Ghastly asks
Killer stops and scrambles to get a shirt on in case he peeks in.
"Yes Ghastly, we're in here."I say
"You're both ok?"He asks
"Yep. Is something wrong?"I say
"Ummm.......Come out and I'll explain."He says
Kills and I come out.
"Oh wow! You seem to have your hands full there!"Killer says
"Shino is trying to handle the rest of them."Ghastly says
On his head is Dalilah, nuzzling against his head lovingly. Dream is on one of his arms, nuzzling him as well, while Cross clings to his other, trying to stay away from Suave who held a tiny cloth and Ghastly's leg. Deccy and Fresh were playing peekaboo with his other leg.
"What happened?"Kills asks
"Dunno. Dameon, Aaron, Shino and I were coming back from the library and we find them all like this near some broken boxes. The only ones that aren't like this are Mister Science, E!Gaster, TJ, Swap!Geno and Swap! Reaper."Ghastly says
"Hey Ghastly, we're gonna go to Science! See if he knows anything!"Dameon and Aaron says
"Okay!"Ghastly shouts back
"Wait, so these aren't the only ones like this?"I ask
"Nope. Come on, I'll show you. Some were shrunk down too. They all seem to have become kids or babies because none of them are really aware of what's going on and some are not acting as mature as their adult selves."Ghastly says
Dream points to Dalilah at the mention of the last sentence.
"You lil snitch Dream!"Killer says
Dream chuckles, not regretting it.
"How about I open your arms up a bit?"I ask
"Sure."He says
Cross hears this and leaps into my arms, taking this as an oppurtunity to escape Suave properly, who was pulling his tail and trying to use it to clean Ghastly's leg like a dusting tool. Even as a kid Suave never stops cleaning.
Ghastly leads us down a hallway and to the kitchen.
"Ello!"A tiny voice cheers
I look over and see Blue waving to us from a tiny purple cup.
"This was the only way to keep them contained while so tiny. Well, except Mr. Fell there. He won't stop climbing."Ghastly says
With Blue in this cup was Reaper, Dust, Classic, Papyrus and Geno. On the side was Fell, looking very grumpy. Papyrus was above them all, happily overseeing this cup of tiny skeletons. Classic kept his gaze on Fell. Dust was saying something that could not be understood in a loving tone to Blue. Loving baby talk you could call it. Reaper keeps turning around and hugging Geno but Geno would get red in the face afterwards.
"Idio! Reapa! Why you kiss me?"Geno says
Reaper simply smiles, not answering him.
"Nuh-uh! Dust kick me out ta get ta Blue!"Fell says
That starts a bickering session between Fell and Dust. Blue notices and puts himself between the two.
"Stap it! Be happy!"He says
Blue pulls Fell back into the cup, where he got a warm welcome from Classic. A good hug made Fell get lifted to a better mood.
"Are the other kids around to help you?"Killer asks
"No, they don't even know. They are still at the library."Ghastly says
"Well that's just great."He says while shaking his head
"Here, I'll show you the last bunch."Ghastly says as Shino comes in to supervise the cup
He takes us down a tunnel connecting to another house. We didn't go to another house though.
"Cut tha out!"A voice snaps
"Neva!"Another laughs
We walk and find a bunch of baby or child skeletons crowded together.
S!Pap is at the bottom, sleeping. Encre is laying beside Fallacy happily. Error was kneeling behind those two. Lust was in the middle, annoying the heck out of Edge. Horror does not stop him, patting his head like a proud boi. Ink was behind those three, smiling at us when we came.
Edge was about to yell something but gets sprayed by Suave.
"Lust, stop."Ghastly says
Lust complies.
"I'm gonna go tell the other kids!"Shino shouts
"Ok!"Ghastly says
"What do we do?"Killer wonders
"Maybe an experiment went wrong so it will be only temporary. We should take care of them until it wears off."I say
"Let's get them some food first!"Killer says
Ghastly gets the bunch to let him go. He brings the cup of skeletons in, then runs off. Killer and I keep them accounted for and in the room. He comes back and each of them get fed. They all enjoy their food. Then, the phone rings. I go over and Cross answers it.
