Chapter 26:Dangerous
Geno hides in an old abandoned shed. His shoulder has a wound. His soul is pounding. He can't summon anything or call for anyone. He has nobody by his side. He had left them to lure the dangers away and protect them, but sealed his fate in the process. All he can do is hide and hope nobody bad finds him. But then the door begins to open and he trembles in fear.
A knife swings up and then swiftly down at him.
Ink's POV
I land and wander around. I get a bad feeling about this place. Fires are everywhere, it's pitch black and skulls lay on the ground. I find a map laying on the ground. Apparently, there are four different lands. The human land, where I am, the dragon land to the north, monster land to the northeast and toxic land to the northwest. The human land is at the bottom, or south according to the compass drawn on it. What a world. But I heard Geno and Encre, so they had to have been here. I look around and see some stakes in the ground. A chill goes down my spine. These stakes had monsters tied to them. I come close and find fire below them. I splash water from a puddle at the fire. I untie the ropes and the monsters thank me. One picks me up and carries me away, leading me to the edge of the human land.
"I saw some skeletons getting chased towards the toxic land. It is filled with mysterious chemicals and volcanoes. The sun never shines there and acids rain from the sky. The ground breaks into crevices and canyons easily. Whoever falls down those don't have water to land on, or anything. They become bottomless pits. So, that place is very dangerous. If those humans don't kill them, the land will."They say
I nod.
The monster sets me down and heads to the monster's land. I, on the other hand, head to the toxic land. I camouflage myself in order to not attract attention. I move cautiously across the land. But then a bunch of humans start running in my direction. I hop out of the way. Purple shadows in the shape of flames are shot in their direction but then retreat.
"Ya! That's right! Scram! Come over with your violence and SEE what happens! I dare you!"A voice yells
I recognize it.
So, I dared.
I cautiously move forward, following the shadows as they retreat. Then I see him and smile. But he is angry! Not just angry but protective. He is trying to keep himself safe it seems.
"Ya, keep running!"He snaps
"I think that is enough, Ghastly."Encre says
Encre steps into sight from behind him.
"Oh......Okay, Encre."He says
I smile and run over to them.
"Strange, footprints in the ground. Not ours. And they stop here."Encre says, pointing at me
I reveal myself.
"Oooo! A colorful caméléon or caméléonne!"Encre says, kneeling down to me.
My scales greet them with a message. I communicate how happy I am that they're okay. I also question on geno's whereabouts.
"Oh! It is a friend of Geno!"He says
"Where is he anyway?"Ghastly asks
"I dunno."He says
"I'll send a shadow squad to get him."Ghastly says
He sends four shadows off, each in one of the four directions:South,north, east and west. As they went, each one split into four more shadows. Encre and Ghastly keep moving and Ghastly carries me on his shoulder. He seems tired. I check him and find some of his abilities are locked, leaving only his shadow ability unlocked. I check his MP or magic power and it's 0/18. He used it all up, meaning he is drained and can't summon anything until he sleeps or eats. And here isn't the place to do either of those.
"So, where are you from, little chameleon?"He asks
I respond with my scales.
"Ah, alright. How'd you end up here?"He asks
Through a portal and heard you.
"Interesting."He says
I nod and Encre just watches me in pure wonder.
"I've never seen a chameleon do that before."Encre says
"Well, now ya did. Pretty cool, right?"He says
Encre nods.
Encre looks up at the dark sky. He frowns and sighs.
"You worried about Jasper? Or Fallacy?"Ghastly asks
Encre nods.
"They're a family to you?"Ghastly asks
Encre nods.
"Same here, Encre. I find all my friends as members of my family. I just hope they are all okay. Especially my brother, Uncle, father and Mr. Chara. But I'm sure they'll all be okay. We gotta be positive here."He says
"For your uncle to stay strong?"Encre asks
"Well yes, but also because negativity doesn't help anything! It just worsens it in an infinite cycle of paronoia and anxiety. Unless you're my dad of course.....Hehe."He says
The ground begins to shake horribly. Ghastly trips and I land on the ground a few feet from him. A crack tears through the ground. I quickly get over to Ghastly, checking how he is. I know what's happening, meanwhile he looks terrified and confused. Shocked even. But then when the crack opens up, ground begins breaking off. I watch it all crumble away and then see the ground under Encre's feet crumble away to, swiping him off his feet and falling down into the canyon. The bottomless canyon. I don't waste a single second. I leap to the edge and find a branch-like ledge. I hop onto it and it is HUGE. Very sturdy too. I hook my tail onto it like a chameleon can. I reach out and grab Encre's hand with mine, my other claw digging deep into his shirt to supply a tight grip. A good grip. Encre looks me in the eyes.
