Chapter 31:Worth Protecting
Wattpad malfunctioned so this is the top image.
A month later, Nightmare's POV
I peek out of the den and go to Dream.
"Hey, how tired are you?"I ask
"Pretty tired.....Dunno why......It's like I haven't slept in months meanwhile I HAVE last week."He says
(*cough cough* Charles keeping him up a month before!*cough cough*)
"Oh, well....How about I take your job tonight? I can stay up while you sleep."I say
"That would be great....Thank you."He says
"No problem."I tell him
Aaron comes over and looks at us. He smiles and we talk for a bit.
"Are you gonna ask Kenya today?"Dream asks me
"Ask Kenya what?"He asks
"Oh! To be his mate!"Dream says
"Ooo! That's an instant win! Go get her, bud!"Aaron says
I nod. I look below this den's ledge and sees Kenya with Scarlet and Faith. Kenya looks at me. I smile. She looks confused, then Scarlet says something that makes her run off. I leap down. I follow Kenya through the forest until I lose sight of her. I sniff around and look at a tree.
"Quit hiding."I say
"Dang it, couldn't cover my scent well enough, huh?"She says
"What did Scarlet tell to you to get you to run?"I ask
She peeks out.
"Scarlet said it's time to play hide and seek with you."She says
"Well..."I say
I leap onto her.
"I'm pretty sure I found you. Don't go anywhere."I say
She looks at me in surprise.
"O-Ok.."She says
"Listen, I've never done something like this before and I'm not even sure if this is right. I was wondering, if maybe you'd, possibly want to uh, I mean-"I say nervously
"Spit it out."She says
"Want to be my mate? You don't have to...."I say
She nuzzles my nose with hers.
"I-Is that a yes?"I ask
"Mhm!~"She says
I smile. Then she shoves me down to the ground. Her tail wags. She lays down and nuzzles my chest.
"Love ya, Nighty."She says
That sparked something in me. A memory.
"Wait a sec! I gotta ask Aaron something!"I say
"What is it?"She asks
"I gotta make sure Killer and Cross are okay!"I say
"Why?"She asks
"They saved us! They protected us! They are my friends! They are special!"I say
Kenya looks at the sky. It's nearly noon.
"Let me guess, you gotta leave again?"I ask
The past month, every day at noon, Kenya has run off with Scarlet to do something and then return at sundown.
"No. I just get up."She says
She gets off of me and watches the sun rise to the noon position. When it did so, I get blinded by a light and blink a few times until I can see. There stands Killer.
"Killer? What happened? Wait where's Kenya?"I ask
"Hey, Nighty. *ahem* The injection's affects happened. I was Kenya...."He says, clearing his throat to make his voice less high pitched
"Wait, so you were turn into a female wolf?"I ask
He nods.
"So was Cross....Who is now Scarlet, Dream's mate and 'mother' of Faith."He says
"Well, if Scarlet is good then Cross is good, so I don't mind. I just got some memories. Killer....were we....?"I say
"We were what wolves would call mates, yes."He says
"Pfft, and we became mates now anyway."I say, chuckling a bit
"The world does have its ways. Though now I'm realizing how small of a wolf you are now that I'm a skeleton again. Same with Dream. I would've expected Ink to be Dream's size if he were a wolf."Killer says
I chuckle.
"True."I agree
"Now....."He says, picking me up and placing me in his lap
"K-Killer?"I stutter
"How about I make my mate happy?"He says
He turns me onto my back and starts rubbing my belly. My soul pounds and my tail wags quickly. My ears press down and I shut my eyes.
"You like that?"He asks
"Y-Yes..."I say
He feels my tail.
"D-Don't get any ideas!"I tell him
"Alright."He says
He starts to pet me between the ears. It feels good. I smile and rub my head against his hand in return.
The sun eventually starts to go down. He turns back to a she-wolf and I get my revenge on him. I nuzzle my head on his chest and lick his cheek, kissing him. His tail goes crazy and then really still. I look at him, sniffing him. He fainted. I chuckle and pick him up, carrying him back to the dens. I go to the top den and set him down beside me. I lay down while Aaron sleeps, watching over the pack or group.
