Chapter 27:Mistakes
At the Homes of the friends and family
Suave cleans around the house, awaiting the return of his friends, best bud and best bud's lover. One minute he's washing dishes, the next he is sweeping. One minute he is cleaning the walls from crayon grafitti, the next he is wiping windows. Anything to keep himself busy and keep his mind off how bad things could be. He dusts the cabinets by in the living room. He checks his watch. This makes 6 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours and 20 seconds since they all left or the problem took them away. And it's been 10 minutes since he saw or heard his young lord Jasper. He sighs with a shake of his head, sure that Jasper is up to something. Jasper always is. He peeks outside through the window to see Jasper just playing in the snow. He opens the door, watching the little vampire.
"M'Lord, what are you doing?"He asks
Jasper looks to the tidy butler that he and his father are so fond of. He's his father's best bud and is basically family.
"Just making a welcome home surprise for everyone! Look! I made some of them! There's Ink, Encre, Father, Error, a-and Mr. Dream, oh and Ghastly! Then there's..."Jasper replies, listing names and gesturing to the snow-skeletons he made
"Who are you on now?"Suave asks
"You of course! I'll put you right with Father and Encre! What's a welcome back if your best bud isn't there?"Jasper says
Suave smiles, always happy when he hears his friends happy. He watches Jasper build with a proud smile on his face, seeming as happy as can be.
Suave looks around and sees a figure walking close. He had never seen this guy around before, but something about them gave him a bad feeling. A feeling that told him to GET JASPER INSIDE ASAP!
"M'Lord! Jasper! It's getting late, don't ya think? Why don't you come inside?"He asks, holding the duster nervously with his voice struggling to stay steady
Jasper notices this.
"Suave, is everything okay? You sound upset."Jasper says, looking at him
Then, the guy lunges at Jasper and grabs him. Suave sees them inject something into Jasper. Jasper jolts but doesn't stop struggling.
"Let me go!"He snaps
"Come on kid, we're going."The guy says
"No, you are not."Suave snaps
"We need him for....Leverage against Allsun, er, Nightmare."The guy says
Suave doesn't like the sound of that.
"I'm afraid I can not let you do that."He says
"Oh? What are you gonna do? Dust me to death?"The guy asks
"If you insist."Suave says
He takes his duster and slides it like an umbrella, all the feathery cleaning parts shutting. He slides the other end and out comes a blade of a knife. He walks over to the guy and points the blade at their face.
"What the fuck?!"The guy asks
"Oh, surprise. M'Lord gave me this to use ONLY when in trouble and you certainly are trouble, and not just for your language. Now, hand M'Lord Jasper over."Suave snaps
"Didn't expect a butler to have a weapon. Harold! Now!"The guy yells
Before Suave could do anything, he feels a piercing pain from his back. A knife stabs him once, twice, three, four....ten times before he dropped his weapon and shouts in pain. The knife digs through his back, through his spine and out his chest. Then, it slips out. Suave falls to the ground, bleeding.
Jasper witnesses it all.
"Suave!"He cries
Never in his wildest thoughts had he imagined losing his friend, his protector, his helper. Suave. No, not once. And never like this. But here he was, watching and crying as Suave laid in the snow, struggling to just stay conscious.
"Now, do we have to finish him off or are you going to come willingly?"The guy asks
"Yes! Yes! I'll come! Just please don't kill Suave!"He pleas, stopping his struggling
Then, the two disappear into the dark. Harold, the third guy that hid in the shadows and assaulted Suave, left the wounded servant on the doormat to Classic and Fell's home. Harold presses a doorbell and disappears as well while it rings.
"Oh dear Asgore! Sans! Edge! Get the med kits!"Papyrus shouts when he and Edge opened the door to find this sight
That was their first mistake.
Allsun's POV a few hours after this went down
"Hey, Night. Wake up. It's time to wake up. It's ok."A voice says
I slowly open my eyes.
"Hello, my dear Night. I love being back with you. I am so happy that my brother got us back together."Charles says
What the fuck?
There he sat, right in front of me. He still has his prison clothes on. He definitely broke out, this looks too neat and cozy to be a jail cell. I try to turn to my hostile form but couldn't. I look at him, uneased. Not again.
Not again! Not this! Not him!
I back up from him the most I could.
"So you know you're here and without your nasty other form. You cannot run. You cannot fight. You cannot reach anyone. You're stuck here with me. Isn't that great?"He says with a creepy grin
"No!"I snap
He grabs my wrist.
"I hate that stubborness. Fate worked so hard to get us together, don't make it go to waste. Love me, it's obvious we're meant to be. It is our de-"He says
"Fate? More like you and your creepy family or helpers! Don't give me that destiny crap!"I snap, tearing my hand away.
"Well, it's gonna be that way is it? Then let me give you an ultimatum. You can love me, or let these four die."He says, leading me down a hall and holding my wrist again
I didn't ask who. He opens a door and there, stuck in chairs tied together, was Jasper and 3 jars holding Sprinkle, Lust and Faith.
"What's your choice?"He asks me
"Don't agree to anything!"Faith and Sprinkle tell me
"We got this!"Jasper assures me
"Don't stay with this dog."Lust says
I think for a few moments.
"Okay, you win."I sigh
"Score!"He says
He slams the door shut on my friends.
He takes me to another room. I frown. All I could think was about protecting them, worry about what the others may be put in danger for and how bad staying with this guy would be. He stops at the door and notices how upset I am. He turns to me and smiles.
"Aww, cheer up my dear. We're gonna have fun. You'll see."He says
"No I won't. And by we, it really is just you. I said I'll love you, but love cannot be forced. You got to earn. So really, I just agreed to giving you a chance to earn it."I say
"Well then you are gonna love me in no time! So come on and smile!"He says, forcing me to smile
I hate you, Charles.
He talks to me lovingly but was so creepy with his wording. And our past just makes me even more uneased with him. But I gotta keep my friends safe, the people I really love.