"Ink?"He says
I nod.
He smiles.
"Thank you, Monsieur for what you did."He says
I smile, but then shake my head.
Don't thank me yet.
"Right, we still have to get out of here....somehow."He says
"How is that chameleon able to hold you? Is it a hybrid of an ant? No, they eat those....But still! It seems to have the strength of one!"Ghastly says
"You okay, monsieur?"Encre calls up to him
"Yes! I'll call for help now!"Ghastly says, taking out his phone
"How'd you manage to hide that?!"Encre asks
"He never checked my shadow. Besides, he couldn't have taken it anyway."Ghastly says
Ghastly uses his cleverly hidden phone to make a call.
"Hello? Oh! Jasper! Hey! It's Ghastly. We have a situation....Oh, um, hey Suave! Explain? Ok!"He says
Something reaches up from below and starts tugging at Encre. It was like a hand made of rocks. This results in Encre's grip loosening. I tighten my grip but his hand slipped, and my grip on his shoulder is loosening. The abyss keeps tugging at Encre.
"Yes, Encre is with me. That's the problem! No, sir, I am not insulting him! Encre rocks! But he is a bad situation right now! Hello? Oh no...Suave hung up!"Ghastly says
The abyss stops its efforts on Encre. The rocks crumble away again. But its efforts were not a failure.
A lot of time passes. I'm holding Encre the best I can, but his sleeve is tearing. Then, the sleeve tore completely. Encre rapidly falls out of my reach. But then, he is snatched from my sight. I raise myself to the ledge. A long stick pokes me.
"Climb up, lil fella!"Ghastly says
I do as told.
I look around and see Killer hugging Ghastly tight while Suave looks over the edge.
"I wonder if M'Lord got him in time."He says
Then, a black blur shoots up from the canyon, making Suave jump back.
"Yep, he sure did."He sighs with relief
I look up and see Fallacy flying in the air with Encre protectively in his hold.
"Encre! I got you! Everything will be okay!"He cheers
"Monsieur!"Encre exclaims
"I love you!"He cheers
"I love you too!"Encre says
"Are you okay?"He asks
"Yes, I am alright."Encre says
"Good."He says
They fly out of sight. A few moments pass.
Suave shakes his head.
"We're over here M'Lord!"He shouts
"Whoops!"Fallacy responds
He flies over with Encre in his arms. He lands, but holds Encre tight.
"M'Lord, we gotta be careful here. It's a dangerous land. Good to see you're okay, Encre."Suave says
"Noted."Fallacy says
"Same to you, Suave."Encre says with a smile
Encre looks at me and smiles as I come over. Fallacy follows his gaze and looks at me.
"Ah, this is the lizard that was helping you that Ghastly was talking about! Thank you, little reptile!"He says
No problem.
"Woah! Very interesting."Suave says, noticing my scales convey this
Encre chuckles and I smile.
Then a blue string slithers over to me. It wraps around me and then whips me into the air. What the?
"Error! Don't scare it!"Killer shouts
"Him, don't scare him."Suave corrects
They all look at him.
"What? M'Lord had a large library. I went to the nature section. That chameleon is a male just based on its size."Suave says
I land in someone's hand. Someone's black, red and yellow hand. I shift to turn around and come face to face with Error.
"HeY, InKy."He says with a smile
Nobody heard him. Except me.
I smile at him happily.
He leans in and kisses me on the head. My soul speeds up. He looks at me and smiles.
"HeH, eVen aS a ChAmElEoN yOu bLuSh a RaInbOw. ExcEpT iT gOes dOwn yOuR wHoLe BoDy."He says
Then he kisses me again and I feel his arms hold me tight. He shuts his eyes, his face turning yellow. My face burns up and I can see I'm a skeleton again.
"Ya and you constantly blush yellow."I say
"Wait, the chameleon was Ink?!"Fallacy, Suave and Killer exclaim
"Hiya."I say
"YeP."Error says
"And Mr. Cross says this isn't Disney. Heh, meanwhile a Princess and the frog moment happened! Though I guess you'd call it an Error and the Chameleon or something."Ghastly says
(feel free to make up your own titles for that XD)
Everyone chuckle and nod.