Around midnight, I see some movement. A hooded figure was climbing into Dream's den! It went in, then came out with Dream in their arms wearing a muzzle. I leap down, growling. I charge at the figure, biting their leg, but they shook me off, kicking me into a tree. I yelp as I feel my spine painfully hit the tree.
"Someone's taking Dream!"I howl
Cross comes out of the den and tells Faith something. I get up, watching Faith go to the top den to join Killer and Aaron. I join Cross and chase the intruder down. But Cross is a lot faster than me so he got ahead. I feel a hand grab my tail and yank me aside.
"You're coming with me, Allsun."A voice says
Then I feel something get injected in me. Within moments, I'm a skeleton. Well, mostly. Still have wolf ears and tail. And a pair of chains are placed on my wrists with a hand covering my face, making me unable to yell. The other arm is holding me tight so I can't move.
"Old sire will pay for throwing me under the bus and ruining my experiments. So what better way to hurt him than to hurt those close to his sons? Besides, you could be of use to me."The voice says
I have no clue what he's talking about and that scares me.
Then I get knocked out.
Cross' POV
"Get back here!"I growl
I chase the person down but then they toss Dream aside.
They lower their hood. It's TJ.
"Relax! I'm just revivng his memory!"He says
I point to the muzzle.
"So that he doesn't bite me!"He tells me
I go over and paw the muzzle off of Dream. The moon shines down on us and I feel myself turn. I smile, knowing what's happening. But then Dream starts turning as well. I scoop him up and hold him in my arms. The moon gets hidden behind some clouds, completing the transformation.
Dream looks adorable.
He slowly starts waking up.
"Cross?"He says
"Hey, Dream."I say
"You're here! You're really here! I missed you! Oh...."He says
"What?"I ask
"You were Scarlet?"He asks
I nod.
"Ah! That makes sense! You were a very cute wolf, Cross! You even look great now! I.."He compliments but I start to lose focus
His tail is wagging faster than I've ever seen it go. He looks so happy.
Heh, he's so cute when he's happy.
Then, I get curious.
I lean in close and look at his neck.
"Cross?"He says
"The bite mark is faint now. It should be gone by tomorrow."I say
He smiles, then notices I didn't lean away from his neck yet.
"C-Cross?"He stutters nervously
I get close and kiss his neck.
"A-aaah.....Cross....."He howls quietly to me
I raise my head past his neck to look at him. Tail still wagging so it's not like he wasn't ok with it. His ears lowered, a key sign of submission. His face is a golden yellow, shining bright.
I decide to take my shot.
I kiss him directly, startling him at first but he quickly gave in. It was a few moments before we tore away.
"I'm sorry I didn't do that sooner. You may not have had to deal with Harold or Travis if I did."I say
"Ya, but then Killer would not have known and Brother would have been all alone with those two. He could have been killed if I weren't there."He says
"Sure. With the wounds you had, how could you have protected him?"I ask
"Simple, stay determined. I walked over to them and took one of their guns. If they didn't leave Nightmare alone, I would've used their own weapon on them. The one who hurts others shall hurt others shall get hurt. It's just karma. And nobody messes with my brother."He says
"Ooo! I like this tough side of you, Dream!~"I say
He smiles proudly.
"Speaking of Allsun, where is he? I would've expected him coming and killing Cross for making Dream nervous or whatever."TJ says, his voice reminding us he is here
"He was right behind me.....Maybe something came up and he went back to guard Killer and Faith.....He did get kicked into a tree by you TJ."I say
"I didn't know that was him! I am so sorry!"He says
Then, there is a howl and quick footsteps. In comes Faith, Aaron and Killer/Kenya.
"Nighty's gone!"He whimpers
"What?"Dream asks
"He's gone! We were coming to help and Nightmare, er, Allsun was ahead of us, but then he just disappeared! He is gone without a trace!"Aaron says
"Well, actually there is a trace. Some scents."Faith says
"And the scents say he was kidnapped."Killer says
I set Dream down. He doesn't look sad. No, he looks.....