But this is where he makes another mistake. He is making me smile. And a little fun fact about monsters here, our minds get its power from our souls of course, like the brain of a human does from the heart. And like humans, when we smile, the mind releases a chemical similar to the human brain's Dopamine. Dopamine is released from a human brain when smiling to feel happiness. It's the same with the monster version of that chemical that is released from the soul to the mind and then to the entire body. So, even though this smile is forced, it is releasing this chemical and has part of me happy, looking at a bright future away from Charles. But I do not waste this advantage.
Someone out somewhere please help. Charles broke out with his brother. He has Jasper, Sprinkle, Faith and Lust. I made a deal with Charles unfortunately.....Help them!
Hopefully someone recieves it.
Charles yanks me into the room and shuts the door.
This is gonna be terrible.
Dream's POV
"Oh hElL nO! ThIs sTiNks!"Gradient shouts
"What?"I ask while Cross holds me in his lap again
"I haD loCaTeD yOuR bRoThEr bUt I gOt aN aLeRt sHowIng SoMeOne TaKe HiM fRom a sEcUrItY cAmErA vIeW! WhErE ThE hElL dId hE gO?!"Gradient asks
"He's very passionate about this."Cross mutters
"He cares a lot for those who are close to him. He likes plans, and when something disrupts those plans, it's a problem. But put someone he is close with into the equation and you have a problem."Raven says
Then, it feels like someone was talking to me.
Oh no....
It's a positive feeling. But it had a negative message. From brother.
Someone out somewhere please help. Charles broke out with his brother. He has Jasper, Sprinkle, Faith and Lust. I made a deal with Charles unfortunately.....Help them!
Finding this just set me uneasy. X!Chara noticed.
"Ok, when the glowstick is uneased, it's time to go. Let's go."He says, making a portal
We all go through. Correction, Cross carried me through the portal, trying to tell me that whatever is making me upset won't be so bad. But he has no idea. Once Blueprint and X!Chara went through, they turned back to normal. X!Chara a human, Blueprint a skeleton. I don't have the same luck. Still human. Raven's siblings hug him. Everyone welcomes us back. Cross puts me down. Everyone start talking happily, crossing names off the list. Gradient rides around in the wagon, thinking and trying to figure things out while stuck in the tablet. Encre notices that I am not the happiest right now.
"Everything alright monsieur?"He asks
"No....I got some news from my brother. He, Japer and our friends that remain missing on the list have been taken. That guy that blasted us is Charles' brother, who broke out. Now those two jerks have them at who knows where."I explain
"Oh dear, that is bad. Wait, what? Jasper? But Fallacy sent Jasper home. Nobody would be able to get him without Suave."Encre says
"My brother did not mention them having Suave."I say
"Oh no.."He says
He begins to get the feeling of something bad as well.
"Monsieur Error? Can you make a portal to the houses?"Encre asks
"SuRe."Error says, opening a portal
"What are you doing, Love?"Fallacy asks
"I just want to check on Jasper and Suave."Encre says
"I'll come with."I say
"Me too."Fallacy says
Cross is busy talking with Reaper.
We go through. Jasper and Suave were not in the house. We check outside. Nothing but snowmen and a duster with a knife blade. Fallacy recognizes it.
"I gave Suave that to defend himself."He says
Next to the duster was a small area of snow tinted blood red, as well as a trail as if something or someone was dragged off. It unsettled all three of us. We follow it and it leads to Classic's house. I knock on the door. Fallacy is tensing up now. Papyrus opens the door.
"Hello human! Hello Encre and Fallacy! Are you here to visit Suave? He just woke up!"He says
"What do you mean he just woke up?"Fallacy asks
"So you don't know?"Papyrus asks
"Know what?"Fallacy asks
"Suave and Jasper were attacked.....Edge and I heard a commotion outside, then the doorbell rang. I open the door and find Suave laying on the doormat, unconscious and bleeding. He had ten stab marks from a knife and one that went through his spine. Very bad...Poor guy. But Jasper is nowhere to be found. Come on in."He explains
I was unfortunately right. Fallacy is very upset, I could see it on his face. Papyrus leads us to his room and in a bed laid Suave weakly. The wounds on him are terrible, just like it was described. He is bandaged, but can't even move his arms. He looks over and sees us, but his gaze zones in on Fallacy.
"M'Lord! I'm so sorry! I tried to stop them! But I didn't realize there was a second guy! They took Jasper! I'm sorry! I-"Suave cries
"Silence."Fallacy orders
Suave obeys.
Fallacy and Encre come to the sides of the bed and hug him. They try to comfort him, while I try to decide if now's a good time to tell what I told Encre.
"H-Huh? M'Lord? You're not mad?"Suave asks
"No, I'm freaking pissed. But not at you, Suave. At whoever did this. Nobody is allowed to hurt Jasper or harm you even! You are like family and my best bud. And nobody harms my family. Now, please calm down. Is there anything those culprits did or said that you recall?"Fallacy says
Suave nods.
"I recall everything."He says
"Tell us that then."Fallacy says
Encre hugs Suave gently.
"It's gonna be okay, monsieur."He tells Suave
Suave nods, then tells everything that went down. He starts getting tired from the pain medicine Papyrus gave him halfway through his retelling, so he wrote his memory down, the entire thing. We leave him to rest, but Classic and Edge went in to protect him.
Encre and I now explain what we know in addition.
Now we are trying to figure out what to do, going back to discuss it with Killer of course. A plan was forming in my mind though. One that I did not tell them. That would be a mistake among the many mistakes these people have made.
A few weeks later, Allsun's POV
I wake up and find Charles sneaking into the room he forced me to settle in. He smiles and has me follow him. Strangely and very creepily, he is wearing clothes that looked like Killer's. He takes me OUTSIDE. There is a giant fence, but it's better than nothing. He takes me around outside and even has us ride horses. I do not have a choice. If I ever hesitated, he would threaten to kill my friends. I won't risk that. But the horse ride was another mistake, especially since it was a one-day thing. Once we were done, he sent my horse outside the fence. I sit on the grass, looking at the beautiful sky and horizon I yearn to be running down until this place leaves my sight. But I know I can't.