"M'Lord, we should really get out of here."Suave says
"Agreed, I was told this was a dangerous land."I say
"Where do you suppose we go?"Fallacy asks
"Based on where we are...east. That's where the friendly monsters' land is."I say
"How do you know?"He asks
"I read a map."I reply
"Okay, to the east we go!"He says
Fallacy carries Encre off, Suave following. Error carries me, refusing to put me down. Killer walks with Ghastly held by the hand. Reaper hovers, trailing behind us. He looks around.
"Has any one seen Geno?"He asks
"I sent a few shadows to fi-found him. Oh dear...Bringing him to us now."Ghastly says, flinching as if he felt something
"What's oh dear?"Reaper asks
"My shadows have encased him to protect him. He's wounded and there are humans still trying to attack. But I'll make sure my shadows get him here."He responds
We keep moving and I smile. Surely everything will be alright. Error lifts me up and kisses my neck.
"Glitchy!"I snap
He chuckles, then kisses me on the head as we go. My face burns bright. Then I look at him and smirk. I place a hand on his cheek. That did it. His face becomes a blushing mess, glowing a bright yellow. He seems to go on autopilot, not saying anything, just kept moving. I lower my hand and he sets me down. Error signs fill his eyes. I hold his hand and lead him the way we're going. He wraps his arms around me, by my waist and rests his head on my shoulder as we go. He's gotten better with his phobia and it takes longer to crash, but he is pushing his limits.
Then, a bunch of shadows block my way. I stop Error. It was like a glass case or transparent coffin. It was see-through but very loose like water. In it is Geno.
"Ghastly, your shadows came."I say
Reaper's head whips around and sees. Ghastly comes over. He has the shadows disband. We are now in the safe monster land, so he gently plops against the grass, unconscious. He has a cut on his shoulder and down to the left of that wound is a slash straight down from his chin to the center of his chest. His shirt had a hole and the fabrics bent as if someone tore it wider to get a better angle or view. Sure enough, more wounds were there too. He was horribly wounded.
"Geno!"Reaper exclaims, rushing over before anyone could touch him
He kneels down and holds Geno gently.
"Come on Geno....Please, wake up."Reaper pleas
Geno does not answer.
"Geno, I am here. It's Reaper. You can wake up. You're safe now."He says with a shaky voice
No answer or movement.
Reaper sighs, then begins to check the wounds. He moves the rip in Geno's shirt, peeking in at the wounds there. I notice Geno's face grows red as he does this. Reaper reaches his hand in. after taking something from his pocket. Geno's face grows even more red. Then he opens his eyes.
"Reaper, what are you doing?"He asks
"Bandaging your wounds for you. Can you wake up?"Reaper says, not looking up
Everyone facepalms.
"Umm, Reaper, that was not a very smart question."Suave says
"What do you mean?"Reaper asks
"Hey, Reaper."Geno says
Reaper looks at him.
"Geno!"He cheers, taking his hand and gaze out of the tear in Geno's shirt
Then, without warning, Reaper pins Geno down gently and kisses him. Geno jolts but couldn't do anything. His face burns up red.
"Don't scare me like that again! What the heck happened, Geno?"Reaper says
"We were being chased, so I split up from them to try and get the humans away from them. I hid somewhere and didn't know what to do from there. I couldn't do anything. So I just stayed and waited for a sign of anything. Danger, help, all clear, anything. Soon enough, a human found me and then it all went black. Then I woke up to you."Geno explains
"Well, I'm NEVER letting you go through that again. You are staying with me or someone we trust until I know you can handle yourself again. I see your wounds and abilities."Reaper says
"Oh really?"Geno says
"Yes really! I can't lose you."Reaper says
"And boy did he make that clear with his behavior. I can tell ya that Geno. Woo boy, I've heard it all."Suave says
Geno chuckles.
"Still causing trouble, huh?"Geno says
"Hehe..."Reaper chuckles nervously
I smile.
Reaper picks Geno up.
"So, how are the kids?"Geno asks
"Well, Raven is fine besides his search for his Printy. Shino now has a spider Radier on his shoulder and Goth is a moth that Palette hides in his hat whenever the sun is out. Error's idea of kissing Goth like he did to Ink hasn't come to mind yet. Besides, Goth has gotten very shy now."Reaper explains
From there, the two chat as we keep moving. Error makes a portal to his anti-void, where we were all regrouping apparently until everyone is found.