He loooks PISSED!
I've never seen him THIS angry so it was kinda scary. I back up.
"Can I just say something?"He says
"Umm...."Aaron says
"Watch, his tough side is gonna show. If you don't let him, he's gonna explode. Or implode."I say
"Go ahead."Aaron says
"Who the beeping beep put Nightmare on some beeping multiverse kindap list for all to get a grab at and where can I find them to kick his or her beep?!"He snaps, censoring himself since Faith, a child is here
Magic leaps from his hands and lands on the ground, making little sparks and soon a small fire. He jumps, surprised and we all stomp it out.
"Ok.....Angry Dream is scary Dream."Killer says
"And this is why you don't mess with his family."Faith says
A portal opens up while Dream is taking his anger out on a tree, punching it tirelessly.
Error peeks in.
"HeY! We gOt tHe cOrDs rIghT!"Error says
The moon shines on Killer and Faith, turning them mostly skeleton as well.
"WhAt ThE hEcK hApPeNeD tO yOu gUys?"He asks
"It's a long story."I say
"Who's He?"Error asks, pointing to TJ
"Another story. Ally as far as I know."I say
"Faith!"A voice cheers
Then, Fury comes running through the portal and hugging Faith.
"Faith! Don't ever scare me like that again! What part of dangerous people that you don't go near don't you get? Clearly some part of it since you went and tried to fight Charles! I am so glad you're.....o.....kay...."Fury snaps, trailing off when noticing Faith's wolf ears and tail
"Aww, Fury. It's okay. I'm sorry to worry you but clearly I ended up fine. It's okay."Faith says
"This time! What if..?"Fury begins
"Don't waste time on what if's. It's okay, Fury."Faith says, hugging him
There is a loud crash from behind us.
"Timber!"Aaron says
"WhO aRe yOu?"Error asks
"Aaron, a friend."Aaron says
"Cousin!"Dameon cheers, running through as well and hugging Aaron
I look and see that Dream had managed to kick the tree he was punching, making it crack and fall. Oh, he is dangerous when he is angry. But it's so cool.
"OkAy, wHo pIsSed DrEaM oFf nOw?"Error asks
"Whoever took his brother."I reply
"We maY bE aBle tO hElp nArRoW tHat dOwn."Error says
Dream summons his bow and arrows.
"That might be best before he starts a forest-wide destruction."Killer says
"Come on Dream!"I call
He comes over and holds my hand with his other hand holding his bow still.
"Okay!"He says cheerfully
We follow Error through.
He leads us to Gradient, or a hologram of Gradient. We are still working on making him a skeleton again.
"TeLl eM wHaT You ToLd mE."Error says
Gradient nods.
"I'Ve bEeN kEEpInG aN eYe oN tHe dArK nEt tO sEe iF aNyThiNg iS gOinG oN. I fOuNd a WaNtEd LisT baSiCaLlY tHat pUt NaMes fOr sAlE oR tO gEt.....OtHer StUFf. It JUst gOt uPdaTed. LoOk."He explains
The tablet screen projects a screen up beside him. It shows a picture of Allsun. But the words around it did not give a good sense. I feared for him.
Dream did not miss a beat.
"What was he sold for? Who sold him? Who bought him? Why?"He asks
"It sAys He wAs SoLd fOr whOeVER fInds HiM fIrsT, nO pRice. I tHinK yOu cAn gUesS, DreAm. X!Chara did gIvE hIm a FlaMing tRaNsPOrT tO hElL. As fOr wHo bOugHt hIM.....SoMe gUy nAmEd SerRaM. The rEasOn is lIsTed bY tHe bUyEr aS:FoR sErViCe, ExPerImeNts, aNd pAyBacK aT A bItCh NaMed E!GaStEr."Gradient explains
"OH HELL NO!"Dream says
"Did I just hear Serram get mentioned?"Geno asks
"Hey, he's still on my list!"Reaper says
Killer did not like the mention of "services", or any of this.
E!Gaster enters the room and quickly felt the tensity.