And on the bright side, he has not hurt me or my friends yet. I am able to sneak into the place he keeps them in to check on them from time to time. They are always safe or uninjured.
He begins to dance behind me. I just sit there and gaze at the clouds, trying to plan an escape. Then, he grabs me. He yanks me off the ground and tries to go in for a kiss. I shove myself away from him.
"That didn't work?"He asks
"No!"I snap
"It worked on TV though! On Disney!"He says
"Well this isn't Disney or TV!"I say
"I thought you'd love me by now. You've been trapped here long enough. I thought maybe even the syndrome would get you to."He says
"Well, now you know that I do not have and will not get that stupid stockholm syndrome! Just because I've been stuck here with you does not mean I will grow to love you instead of resent! And how many times do I have to say it? I will never leave my friends, family, kids, and boyfriend Killer for a psycho like you!"I snap, keeping my distance
"Well, lucky for me, I have a new trick."He says
Before I could say anything, he grabs me and places me on his horse with him. We ride back to the place, or he forced me to go. We go into my room and he injects something in me. I shake terribly and then, I'm able to see through mutliple angles. I just have to lift up a certain amount of fingers. I look from one angle and see four other figures looking like me but with different clothes. One in red with tentacles, another in blue, another in purple, and another in green.
"Haha! Yes! It worked! Now you're broken down to your core emotions! So, are you sure there isn't part of you that loves me? You can tell me."Charles says
Which is which?
I look down, seeing I am wearing all yellow. On my shirt there is a heart on the front and a smile on the back. I guess I am joy. The other four come over to me.
"Disgust."The green says
"Sadness."The blue says
"Anger."The red says
"Fear."The purple says
I nod. Then Charles shoves everyone into a military line.
"I love-"Anger begins
What is this part of me saying?
Charles comes close.
"-The idea of pummeling you to the ground."Anger finishes, showing off the tentacles
Charles was intimidated, but does not like this.
"Fine! Well, you are stuck here until you accept me as your love!"He snaps, shutting and locking the door
Each of us sit and sigh. Er, each of me? I dunno. But then my soul appears above us. some words appear below it.
I recall the tree Killer showed me, where with a simple touch, no matter where we are, we could find info about each other.
"Wait, call? How? Won't Charles hear?"Fear wonders
"Ugh, it doesn't matter. That asshole is annoying."Disgust says
"When can we pummel him?"Anger asks
"I think we just want to go home with everyone!"Sadness weeps, falling backwards onto the bed and shaking his head
The soul spins, pointing at me like where I am looking from.
I sit down to stay steady.
Hello? Nighty?
I nearly fall out of my seat from shock.
Woah! Ok! This is new! Kills? That you?
Nighty! Are you okay? What did he do to you? Has he hurt you? What does it mean by broken?
Em....I'm not dead. It's hard to explain....No, not yet. He has just been trying to force me to love him. Leave everything, everyone behind me and stay with him. But he is failing. Terribly.
Where are you?
I don't even know where this place is. All I know is that he locked me in this room until I accept him as my love or whatever.
Has he done anything else?
He has been real stupid. He thought I would get stockholm syndrome and love him, or just because I was trapped for weeks now with him that I would fall out of resentment and into love. Real stupid bitch. Just today, he tried to kiss me because "That's how it goes on tv or Disney!" Ugh,I really want to get out of here, but not without those kids and Lust.
"Charles does realize he left the keys in here right? Ugh, idiot."Disgust wonders
I look and see the keys. Then I hear a yell, or a cry of pain.
It was Jasper's yell.
What's going on?
The last straw is happening that's what! I'm out of here!
Wait? Did he cause trouble with Dream?
What do you mean?
Dream has gone missing! I thought he may have been taken as well!
Only one way to find out.
I nod. I no longer hear Killer in my head. I look at my other emotions.
"I call dibs on getting our friends!"Disgust says
"I call dibs on pummeling whoever is hurting Jasper!"Anger snaps
The two take the keys and run off.
Fear is comforting Sadness, then vice versa.
Charles has made the last mistake. The last straw is gone. I'm out ASAP. But I gotta plan.
I walk to the shut curtains and open them. The sun shines and the sky looks beautiful. I open the window and a gust of wind blows, as if telling me to come out. I gaze along the horizon and see everything coming together. A good plan.
"What will we do?"Fear wonders
"As soon as Anger and Disgust come back, we will get out of here."I say
Then, Anger and Disgust come in. Disgust has some rope tied around them like a sash, holding the three jars of Sprinkle, Faith and Lust. Anger carefully helps Jasper in, who got a cut to the head.
"You alright?"I ask
"Yes, thanks to you. Thank you, Emotions?"He says
I fill them in on the plan.
We get to work.
We tear the curtains down and start tying them together like rope. Anger measures the height of the building to the ground from the fence of the window.
"Longer."He says after comparing that height to the length of our makeshift rope
We use the bed sheets and connect the two makeshift ropes together and it is now long enough.
I tie it to the poles of the window bars.
"Are we all set?"I ask
Each of them nod.
"Then let's go!"I say, hopping over the bars
I grab the rope and slide down it. I look excitedly down at the approaching ground, hearing them follow me. Freedom awaits!
I look up and see Jasper with Disgust above him, then Fear, Anger, and finally Sadness.
I look back down and smile.
"Here we go!"I say
"Are we clear?"Fear asks
"Yep."I say
"I will take down any threats!"Anger snaps
"Mmph."Disgust says, just trying to keep Anger from kicking him
"Thank you again, Mr. Allsun."Jasper says
"No problem."I say
I softly touch the ground and catch Jasper, helping him down. Then Disgust lands on me, making us mix together again. Same with Fear, Anger and Sadness. The sash of jars wraps around me and I am now complete again. The injection lost its affects.