I feel something bump into my leg as I'm walking to the portal. I look at it. It's a skateboard with the words YOLO on top. It had Fresh's color scheme of how he looked before he was taken from his cell. I find this interesting, so I pick it up and carry it through. I look around and find a sign hanging up, telling a key to color blasts. Another lists who got blasted by what color. Names were getting crossed off, meaning they were found. Everyone who was there welcomed us. The moment Deccy shows his face, the wheels on the skateboard start spinning on their own. Curiously, I look at it. It had no technology like a controller or something on it. Meaning someone wasn't remotely using the skateboard. Then I set it down. It starts rolling off, twisting and turning around everyone, then stops when it reaches Deccy. You would've thought there was someone invisible riding and guiding it.
Deccy looks at it, picking it up. He looks at the signs hanging up, then at the skateboard.
"Living to non-living.....Fresh?"Deccy says
The wheels spin.
No clear answer.
"Fresh, if it's you.....Spin the left wheels for yes and your right wheels for no."Deccy says
The skateboard was inactive for a few moments. Then, the left wheels spin. I witness Deccy HUG the skateboard happily, then take a marker and cross Fresh's name off the list.
"HoW tHe hEck WaS hE foUnd?"Error asks
Deccy lifts up the skateboard, aka Fresh.
"That skateboard bumped into me and I brought it here, noticing the colors and words."I say
"Oh, wElL sIncE pEopLe sEeM hApPy, FrEsh iS oKay."Error says
"And now we know what we can look for! Something special about them or close to them. Fresh usually kept his skateboard close and had unique tricks riding it."Deccy says
PJ looks like he's deep in thought. He has a hand to his chin.
"I can't think of anything with Gradient."He says
Bluescreen leaps to his feet, seeming to have gotten an idea. He tries to talk, but the translator malfunctions, making him unable to clearly speak. The only ones who are close enough to understand him are Gradient or Blueprint, both still lost. But then he gets an idea. He digs into his pockets, pulling out some paper and crayons. He lifts it up for all to see. On the first paper, there is a tablet drawing with writing saying:Went everywhere with this! Next he shows a pen for the tablet drawn. A message said:If he wasn't holding the tablet he was holding the pen! Then he switches to another paper, where glasses were drawn. He switched to one last paper that shows his guess of what to look for if Gradient turned into any of these. They were good. Killer and the kids tried to brainstorm what Allsun would become.
"But where could they be?"Ghastly asks
Palette digs in his pocket and pulls out something folded up. Shino does the same. They unfold the papers and lay them out, making a map of the multiverse. This becomes a special tool. They all begin searching for where they could imagine their friends are. Geno uses some code to search the multiverse for stuff fitting Bluescreen's drawings. One result pings up on one side of the map. Bluescreen takes one glance at it, then disappears.
"He gLitChED aWaY."Error says
"Off to help Gradient!"PJ chuckles
"I don't see how that is funny about that..."Suave says
PJ stops chuckling.
I smile as everyone starts working. It seems like this map got the ball rolling. I just hope they are all okay.
Meanwhile, Blueprint's POV
I run as fast as I can, carrying a special tablet tight. I hide behind a tree and hear multiple footsteps run past me. I take the tablet and raise it to look at it properly. It turns on by itself and Gradient smiles at me. He waves. I smile.
"Hey, Gradient."I say
He could not speak, the volume on this tablet is non-existent. So, he writes words on the screen. We chat a bit but suddenly he freezes up. A pop-up appears.
Then the tablet turns off.
Oh hell nah!
I look around and head out of the city park. I find some computer on the curb. I test it and it's broken, but able to turn on. I plug the tablet in to it and start searching for the virus. I find it and upload it to computer instead. It does have a note on it saying SEND TO CITY DUMP. I unplug the tablet and walk away. Gradient comes back into sight.
"You okay?"I ask
He nods.
"Good. Any ideas on where to go?"I ask
He puts a hand to his chin, then smiles and nods. He puts his hand to the screen and a map appears. It gives directions to this old house on the edge of town. I nod and follow the directions to get there.
Then, a skeleton approaches me. Which is a surprise on its own since not many skeletons are here, or monsters at all. I lower the tablet and it turns off, Gradient hidden by the black curtains of the off screen.
The skeleton looks at me, then smirks. They look like Cross, just with less complex clothes, slightly shorter, without the red mark on the face and has a purple eye where Cross would have a white one.
"My, my, what do we have here? A human with a monster soul? Quite interesting. And that's quite a tablet. You wouldn't happen to be missing a scarf, would you?"They ask
I recognize the voice.