"WhY wOulD sOme SeRrAm gUy uSe mY fRieNd tO gEt paYbAcK t0 yOU?"Error asks
"Wait....Error, I know why."I say
Error looks at me.
"Everyone out there thinks he is your dad. Heck, he may even be your dad, though is a bad one at that. Didn't he throw some Serram guy under the bus when you went to get Dream, Geno and Dust?"I say
He nods.
"I am sure he didn't like that. And what better way to get payback to someone you hate by hurting something close to them, like family? Like you? And you were close with Allsun, so he must think that it's a domino affect. He takes Allsun, hurting you which then hurts E!Gaster."I explain
Error looks at this Gaster.
"F yOu. WhY'd You EvEn hAve Him dO yOur wOrk? YoU aRe lAzY! And tHis iS wHat HaPPens WhEn yOu aRe A lAzY aCe-HolE!"Error snaps
"tHERe iS a New pOsT...."Gradient says
We all go silent and look. He pulls up a video and it plays. It shows Allsun struggling to free himself from someone's hold. It zooms in.
"Get your fucking hands off of me! I don't even know you! Let me go! You're gonna regret this!"He snaps
"No, you will be the one to have regrets. So will he."A voice says
"Who is he?!"He asks
"Not someone for you to know. He knows who he is. Now,let's do the first tests."The voice says
"What are you? Fucking Science with his stupid experiments?"He says
"No. I'm Serram. And you will serve me as I please, the way I please."The voice says
Then, it seems like he got electrocuted. The camera turns around.
"E!Gaster, you know what to do if you want them back. I'm sure your sons and his friends do. You have three weeks, and that's me being nice."Serram says, then the video ends
Dream frowns. He punches a wall, making an actual dent. That shocked everyone, except Killer and I.
"I'll be upstairs."He says
Killer takes out his phone as everyone starts to talk.
"Hey, Ser? Ya, it's me. I'm ready to take you up on that offer."Killer says
He talks a bit, then hangs up. I go over to him.
"What do you think you're doing?"I ask
"Going to the right side."He says
"But I thought you were on ours."I say
"No, I'm on whatever side Nighty's on. And if Serram has him on his side, then so am I."He says with a wink
He shakes my hand and leaves, putting a hat on over his ears.
He left a note in my hand.
Cover the house cameras. He is watching.
I nod. Now I get why he was like that.
Clever Killer.
A week later, Allsun's POV
I wash the dishes, humming to myself. I look at the clock. 3PM. Master should be calling or coming at any moment.
"Allsun!"Master calls
Right on cue.
"Yes, sir?"I say
"Come here!"He orders
I shut the water off, setting the sponge and dish aside. I dry my hands and run to where he was, not wanting to be a second late and upset him. He sits in this big chair, much bigger than him. It's like LeFou sitting in Gaston's chair from Beauty and the Beast. Still, he's my master.
"How may I serve you?"I ask politely
"I'd like to introduce you to my new assistant. Killer, this is Allsun. Allsun, this is Killer."He says
I look and see a man standing there, staring at me. He's a skeleton with black streaks from his eyes and no eye lights. He has a hat on, covering something up. He wears a shirt and pants with black shoes.
I curtsy.
"Pleasure to meet you."I say
He looks to Master.
"What the hell did you do to him?"He asks
"Oh, I erased all her memory and replaced it. Now she is my obedient little servant. She mostly cleans the place up, though I will use her for more tests later and even have her fight at some point. Or should I say, our little servant?"Master says
"Allsun is a he."Killer says
"Not anymore. I guess I was mislead by the female wolf form. Eh, too late now."Master says
I dunno what that means.
"And why is Allsun wearing that?"Killer asks
"Only proper for a female servant."Master says
"Tch. Bitch."Killer mutters, ticked off
"Em, sir? I'm sorry. Did I offend you or something?"I ask, confused at why he just ignored my greeting to him
"No, you did not. And the pleasure is all mine."He says, taking my hand and kissing it
I laugh nervously a bit.
"Allsun, come here."Master says
"Yes sir,"I say
I come over to him. He stands in the chair and slaps him.