"Ello? Ello, Chara. Wha? Uh-oh. Oki, bye."He says, putting the phone away
I look at him.
"We need to go to library. It went kablewie."He says
"WHAT?"I say
I set him down.
"You guys stay here!"I say
Geno climbs out of the cup while everyone ate or talked. He comes over.
"I am coming."He says
I put a jacket on and pick him up. I carry him on my shoulder with a frown. I run quickly to the library and find half of it collapsed.
"What happened here?"I ask
"Raven! Shino! Goth! Kids!"Geno shouts
One of the librarians come over.
"Someone sent a box in for the kids section. I put it down and one of the kids opened it since it was labeled fantasy books. Little girl too. She was talking about some child transformation? Then her brother, one with a black scarf, pointed out the box. She goes to open it and then boom! Whole place was booming, not the good kind. Now all we can find are these strange books that are glowing."She says, bringing a pile of books over
I take them and she walks away.
I look at them. Harry Potter, fables, myths, fairytales....Yep, all fantasy books.
"The books are here for sure, but no kids."I say
Geno frowns.
"We'll find them."I say
"Let's bring these books home. I want to analyze them."He says
I nod. A librarian puts them in a wagon and I pull it along, all the way home. But we had no idea where these kids went or that the key was right in the wagon.
Faith and Fury
"What the hell?"They both say
They were staring at the Emperor's Temple. It was nice and peaceful. But the fact that they didn't know what it was set them uneasy.
"Should we get out of here?"Faith asks
"Yeah...."Fury says
They run off as fast as they can.
"Woo! To freedom!"They cheer, once geting to a forest trail
There are these signs to guide them.
They go down another trail, getting to know where they are.
Goth's POV
I run out of town, making it to the edge of Kage's land. I lose all the spirits chasing me and he no longer could have any power over me. I cross the border. I feel safe and a whole wave of relief wash off of me. I smile and look around. I see someone looking at me, through some wall. I go over.
"What are you doing? Are you okay?"They ask
I shake my head.
"Allow me to help."He says
Then he reaches through and pulls me through. It feels like freezing cold water. I look around and thank the skeleton.
"So, what myth are you from? What spirit are you for?"He asks
"What?"I ask
"This is mythology land. Where all the myth stories live while people read the books. You were just in Narcissus' pond. Ya know, from his myth that he falls in love with like a Gaston?"He says
"Who are you?"I ask
"Oh! I'm a guide for any newcomers! This land is always buzzing! And some poeple get lost like once I had a Pandora lost in a Humpty Dumpty story!"He says
"Well then is there a way to get out of here to another land? Like outside the books?"I ask
"Haven't had to find that yet. But I recognize your scarf. You wouldn't happen to be Goth, would you?"He asks
"That's me! Why?"I ask
"Someone named Palette was wandering around the forest, talking to a skeleton bound to him by the wrist. He was saying that he knows who they are and demanded about you."He explains, pointing to a forest
I smile and head into the forest.
"Palette? Palette! It's me! Where are you? Palette!"I call
No answer.
I keep moving.
"Purpose is fufilled.....Your lil friend is gone. And soon, I will be too. So long Roller annoyance."A voice says
"What? No! Bring him back!"Palette exclaims
I run to his voice.
"Please! Give him back! Bring him back! I can't lose Gothy! Not my Gothy! Not my beloved Gothy!"He cries
Then I see him. He's hugging a lifeless body.....One that a spirit possessed to be me and ended up getting put in Palette's instead. Palette is crying.
I try to come over but get pushed back. Apparently only the living or the physically living could go into that area. Which freaking stinks.
"Please...."He cries
"Palette!"I shout
It just echoes back to me as if I was yelling to a cave wall.
The body fades away.
"Nononono! Come back! Bring Gothy back! Please!"Palette pleas
The bits of the fading body fly over to me, getting in place like a puzzle or gluing the pieces of a broken object back together. I get shoved forward when it was complete.
"Woah!"I yelp, falling forward
I feel two arms wrap around me, stopping my fall. I regain my balance and get pulled upright.
"G-Gothy?"A voice says
I turn and see Palette holding me up.
"H-H-Hi, Palette."I say
He releases me.
