Chapter 25:Missing and Doom
Faith's POV
I check my phone and see it's a message from Shino.
Shino:Hey Faith! ^w^
Me:Heya Shino, how are you?
Shino:I'm good! How are you? Where are you?
Me:Good. I'm chilling in Outertale.
Me:You know it;3
Shino:You better be.
Such a sweet little girl.
Me:What if I'm not? -w-
Shino:òmó You would be in BIG trouble!
Me:Pfft, ok.
"Woah! Oh no...Gah!"A voice shouts
Me:I just heard some noise.
Shino:Is everything ok? Don't investigate it.
"Ow! Stay the heck away!"A voice shouts
I recognize the voice and smile.
Me:I'm gonna investigate it.
Me:Relax, I heard Blueprint!
Shino:Wait what?!
Me:Yep! Your bro is probably messing with him.
Shino:Wait a second! Faith!
Me:Text ya later!
I turn off my phone.
I practically run to Blueprint's voice. I find him covered in wounds, laying on the ground. There was some goon towering over him. They looked like a goon at least and they had a shirt on saying so like those shirts that say SECURITY for security workers. I summon my sword as this goon swings an axe down at his skull.
Blueprint's POV
"Not so fast!"A familar voice snaps
Then there is a clang sound.
"Leave him alone! Scram!"The voice says
I hear footsteps.
I open my eyes and see Faith chasing some goon away. Faith then comes over to me, starting to bandage me.
"What the heck happened?"He asks
"Long story."I say
"Do tell."He says
I explain it all to him and he frowns. He picks me up and leads me away. I get healed up and given fresh clothes.Faith then takes me away and has us sit. There's this view of the outer space. It looks great. Faith keeps checking his phone. I actually am able to catch my breath. My soul slows down. I feel relaxed now. I smile.
Faith gets a twig and draws in the dirt. We start playing tic tac toe.
But then I kneel down and start to draw something else. Some time passes and I get stopped.
Two arms wrap around me and I tense up.
"Hey, Printy. Glad to see you're okay."A voice says
I look nearly behind me.
"R-Raven?"I stutter, feeling my soul skip a beat
"Hey Printy, and before you ask, missing piece. I got you."He says
"H-How'd you get here?"I ask
"Gradient helped. And I knew to come here because Shino was messaging Faith. Thanks bud."He says
"Anytime."Faith says
I reach up, gently feeling his arm.
"Now, Printy, I think you know what happens now.~"He says
"Raven! What are you planning now? I-!"I begin
My face burns up extremely. My soul is racing.
He smiles at me.
"Raven!"I say
"What?"He asks
His grip on my shoulder keeps getting tighter.
"Is something wrong? Are you upset?"I ask
"No, why do you ask?"He responds
"Your grip keeps getting tighter on me and it hurts."I say
"Oh! I'm sorry."He says
His grip loosens and shifts.
"Is there something going on with you two?"Faith asks
He picks me up without warning.
"Well he is my Printy."He says proudly
"Raven!"I exclaim, my face burning
"What?"He asks
"Shut up!"I snap
"Aww, but I know you love me. Just go ahead and try denying it."He says
I go silent.
"See? Told ya so."He says
I look at Faith and he has a big grin on his face.
"Put me down please."I tell Raven
He looks like he's thinking on it but I know he's pretending to.
"Nah, I do not think I will. I want to protect you."He says
Faith looks up.
"Uhh, well, we are getting ambushed."He says
"What?"Raven says
A bone attack stabs Faith, knocking him down and a rock knocking him out when he fell. Instantly after, Raven gets a potato sack over his head and some bag is put over mine.
Taken again. Just....PERFECT!
I wake back up to a bloodcurdling scream of pain.
I sit up quickly, but with great difficulty. Heavy chains weigh down my wrists and neck. I look around. I'm in some old cell, with Gradient, Raven, and Faith in here with me. They've been stripped down to the minimal amount of clothing, a T-shirt and shorts, no pockets or places to hide anything.
Across from my cell is another containing Jasper, Classic's Papyrus, X!Chara, and Encre. Next to theirs to the left was a cell with Goth, Radier, Geno and Dameon inside. On the right was one with Dream, Lust, Ghastly and Allsun inside. All of them had the same conditions as my friends and I. Some have wounds, others seem in a trance. We're all chained and awake. The scream has stopped.