"What did I say about laughing?"He snaps
"Not to....Sorry."I sigh
"You know what task you must do. You will also do anything Killer here requests."He says
I nod.
I head off to the experiment chambers, down some spiraling stairs.
"Why did you just take that?"A voice asks
"Gah!"I yelp, jumping and turning around
There is Killer.
"Sorry for scaring you, I just don't get it."He says
"Because he's Master. Whatever he says goes. I owe him."I say
"Owe him for what?"He asks
"For creating me. I'm just another one of his experiments. But he's been caring for me as long as I can remember, which is all my life. So, I must obey his rules, which includes no positivity unless someone orders me to be happy."I say
"He did not care for you. This isn't care, this is using and hurting you."He tells me
"What? No. You speak of strange things, sir."I reply
I search through the wires laying in the chambers and find the right one. I connect it to my soul and feel the energy get sucked out of me. I unplug it once it was done. I look and see Killer followed me down.
"What is this?"He asks
"Energy container. Anyone who disobeys must donate some energy from their soul. It's gonna be for this big plan of his."I tell him
"There are so many wires....How many serve him?"He asks
"Oh, just 324 monsters. Some he made, others just serve him for having the same enemies as him. I don't know who this E!Gaster guy is, but he pissed a lot of people off."I explain
A bell rings four times.
"Four times, that is the signal for the newbies. You need to go."I say
He frowns.
"Trust me, you don't want to know the punishment for the first day tasks."I say
He sighs and goes upstairs. I take a list out and continue with my jobs for the day. All 202 of them. Days go on and I work on my many tasks, though notice that Killer always made sure to be close. Sometimes he would talk with me, sometimes he'd ask questions, other times he'd just watch me.
One day I was scrubbing the floor with a sponge when I feel my skirt get lifted up. My face burns up. I look over my shoulder and see it's Master. He signals for me to be silent and keep working, so I do without question. I feel my skirt get forcefully shoved back down and released. I look over my shoulder while scrubbing and see Killer prying Master's hold off of my skirt and holding him away from me. Master stomps off.
I wait until he is out of earshot. So does Killer.
"Are you okay?"He asks
"Yes. Thank you, sir. That was very uncomfortable. He has never done that before..."I say
"And he won't ever again. Not on my watch."He says, bending over and kissing me on the head
"Want help? I got nothing to do."He says
"Sure..."I say
He smiles and snaps his fingers. A bucket and spongue appear in his hands. He sits and starts scrubbing with me.
"You're a strange one. Nobody around here has ever offered to help. They just order others around."I say
"Well, I learned it's nicer to help the ones you care about than to leave them hanging."He says
"Pfft, and what world is that in existence?"I ask
"The one you belong in with me."He says
I feel a hand land on mine. I look and it's his. I look at him and he is dead serious.
"What do you want?"I ask
"Run away with me."He says
"You're crazy."I tell him
"Thank you!"He says
I shake my head.
"I can't leave Master.....Can't disobey. Where would we hide?"I ask
"I have some places in mind."He says
"What we do?"I ask
"I don't care, as long as I'm with you."He says, holding my hand tighter
I feel my face burn. He slips the sponge out of my hand and puts me in his lap.
"S-Sir?"I stutter
"Relax."He says
I look at him in confusion. He starts to lean in. I lock at the clock. 7PM. I make a connection.
"Oh! You're hungry! I see! You could've just said, silly! No need to be shy! What? Was run away meaning run away to the kitchen? I get it! How silly!"I say, getting out of his lap
"Wait wha...No, that's not....."He says
"I'll get you some dinner! Don't worry!"I say
He takes his hat off. I see his wolf ears.
"Oh! You're part wolf too! Cool! Is that what you were gonna tell me?"I ask
"No...I...."He begins
"ALLSUN! MAKE DINNER!"A bunch of voices yell
"Welp, now I definitely gotta make meals. Thank you for the help, silly."I say
I take my sponge and bucket, carrying them away. I put them in a closet. I go to the kitchen, putting gloves on. I start baking and cooking meals. I give everyone their serving, but Master sends me to my room before I could have mine. It wouldn't be much of a big deal since I'm not a human if it weren't for the fact that I am a skeleton. A skeleton banned from going out in the sun, which is a key source of nutrients to keep bones strong. And you all should know what skeletons are made of.