"Tell me something only we would know."He says
"The firefighters had to send me up to you when you got stuck in a tree trying to save a cat."I say
"Gothy!"He cheers, leaping onto me
"Gah! Palette!"I exclaim
He hugs me on the ground, happier than I've ever seen him. He looks at me with a grin.
"How are you here?"He asks
"I ran out of Kage's land and borders. A guide for this storyland pulled me through some water for a myth. He directed me here, saying he heard you mention me."I say
"Wait! One sec!"He says
He runs off, out of sight. When I sit up, something gets placed on my head.
"Huh?"I say
Palette smiles. He helps me up.
"There! A nice purple flower crown for you!"He says
I look at him curiously. I feel my face burn a bit.
"Now, may I add this to the crown?"He asks, lifting a rose
My face burns up even more.
"W-What for?"Stupidly I ask
"To show my love for you!"He says happily
My face burns up.
Oh Palette....
Then he leans in and kisses me. My soul races, pounding. He gently feels my cheek and absolutely made my face feel like it was melting from burning so much.
"So, may I?"He asks innocently
"S-S-Sure."I say
"Awww, you're so cute Gothy!"He says
"W-What are you even doing in here?"I ask
"Oh, it's not just me. All the kids but Ghastly got taken in. Some box exploded. What do you think Shino or Raven are?"He says
"I dunno....Probably something good."I say
"What story are you in?"He asks
"I dunno. I didn't even know where I was until a few minutes ago."I say
"Well I am sure that you can come to Hogwarts with me."He says, taking my hand
"Pfft, you would be such a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor."I say
He leads me through the forest and we reach this split in the roads with a sign to guide us. He takes me to the trail marked HARRY POTTER, but it knocked me back. A brick wall literally cut me off.
Too many outsiders in this area. Go to your area and come back in at least 4 hours.
"Gothy?"He asks
"Apparently it's too full for outsiders. I have to go to my area but I don't even know it."I say
He reaches for me but the bricks block us.
"I wanna come with you then."He says
"It appears this world has other ideas. See you in a few hours according to what it says!"I say
"I'll find you!"He says
The bricks push me down another road. My clothes change and next I know, I'm walking down a forest trail to who knows where. Grandma's house perhaps but I have no clue where to go. I come to a fork in the road and go to the left. It leads to a shore. I look in the water, seeing some ripples. And guess who I saw swimming around in there.....
"Bluescreen! Hey!"I say
He looks at me and his expression brightens, looking happier. He swims to the surface and peeks out.
"So you're in the Little Mermaid story, huh? Let me guess, Gradient will be your Eric?"I say
"Yes, I am. I dunno!"He says
Hey, being in this story gives him a voice.
"Heh, I'll keep an eye out for him going on a ship. You'll be part of his world in no time!"I say teasingly
"Shut up!"He says, his face burning up
"I'm just messing with you."I say
"We'll see who is messing when Palette is the one to save you from a wolf."He says
"Ya right. He is going to Hogwarts as we speak if he isn't already there. I don't think he will be anywhere nearby."I say
"Never underestimate the others."He says, then goes underwater
I get up and head back the way I came. I hear footsteps. I stop in my tracks. I feel uneasy.
I look around.
Then I keep walking.
But then a hand/ paw grabs my hood and lowers it.
I turn to see a wolf standing there, with a vicious smile.
"Hello, little skeleton."They say
I look at him. I shake my head. I try to summon my scythe but instead summon a basket.
"What a lovely flower crown you have here. Anyone special?"He asks
I hold the crown to my head.
"That is none of your concern."I say
"Where are you heading?"He asks, licking his snout hungrily
"That is also none of your concern."I say
"Why don't I show you a shortcut?"He says
"I'd rather not."I say
He starts to pull me along.
"It won't be that bad."He says
"DoN'T EvEn TrY iT bUcKo!"A voice snaps
Then an arrow knocks the wolf away.
I smile.
"Shoot! It's Robin Hood!"The wolf says
Then another arrow is fired.
I look up, finding someone hopping from the branches with a bow aimed.
He spots me and lowers the bow. He lands on a branch. I recognize him. Gradient.
"GoTh?"He says
"Hey Gradient."I say
He hops down and actually hugs me.