There is a big banging noise and part of my cell's wall breaks to make a small window. In peeks E!Pap. Behind him was Sprinkle, Ink and Fresh.
"EvErYoNe iN hErE oKay?"He asks
"We seem ok. What about you?"I say
"We aRe alRigHt, bUt miSsInG oNe bUd."He says
Another scream rings out.
"Blue!"Ink shouts, fighting against the chains to move
I froze.
Blue's screaming in pain, getting beaten out of my sight, but not out of hearing range. This is like hearing a parent getting hurt. He may not be the parent of my timeline, but he has become a parent figure to me. I frown, not like hearing this.
E!Pap shakes his head. I notice he still has his scarf. He reaches underneath it and takes his phone out. I smile, glad someone can contact the others or how sneaky he is.
"I aM cOntAcTiNG tHe oTheRs, tHey cAn tRack tHe PhOne."He says
I nod.
"Just be careful."I warn him
He nods.
Raven starts shaking. He had not seemed awake. But he was not shaking because he's cold, he is feeling scared.
"LoOks lIkE hE goT tHe FeAr InjEcTiOn. It iS wHeRe tHey sEe tHeIr fEaRs."He says
I look at him, then at Raven.
I pull myself forward and wrap my arms around him.
"I'm here for you, Raven. I got you, Raven. I don't see what you see, but I'm here for you."I tell him
He stops shaking. He grabs me and lifts me into his lap. He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"You ok?"I ask
He nods.
"I'm always okay with you, Printy. Who's screaming though?"He asks
I bow my head.
"Blue...."I say
He hugs me tighter.
"It's gonna be okay. Gradient! Faith! Get over here!"Raven says
Gradient and Faith trudge over, dragging their chains with weights at the ends over. We include them in the hug, both of them looking as scared as us.
Raven releases me. He turns around to the hole E!Pap made to peek through. He fails to summon his scythe, but then grabs the weights of his chains. He has snapped out of his fear for sure. He swings them and the more he did, the more the bottom of the hole begins to break. Next thing ya know, he made a path into the other cell. Sprinkle gets up, then runs over and hugs each of us, giving me the tightest one. He sits beside me and we talk. We both had to explain to each other what happened after we split up after all. Gradient checks on Ink's wounds while Faith introduces himself. Fresh smirks and helps E!Pap secretly send messages, blocking him in case someone comes. I couldn't really move, my wounds and the chains made it hard.
I hear footsteps, then a hand grabs me from behind. Another covers my mouth.
"Boss wants you."A voice says coldly
I look and see another figure holding Sprinkle. Everyone else was busying themselves in the other cell.
The figures release us from our chains, then carry us away. I notice that Blue's screams had once again stopped. I don't want to yell in case it got the others in trouble. But the others saw us. I make eye contact with Goth and X!Chara. X!Chara frowns and starts trying to get the members in his cell rounded up. Goth had other ideas in his cell though.
"Raven! We have a problem!"Goth shouts
"I think I can see that Goth!"Raven says
"Then why'd you leave Sprinkle and Blueprint alone for the taking? They need help!"Goth responds
"WHAT?! THEY ARE GONE?!"Raven exclaims
Faceplams were seen and heard with the clang of chains.
Allsun sees us going by, or getting carried away. I was closest to where he sat in his cell and he dug under a loose piece of the floor, pulling out a pen. He looks at me and tosses it to me. What am I gonna do with this? He does a clicking gesture, signaling that clicking the pen will do something. Well, we'll see what it does soon.
Time passes and I get dropped beside Sprinkle. The cold cobblestone floor hit multiple of my wounds, making it hurt to move already. I look around and there is Blue. He is laying against the wall, covered and I mean COVERED in wounds. It's a miracle that he is still alive from what it looked like. I check his stats and instantly know that S!Pap would be proud. He has 0.000000000001 hp! I decide to delete a zero. How? I noticed the floor had a pattern like my scarf. I drew with my finger an outline of an apple, used a little magic and bam! An apple sat in front of me. I grab it and toss it to Blue, who catches it and starts eating it. His hp grows again at each bite. I'm still looking for this boss though.