I sit in my room without a light to turn on and no windows, trying to figure out how to work a machine. It's to block out dreams, which are also against his rules. I keep thinking back to what Killer said. I begin to question things.
Why are these rules in place? Is he some kind of positivity vampire? What else is out there for me to see? To feel? Must I obey Master? Is he really helping me? Why should I stay? Why don't I run away?
I hear a knock on the door. I open it to find Killer standing there.
"Hey."He says
"Hi...."I say
"I got you some food. I have noticed that you don't get to eat or go outside much.I know what can happen because of that, your bones already look brittle..Also I find it unfair you don't get to eat when you fed everyone else."He says, extending a plate to me
On the plate was scrambled eggs, some yogurt and a glass of milk. All foods with Vitamin D. I look at him, grateful as I take the plate.
"Thank you."I say
"May I come in?"He asks
"There is no light in here."I tell him
"Yes there is."He says
I look around my room, using the hallway light to help me. I try to spot a light source, but there isn't. I look at him confusedly.
"You."He says
I feel my face ignite a few sparks in my cheeks when he said this.
"So, may I?"He asks
I was gonna tell him no. Having others in my room is against the rules. But then I thought Why listen to a guy shorter than Napoleon? Who cares?
"Sure."I say
"Wait, do you always wear that?"He asks, pointing to my work outfit
"No, just when I'm working..."I say
He shuts the door on himself.
"I'll give ya privacy."He says
I change into my night clothes and open the door. He looks at me and smiles. He comes in, shutting the door behind him. We sit on the bed together, having our meals.
"What the heck is that thing?"He asks, pointing to the machine
"A dream sucker."I say
He goes over to it and looks at it.
"Those little orbs floating around the glass sphere are dreams it caught. Lots have someone calling me their brother and to come him, but I'm not a brother. I have no siblings. And Master says I am not a boy despite what my dreams or nightmares tell me."I say, noticing how fascinated he was with it
"Ah, I see. Now, would we be breaking rules if I slept with you?"He asks
"I don't see anything wrong."I say
He smiles. He climbs into the bed and lays beside me. He pulls me in close, snuggling me. It actually feels nice....
"Where did you come from?"I ask, new to this kind of behavior
"A place far, far away-"He begins
"Do not Star Wars me."I say
"A world you belong in."He says
I smile. Then fall asleep with him beside me.
The next day, I go to Master for a "special task".
"What is it?"I ask
"I want you to go downstairs and get to know my new experiment."Master says
I nod and he gives the details of the directions.
I go downstairs afterwards and go to the end of a hall. I open a door and shut it behind me. I hear it lock automatically. I look around, but do not see the new experiment he mentioned. And it's a really small, empty space.
I feel the ribbon at my waist get untied. A hand grabs my tail and tugs at it. I yelp in surprise and pain. I look and see a monster much bigger than me right behind me.
"You're a pretty one...."He says, petting me on the head as if to relax me
But it just creeped me out. He takes the ribbon and ties my ankles. I feel me sleeves slide off.
"Please let me go..."I say
He shakes his head. He sets me on the floor and pulls my dress down to my waist. He feels me up and down, from my spine to my rib cage. I feel uneasy and struggle to get out of his hold.
"You're not going anywhere."He says
"Who are you?"I ask
"Charles 2.0 and I have orders from Master to have fun with you.~"He says
A chill goes down my spine.
He starts to take my clothes off completely.
"HELP!"I yell
"Nobody's gonna hear you, or come for you. You're stuck with-"He says, but then gets kicked and punched away from me
Charles 2.0 starts getting mercilessly beaten in a corner. I can hear him grunt in pain. I pull my clothes up quickly. I look over and see Killer as the one beating him up.