"I aM sO gLaD yOu ArE OkAy! He dId nOt hUrT yOu rIghT? I gOt hErE oN tImE rIghT?"He asks
I nod.
"I am alright. You did."I say
"GoOd!"He says
"How did you know?"I ask
"An oWl tOlD mE yOu mAy bE nEarBy."He says, an owl landing on his arm with a letter
He takes a letter from under his hat.
"ThIs wAs mY nOte."He says
He hands another to me from the owl.
It's from Hogwarts.
"He waNtEd yOu tO rEad It WhEn I fInd yOu."He says
I open it and read it.
Dear Gothy,
Hey Gothy! I hope this owl finds you or Gradient does! Someone nice! I hope you are okay because I will gladly beat anyone who hurts you down! I will come out as soon as I can to find you! It currently has been 2 hours, who knows how long when you get this! Stay safe and please do Gradient a favor. I know he will not try because he wants to put others first but can you help him find Bluescreen? I know for a FACT he'd be worried sick about Bluescreen right now and even though he may not say he wants to, it may be best if he reunites with Bluescreen before he crashes or something from self-bottled worry. We'll find Raven and Shino together(though I doubt his Printy or Radier would let this world divide them). Please stay safe and stick with him, Gothy! What story are you in? What character? Just because you have a scythe doesn't mean you can wander off! ^w^ Cya soon Gothy!
I smile. I nod. I write a response on the back and give it to the owl. It flies back off quickly.
"So....WhErE tO nOw?"He asks
"Come on! I know where! Follow me!"I say
He follows me quickly and I go back to the shore. I find a trail leading to a small town. I head towards it.
"WhErE aRe wE gOinG?"He asks
"To see a Little Mermaid.~"I say
"WhAt?"He asks
I smirk.
"Over there."I say, pointing to someone familiar
He looks over.
"W-Wait....T-T-ThAt's....BlUesCrEeN!"He says
I look at him. His gaze is locked on Bluescreen. Bluescreen was walking around, completely unaware that we are here.
"BlUesCreeN!"Gradient cheers
Bluescreen looks over and jumps at the sight of Gradient. Gradient runs over, picking him up and twirling him around. Gradient smiles and Bluescreen's face burns up.
"HeY, BlUeScReEn! So gOoD tO sEe yoU!"Gradient cheers
I smile.
"Ah, this is interesting."I say
"Ya! ThE MeRmAiD mEetS ThE RoBiN hOoD! BlUeScReEn, I pRoMiSe To kEEp yA sAfE!"Gradient says
Bluescreen is a blushing mess.Gradient sets him down.
I notice the sun is going down.
"Wait, Bluescreen, how many days have you been a skeleton?"I ask
He signs a 2.
"What day is it?"I ask
He signs a 3.
"Uh oh."I say
Gradient looks at me, then at Bluescreen. He looks at the sun, which is new a semi sphere on the ocean horizon. He starts to lean in.
"Skeliosa!"A voice says
Magic falls on Bluescreen.
"I am not having any Ursula troubles with my friends today!"A voice says
The sun goes down.
Bluescreen does not change. He smiles.
But that does not stop Gradient. He leans in and kisses Bluescreen.
The dark night wasn't so dark anymore with the way their faces were burning.
"Wooo!"The voice cheers
I look up and see Palette flying on a broom.
"Hey, Palette."I say
"Hey, Gothy!"He says with a smile
"I see you made it to Gryffindor."I say
"Yep, you were right."He says
I smile.
"Gradient...."Bluescreen says
"WaS tHaT oK?"Gradient asks
"Y-Yes...."He says
Gradient smiles again.
"Wingardium leviosa!"Palette says
I feel my feet leave the ground.
"P-Palette!"I exclaim, looking up at him
"I got you, Gothy."He says
He lifts me up and when I am within his reach, he tucks the wand away in a pocket. He grabs me before the magic could wear off, putting me on the broom with him. He grins and then tugs at the bow tying my hood together, pulling me forward. He pulls me into a kiss. My face burns up and then he focusses on steering the broom. I hold onto him so I don't fall off, my soul pounding.
