Chapter 35:ForSHADOWED Love
A few days before the holidays
Take a quick pic of what Ghastly names his parents(or soon to be parent).
Allsun's POV
I wander about, checking on everyone. Ghastly comes over to me and lifts a scarf. I take the shadow and smile. I put the shadow of the scarf on, marked with drawings of Killer's, Dream's, and my kids' souls. I smile and thank him.
"Mr. Kills wants to see you."Ghastly says
"Alrighty! Thank you, son!"I say
He runs off.
I head off and look around for Kills. I get knocked to the floor. I turn over and find another shadow pinning me down. I chuckle.
"You've gotten better at using your shadow on me."I say
"Hehe, it was gonna happen eventually."Kills says
I look over at him and he is in the position for his shadow on a bed.
"Now, I wanna test something."He says
"What is it?"I ask
"Hmmmm...."He says
He has his shadow nuzzle my head, then imitate a kissing motion. He was kissing me. I feel my face burn even though I am a shadow. It makes me so much happier.
Then his shadow lowers my scarf and gets at my neck. I yelp, feeling my face burn and my soul race. He smiles and has his shadow rest beside me.
"So, how have you been doing?"He asks
I readjust the scarf.
"Pretty good."I say
"That is good. I think we are getting closer to getting you back. You won't be a shadow much longer."He says
"Heh, that sounds good."I say
"Just imagine it. Soon, you'll be right back beside me in my arms. You will be getting all the love, hugs and kisses that you've missed. You will get all the love you want from me. You're right, everything will be okay."He says, laying on his shadow
"Missed snuggles that much, huh?"I ask
"Ya..."He says
I smirk.
"And with the holidays....I am looking forward to kissing you under some mistletoe."He says
"Pfft."I say
"What? It's true!"He says
Both of us start talking a bit.
"How much do you wanna bet that when I come back, Dalilah is gonna keep making plans at full speed ahead?"I say
"Pfft, there is no question. Is there a problem with that?"He asks
"No. Kills, there's nobody I'd rather be with than you."I say
"And I am not going anywhere."He says
"I know."I say
"Do you want to know something? I've imagined a good future with you."He says
"What?"I say
He smiles.
"It's quite simple. I will be your loving husband and take good care for those kids. We'll find this place where nobody else could bother us, only our friends and family could find us. When this is over, we will go there and spend the rest of our days being as happy as we can be."He explains happily
"Really? I'd like that."I say
He smiles and has his shadow hold my hand.
There is a knock at the door.
"Yes?"Killer says
The door opens. Suave peeks in.
"Allsun, we have to talk."He says
I nod and follow him out.
"How are you doing, Suave?"I ask
"Good, just worried."He says, leaning on a cane
He refuses to use a crutch, saying it limits him too much. Now he uses a cane until he heals completely. He uses it to an advantage by putting his duster on the hook and lifting it to reach other places. He just does not quit.
"What are you worried about?"I ask
"You."He says
"Why?"I ask
"There is something called the Dark Call, it's basically a Siren's call for any living shadows. Living shadows like you. It attracts shadows to one place, where the caller uses anything against the shadow. Hallucination, hypnotizing, illusions, tricks, blackmail, memories, you name it, they got it! And it is said to happen around this time. I just don't want to lose you to them."Suave says
"Who is they?"I ask
"Kage, a very dangerous shadow who has that I'll take what I want when I want it and nobody will stop me mindset. Very powerful and not someone to cross paths with."He says
Then, I hear a loud yelling. It's almost like a screech.
His shadow grabs my hand.
"Ignore the call."He says
The shout nearly drowns him out. Some shadows come and grab me, tearing me from Suave's shadow.
"Come on."One says
"It isn't so bad. You'll like where we're going. Kage is very nice."The other says
"You have nowhere else to go."The first whispers
They keep whispering to me. They take my scarf off and drop it. One tries to take the ring off and manages to. They flick it away, letting it ping down the hallways like a boomerang or something.
"Fine."I say as they pull me from Suave anyway
No real choice, especially with the call getting louder and louder.