"Killer! Thank you!"I cheer as I pull my clothes past my waist
He stops and looks at me. I freeze up. His gaze, despite not having eye-lights, used to be warm and friendly, but it is now cold. In an instant he is very close to me.
"S-Sir?"I say
"Shhh."He says
I obey.
He picks me up and teleports to another room. It is not my room. It has a light. He puts me in the bed. He turns the lights off and locks the door. He takes his shirt off and over to me. He takes my clothes below my waist again and finally, off of me. I feel my face burn up.
"S-Sir? What are you doing?"I ask, concealing myself with my arms
"Hold still, don't move and be quiet."He says sharply
I obey. He lays on me, getting at my neck and feeling my ears or tail with his hands. Like Charles 2.0, he feels my spine and rib cage, but had more tenderness in his touch. I feel my face burn and soul pound. My ears go down, unsure of what is going on. I can't move. I stay as quiet as I can, but start having to take deep breaths as he continues to get at my neck. Then he starts getting below my neck, holding my arms out of the way. I start shaking, sensing his anger. I start to think he's mad at me and it scares me, not knowing why.
Then he grabs my soul and holds it tight.
I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Aaah! K-K-Killer, mmh, S-Sir! Why are you, aah, doing this? W-Why are you so angry? Mnh, did I do something w-wrong?"I cry out
He stops. I look at him with my face burning and soul pounding, huffing and panting from the pain or sensitivity of my soul within his grip. His gaze softens.
"What am I doing...?"He mutters, releasing his hold on me
"K-Killer.....Are you mad at me?"I ask
"No."He says
"Then why did I sense anger from you while you were doing....that?"I ask
"Because....I was mad at your Master for setting you up for that. And...I got pretty jealous. I don't know what came over me. I wasn't thinking straight. I just thought of how I love you and how I don't want others doing that to you and then.....that happened. Did I hurt you?"He explains
"No...You just were kissing my neck and under, as well as touched my soul tightly. That might explain it, you got protective and your wolf instincts kicked in."I say
"Oh....Where are your clothes?"He asks
"You took them off me."I reply
"I'm sorry.....It's just that you're my Nighty, I love you, and.....NOBODY ELSE SHOULD DO THAT TO YOU!"He says, then growls and gets closer
"Killer!"I yelp
He shakes his head.
"Ugh...Sorry."He says
His gaze strolls down me, looking at me silently. His face turns really red.
"You look beautiful...."He says
"Th-Thank you."I say
I turn and try to get under the blankets to conceal myself. But I pause when I feel a hand rub between my ears.
"K-Killer.....What are you doing?"I ask
"I wasn't done talking."He says
"One sec."I say
"Do you feel uneasy without clothes?"He asks
I nod.
"Here."He says
I turn and see he got some clothes from some drawer. It's a big hoodie. I put it on and it droops, covering most of my body, down to my knees. I sit beside him.
"You're still coming near me?"He asks
I nod.
"You were just trying to keep me safe and close to you. Besides, you had a much more gentle touch than that experiment did. Besides the fear, shock and confusion....It actually felt nice."I say
"I see."He says
I feel his hand on my cheek.
"Can you show me what it was like?"He asks
"I'll do whatever you tell me."I say
"Alright. Do it."He says
He lays down with a smile. I look at him and feel my face burn up. I do as told. I kiss his neck and down his rib cage, just like he had to me. I feel him down but don't touch his soul. He kisses me on the head. I look at him and he smiles.
"What exactly would you do?"He asks
"What part of whatever don't you get? I'm ordered to obey you!"I reply
"Well then, will you runaway with me?"He asks
Before I could answer, Master calls me.
"I gotta go."I say
I get up quickly.
"Wait!"He says, snapping his fingers
I look down and see my dress is back on, ribbon back tied around my waist again.
"So he doesn't suspect anything."He says
I nod.
He comes over to me. He places a hand on my shoulder.
"Can you love me back?"He asks
"I can learn to...."I say
"Relearn...."He mutters
"But no promises."I say
"That's a risk I am willing to take."He says
Then he kisses me. My face burns up.
"Allsun!"Master calls
I pull back.