"X!Chara?"I say
"That's me. I'm guessing you are Blueprint. Wow, you've grown after that blast. I guess that tablet is Gradient?"He replies
I nod.
"All our forms got changed."He says
"Yep."I agree as he gives me my scarf
"Shouldn't you be with your Raven right now? I'm surprised he isn't with you already, he takes things about his Printy very seriously."He teases
"I don't have a clue where he is."I say
"Well then, let me take you to somewhere safer."He says
I nod. Anywhere with a friend is a place I find safe.
We go to this house that X!Chara made sure was empty. We go inside and settle in. The tablet turns on and Gradient greets X!Chara. X!Chara starts experimenting with the tablet, trying to find the volume that would enable Gradient to speak. I don't worry about it. His experiments are more trustworthy than Science's. We hang out in this house and I sleep on the couch.
The next morning I wake up and smile. But then realize this place has nothing to live on. I get an idea.
I head upstairs to check on X!Chara. Gradient looks at me from his spot on the tablet screen. The tablet laid beside a sleeping X!Chara. I gently nudge him until he woke up enough to look at me.
"Hey, I'm gonna go get some food. Anything you want? Besides chocolate, I know you want that. It's already on the list."I say
"Well then, there's nothing I want. You're a good kid. Just be careful out there kid."He says with a yawn before turning away and dozing again
I shrug.
"Any requests Gradient? Sure you can't have it now but when we get you back to normal, I want to give ya something at least."I say
He shakes his head.
"Alright. Cya."I say, heading downstairs
I stroll down the streets, going to the supermarket with the G I hid in my scarf. I wonder down the aisles and buy quick meals like cereal or lunchables. I get chocolate too. I pay for it and head off, my scarf in one hand, the bag in the other. I stay focused, heading straight home. I hear running footsteps behind me.
"Excuse me! Excuse me! Wait! Please!"A voice calls
I stop, waiting to see the owner of the voice run past me to someone else. It sounds familiar. But instead, I feel two hands grab my arms.
"Oh thank you! Now, if you're not too busy, can I ask if you saw a friend of mine?"The voice asks
I think for a moment, but they speak again.
"Wait a sec! You have his scarf! You had to have seen him! Ok, now I have more questions!"The voice says
I set the bag down. I may be here a while. Plus I don't know if this is a friend or attacker pretending to be one.
"Have you seen a skeleton named Blueprint?"The voice asks, wrapping their arms around me tightly
"Why do you want to know?"I ask
"Why? Because he's my friend! I don't want to lose the smartest, cutest, nicest, most creative, resourceful, amazing friend I have! I want to be there for him and keep him safe! He's my friend and I love him! He's my Printy! So, have you seen him?"The voice explains
I smile, recognizing it now. Raven. Pfft, he has no clue who he is taking to.
"Have you told your friend how you saw him like this?"I ask
"No, just that he's my friend, my Printy and that I love him."He says
"I see."I say
"So, have you seen him? Is he ok? Where did he go? Who is he with?"He asks
"Hmmm, maybe. He's ok. He just left the market and he is with one of his most beloved friends. But who wants to know?"I say
"I, Raven Sans, do."He says
"Well ya know Raven...."I begin, grabbing his hand
"Huh? Hey!"He exclaims
"In a situation like this, you shouldn't be giving your name out so easily. You're lucky it was just me.~"I say, pulling him in front of me
I lift him up gently. His legs flail helplessly as he fails to get out of my hold. But he never summons his scythe either.
"What are you doing? Put me down! What are you talking about?!"He asks
"Now doesn't that sound familiar, Raven? Put me down?"I ask
"Yes....But how is that relavent?"He replies
"The tables have turned, Raven. You're not the one picking me up anymore."I tease
"W-Wait, Printy?!"He exclaims
"Hey, Raven."I say
His face gets really red. He looks away, silent. I smile.
"Raven?"I say
He looks at me.
"Ya, Printy?"He asks
I lean in and kiss him on the head.
"I love you. So glad to see you're okay."I say
His face is engulfed in a bright red burning glow. I caught him off-guard for sure. I chuckle at his expression as he tries to process what just went down.
"You're taller......And human......"He says
"That's what you get from this? Pfft."I chuckle
An hand lands on my shoulder.
"Hey, Blueprint. Our tablet pal was getting worried about you. If you're done shopping, let's go back to my place."A voice says
I know it's X!Chara.
Before I could speak, Raven smacks the hand off of me and grips me tightly.
"My Printy!"He hisses
I shake my head. X!Chara laughs.