"Killer! Dream! Sirs! We have a problem!"Suave shouts as we slip away
"You'll really like him."One says
"He likes you already. And he hasn't even spoken to you!"The other says
"That's totally not creepy at all."I say with a shake of my head, still trying to ignore the call
I see a figure there. The two shadows shove me over to him. I frown. The calls stop.
"So nice to finally have you, Allsun."The figure says
"Ah, so you're Kage? Ok, hey. Now, I got to go. Bye."I say, turning to leave
A wall of shadows block my way.
"You are not going back to that nuissance of a fiance."He says
"He is NOT a nuissance! Now let me go!"I snap, trying to get past the wall
"Oh yeah? Then why'd he give you away?"He says
"No....He wouldn't.....He never would! That's not true!"I say
The shadows start to scream, a scream so painful that it made me fall to my knees. I cry in pain, it hurts my ears.
"Oh, it is. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have even known you. Or my chance to get you."He says
"What do you want?"I ask
"Come with me and all will be explained."He says, snapping his fingers
I look, finding that I'm in the same dress that Dalilah had me try on and Killer saw me in.
"Gotta say, he's right, you look very beautiful in this. Now, what do you say?"He asks, tapping my head with two fingers
I fall in a trance. I can't say no.
"Yes, I'll come with you. Lead the way."I say
He helps me up and the shadows stop screaming.
"Can I get some sign of your new loyalty? Like a kiss?"He says
I nod.
What am I doing?
He leans in and kisses me.
"See, I'm the better choice. I won't ever hurt you. I won't break you or give you away like that Killer guy did."He says
"It's true then?"I ask
"Yes, I'm afraid so."He says
"We....We were planning our future, I can't understand why he would do this....I-"I say
"Silence."He says
I go quiet.
"I will replace his with proper love. How does that sound?"He says
"I'd love that."I say
There's a rustle nearby.
"It seems we have a spy. Boys, get him."Kage says
I look and see the shadows run to a tree, chasing Suave off.
"No! Don't bother him. He's my friend."I say
He sighs.
"Fine. Boys, come back. We're going."He says as the shadows try to beat Suave up
Kage grabs me tightly. I look at Suave and he puts his broken glasses on. He looks at me, then raises the glasses, letting light flicker from it in a code. I-T W-I-L-L B-E O-K I W-I-L-L G-E-T H-E-L-P.
I nod and then Kage drags me through with his crew following.
Killer's POV
"Nighty? Nighty where are you?"I call
I hear a pinging noise and catch his ring. Oh, I don't have a good feeling. Especially since that isn't supposed to come off easily. I hear a bang and turn to see Suave coming in. He looks horribly beaten.
"Woah! Suave! What the heck happened?"Goth asks, coming over
"They got him....They got him...."He keeps repeating
Goth has him sit down. Suave calls me over and shakes his head.
"They took Allsun...They took Allsun. I warned him too late and now they got him...."Suave says
"Who's they? What are you talking about?"I ask
"Kage....Kage got him."Suave says
"I recognize that name! Oh crap! Suave, which book?"Goth says
"3rd shelf, red book."Suave says
Goth grabs a red hard-cover book and opens it. I peek over his shoulder and Goth explains what the book is to me. I understand and Suave starts explaining.
"They called him, forced him to go. I followed them and he got cornered by them. They made a weird noise and Kage made you look like a traitor, Killer. That made Allsun vulnerable within confusion, so then he put Allsun in a trance. I got busted but Allsun kept them from killing me. They left but I promised him that I'll help him. Kage is very unstable. His mind can change every minute and when his mind changes, that's like gambling on your life. One minute he could love someone so much, next minute they're dead. He supposedly kills 500 shadows that he loved every decade, which is when he makes the Shadow's call to find someone new. Allsun could be number 1 of this upcoming decade....."He explains
"Well where do we go? Where did they leave to?"Goth asks
"Turn the page."Suave says
Goth turns the page.
"The Shadow Realm. Home to all the dark spirits and shadows. Ruled by Kage. Warning:Risky place, environment where Kage is most powerful. If you go there, do not mess with him or face certain doom, especially death. But if you are trying to save someone from this land, simply touch them and make them feel safer with you. Make sure they don't come in contact with other spirits. DONT let any spirits touch you there or you will turn as well."He reads
"Suave, can I have my knives back? I feel like I'm in a stabby of a mood. Meaning I want to stab someone!"I say
"Not me right?"He asks
"No."I say
He hands me a case. I open it, finding all of my knives inside.