"K-Killer..."I say
"Go on."He says
I nod.
I run to Master.
"Where were you?"I ask
"What were you doing not with the experiment?"He asks
"He was getting too touchy for me, Sir. Killer took me out of there to continue my tasks."I say
"Well, how about I give you another task."He says
I look at him.
"What?"I ask
"Go to a friend of mine down the street and spend the night with them. I got an outfit for you in your room to go in."He says
I smile.
"Yes sir!"I say
I go to my room and change. I am actually gonna go outside! I can't even think of a time where I was able to do that! This is great!
I come out and smile.
"So where is this friend, Master?"I ask
Master gives me the address.
I nod, taking note of it.
"Oh, and one last thing. You will get a special someone to join you there in a soon. And yes that means you will still be there. I changed my mind, you will stay there for at least a week."He says
"Okay, Master."I say
He dissmisses me from his chambers. I head down the stairs and smile excitedly. I can't wait to go outside. I see Killer.
"Killer!"I cheer, excited to share this wonderful news
He looks at me and his face gets really red.
"Hey, Allsun."He says
"Guess what! I get to go outside!"I cheer
"Really? He let you?"He asks
"Yes, I just have to spend a week with his friend!"I say
He seems uneasy at this.
"Okay....And you are wearing that because?"He asks
"Master told me to."I say
"Aah. Okay."He says
"Where is the exit to outside?"I ask
He points up another stairway.
"Ah, okay. Thank you!"I say
I head up the stairs.
"Oh and, Allsun?"He says
I turn around.
"Yes?"I ask
He takes his phone out and takes a picture.
"Love you! Stay cute!"He says
I feel my face burn.
"S-See ya later, Killer!"I say, walking up the stairs and out the door
I go to the address and knock on the door. Someone opens up to answer. Another skeleton. He smiles at me and sizes me up with a single glance.
"Ah, so you're the one Serram said he was sending over for me to use, torture or kill. Any of my choice. This will be fun. I'm Harold."He says
Something did not sit right with me. Many things. He leaves the door, expecting me to enter after just saying that. He disappears into the kitchen, but I hear the clang of a knife. I grab the door and slam it shut. I run off quickly.
Hell nah! No, nope, nada, nuh-uh, no thank you! Hasta la vista! Sayonara! Goodbye! Adios! I'm out of here! Not walking into that nightmare!
I run and hide in an alley, climbing up those foldable ladders on the sides of buildings. I get to some apartment staircase chains, the kind in case of fires. I raise the ladder and run up the stairs until I'm at the roof. I drop to my knees and sigh. I feel my soul pound, terrified.
But that was nothing like how it pounded when a knife was put at my neck.
"Wow, you escaped him way too easily. Well, I guess if you want something done right, you do it yourself."A voice says
I get yanked to my feet and I turn around to see Master standing there, pointing a knife at me.
"I should have never let you live. You are worthless, have no purpose and would not even be here if it weren't for me. But you are not worth protecting. So, I'm ending it right here, right now. You can either fall or get stabbed."He says, forcing me onto the ledge
I look down below. There is busy traffic and empty sidewalks, so I am gonna get hurt one way or another even if I fall. I look at him and he steps closer. I frown and twitch from fear. I loose my footing and slip off of the ledge. I quickly start dropping through the air, but feel two arms wrap around me.
"I knew something was wrong about this."A voice says
I open my eyes and Killer is holding me in his arms. Tears fill my eyes from joy and relief but also fear of what might have been.
"You two better run!"Former Master shouts
Killer carries me away. I sniff the air and tell Killer when I don't smell him anymore.
"Well clearly he isn't your Master anymore."He says
"Y-Yeah....why'd you do that exactly?"I ask
"Do what?"He asks
"Save me. Protect me....."I say
"What the hell did he say to you?"he asks
I tell him and he sets me down.
"So why'd you do that?"I ask
He hugs me.
"Because he's wrong about you. You are Worth Protecting."He says
I cry on his shoulder.
"Thank you....."I whimper
"Remember this please. You are worth saving, you are worth loving, you are worth protecting."He says
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