"What? You are mine! You are my Printy!"He tells me
"I see I got Raven into his protective mode. I caught him off guard! Pfft! This is as good as surprising Dream and Cross!"X!Chara laughs
"Relax Raven, it's just X!Chara."I say
"Oh."He says
"Let's head back."I say
X!Chara nods. He picks up the grocery bag and smiles.
"Who is the tablet pal?"Raven asks
"Gradient."I reply
"Ah, okay."He says
We stroll down the streets, Raven still in my arms. Heck, he even fell asleep while I carried him! I hear footsteps come at a hasty pace towards me. I turn and see Bluescreen.
"Hey, Bluescreen."I say, knowing he can't speak
He waves.
He looks at my scarf. He spells out A-R-E, points to me, then at my scarf. I nod.
"Yep."I say
He smiles and hugs me the best he could without waking Raven up.
"And before you worry, the skeleton with the grocery bag is X!Chara."I say
He nods.
"Come on, we have Gradient at our house."I say
Hearing this, a big smile comes to his face. He happily follows us. We go into the house and X!Chara shares the chocolate with us, even Raven once he woke up. I set Raven down but he follows me around, never letting me leave his sight. I go upstairs and bring the tablet down. Gradient peeks in from the side of the screen.
"Someone wants to see you."I say
He looks at me, as if asking who.
I take him downstairs, where Bluescreen sits on the couch. he stands up quickly, very excited. I look at him with a smile. I come over to Bluescreen. Gradient looks up at him and his eye-lights shrink. I hand him the tablet. Bluescreen looks at Gradient and smiles at him. It is interesting, watching both of them communicate. Neither of them can speak, but they still manage it. Bluescreen uses sign language and Gradient has words appear on the screen. They seem so happy. I smile. Then I feel a hug from behind. I look and it's Raven of course. He smiles at me.
X!Chara looks at the tablet over Bluescreen's shoulder whn a pop-up appears.
"Well kiddos, we're off to hunt down Cross' lover. There are only three people that can follow him around. Cross of course. Me when I am forced to or to mess with those two during their lil moments and of course Nightmare just for fun. Those 3. Nothing more, nothing less. Friends, not strangers. Let's go, kiddos, er kiddo. Blueprint, you're coming with me."He says, grabbing me by the arm
Raven starts to follow.
"Huh?"I say
"There was a message popping up. Dream's tracker sent out an alert saying it has a bad feeling and has intel hinting that he is being followed, which is never good."He says
I nod, willingly following now. He looks at Raven.
"The rest of you stay here. Your 'parents' or guardians would KILL me if something happened to you three. And three of them are very capable of doing so, being Death himself, a killer and destroyer."He says
"Then why are you taking Printy?"Raven asks
"You said it yourself. He is smart and resourceful. And he has shown he's able to calm others down or defuse situations. He proved that while we were locked up. We may need that. We'll be back."He says
Then he shuts the door on Raven.
"You do realize a shut door won't stop him, right?"I ask
"I know, but I have ways of stalling him inside. I found many voice recorders and hid them around the house. He'll be looking for you and other people for a while."He says
Then we head off. I follow his lead.
"Down this street is where the message was sent."He says
"How do we know he's still nearby?"I ask
"Observe. YO DREAM! I AM COMING TO GET YOU FOR THAT CHOCOLATE CROSS STOLE FOR YOU!"He says, then yells down the street
I look at him. It echoes down the street.
What the heck?
"3...2....1...."He counts
"Noooo!"Dream shouts
"Bingo!"He says proudly
"Okay, I got an idea. If someone is following him, they will run this way to escape. One of us should stay here to stop them. Who should do it?"I say
"Oo! Oo! Me! I got a line for it too when they do!"He cheers excitedly
"Okay, you stay here. I'll go check on him."I say
He nods.
I walk down the street quietly. Then, Dream comes into sight. But he isn't alone.
Oh hell nah. Who is this female dog that is after him?
Dream is a human female, I can tell by the color scheme of his appearance. He is being blocked off by a male human. This man had a lot of blue and black in his color scheme of appearance. And he did not give me a good feeling. I notice his height is taller than Dream slightly. I turn around quickly.
"We have a Rock height dude!"I shout
"Got it!"X!Chara responds
Dream sees me and smiles.
"Blueprint!"He cheers, trying to push past the man to me
The man grabs him and pulls him close.
"You're not going anywhere. I was promised someone like you and now, we're going."He says
"No you are not!"I snap
He looks at me. So does the man.