"Well, I know where I'm going."I say
"I'm coming with you."Goth says
"Kid-"I begin
"I can trace him! He gave me his power so I'm the reason he's in this mess! If he didn't do that, he wouldn't be a shadow for Kage to take! So I am coming along! Let's go!"He says
He runs off and I quickly follow him.
He stops at a portal.
"He went through this."He says
We go through and look around. This realm is huge. Okay, maybe it is good to have Goth come along.
"This wasn't what I expected. It's not as dark and shadowy. It looks like the Minecraft Nether."Goth says
"You got that right."I say, looking around
"Are we sure we didn't just enter hell instead?"He asks
A bunch of shadows fly past us, like a school of fish.
"Nevermind."He says
"One sec."I say
I bend down and find some old pieces of scrap. I cut it up and light it. A small fire is made.
"What's that for?"He asks
"To make natural shadows. Living shadows won't come to a space occupied by natural shadows. I learned that from Nighty. So, this will keep them away from us."I say
"Ah, smart."He says
"So where do you think they would be?"I ask
He glances around.
"Over there."He says, pointing
In the distance, two shadows stood. One wore a crown and the other is in a dress with a tail and ears. I recognize Nighty as the one in the dress. Goth confirmed it too. Meaning the crowned is Kage. Kage pulls Nighty closer and starts talking more. I could hear due to my wolf ears parts of the conversation despite the distance.
"Now, shall you love me?"Kage asks
"Huh?"Nighty says
"Sweet Nighty, I am asking you to love me forever."He says
"Ummm....Don't call me Nighty."Nighty responds
"Why not? Oh! Reminds you of the guy who never loved you, huh?"He says
Nighty does not respond. His ears go lower, signaling not submission but sadness
"I'm talking about Killer."He says
"Don't say that about him. Please."Nighty says, his voice shaky as if he is crying
"Oh, I'll say what I want, especially if it's the truth."He says, pulling Nighty closer
I start to head to them to prove this Kage dude wrong and kick his spirit ass, but Goth holds me back.
"Face it, I'm the only one who ever loved you or will love you. Rule beside me and you'll be happier than that bitch could've ever made you."Kage says
"Goth! Let me at him! He is upsetting Nighty! Nobody upsets Nighty! Not my Nighty!"I say
"And this is why I came along. Killer, you can't. Remember what Suave warned and the book warned. You're a dead monster if you even get in a five foot radius of Kage."Goth says
"Well what do you suggest we do then?"I ask
"We wait."He says
"Wait? Really? I doubt there will be a chance for us to get to Nighty without him near."I say
"Well, settle down and a chance may come."He says
"Fine...."I huff
Don't listen to him, Nighty.
Allsun's POV again
"If Killer really loved you, he would be here right now, don't ya think?"Kage asks
I nod.
"But he isn't. So he doesn't. Who is here with you right now? Me. So I love you, Nighty."He says
"I said don't call me that."I say
"I don't care."He says
But he was really just weakening the trance he has me under. I am reminded of Killer and the good times, which makes me remember the truth, the real love, there is. And that weakens the trance. So, I want him to keep saying that nickname and telling him not to is what works. Reverse phsycology. Temptation. It works on him. But I don't like how he is holding me.
"Can I just, have some space? I want to look around."I say
"Be my guest, I have some ruler duties to attend to. Cya later my dear."He says, kissing me on the head before leaving
I watch him walk out of sight. Here, shadows could fly around or walk like the living. It's quite interesting, despite the situation. I bow my head and wipe my tears. I lean on the bridge with rushing goop underneath, bright colors that makes it easily mistaken for lava. But it is really just liquid obsidian according to a sign on the bridge.
I think of ways to break free from this trance or to get out of here. I need to get my memories triggered, which I can't do on my own. It's like when I'm on my own unless I hear my nickname, my memory of Killer becomes non-existent.
Maybe Kage is right.....Maybe it's better to give in.
The trance gets stronger, pushing these thoughts up in my head. The thoughts are not the best and some made the tears come back.