I hear a door shut. I look and see TJ. Oh great. He's the troublemaker.
"Hmm, if I can't kill you since your hp is so stubborn, why don't I give karma? Take away what you must really care about! Just like you did to my family when you put Charles behind bars!"He says, pointing blasters at my head and Sprinkle's
"No!"Blue yells
"Oh, but I'm not gonna kill them. I'll just send them away from you. And I will let you watch as that becomes everyone you ever cared about."He says
He fires at Sprinkle, the blasters releasing a purple blast. Sprinkle disappears.
"Get that Ink guy in here."He orders
"The French or English one?"The goon asks
"There's a french one?"TJ asks
The goon facepalms.
"Get them both."TJ snaps
The goon leaves.
TJ kneels down.
"See? I always win."He says
Out of anger, I jab the pen in his knee and click it. He falls back, shaking from an electric shock. I look at the pen and smirk. I get it now. I understand.
Then a blast hits me.
Blue's POV
He would not stop.
I watched, unable to move, as this guy sent his goon out to get more and more of my friends. After Sprinkle and Blueprint came Encre and Ink. They get blasted. Then Dream and Gradient. Then Fresh and Allsun. Pairs came and went, but then, right as E!Pap and Jasper were gonna get blasted, there is a big booming noise.
"What the hell?"This guy shouts
His goon falls in the doorway, a bone to the chest with a knife to the head. I sit there, frozen and tense with fear. Jasper smiles and takes the chance to break the chains on him. Then he tricks the blasters into blasting each other by hopping across them. E!Pap runs over and hugs me while this completely crazy man just stands there, lost in what's going on. But a large bunch come into the room.Error, PJ, Deccy, Dust, Fury, Bluescreen, Horror, Desire, Étoile, Reaper, Shino, Cross, Raven, Palette, Edge, Papy, Killer, Dameon and Fallacy enter. I smile, glad that Raven and Dameon are freed among them.
They formed a large circle around this guy and starts closing in. Within this circle, many attacks are fired from all sides, making it clear that none of them were happy. But the circle soon disbands. Fallacy hugs Jasper with joy. Error hugs his brother. Shino hugs Raven and almost everyone hugs Dameon. Error even gave me a hug, which tells a lot. I watch Dust weave his way through the crowded room, calling for me.
"He iS oVeR hErE, DuSt!"Error shouts
Dust makes his way over and sees me.
"Blue!"He exclaims, running over
He scoops me up into a hug.
"GeNtLe, hE's bEeN tHroUgh a LoT."E!Pap says
I see Papy standing behind Dust.
"Hi Papy!"I say
Papy checks my stats and breaks into tears. That made me uneased. I've never seen him cry before. Unless he ran out of jokes, really.
"Bro...I'm so proud of you. It's a miracle with your hp."He says
I smile at him.
"I'm glad you're okay, Papy!"I say
"Me?! What about you?"He says
"I didn't know if they got you or tried to kill ya..They got so many of our friends that I began to worry."I say
He tries to wipe my tears.
"Well....I'm gonna tend to E!Pap with Edge's help. Tell me if you need anything. Dust, I'm trusting you with him."Papy says
Dust nods.
"Blue, explain what happened, please."He says
I tighten my grip on him.
"I got ya Blue."He says
I nod and explain everything.
He tightens his grip on me.
"I'm just glad you're ok. Do not worry anymore, Blue. I got you and he won't hurt you again. I will get you healed and keep you safe. I love you, Blue."He says, kissing me on the head
"I love you too, Dust."I say
"Can I kill him yet?"Reaper asks, his scythe at the guy's neck
All the Papyruses, were healing each other. Papyrus got released and came in quickly. Dameon,Reaper and Dust were the only ones still with us in the room. Blasty was doing SOMETHING with the other blasters, which seemed like they were in a meeting and making peace or alliances. This guy is losing his own blasters!
"He may know where the others are. He blasted them, but they weren't normal blasts."I say
The others come in.
"We can't find any of them anywhere."Killer says
I go over my memory very carefully. Who got what blast? What color were they? I recall it all.