"Run along kid. I have plans that don't concern you. She and I are gonna have fun. Peace out."He say
"Yes it does. Now let him go."I say
He holds Dream even tighter.
"Blueprint, just go. I don't want this dude to hurt you."Dream says
The man looks at him.
"I would never."He says
"You seem to have an intention to."Dream responds
This man argues with Dream. I use this time to create something from the blueprint design of my scarf. I set it all in place using the branch above them.
"Well, since you can't stop me, I'll be off with her then."The man says
"Actually, I can."I say
"Then just bring it."He says, not looking at me
"If you say so. Mr. Dream, I advise you to take your hands off of this jerk and jump back as fast as you can. Ok?"I say
He looks at me and notices I am holding a rope. He nods.
I nod and release the rope.
The rope flies and a wall of bricks, paved together too, drops down. The man looks up and releases Dream at the sight. Dream jumps back and the bricks block the man from Dream perfectly, despite a foot of the man's that got stuck under.
"You son of a bitch!"He snaps at me as he tries to get his foot free.
"Sir, you are not good at your actions or saying that to a child, ahem. Also you were breaking social distancing! Rules say you must keep 6 feet apart at all times! Do you want to get fined or in trouble with the law?"I say
(And yes I know what's happening with you humans out there in your world. Stay safe!)
As predicted, the man runs past me once he got his foot free. There is a bang and a thud.
"How low can you go? Not low enough for limbo!"X!Chara is heard yelling
Dream and I run over and find X!Chara hovering above the ground with his arm out, and the guy is laying on the cement with the stamp of X!Chara's fist on his forehead.
"He ran right into it."X!Chara says
We nod understanding.
"Are you still gonna get me for the chocolate?"Dream asks
"Oh, that was just to lure you out. It was to locate you. You're safe, for now. Now come on."He says
Dream nods and we walk back to the house. Dream holds my hand with a smile.
"Do you have your abilities like summoning your weapon and stuff?"X!Chara asks
"No."Dream says
I notice X!Chara seemed to have paused, like taking a mental note of this. Then he smiles and looks at Dream over his shoulder.
"Besides, it will be entertaing enough watching Cross try to wrap his skull around what happened to you. Now is he gonna use his powers against you to hurt you or some other purpose?"X!Chara says with a chuckle
He is just teasing, but it got Dream. He releases my hand and he seemed to realize what X!Chara meant. He may not have any abilities but Cross still does. And Cross isn't the quickest to pick up on hints or social cues when Dream is in it. Dream begins to look anxious.
I hear a portal open.
"Speak of the idiot, I mean! Come inside!"X!Chara says, leading Dream inside.
I look around and see Cross coming over.
"Hi, Mr. Cross!"I say
"Hey kiddo, I'm surprised Raven isn't here with you."He says
"He is inside with some more of our friends."I tell him
"Oh....Have you-?"He begins
"Dream is with us."I say
"How'd you know I was gonna ask that?"He asks
"You are very predictable. Mr. X!Chara predicted you would look for Mr. Dream. Oooh, maybe that's why he took Mr. Dream inside so quickly...."I say
"What? Are they okay?"He asks
"Oh! Yes, they're fine. Mr. Dream had a small incident with a rude man....but I dropped bricks on the man's foot and X!Chara knocked him out with limbo! They're inside, but they changed like me."I say
He looks at me in confusion. Like he was questioning what he heard.
"I'll have to ask Chara about that....You mean they got taller?"He says
"No, well, their heights did change. They got a bit shorter. And they both changed like I did. I went from skeleton to human and they did something similar."I say
"But Chara is a human..."He says
"Pfft, I know. Now you both could pass as twins."I say
"WHAT?"He says, lost in confusion
"Let's just go inside."I say
He nods. I go in and shut the door behind him. I look around, just in time to see Dream run up the stairs from X!Chara. Cross greets Bluescreen and Raven. X!Chara gets all silly with an idea. He begins to move exactly like Cross, moving parallel to him, just like your reflection in a mirror would. Then he smiles at Cross.
"Wow! Looks like you found a twin!"Raven chuckles
Gradient, who was watching, got really confused. The tablet crashes when he crashed just like Error. Bluescreen takes him in the tablet out of the room so this crash and reboot cycle doesn't repeat because of X!Chara's shenanigans.