"Now what?"Jasper asks
"Now, you follow me."I say
I lead him cautiously to the fence. I touch it to test if it has electricity. It doesn't. I smile. Everything is coming together. All of the mistakes are becoming my advantages.
Nighty? Are you alright?
I'm alright, don't worry.
What's going on now?
Well I gave in to Charles and began to start movi-NOPE. I am getting out of here. I am getting the others out of here so they don't get hurt or used for blackmail.
Oh phew, you got me for a second!
Oh come on, Kills! I would never leave you! Especially for an asshole like him!
I climb the fence and look around.
Is everything okay?
Yes. Jasper just has a wound on his head but he will be okay. I got him though. My deal with Charles is off for good.
Why did you make a deal with Charles anyway?
It was either I stay and "try" to love him or he would have killed all of them. I couldn't let that happen!
Ah, I see.
Has Dream been found yet?
No. Just a note that says he is off to find you.
I shake my head. Dream really is troublesome sometimes, wether he has good intentions or not.
Okay. I'm sure he will show up or be found. This is Dream after all.
Yeah. Wait, if you don't even know where you are, how are you gonna get back?
To be honest, I don't know. Right now my goal is to get away from this place.
I look around, trying to spot the horse.
So....Besides the kiss attempt, did he do anything else to you?
What do you mean? He did a lot of things over the weeks.
I mean did he do anything to you "out of love" or whatever?
I recall many events over the weeks. Some worse than others. None that I want to recall or tell others about. Tell Killer about.
He tried, but I'd always refuse or fight him back when he attempted to. I may be far away, but I am catching some jealous or angry vibes from you.
You are MY Nighty! Not his!
That doesn't explain the jealousy.
I'm not jealous.
That doesn't explain the vibes I'm getting from you then.
I just don't like the thought that he got you all to himself without any real problems or others to come between you both. And it sounds like he could've blackmailed you into doing stuff with him. I just don't like that he made the time for that with you, MY Nighty.
Well, there were problems silly. And there were others.
He gave me an ultimatum. And that doesn't solve the problem, it just builds it up. He had the issue of not getting me to love him. He could not get me to throw my life away for him. And there were the police trying to hunt him down who came near this place every once in a while so that would mess his plans up temporarily. Plus, there was you.
Me? But I've never been there!
Physcially, no. But you were brought up a lot by him. He even dressed like you. He kept trying to compare you to be less than him and trying to convince me to just leave. But that whole problem was that I refused to leave you for him. So in a way, you came between us. It wasn't a perfect isolated situation, Kills. So quit being jealous over that bitch's stupidity.
Are you still "Broken"?
No, I'm better now. I think...
What did that even mean?
He gave me another injection.
ANOTHER?! How many did he give you?!
Em, more than I can count. But this injection basically broke me down into my main emotions. Then he was dumb enough to ask these emotions if any of them love him. Answer was no of course. He tried to lock us, I guess, in the room to think on it but that simply gave oppurtunity for escape.
I could sense Killer's anger rise.
But I'm ok now! The injection shouldn't have any more affects!
I look around and spot the horse.
I look around for any nearby dangers.
Okay, but what did the other injections do to you? What did he do?
Mostly either knock me out or make me unable to move.
And what did he do after using these on you?
I flashback to them. Oh the lines crossed by that asshole. I hate just the memory.
.....I'd rather not talk about that.
Of course, Nighty.
What have you even been doing?
When everyone found out what happened, we went back to our houses, wanted to protect our friends who were there. But we've been trying to hunt you guys down too. Suave makes sure to remind us. Rolling in a wheelchair to each of us saying FIND THEM or reminding us how long you guys have been missing.
Why is he in a wheelchair?
He got wounded badly trying to protect Jasper.
Ah, I see.
He really hopes Jasper and you guys are okay.
"Come on, Jasper! It's all clear!"I say, hopping down to the other side
Jasper climbs up and hops down. I catch him and smile.
"I can't turn to a bat, they injected me with something."He says
"We'll fix that. Also, Suave hopes you are okay."I tell him
He looks at me in shock.
"He's okay?! How do you know? Is he okay? He should worry about himself first! I saw how bad he was hurt!"He says
"He's in a wheelchair, but he is okay. Wounded, but okay. I have my ways of knowing.
Well, Jasper seems just as hopeful for him to be okay. He even says Suave should worry about himself first.
....Suave wants to know if that's an order or suggestion.
"Is that an order?"I ask Jasper
"Fucking hell yes!"He says
I chuckle.
He finds a puddle and splashes himself with it.
He says fucking hell yes it is an order. And then he splashed himself, knowing how Suave would spray him.
....Suave complies.
"So where do we go from here?"Jasper asks
"One sec."I say
I tear my sleeve and tie it around his wound.
"That should help it for the time being."I say
"Thank you."He says
"No problem."I tell him
Then I whistle. The horse comes running over.
"Climb on."I say
He nods and does as told. I climb on behind him in the saddle and grab the reins. He wraps his arms around me, feeling uneasy.
"Where do we go?"He asks
I try to think on it. I look around and see a trail. I get an idea.
I have to check on our jarred friends though.
I twist the lids off the jars and peek in.
"How are you doing?"I ask
Lust is asleep.
"We're alright!"Sprinkle and Faith say
"Thank you for all that you've done, sir!"Faith says
"Call me Allsun or Nightmare, kid. You're a friend of my kids and their friends, so you're a friend of mine."I say
"Wait....Uncle Nightmare?"He says
What. Another one of these kids?
"Are you Palette's brother?"I ask
"Half-brother. I come from a timeline where Dream and Cross get together."He says
I chuckle. Oh this is gonna be good.
"Oh! Just like in this one!"Sprinkle says
"Shoot, is there another Cream kid in this one?"He asks
"They are not there yet. But I think they'd take meeting you as a surprise."I say
"Ah, okay."He says
"And they will surely let you stay if you need to. They accepted Palette into it after all."I say
"His world was destroyed too?"He asks
I nod.