"Well someone better start talking then!"Reaper says
This guy gets real intimidated.
"What?"He asks
"What did you do to them?"Reaper snaps
"Oh, it's QUITE the mix. I blasted some with purple blasts, others with red, then blue or green and a few with pink."He says
"And what the hell does that mean?"Cross asks
"Hmmm, the red is the most dangerous. It could kill them or send them a place to be killed. Purple shrinks them and sends them somewhere else. Blue changes their form. Green changes their life status. Pink changes their species. Good luck finding them."He says
"May I kill him?!"Reaper asks
"We dunno who's who."Cross says
"I do."I say
They all turned.
"So now can I kill him?"Reaper asks, with a bit of excitement
"Sure."Cross says
"Yay!"Reaper says, excited like a kid allowed to play a new game or something
Dust holds me a bit tighter. They all come over to me while Reaper does his thing. The Papyruses come over protectively.
"Ok...Sprinkle, some skeleton with red and yellow eyes and Lust got purple blasts."I say
"Yellow and Red eyes?"Fury says
"Sprinkle?"Desire says
Horror starts sharpening his axe.
"Ya, like Cross' Red eye and Dream's yellow eye."I say
Desire and Fury frown. Guess they know who that is.
"So those 3 got shrunk and teleported. Finding them will be like a treasure hunt!"Shino says
Everyone took a moment to look at her and smile at her, finding her comment so positive and nice. It is very innocent.
"Red got blasted at-"I begin
"BluE! WaIt!"Error says
He snaps his fingers and each Papyrus except S!Pap, all the kiddos, Reaper and Horror got their heads covered with string to block out noise.
"Can you hear us?"Cross asks
They all say WHAT?
"Ok, aLl tHe kIds, ChIld aT sOul, aNd UnsTaBle dUdE aRe uNaBlE tO hEar. ThEy wOn't dO aNyThiNg iMpUlsIvE. And InNoCenCe wIlL bE spArEd. CoNtiNue."He says
"Okay...Encre, Fresh needed two blasts but he got this one first, and Ghastly got hit with red."I say
"Oh hell no!"Fallacy says
Error unties his strings from everyone.
"Jasper, go home to Suave. I am not risking losing you again."Fallacy says
"Yes, Father. But what color was Encre hit with?"Jasper asks
"Emmm blue...Ya blue."Fallacy lies
Jasper nods.
Error opens a portal and Jasper hops through. Error shuts it.
"Okay...X!Chara,Blueprint and Dream got the blue blast. Gradient, Allsun and Fresh got a green blast. Lastly, Ink, Goth and Radier were the ones who got the pink blast."I explain
"Wait...what exactly does it mean for life status to change? It may not mean death because he didn't say they get killed like the red one so...."Deccy says
This guy had dodged Reaper's swings and was clinging to the ceiling fan.
"Living to Non-living beings!"He says, then teleports away to avoid Reaper
"Wait...Does that mean they could be rocks or something?"Killer says
"Hope it isn't that common."Deccy says
"Welp, this may be the hardest search ever."Bluescreen says
"Well, let's get you bunch some medical help! Come on C!Papyrus, Mr. Blue and Raven! Let's go!"Shino says, charging ahead
"I sWeAr tO aSgOrO, sHe iS suCh aN sWeEt, iNnOcEnT lIL bEan."E!Pap says
Error chuckles.
"WhAt's fUnNy ErRoR?"He asks
"ThAt's aWeSomE coMinG fRoM yOU."He says
Shino comes back in then drags Raven and I out. E!Pap brings Classic Pap along and smiles.
Shino sits us down and starts bandaging us up.
Everyone sit down and divide into groups. Some, like the Paps or Jasper, were not allowed to take part. I wasn't allowed to be part of the groups.
Shino, Reaper, Raven, Palette and Error went into a group for the pink blast, but Reaper was also in the red circle with Fallacy, Étoile and Killer. Blasty hovers nearby. Bluescreen was in the purple circle with Fury, Dust, Desire and Horror but also the green circle with Killer, Deccy, PJ and Error. Bluescreen even joined Raven and Cross in the blue circle. Everyone was starting to brainstorm or plan. How will they be found? Where?
I am near the red circle and overhear them.