"Hello Cross."X!Chara says
"Oh! Chara! So this is what Blueprint meant! Good to see you're okay!"He says
"You too. By the way, Dream is upstairs hiding in a bed."X!Chara says after snapping his fingers, checking the souls in the house and locating Dream's
I go upstairs to check and he was right. Dream was hiding under the blankets of a bed, just trying to rest. I hear the rest of the conversation from the stairs.
"What did you tell him now?"Cross asks in an annoyed tone
"Nothing!"X!Chara responds
"Did you threaten him over chocolate again?"He asks
"Kinda...."X!Chara says
Then, there is a commotion from downstairs. Dream climbs out of bed and creeps down the stairs. Raven was trying to hold X!Chara away from Cross, who had taken one of his chocolates while they talked. Cross notices Dream almost instantly as he peeks through the balluster of the stairs' railing.
"Wait a second, who is that blonde human?"Cross asks
"Dunno."Raven says
Bluescreen and Gradient couldn't speak or are in the room to answer. X!Chara laughs to himself.
"And so it begins."He mutters, munching on the chocolate he got back from Cross
Cross comes over to Dream, reaching through the ballusters to him. Dream gets alarmed, then runs up the stairs. A door slam is heard.
"You scared em off! Hah!"X!Chara says
"You both did. Mr. X!Chara, you're the one who unsettled him before Mr. Cross even came."I point out
"Him?"Cross says in confusion
"I thought the kid told ya!"X!Chara chuckles
Cross looks at me for answers.
"I did tell ya, but you haven't connected the dots. I said Dream changed like I did."I say
He sits down against the wall, thinking.
"Wait, that is Dream?!"He asks
I nod.
He is silent, but then smiles. I go over beside Raven, knowing he is up to something. Cross raises his hand and there is a ping sound. Dream's soul drags Dream downstairs right to Cross. He lands in Cross' lap. Cross wraps his arms around Dream and smiles.
"C-Cross? W-W-What are you doing?"Dream asks
"So it is you Dream! Well, I'm reuniting with you!"Cross says
"O-ok."Dream says
"You look beautiful, Dream."He says
"W-What? Cross...."Dream says, his face brightening
"Yes, Dream?"Cross asks
"What are you going to do?"Dream responds
"What are you talking about?"Cross says
"I don't have any of my abilities and X!Chara made some suggestions on how you might use that as an advantage."Dream says
"No abilities you say?"Cross says
"CROSS!"Dream whines, his face burning
"What?"Cross asks with a smile
"That's not funny!"Dream asks
"Aww, but that got you to blush and you look cute when you blush."Cross says
Dream sighs.
Cross begins caressing Dream up to his waist and back down. Dream places a hand on his cheek, making Cross' face burn.
"Cross..."He says
"I love you, Dream."Cross says
"I love you as well."He says
"Now, what did Chara suggest?"Cross asks
Dream begins whispering to Cross.
"Ah, I see."Cross says
Dream yawns as the moon rises outside.
"Tired?"Cross asks
Dream nods.
Cross scoops Dream up.
"Let's go then!"Cross says
"What do you-WOAH! CROSS!"Dream exclaims
Cross carries Dream up the stairs happily.
Raven moves closer to me. He hugs me and then snuggles me on the couch until he falls asleep.
Gradient rides himself in on a little wagon. The tablet has a cord connecting to the wagon, allowing Gradient to control it.
And he found the sound.
"GoOd nEwS, I hAvE locAtEd AlLsUn. AnD hE eScaPed fRom tHe pRiSon tHat iS aN oBjEct tEmPoRArIlY. Bad NeWs, tHe eFFeCtS oF tHe bLasT gOt HiM pUt iNto aNoThEr oBjEct jUst To lIvE. BuT I kNow wHeRe iT iS! We rIsE aT dAwN!"He says, then rides his wagon out
(insert we ride at dawn meme with big bird)
I doze off with a smile. The worst is surely over. It must be.
A figure walks up to a small picture on the ground. The figure snaps and a soul appears.
"Is this him, brother? Your love that was stolen from you?"The figure, TJ asks on a phone.
"Yes! That's him!"Charles cheers from the other end
"Then I shall get him to you."TJ says, placing the soul in a canister similar to what Asgore did to the 6 souls
Then, just like that, TJ disappeared into the night with the soul. Wanting to make up for the "injustice" to his brother and make him happy. He left nothing more than security camera footage nearby and the photo. The photo of Allsun with all his friends and family. The thing he holds close to him, and his love for them is special. Yes, this is what trapped him. But now, that was a former prison in compare to the canister.
Will anyone ever know?
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