"Ah, okay..."He says
I put the lids back on for their safety.
"I'll figure out where to go. Right now let's just stay on this trail."I say
Jasper nods.
I think I will try to get as far as I can from this place. I'll go down a trail that I found. Since the police were around, a station or something has to be nearby. And that means there is a town. I'll find it and go from there.
Alright. I'll be checking in on you though.
Whatever you say, Kills.
The "call" ends.
I hold the reins and pull them. The horse runs down the trail.
"It's all gonna be ok."I say
"Is your eye ok?"He asks
"What do you mean?"I ask
"It is different. It is an orange oval with green like that man's green eye in it."He says
Shoot, probably one of the injections.
I shut one of my eyes.
"I'm sure it's nothing. Did I shut the right eye?"I ask
He nods.
"It's all gonna be ok, Jasper."I tell him
He nods. Then he thinks.
He gets a smile like he got an idea. He tears his sleeve and wraps it like an eye patch around the eye.
"So that it doesn't hurt you."He says
"Thanks."I say
The horse trots down the trail and soon, we are out of the forest. I look around. I see the jail Charles broke out of. I see a sign sayingPOLICE STATION pointing one way and another saying TOWN in the opposite. I go towards the town. Sure enough, I ride the horse right into a small town. I lead the horse around, curious on where exactly we are. I hold the reins gently and Jasper holds me.
I find a town sign saying Welcome to Dayville, home to the brightest of days!
And here is a check. Nighty? How are you doing?
I am alright Kills. I have reached a town called Dayville. Now I am just figuring out where to go from here.
Alright. I will tell the others, maybe we can help you. We could find out where that town is located or how far it is.
Papa! He has plans for you! Ideas for you!
Gah! Kid! Where'd you come from?
I followed you!
Is that Ghastly?
Yes it is Papa! I can't wait to see you! For you to come home safe and sound! I missed you and worried of what that jerk may do! But like I said, Mr. Killer has plans and ideas for when you come! Gotta go! Love you, Papa!
My soul beats faster.
Love you too. Tell your brother I say the same to him.
He's heading back.
What was he talking about? What are you planning?
NOTHING! He was just being a kid and joking around.
I sense he is lying.
Okay, I am up to something. You'll see when you come.
Alright. So will you.~
Don't be so surprised. I had plenty of time to think while stuck in that place. So you'll see.~
Love you, Kills.~❤
He ends the call. I chuckle. He was so confident but then got so surprised when the tables turned. He's so adorable.
"What's so funny?"Jasper asks
"Just thought of something."I say
He nods.
We continue to ride the horse as it trots around. It's nearly sunset. I start asking passerbys for directions, but nobody knew. This town was so isolated from other towns and nobody really left it.
After some hours, I gave up on asking. But then a blonde human runs over to me. Jasper has fallen asleep on me now as we ride. This human ran in front of the horse, making me stop it. This was as stupid as running in front of a car or something.
"Nightmare!"The human cheers
"How do you know me?"I ask, uneasy
"You're here!"They cheer
"That doesn't answer my question."I say
The human walks beside the horse and looks at me.
"It's me! Dream!"He says
"Prove it."I say
^Hello brother.^
"You should have gotten something in your head saying hello brother."The human says
This was recieved through my sense of negative emotions. It was hitched onto a nervous feeling of Dream's.
I look at the human.
"What the heck happened to you?"I ask
"The blast turned me."He says
I smirk.
"How'd Cross react when he learned it was you?"I ask
His face reddens.
"That is private...."He says
"Ah, I see. Eventful, huh?"I say
He nods.
I smile.
"How is Jasper?"He asks, seeing Jasper asleep
"He got wounded, but I bandaged it with my sleeve. Climb on."I tell him
"Alright, now you have some explaining to do."He says
He climbs on behind me and holds onto me by the waist. I twitch, sensitive there.
"You were never twitchy there. What happened?"He asks
"He injected me with something there multiple times."I admit
"He is dead when I get my abilities back."He says as the sun goes down
I pull the reins and the horse starts trotting into the night again.
"Which way did you come from?"I ask
He points straight ahead.
"Through there."He says
I nod and the horse starts to trot through the forest.
"So what deal did you make?"He asks
"Love him or watch four of my friends die. But, if we put it in terms of proper love, give him the chance to get me to love him or watch him kill four people."I say
"Oh...What did he do to you?"He asks
"I really wish you didn't match me with him, I'm telling you that now."I say
"I know and I'm sorry."He says
"He would get angry easily. He tried to do those cliches or Disney love stuff. He would make advances but blackmail me with the lives of our friends when I refused. Exhibit A, he tried to pull a Beauty and The Beast to get to the kiss zone. He thought locking me up for weeks and then a little dance would be all it takes. Either that or he tried to make me get that syndrome. And he always spoke bad of you all, saying he was better. He kept telling me to leave you all behind for him. I refuse though. Then of course there were the injections....."I explain
I get the flashbacks again. My grip on the reins tighten.
Can't help but check in again, Nighty.
"What did he do to you? What did the injections do? How many?"Dream asks
"One sec, Dream. But you gotta promise and swear not to tell anyone."I say
"What are you doing?"He asks
"Using a gift to chat with Kills..."I say
"Ah, okay. Of course, brother. I swear not to tell a soul. And if I for whatever reason break this swear, I will put myself in the Naughty Corner for a week or something."He says
"I'll remember that."I say
Hey Kills.
How are you?
I'm alright. I found Dream and I am taking him back with me.
Is he alright?
Yes, he is not hurt. Just stuck as a human.
Alright. Cross will be happy to know that. Where are you now?
In some forest Dream went through to go to Dayville.
Okay, that's a clue. But what exactly did you have in mind when we reunite?
Pfft, I told you that you'll see when we reunite. Just like I will. Be patient.
Get back to the house, I don't want anything to happen to you.
"So, can you explain?"Dream asks as we ride through the forest
The moon rises I sigh.