But then, it was stopped.
"Nighty!"A voice shouts
Oh great, his duties over already?
"Nighty! Over here!"A voice shouts
It's not Kage.
It's Killer's voice.
The trance is weakening.
I look over to the voice and see Killer with Goth. I look around. No sign of Kage. I run over and Goth hugs me, transferring some magic to me.
"That should help the transformation back to normal."He says
I nod.
Goth shoves me to Killer, who hugs me happily. I look at him and he smiles at me.
"You're really here.....So you love me?"I say
"Of course I do......."He says
"Careful what you say, he is in a trance."Goth says, noticing how he trailed off
He places a hand on my cheek.
"You still look beautiful."He tells me
"Kills...Please...."I whimper, feeling my face burn
"What is it, Nighty?"He asks
"Tell me that he is wrong. Tell me that Kage is wrong about you. Give me a reason not to believe him. I don't want to believe him, I don't want to love him either. I want to love you, but is there a way he is right and that you don't love me? I don't understand what's going on. Help me understand please."I tell him, holding his hand with both of mine
"Killer....Be careful."Goth says
"He's coming back. It's working."Killer mutters
"The trance could be using him to trick us."Goth says
"Kills...Please. I just want to know."I say
"My Nighty, you are as smart as you are cute. You already know the answer. Nothing he told you is true. I am here and I love you, my dear Nighty. I cannot find a reason to lie to you, especially since I've thought of my future with only you. I love you with everything in my soul and if he wants to test that by making you upset, then he already failed. Real love doesn't put you in a trance, and who did that? Him, not me. He's just manipulating you to get his way. But that won't be for much longer. You're coming home."He explains
I smile at him. My tail starts to wag and my ears go up. He wipes my tears and smiles even more at me.
"Killer! His eyes! He's free!"Goth says
Not even a MINUTE after Goth said that, I feel a hand grab my arm, yanking me back.
"What is a scum like you doing here? You are not welcome here."Kage says
Killer grabs my other arm.
"Says the scum who sent his unwelcomed goons to take my Nighty. I'm taking my Nighty back, just like anyone would."Killer says
They start arguing and tugging me back and forth. One moment I'm turning back to a skeleton, closer to my beloved Kills. The next I am yanked to Kage and becoming a spirit again. During the argument, I became the rope in some tug of war between spirit and skeleton. A blushing rope, might I add. Because Kills went all in with describing me in deep, affectionate detail. Some things I've never heard from him before and made my face BURN up.
"STOP!"Goth shouts
The two of them freeze.
"Quit doing that! You're grown adults! Not kids on some gym or school field and sports day! And Kage, everyone deserves to be happy. So let them be happy."Goth says
"Oh right, of course. Though it might take some....convincing."He says, clapping
Some shadows come over and start screaming at us. I drop to my knees, unable to take the noise. Then I don't hear it anymore. I feel two hands gently cover my ears. Sure enough, it's Killer. His ears are low, not liking the noise either. I reach up and gently cover his ears as well. He starts to lean in closer. I lean in too.
But then two shadows just ruin the moment and drag him away. I watch him get turned to a shadow as well, while Goth runs out of sight.
The screams stop.
"What are you gonna do to him?"I ask
"Oh, I'll simply auction him off to whoever wants him."He says, tossing me something
I catch it. It's Killer's ring.
"Auction him? Like an item? Not a living being?"I say
"Yes, because that's all he is worth. Or less."He says
"That's just your stupid opinion."I snap
He grabs me and lifts me by the tail.
"Ya, but here, my opinion is the law. If nobody buys him at the auction, he dies. That's how it works down here. Now you, YOU are gonna marry me and rule by my side even if you don't like it. Come along."He says, dragging me away
I watch as my body fades back to a shadow as he smiles and mutters. He drags me by the tail across the ground and up a spiraling staircase of a tower. He tosses me inside and locks me in a small room.
"I'll come back for you when we will be married after the auction."He says
I hear him go down the stairs, laughing.
I look out the window. It is silent and I'm left with my thoughts. Time slowly creeps by. But then I hear a hammering and drilling sound. I look around and see Goth at the window. He breaks the glass.