"They aren't on my list! They are not dead yet!"Reaper says
Then they begin whispering.
A few days later, Ink's POV
I open my eyes and look around. I'm in a tree, but it's huge. I keep looking around. I smile, curious. But then thoughts fill my head and I get worried. I start moving around and climb down to ground level. I wander around. I notice I am going on all fours. I find a puddle and look. My wounds are gone but I have become a white chameleon. I have the ink mark on my face and rainbow scales going down my neck and back. My feet are a slight grey.
I hear movement and see a web being formed. I keep moving curiously. There, I hear tiny screams. I look and see a spider screaming and pointing at me while a moth takes a protective stance in front of him. But the moth look sorta familiar. And the moth seems to recognize me too.
"Wait...Who are you? Ink?"The moth says
I try to speak but can't. I look at them and nod.
I recognize the voice.
"Yes, it's me! It's Goth!"He says
How'd he?
"Your thoughts are forming on the scales on your side."He says
I look and sure enough, there they are on my sides. Words. Interesting.
I look at them and smile.
"Relax Radier, it's him."Goth says, patting the small spider on the head.
(used a image of Geno from minisculetale for Goth)
"Okay, phew. I got worried since chameleons are known to eat bugs."He says
"Are you okay, Ink?"I ask
I nod.
"We're okay too."Goth says
Radier looks around.
"But you got to get a place to hide, Goth. The sun is coming up."I say
Goth nods.
Then he flies up and out of sight.
"Let's go look around."Radier says
I nod and let him climb onto me. The sun comes up and we wander around. I climb up on a tree, hearing movement. Radier gets off me and I camouflage against the tree. Then there are footsteps. I look and so does Radier. I see Shino come wandering around. Radier gets real happy seeing Shino.
"Shino!"He cheers, swinging down
"Ooo! Neat spider!"Shino says
"Shino! It's me, Radier!"He says
"Radier! Oh joy! I got you!"Shino says, hugging him gently
"Please don't tell me you came here by yourself."He says
"Nope! I have Palette around here somewhere with Raven. Reaper and Error were taking too long thinking of what to do so when Raven found a location from a tracker on you, we took a shot!"Shino explains
"Ah, okay. Well, I found Goth and Ink found us."He says
"Really? Where is he?"Shino asks
I start climbing down.
"Ink's coming. Goth is nocturnal. Wait....Dang it! It's only safe for him to come out at night!"Radier says
"What was he turned into?"Shino asks
"Goth is a moth."He replies
I hop down and Shino catches me.
"And that's Ink. He can't talk but his scales can communicate."He says
Shino looks at me and nods.
"Shino! Wait up!"Raven calls, running over
Palette and Raven run over.
"What's with the spider and chameleon?"Raven asks
"Hey, Raven! I found Ink and Radier! But we will have to wait until night to get Goth."Shino says
"Ooo! Is Ink the chameleon? Cool! So that's what the species change meant!"Palette says, picking me up
"What's Goth and where the heck is he?"Raven asks quietly
"A moth. Goth is hiding around here."Shino says
"A moth, huh? I think I know how to lure him back to us."Raven says, glancing at Palette
Palette refused to keep moving. He feared we may step on Goth since we don't know where he is and he is tiny. Palette does some checking and then sits down with me on his shoulder. Raven and Shino do the same.
Hours pass and soon it is night. I look around. Many creatures are out. Shino and Raven's eyes dimly glow in the dark night. Radier has made a new web in a tree above us. Palette's eyes were quite the opposite. I recall all the predators of moths.
I think for a moment and nudge Palette.
I'm gonna look for him.
He looks at my side and nods.
"Go ahead."He says
I leap down and run through the dark, listening for Goth. Then I hear him.
"Aaah!"He yells
I run to his yell and see a bat flying at him. I go camouflage, climbing up a tree. I leap down at this bat, tackling it and plummeting it to the ground. I leap onto a branch just as it reached the point of no return. I reveal myself and Goth spots me.
"That was cool! Ya pulled a John Cena chameleon style on the bat! Thank you!"He says
I nod. Then I gesture for him to follow me.
I lead him back towards the group. We had to be at least 5 meters away when Goth speaks.