"He gave a total of 9 injections per day. And how many weeks was I gone? 4?"I ask
"Seven....."He says
"So that makes 63 injections a week and times that by 7 is.....No wonder my waist and arms are sore or sensitive."I say
"Brother! I am so sorry!"He says, realizing the total
567 injections.
"Heh, you don't even know what the injections did. But you still asked. I remember each one...283 of them were to knock me out and the other 283 were to make me unable to move but still be awake."I say
"Why did he inject you with those?"He asks
"Cause he is a crazy sicko, Dream. An asshole. Each time I woke up from the knock-out injections in a bed with him or without him and have no shirt. And the paralyzing injections is a whole list of other experiences. Experiences he thought would make me love him. He would change me into clothes that pleased him, dragged me around to see things, or....made me do stuff with him without my permission. You have no clue what that's like, but it is terrible. Being unable to speak or fight back, just witness this unfold. I can not tell you how bad I wanted to leave, but didn't want to risk our friends. Or you. Yes, he even threatened you. So much time I spent thinking of escape and being back with you all, so now that I am, I have never felt happier."I explain
I look over my shoulder at him. He is shocked. Speechless. Then he starts crying. He hugs me.
"I am so sorry, Nightmare! I am so sorry you went through all that! They are dead! I swear on my life I will never let them do something that terrible to you again! They won't touch you or see you as long as I live! Or should I say as long as they live because when I get the chance, I will take them down!"He tells me
"Don't put yourself in danger like that."I say
"Fine. But what was injection 567? 283+283=566, so you didn't tell me about one. One that was different from the rest."He says
"Today he injected me in my left arm when I still chose you all over him. It split me into my emotions and he asked each of them for love. He still got rejected and tried to lock us in. But he really just gave the chance for escape. Is it bad that part of me was glad that I got that injection instead of something else?"I ask
"No, no it is not. You were put through so much. You had to find a bright side somehow. And that's how you did. There is nothing wrong with that."He tells me
"Alright....Jasper pointed out a change in my eye. The one that is covered. I think I got so many injections that it's now taking more affect on me. It freaked him out since it reminded him of Charles' eye within an orange oval. An orange eye is what TJ has. So I know he was freaked out because it reminded him of them, though he never had to say it. He covered it for healing, but I have a feeling that was the real reason. He didn't want to see that with me..."I say
Then, I feel a pain in my eye. The covered one.
"Agh!"I grunt
Then the pain went from my eye outward, spreading through my body. I pull the reins, making the horse stop.
"Nightmare? Is everything okay?"Dream asks
I do not answer. I gaze off into the surrounding forest.
Something is wrong.
"Nightmare? Brother?"He asks
I slide off the horse, putting the sash of jars on him. I shift him onto the saddle and Jasper who still is resting onto him. I hand him the reins.
"What's going on?"He asks
"Stay on the path."I tell him
Then, the pain grows and I run into the dark forest. I trip and fall into a pit, banging my head and getting knocked out. I will not make a mistake that could endanger those I care about. Not if I can do something about it. But this time, I don't know what's happening.
Dream's POV
I am uneased. But I don't want to disobey Nightmare. He may have seen something or will be meeting me up ahead. I pull the reins and the horse slowly trots along.
It is quiet.
I do not hear any movement.
It's so quiet.
The only sounds I hear is my soul beating, Jasper gently breathing as he sleeps, and the soft clicks of the horse as it trots along.
But then I hear footsteps up ahead. I get full of hope and fear.
"Brother?"I call ahead
The footsteps quicken, running towards me. But nobody answers. Cross comes into sight. I pull the reins and the horse stops.
"Dream!"He exclaims
"Hey Cross."I say
He comes over and sees Jasper sleeping on me. Then he sees Lust, Sprinkle and Faith in the jars on the sash.
"Where's your brother?"He asks
"He ran into the forest, telling me to keep going ahead. I thought you were him, coming to meet me. Now, I'm getting worried. He went through a lot with Charles keeping him and....I don't want him to get hurt."I say
"Which way?"He asks
I point to where he ran, of course is behind me now. He nods and runs into the dark forest. I wait there on the horse. Soon, Jasper wakes up and is surprised to see me.
"Who are you?! Where is Mr. Allsun?! What did you do to him? Where are we? What are you doing?"He asks
"Calm down. It's me, Dream. My brother left you with me. I talked to him and he ran off. We are in a forest. I am waiting for Cross to come back from looking for him."I explain
"Is Mr. Allsun okay?"He asks
"I sure hope so."I say
He nods.
"Found him!"Cross shouts
I look and he comes running over. Then he slows. In his arms is brother, but he looks different. His shirt has stripes now. And he is out cold.
"Found him laying in a pit in the forest. He seems to have tripped and had a bad injection recently."He says, lifting Allsun's right arm
That's not where he got the injection today. Maybe someone else injected him when he ran off! Shoot!
He places Allsun between Jasper and I. He takes the reins from me and starts leading the horse along. I can't sense anything good from him. It's like all the positivity in him just got up and left. Jasper pokes his face and that made him start to wake up.
A(nger)D(isgust)S(adness) Allsun's POV
I(we) open my(our) eyes and look around. Something doesn't feel right. I(we) see Dream and Jasper looking at me(us).
"Striped eye...."Jasper mutters
I(we) sit up and look at the shirt I(we) am(are) wearing. It is no longer the purple that shows we are a complete Nightmare or Allsun. It shows red, green and blue. We are missing yellow and purple. Fear and Joy are not here.
"Brother, are you okay?"Dream asks
"I, well, we...I dunno how to put this, think we were given another one of yesterday's injection. Except this one did not split me, er, us completely. Shown by the shirt, 3 emotions are still together, but 2 are missing. Theory is that they got split up from us and are nearby, or being taken back."I(we) say as the sun rises
"Oh..."Dream says
"Can someone explain what he means?"Jasper and another voice asks
I(we) look and see Cross leading the horse by the reins. Dream explains for me(us), leaving out what I(we) told him to keep secret.