"I love you Gothy."He says
"I love you too."I say
"Now, let's go find your siblings."He says
"I sAw sOmE bRiCkS sEndInG BlUePrInT tO ThE pRiNcEsS aReA! If he'S tHeRe, sO iS RaVeN! AnD I sAw ShInO gEtTinG tRaNsPoRtEd FrOm ThE GoLdIlOcKs aReA!"Gradient says
"We'll check on Raven and Blueprint, you check on Shino."Bluescreen says
"Alright! Let's meet up somewhere by noon tomorrow!"Palette says
"SeNd Us aN oWl oR sOmEtHinG wHeN yOu fIgUrE oUt wHeRe."Gradient says
"Got it!"He says
Then we fly off. I keep an eye out for Shino while he steers.
Blueprint's POV
I slowly wake up and sit up. I look around.
This is not the library. Where the hell am I?
I look up around and see I am at a staircase. I see a giant clock on the horizon. I get up, trying to figure out where I am only to find out that I'm in a dress. I put the clues together.
Great, I was put in the Cinderella story.
I look at the clock and see it just turned midnight.
Works for me.
I start to leave but then remember how the story goes.
Oh hell no.
I sit down, take both shoes off and toss them away. Then I keep moving. I hear the clock boom to represent midnight. The dress changes to "what it was before". Which was just a smaller dress. I stop running and look around.
Where do I go from here? I don't even know where the heck I am besides in a story. I try to think. Where can I go? The others are surely nearby, they might have been sucked in as well. But where could I find them?
I keep walking and stop to check my surroundings. I am now a good distance from the castle. I smile. At least I'm away from there! I keep moving, curious of where to go. I find a sign with arrows to point in other directions. I see each label is to a different story. One is to "B&B", next is "Sleeping Beauty", another is "S&7D", then "PP" , followed by "More directions" and lastly "RH".
I look at each one. Where could my friends be found? Where would they be? Where would they fit in?
I hear footsteps. I look behind me and see a guard, in a heavy suit of armor, walking near me. Their helmet was down, hiding who they were. I feel uneasy. They notice me and make an obvious U-Turn away.
I go back to looking at the sign. I'm guessing B&B is Beauty and the Beast. Maybe I will find Shino there. She does love animals and flowers, heck, she made flower crowns. Plus she is a big believer of don't judge a book by its cover. That story would work for her. And I will look for her first because she was the one who innocently opened the box. I recall during the explosion, she had yelled in pain and during package explosions, stuff is bound to go flying. Someone has to make sure she is ok. And that's my only option since I don't know where the hell everyone else is or could be.
I start walking down the trail as directed by the signs. But then I hear footsteps again. I turn around and it is the same guard from before. They duck behind a tree, but their shoulder pad stuck out. I shake my head. Whoever that guard is must be an idiot. But this being the second time I caught them following me, I am really uneased. I turn and run down the trail and then reach another area with a big sign. "Castle" pointing on way, "Village" another, "Inventor's house" in another. Best chance is to go to the castle. I head down that trail carefully, which leads me through the forest of course.
I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn around, finding the guard standing there. Oh come on.
The guard waves. I step back.
"Don't go."He says
"Why were you following me?"I ask
"Because I want to make sure you're who I think you are. Printy? Is it you?"He asks
I recognize the nickname. My face burns up a bit.
"R-Raven?"I stutter
He lifts the helmet up. It's him.
"Hey, Printy. Why are you shoeless?"He asks
"Because I am not having a village-wide shoe test happen."I say
"Well you look beautiful, Printy.~"He says, then picks me up
My face burns up.
"Raven! You idiot! Put me down!"I snap
"No."He says
He holds my wrist so I couldn't force my way out of his hold.
"Let me go now! This is not funny! Why are you even picking me up?"I say
"Because you are my Printy. I will protect you and I am not gonna let some prince that has no face recognition skills or relies on shoes to find love take you from me."He says
"Huh?"I say
"Just stating the facts. You're my Printy and nobody is gonna take you from me."He says
My face burns more.
"Raven.....You idiot."I say
"Not any idiot. Your idiot."He says, leaning closer
He kisses me.
My soul races.
He pulls back.
"Love you, Printy."He says
I do not respond.