"I see a light!"He says
I chuckle, having a feeling what the light is:Palette's bright eyes in the dark.
"Do you know what it is? Can I go ahead to it?"He asks
I nod and he soars off. Cautious, I quickly follow. I reach the group and find Goth nowhere in sight. I hear him yell and climb a tree. I find another chameleon grabbed him. I knock the chameleon aside, freeing Goth. He wipes himself off and thanks me again. He hugs me. Then, he starts cautiously flying down to "the light". I climb down and find him hovering in front of Palette as he stargazed, gazing in wonder.
"He's the light...He's here. Shino is here, Raven is here!"He mutters
I nod.
He smiles.
Palette sits up and sees Goth. Or a moth. He starts swatting at Goth.
"Gah!"He shouts, getting knocked aside
I leap out and catch Goth before he hit the ground. I check his wing, finding it was wounded. I wrap my tail around the wing, healing it.
"Goth!"Shino exclaims, looking over
Shino runs and kneels next to me, looking at her brother worriedly.
"Hey, Shino."Goth says
"What happened?"Shino asks
"I learned how it feels to be a bug swatted at. Hehe....."Goth says
"Who swatted at a moth?!"Shino asks sharply
Palette raises his hand.
"We told you what Goth was!"Raven says
"Wait....That was Gothy? I swatted at him?"Palette asks
Shino nods.
Palette comes over carefully. He sees Goth and frowns.
"Gothy...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"Palette says
"It's ok."Goth says
Shino smiles, being a TOTAL SHIPPER of Palette with her bro. Radier swings onto her shoulder.
Palette reaches down and scoops Goth up. Goth smiles, but as soon as Palette smiles, his face became a lil more colorful. Palette begins an examination on Goth, laying him in one hand and checking things with the other. He has this gentle, cautious yet curious gaze.
"P-Palette!"Goth exclaims
"Relax, I'm just checking your condition. Can't be having my cute lil moth Gothy unattended to when he's hurt!"Palette says
Goth's face gives off a bright glow, a blushing mess. Palette lightly places a finger on his chest.
"Soul is beating fast. Interesting."He says
He begins to lift the finger but Goth hops up and clings to it. Palette's face brightens up, his gaze on Goth with awe and love. No questions are asked. But then there is a yell.
"KIDS!"A voice yells
It makes me jump and go camouflage. Shino steps back. There are running footsteps.
"WhaT aRe yOu dOiNg iN tHe fOrEst aT tHiS hOuR?! WhY is PaleTte gIvInG a mOth a l0vEstrUcK gAzE? ShIno! WhY aRe yOu hOlDing a sPideR-Woah!"A voice asks, then yells
I feel a foot trip over me while I am camouflaged. It hurt pretty bad and I get knocked aside. Radier notices the shift in the grass.
"Ink!"He exclaims
Radier comes over to me.
"I think a rock scraped ya. You have a cut."He says
He uses his spider strings to lift me up into the tree, where he tends to me.
"Do you kids realize how much trouble you're in?"Reaper asks
"None. Cause we did the right thing and got a job done."Raven says
"And what job is that?"Reaper asks
"Finding Ink, Radier and Goth. They did change species. That moth is Goth, the spider was Radier and Ink is camouflaging somewhere around here."Shino says
"Why would Ink camouflage?"Reaper asks
"Well if I were a chameleon and I heard some noise, I would hide too."Raven says
Radier hops down and lands on Shino's shoulder, then tells her something quietly.
"Huh, interesting. Error, you came in here so fast and recklessly that you knocked Ink aside. Didn't you feel it when you knocked into a living being?"Shino says
"Oh sO tHaT is wHat I tRiPpEd oVeR! Or WhO!"Error says
"Sorry, but you two were taking so long in the brainstorming phase that when we got info from Science, we took the chance."Raven says
"Mhm!"Palette says
"It's alright, just tell us next time. Geno would kill me if I let anything happen to you kiddos."Reaper says
All the kids agree.
"Error, can you take 5 steps back please?"Shino asks
Error shrugs and steps back as asked, in a close range with the tree I'm in. I smile and climb down. I reach out, grabbing his shoulder.