"So which emotions are here?"Cross asks
I(we) point to the red part.
"Anger."I say
Then to the green.
Then to blue.
"No wonder I couldn't sense any positivity. What emotions are missing?"He asks
"The most vulnerable. Happiness and Fear...."I(we) say
Many thoughts come to mind.
"Charles could try to kill them to erase the memories of true fear or joy. We, er, your brother fears Charles but feels happiest with Killer. He may kill them to destroy that. Or he may inject or experiment on them to manipulate and change them. Therefore changing him, us, to what he wants."Sadness says
Cross takes his phone out and makes a call.
"Fallacy, come pick up your son. There's a change of plans."Cross says
Within minutes, Fallacy flies in and swoops down. He scoops Jasper up and soars back home with his son, no questions asked or a word said.
"I HOPE MR. ALLSUN WILL BE OKAY! Go fuck up Charles' plans!"Jasper shouts to us
I chuckle. He is so getting sprayed.
Morning Nighty!
Shoot. He's checking in.
Nighty! What happened?!
It's a long story. Jasper can tell you some of it when he comes back with his father.
Aren't you coming back?
I dunno. I'll try.
I am coming.
Please don't. I don't want you to get hurt....
Ok, now I won't.
Thank you.
Cross hops on and turns the horse around. I(we) direct him to where I(we) was(were) being kept. I(we) just hope we have good timing before Charles does anything.
F(ear)H(appiness) Allsun's POV
I(we) slowly wake up. Fear quickly gets a bad feeling.
"Good morning, Night."Charles says
I(we) sit up and he is right beside me(us). He has this proud smile on. I feel a chill go down my spine.
"You're looking very nice."He says
I(we) keep my(our) distance but he keeps moving in. Then, I feel a hand on my spine. I look down and see I have a shirt short enough to show part of my spine, which Charles is grabbing. He starts rubbing it, then slides his hand up under my shirt, feeling around. I(we) start shaking.
"P-Please stop!"I(we) say
"Alright...."He says
But then he summons my(our) soul and holds it. He pinches it tight. It hurt terribly.
"Oww!Stop!"I(we) plea, crying in pain
"That's for escaping. But I'll stop since I don't like you upset."He says
He lifts my(our) chin up to look at him. I(we) lean away from him, scared terribly now.
"What is your problem? Why are you doing this? Why can't you let me go? There's a saying where if you love someone, you let them go. But since you won't let me go, wouldn't that mean you are lying about your love for me and really don't love me? So what is your real goal here?"I(we) ask
"Don't give me that crap. I love you and that is final."He says
I(we) back up from him and obey, scared of what may happen if I(we) don't.
"What makes you happiest?"He asks
"Killer."I(we) instantly say
He is displeased.
"What scares you most?"He asks
"When I have my own nightmares."I(we) lie
We truly are scared of him most but that answer couldn't have ended well.
"Well then, now that you are no longer with those pesky other emotions, would you mind being honest?"He asks
"S-Sure...."I(we) say nervously
"Do you love me?"He asks
"Emmm, can I answer that later? I just woke up. I'm still drowsy."I(we) say
He moves closer.
"Answer me."He orders
"N-No...I do not love you."I(we) tell him
He gets really angry at this answer. He pulls out a knife and stabs me in my spine.
"You will learn to love me."He says
The pain kicked me(us) into fight or flight mode. I(we) went with flight. I(we) leap to our feet and run out of the room. I(we) run down the halls, holding my wound. I(we) slide down the spiraling railing of the stairs and leap off, hurting a leg but continuing to run. I(we) go to the stables, where a new horse neighs to greet me(us). I(we) limp over and lean against it for support, scared.
"NIGHTMARE!"Charles' distant voice yells
I(we) start shaking. The horse looks at me and throws me onto its back. I hold onto it and its reins tightly. The horse reers up on its hind legs and neighs loudly. Then it starts to gallop quickly away. I hear a whistle and the horse starts heading to it. I(we) start crying, thinking the horse is obeying Charles. But Charles doesn't enter my sight. Killer does.
"Hey, good girl. I knew you wouldn't leave. Now, what were you neighing about?"Killer says, petting the horse's head
The horse neighs quieter and nods it head at me(us). Killer looks at me and instantly pulls me off the horse into a hug.
"Nighty!"He exclaims
"K-Kills? What are you doing here?"I(we) ask
"Jasper told me what happened! So I went to some nearby stables in town and borrowed this horse! I came as quick as I could!"He says, holding me tightly.
"Agh! O-Okay. C-Could you loosen your grip a bit? It hurts..."I(we) say
He looks confused. He lowers his head and gazes down. He sees my(our) spine. The wound. His grip loosens.
"Oh hell no. He did this to you? Oh I am so gonna kill him, but right now, let's get you out of here."He says, lifting me back onto the horse
He climbs on and holds me(us) close. He whips the reins and the horse takes off. I(we) hold onto him tightly.
"I want a full explanation when we get back, Nighty."He says
He guides the horse through a hole that was blasted through the fence
I(we) nod, though was already thinking of what to leave out.
He releases the reins for a moment and unzips his jacket. He puts it on me and hugs me.
"It's gonna be okay."He tells me(us)
"Thanks Kills...."I(we) say
"Killer?! What are you doing here?"Cross' voice shouts
I look and see another horse approaching. On it is Dream with the sash, Cross and the other emotions. Cross pulls the horse to a stop and so does Killer.
"Making sure Nighty is ok. And before you get mad, other part of Nighty, you told me not to come at that time and I said I wouldn't come now. Once I got an explanation from Jasper, I went since technically I was allowed to later, or when that was later."He says
"How'd you get there before us?"Cross asks
"Pfft, Cross. I thought by now you'd know not to underestimate me. Once I got there, I went to look for him. Some time passed and my horse brought him over. Wait...How'd you even get to the horse?"Killer says
"Never underestimate the power fight or flight instincts. He attacked, I fled, found the stables, horse finds me, hears Charles, puts me on it and then goes to you."I(we) say
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"Dream asks
"N-Never better. No..."I(we) reply, not wanting to worry Dream
"He got stabbed in the spine."Killer says
Cross and Dream looked very angry.