"Hey, Mr. Allsun. I'm here to get you out. Now, are you okay?"He says
"Ya...I'm okay."I say
"Good. Now come on, Killer is being auctioned next."He says
I climb out the window and we run down some outdoor staircase he made.
"How'd you make this?"I ask
"He left a lot of extra material around. Pretty easy."He says
He leads me to the auction building. I lean against the door, listening in.
"Now we have a Killer. Don't worry, Killer is weaker than its name makes it sound. Somebody want him? It just takes one ring."Kage declares
It is dead silent. You could hear a pin drop.
"Anyone could take it. Anyone at all."Kage says
I open my palm and see his ring still in it. I smile. Goth opens the door and we slip inside. I see a bunch of spirits looking to a box with a black fabric over it.
A hand is raised.
"Can we see this Killer?"One asks
"Sure thing."Kage says, reaching in
Kage pulls a tail out and with the tail came Kills. He has chains on his wrist and is dressed like someone about to get married, veil on too. But he looks very unhappy. Pissed even. The crowd of spirits or shadows ooh and aah, curious as if never seeing someone like him before. Then again, it is possible. But nobody still bids on him. Works for me. Kills looks across the room and spots me. His face reddens when he sees me. I smile.
"It seems someone has caught Killer's attention! You know who you are! Would you please make it happy and bid for Killer? It only takes a ring!"Kage says
"Yes, actually, I would."I say, lifting my hand up
"How'd you get out?!"He snaps
"Time, supplies, help, and oppurtunity. And for the last time, Killer is a he, not an it. He's a living being, not an item. He's my Kills and you don't treat him like an object and get away with it."I say, coming over
"But you can't bid! Not on him!"Kage says
"Funny you say that. How many people here heard him say anyone could take him? Anyone at all?"I ask
Everyone there raised their hands.
"But the price!"Kage says
"Have it right here."I say, holding the ring
Kage tries to pull Killer away and into the box but Killer stomps on his foot. He runs and hops off the small stage they were on. I slip the ring back on his finger. I wrap my arms around him.
"You look beautiful, my Kills."I say
His face goes bright red.
"N-N-Nighty, I-I-I-"He stutters
"Now, remove the fucking veil."I say
He lifts it up.
"Is this ok?"He asks
"What do you mean this?"I say
"Y-You know these will be stuck again."He says, slipping my ring onto me
"Good."I say
"Objection! I'd like to bid!"A shadow says
I look at Kills.
His gaze didn't stray to the shadow. He keeps gazing at me.
"Well, you're too late."I say
He looks at me, his face getting brighter and brighter.
"He's my Kills."I say
I lean in and kiss him.
I feel my face burn, soul pound, and ears go up. My tail goes wild. It wags rapidly and I hold Killer gently, who holds me gently in return. I enjoy the kiss and so does he as far as I know. He never pulled back. I stop and look at him. His tail was waggging faster than I've ever seen it go. His face is burning red.
"N-N-N-N-Nighty, t-that was.....w-w-was...."He says
I smile.
"That was nice."I say, then start to lead him out
"Hey, Kage. How much for the purple one?"A shadow pipes up
My soul gets pinged and then I am dragged to Kage.
"Well, if he won't love me, you all know what happens. Anything goes. Whoever gets the ring off and replaces it gets to keep him. But you know what happens when you don't participate either."He says
Many got up, most of them at that last sentence. Guess they don't want trouble with Kage. But it seems simple enough. I'll just run to Kills. He has already pushed his way past them.
"Okay, and go!"He says
But then he teleports me. I'm stuck in some tower again. A different one though. I go in the corner, trying to hide somehow. I hear a banging noise and soon, a bunch of shadows or spirits are coming in, none of them being Kills. They each lunge at me but get a scythe slicing them through the middle. Goth hops down and stomps his scythe twice, taking a fighting stance.
"None of you are gonna touch him."He tells them sharply
They look at him and then fade away. More come and laugh at him, but he proved to be more dangerous than they thought.
"This isn't fair!"One says, retreating
"Yes it is! He said anything goes!"Goth says, killing another shadow
"Nighty? Nighty?"A voice calls
"Kills!"I shout, running to his voice with Goth
A hand grabs me, I look and it's some shadow.