"Gah! SoMeThIng'S gOt mE!"He yells, jumping and swiping me away
I climb onto a branch before he swings his hand and hits me.
"Wow,Error. You are very jumpy."Raven says
"That something was Ink."Palette says
"Wow, what a warm welcome back you're giving him!"Reaper says
I start climbing around the tree. I feel a hand grab me. Specifically my tail.
"SoMeThIng Is hErE."Error says
"Be gentle! Chances are that it's Ink!"Shino tells him
I feel the grip get tighter. I pull my tail free and keep climbing the tree.
"It flEd. Or hE fLeD."Error says
"Probably because you didn't listen to Shino."Raven says
"Why hasn't he said anything?"Reaper asks
"He can't. His scales can change colors to mcake a message to communicate and that's all."Shino says
"So how do we find him?"Reaper asks
"Chances are, we won't. Camouflage is a majority of a chameleon's life, especially when hurt or feeling threatened. He won't be showing himself anytime soon. Unless we can find a way to change his mood. But to locate him, we should keep an eye on leaves, branches or even the grass and trees."Shino says
I stay on a branch and watch them, unable to hear them now. Error turns to the tree, looking up at it. He grabs it and starts climbing up. I watch him curiously. He went to each branch, searching. After a while, he disappears from sight. Then I feel a hand grab me.
"InKy? Do I hAvE yoU?"Error asks
He looks at me. I feel my soul pound.
"YoU aRe sAfE nOw, I pRoMIse. UnLeSs I aM jUst gRaBbiNg a RaNdOm cHaMeLeOn."He says, setting me back onto the branch
I look at him and he seems so hopeful. I smile.
"InKy?"He says, looking at me with a smile
I look and see that my camouflage is gone. I look at him and smile.
"It'S yOu?"He asks
I nod.
He smiles.
"Did ya find him?"Reaper shouts up to him
"YEP!"Error responds
"Be careful!"Shino says
Error looks at me, then he gently touches me with his finger. Everything was fine until he reached where Radier wrapped strings around my wound. It stung and I step back from his reach. He looks at me.
"WhErE dId tHoSe sTrInGs cOme fRoM?"He asks
I point down to Radier.
"WhY aRe tHeRe dArK gReY aNd bLaCk sTrInGs oN InKy?"He asks
"Oh! Radier says he put those on him because Ink got hurt when you knocked him aside."Shino says
Error nods.
"InKy..."He says
I step forward and he smiles again. he scoops me up.
"I'm SoRrY. I aM gLaD yOu aRe Ok tHoUgH!"He says
I nod.
I love you too Glitchy.
He looks at my side then smiles even more.
"YoU aRe a cUtE cHaMeLeOn, InKy."He says
My soul skips a beat. Then he shifts me in his hand. He places me on his shoulder. Then he climbs down. He stands with everyone else. I smile at them. They all are chatting now.
"Wait! How are they gonna turn back?"Raven asks
"I am NOT trusting Science with Gothy."Palette says
"AnD I dOn'T tRuSt hIm WiTh InKy."Glitchy says
"And I am not leaving Shino."Radier says
Shino smiles at this. Then she hugs him and POOF! He's not a spider. He is back to himself, but stuck in her hug.
"True love's first hug turned him back!"Raven chuckles
Shino seems to have gotten an idea. She goes over and whispers something to Palette. Palette gets this big smile on his face. Then Shino does the same with Error, I could not hear a single word being said. He gets this look on his face that tells me he is up to something. He lifts me closer but I hop out of his hand and disappear from his sight in the grass.
"I think you pushed it, Error."Reaper says
"Pfft, lIkE yOu hAven'T. InKy, cOme bAcK. I wAnt tO kEeP yOu sAfe!"Error says
I take a few steps forward but find a small portal. Goth flies down and looks at me, then sees it. Then I hear some yells from within it. A lot of it was in French, but with some English. I recognize the voice. Encre. I look at it, then at Goth.
"I know I can't stop you, so go ahead."He says
Goth gets scooped up and kissed on the head by Palette. Then I hear another voice.
"Come on, Encre! Keep running!"Geno yells
I know what to do. I write a message in the dirt and then hop into the small portal before it shut. I will help my friends.
So here goes nothing.
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