"Well let's get back. I'll follow behind you."Cross says
"Pfft, you can try."Kills says
The two horses begin to trot again. My other half reaches out to me. Just as they grab me, Killer's horse sped up. This results in me(us) combining and becoming whole again, but landing on the cold hard ground.
"Brother!"Dream shouts, leaping off the horse and kneeling down to me
Dream gently lifts me up from the ground as I cry from the pain.
"I got you brother. It's okay."He says
"It hurts..."I mutter
I hear a horse trot quickly over.
"Nighty!"Killer cries
I smile a bit at hearing him. Within moments I am pulled out of Dream's grasp. Killer looks at me and he apologizes, crying and crying. I hold onto him tightly.
"Don't be sorry. You're not the one who hurt me...."I say
He nods.
I feel something pierce my shoulder.
"Agh!"I grunt in pain
"Trying to ruin my brother's happiness? I don't think so!"A voice calls from the trees
I spot TJ there. Dream kneels beside Killer and I.
"Oh? So it's fine for you to ruin my brother's happiness by taking him to your psychotic brother but us making him happy by taking him from your brother is wrong?"Dream snaps
Killer holds me tightly.
"He's mine!"Killer growls
He lifts me to my feet, trying to get me to stand. But I couldn't and fall forward. He catches me and nuzzles his head against me.
"Kills....I can't move."I say
He holds me tight.
"I got you. They won't get you."He says, pulling a tranquillizer dart out of me
"Scram!"Cross shouts, coming behind us and showing his huge weapon
TJ disappears in the trees.
"K-Kills, is it safe?"I asj
He nods.
"I got you, it's safe. Now, let's get out of here."He says
He lifts me onto the horse and smiles. Cross and Dream ride their horse beside us. Cross wouldn't let Killer ride the horse, fearing I may fall off. He had Killer lead the horse instead. Dream has bandaged my spine wound. i grip the horse the best we could and smile. But I am still unable to move. We get home and Killer excitedly lifts me gently off of the horse. He takes me inside and places me in a bed with him laying beside me. I look at him and smile.
"May I check your wounds?"He asks
"S-Sure.."I say
He unzips the jacket and takes my shirt off. The door to the room is shut and locked. He feels me gently. Down my arms, along my spine and so on very slowly.
"Just tell me where it hurts."He says
My arms, waist and spine hurt. I told him this. He checks them and asks what happened. I tell him that he gave me injections but nothing more. I keep what I told Dream a secret. He bandages them and pulls me close. I look at him and he smiles.
"I love you, Nighty."He says
"I love you too-AAH! KILLS!"I reply, yelping when he holds my soul
"Ssh, it's ok. I'm just checking on your soul."He says
I get flashbacks and start shaking.
"Nighty?"He says
I keep shaking.
He holds my soul gently.
"N-No...."I mutter
He releases my soul. I look at him and calm down.
"Are you alright?"He asks
"Y-Ya, sorry. I just got some bad memories now..."I say
He hugs me. He taps my soul, which made my face burn up. Stats appear from the soul and Killer silently reads them. He taps the soul and the stats go away.
"What did he do to you with those injections?"He asks
"I'd rather not talk about it."I say
He nods.
"But you remember what I told you, right? About when you come home?"He says with a smile
"Ya...."I say
"And you can't move, so....."He says
"Go ahead."I tell him
He gets me to sit up and puts his jacket back on me. He places a hand by my cheek and smiles. My soul pounds. In a good way. He leans in and kisses me. I quickly give in. He wraps his other arm by my waist gently. His face burns a bright red and my face burns too. I shut my eyes and enjoy it.
This makes the bad days better. This makes all the horrible experiences not so bad. This makes up for the past few weeks mistakes. Being here. With who I love and sharing love properly. Being home. No mistake or many mistakes could change that.
He pulls away slightly and grins.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that with you again."He says
"Heh, you're telling me? I think I may know. And I love this time."I say
"Do you love me Nighty?"He asks
"Of course I do, my Kills."I say
"I love you too. Now, we're just getting started.~"He says with a wink
"Wait, what? Kills what do you-mmph!"I begin, but he kisses me again
He makes me fall back on the pillow, kissing me. I let him, it's Kills after all. He doesn't go near my wounds. And it feels nice, a good experience with him rather than with Charles.
Hours later
I lay on the bed, looking at the clock. 8PM. Gosh. He spent 3 hours caring for me and now is asleep on me. Apparently he never slept from the moment I was taken. He has a lot of zz's to catch. But I don't mind. This. This is great. Dream comes in to check on me and we begin to talk a bit. He gives me a gift from E!Gaster to replace the IOU. A journal. He says since I've been through a lot, might as well release my feelings into it. My memories, thoughts, everything. Maybe it would even be a record of my life.
Dream asks about what happened that led to my spine getting stabbed. I made sure Kills is asleep. Then, I told Dream. Leaving nothing out. He added that to the info he swore to keep secret. Then he left.
Surprisingly, I actually start writing in the journal. I start from the beginning, everything leading up to now. The journal is so big that my writing only took up the 24 of 200 something pages. I put some magic on the pages describing the past few weeks with Charles to appear balnk if a kiddo is looking at it. Don't want my truth to contradict the story everyone told those kids. Never know when a kid will get dared or get nosy. And I snpa my fingers, sending the key to the drawer to the most secure place I know.
Ghastly's memory box.
The box security
Palette reaches out to the memory box. Ghastly moves it from his reach.
"No touchy! This is for when we are older!"He tells his cousin
He does this with everyone and never lets it get in others' hands.
Yep very secure.
Back to him
I fall asleep with Killer on me. I smile happily. Little do I know that it was not over.
Sorry it was long, I just was on a roll once I got started and didn't pay attention to the word count.
9779 words
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