"Let's swap that out, shall we?"They say, looking at the ring
Well, they said this right before getting punched away. I feel two arms wrap around me from behind. I feel someone kiss my neck.
"A-Aah!"I yelp
"Relax, it's just me Nighty."Killer says
I look at him and feel my face burn up. He does it again.
"K-Kills! A-Aah! What are you doing?"I ask
"Showing you love while showing those idiots to stay away."He says
He keeps kissing me. He keeps getting at one spot, but then shifts to the right and up slightly.
I start laughing a bit.
"What's so funny?"He asks
"It tickles!"I say
"I'll keep that in mind for later.~"He says
"Kills!"I say
He chuckles. Then kisses my neck again in the ticklish spot.
"What is your problem dude?"The spirits ask
"My problem is that you're trying to take my Nighty from me. See this adorable laughing guy right here? He's mine so back the fuck off."He says
They all turn to Goth. One takes his scythe right from him.
"Leave the kid alone."Killer snaps
"Or what?"One asks
I sense someone nearby. I whistle a quick tune. There is a bang and Palette broke in.
"Unclemare! Suave sent me! Wait...."He says
He looks at us, Kills caught red faced and kissing my neck again.
"Mr. Killer.....You make Unclemare happy. Keep it up. And keep him out of danger."He says
The shadows are cornering Goth.
"Okay, but you should help your Gothy."Kills says as they close in on Goth
Palette runs over.
"Get your hands off of my Gothy!"Palette says
He disappears into the crowd of shadows. I go over and break them up, finding Goth and Palette on the floor, sitting up.
"Ugh....My head."Goth says
"Umm...What just happened?"Palette wonders
They look at each other.
"Unclemare, I think we swapped bodies."Goth says, sounding like Palette
"Oh dear. Come on you two. Get up. We'll find a way to fix that."I say
Palette picks Goth up and smiles. Killer picks up Goth's scythe. I witness Palette kiss Goth, despite being each other.
"Suave told me you left so I came to help you guys. I'm so glad you're okay."Palette says
"Well....We should get outta here."Killer says
"And how will we explain this to Dream?"I ask
"Dunno."Goth says
We go down the steps and Palette keeps being a sweet little thing to Goth, making Goth all flustered in Palette's body, his face glowing brightly.
I feel a hand caress me from behind. It starts at my back, then crawls to my shoulders, tickling my neck and gently resting on my cheek.
"Nighty.~ We're gonna have some fun later. You alright with some new ideas?"He says
"When don't you have new ideas? At this point Kills, I'm willing to put up with any idea you have."I say
"Oh really? Well then how does this sound? We go home, get turned to normal, grab something to eat, check on everyone, possibly get into something more comfortable, go to bed, lock the door and go from there?"He suggests
"That sounds amazing, Kills."I tell him
"Oh, is that so?"He says
I nod.
"Well then that's the plan."He says, his hand gently caressing my cheek
"Kills....."I say, being put at ease
He wraps his other arm around me. He pulls me closer and I rest my head against him.
"I love you...."I say softly, feeling my face burn
"I love you too my dear Nighty."He says
He leans in and starts kissing my neck. I smile, shutting my eyes with a grin.
"Wait...Would that whole scene at the auction me-"He begins
"Please don't even suggest that as us getting married. I'd rather NOT have this as that memory. Plus it would break my sister that a jerk managed to get us married after all her planning."I say
"Right, of course."He says, scooping me up
"Lovers pile!"Palette cheers after the portal shut behind us
He leaps to us, Goth still in his arms. He gets us back to skeletons and makes a pile. We all laugh, except Goth. We followed the plan and soon, I'm in bed with Kills, both of us in pajamas now. He's asleep but I'm left awake thinking. Something was off about Goth and not the body swap. He hasn't acted like himself and his own sister said he was acting off after we explained what happened. And later I saw Shino drawing something. I asked her what it was and she says it's the "demon inside her brother." That seems very off. Am I sure that only Goth and Palette swapped bodies?
Goth wanders around the shadow realm, lost and confused.
"Hello? Guys? Palette? Where'd everyone go?"He wonders
But he was not alone.
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