"Printy?"He says
"I....l-l-love you too."I say
He smiles. Then he scoops me into his arms and keeps kissing me.
"R-R-Raven!"I say, feeling my face burn and soul pound
"Yes?"He asks
"Stop!"I say
"Stop loving you? Sorry, not possible."He says, then kisses my cheek
"You flirty idiot!"I snap
"Your flirty idiot!"He says proudly
I look away.
Then I feel him getting at my neck.
"R-Raven! C-C-Cut that out!"I say
"Huh....It didn't relax you."He says
"What are you talking about?"I ask
"Palette told me that he has seen his uncle or Dream get kissed on the neck and relax, or they'd kiss their lovers and they'd relax. Palette tried it with Goth and he relaxed too. I thought it would help you relax."He says
"I'm not Goth!"I say
"Well, you both are shy.....At times.Like tsu-"He says
"Shut up!"I snap, then cross my arms and look away
"Ah, sO ThE kNiGht FoUnd hIs ShOeLeSs TsunDeRe pRinCe!"A voice says teasingly
I look and see Gradient coming over, looking like Robin Hood with Bluescreen looking like Ariel.
"Gradient....I wouldn't use the t word. He doesn't seem happy."Bluescreen says
I frown. I shove myself out of Raven's hold.
"That's it! I'm outta here!"I say, marching off
"Printy wait!"Raven says
"LoOks lIke I tOoK tHe lAsT StRaW."Gradient says
"Ya don't say?"Raven says
Their voices grow fainter and fainter, quieter and quieter, more distant. Soon, I find the gate and make my way inside. I look up at the castle. I hope to find Shino in here. I walk to the door and knock on it. It creaks open. I go in.
"Shino? Shino are you here? Or someone? Hello?"I say
I find one of the many staircases. I go up it. I look around, continuing to call for anyone.
"Look! Another skeleton!"A voice declares
I shake my head.
"Hello? Is anyone here?"I call out
I hear a growling noise. I head down the hall and stop, only hearing the growling get louder. I turn around and come face-to-face with a beast towering over me. I step back.
"Emm, hello."I say
"Why are you here?"He asks
"I'm looking for someone."I say
"Well look for someone outside."He says
Then he grabs me and starts dragging me along.
"Wait!"Another voice shouts
I hear footsteps come running.
The beast drops his hold on me and that caused me to go tumbling down the stairs. I hit the bottom and sit up.
"Blueprint!"A voice yells
I look and see Shino coming down the stairs. I get up and look at her.
"Are you ok?"She asks
"You're asking me that?"I ask, noticing her wounds
She nods.
"Why wouldn't I?"She says
She has a wound on her head and side, then her legs. Her arms are wounded and having shards of glass and the box in them.
"Do you not feel your wounds?"I ask
"You just fell down some stairs."She says
"Yeah, but mine aren't as bad as yours!"I say
"I'll be fine!"She says
"Yeah, once I help bandage you up. You are not staying like that."I say
"Why are you in a dress?"She asks
"I was put in Cinderella's place."I say
"Oh! Ok!"She says
"Come on, sit. I'm gonna help you."I say, having her sit
She holds my hand and I carefully take the shards out of her arms. I tear my sleeves and use them to bandage her arms.
"Can you get Radier next? He has some wounds in his back."She says
"Of course."I say
"Radier! Come over here!"She says
The beast walks over.
"Sorry, Blueprint...."He says
Okay....Can't say I wasn't expecting that.
"Master! There are two skeletons in the castle!"A voice cheers
"Master-Oh!"Another says
A candlestick runs over with a clock.
"I see you've already met them."The clock says
Radier says
"The two of you go find some medical supplies like bandages and such."Radier says
"Yes sir!"The clock says
The candlestick seems let down, slouching and bowing his head.
"I just got here too late to tell wonderful news. 5 petals left, Master."He says before running off after the clock
"Meeting Lumiere and Cogsworth is interesting to say the least."Radier says
We nod. He picks Shino up and carries her upstairs. I can see some bumps in his back, covered by a red robe. I follow him, ready to help.
This will be interesting.
But little do we know what's coming. This is only the first half of the story.
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