Chapter 22:Printy
Raven's POV
I slowly wake up and smile.
"Good morning, Pri-"I begin
But Printy wasn't there.
I search my room but he is nowhere to be found. I check the other rooms, nothing. I go downstairs and look around.
"What are you looking for, Raven?"Shino asks
"My Printy."I reply
"Shoot! Did we step on him?"Reaper says, checking under his slippers
Geno does the same. So does Goth, but not Shino.
"I know he is not in this house. Or at his house."She says
"How?"Goth asks
"Because Science took him. He kept yelling for you but you must've been asleep. I tried to stop Science but he disappeared into the dark before I could."She says
"How the heck did he even get in?"I wonder
Reaper begins to nervously chuckle.
"Reaper, what did you do?"Geno asks
"I might have let him in to give you both a checkup."He says
"Clearly that was not his plan. And I don't think a checkup includes being put in a jar."Shino says
"Did you just say jar?"I ask
I get flashbacks to being kept by Renew and Cipher. They shrunk Classic, Fell and I down, putting us in little jars. The things they did were no good. Apparently Dream and Allsun got the worst experience but still, it wasn't good.
"I'll check with him but I do not think that was him."I say, going outside
I head to Science's house and lab. Along the way, I say PJ, Jasper, Ghastly and Radier working on something between my home and Ghastly's home.
"What are you doing?"I ask
"Heard the adults considering going into a full lockdown so we're fixing the seperation problem by connecting the houses! I already did mine and Ghastly's home! Palette is working with some of the other kids to connect his house with Fell's! We'll all be connected soon!"Jasper explains
"Ah, I see."I say
"Wanna join?"Radier asks
"Sorry, but I have someone to look for."I reply
"Your missing piece? Your Printy?"He guesses
"How'd ya know?"I ask
"Oh, I just guessed since he's a puzzle person. Also you are with him a lot."He says
"Almost scary to find you not with him."PJ says
"Ok then....Cya!"I say, then keep walking
I knock on the door. Science opens up with his labcoat having a fire on the shoulder. He looks at it and puts it out quickly. Oh if Printy is here, I worry what dangers he has been put in. But more fear fills me at the thought of him not being here.
"Hello, Raven. What do ya need?"He asks
"Is Printy here?"I ask
"No, why would he be?"He asks
"Because Reaper called you and you came over, taking him."I reply
"I lost my phone. I have been here experimenting. I don't even remember where you live."He says
"Shoot. OK, cya Science! And remember to ask permission for tests!"I say
"Aww, but where's the fun in that?"He asks
"It's the fun of safety!"I reply
"Fine."He says, then shuts the door
I leave and think. Where could I go? Where should I go? Where could they be keeping him? What could be happening to him right now?
Ghastly's blaster, Blasty comes over to me with something in his jaw. Printy's scarf. I take it and look at it. It's small enough to wrap around on my index finger.
"Printy...."I mutter
Blasty sniffs the scarf then sniffs the air. Blasty lifts me up and soars off. We're coming for him, surely we are.
Blueprint's POV Elsewhere
"Agh! STOP PLEASE!"I cry out
I hear laughter.
My arms get cut again.
I cry in pain.
"Tell me what I want to know!"Cipher growls
"No!"I snap
He stabs me again.
"Fess up! Or it will just continue!"He says, kicking me
I shake my head.
I cannot see a thing. I have a blindfold on.
"Cipher, you're being too rough, you gotta be good cop bad cop. How about we let him rest for a while?"Renew says
"Hospitality, really?"Cipher says
You are no cops for one thing, and I am not falling for those questioning tricks.
"Yes, because then, someone may come for him and catch more of those idiots."Renew says
"Or he could escape."Cipher says
"Do you see his condition? I don't see him walking. Plus, I made sure to blind him in one eye while you hurt the other. No sight, no movement, no escape."She says
"Fine...Good thing he's his normal size because I ain't taking care of a tiny idiot."Cipher says
Not an idiot.
"Alright, then."She says
I hear footsteps. Something clicks around my neck and something else hangs down onto my arm.
"Take my hand."I say
I reach up blindly until I feel a hand reaching out to me.
"Get up."She says
I frown.
She yanks me up to my feet. Then she grabs that material connected to my the thing on my neck and blinds me along, who blindly had to follow. I feel something get tied to a pole nearby. My guess is that it's a collar and leash. I reach out and feel a pole.
"See you in the morning."She says
I hear a door shut. The wind whistles and makes chills go down my spine. I hear an owl hooting. I feel the cold snow under me. There's no way I am staying here! Hell no! I wait a few moments to ensure nobody was nearby, still out and watching me. Then I start taking the blindfold off. I look around, but feel just as blind. Renew was right, she took the vision out of one of my eyes by experimenting on me. The other was not affected, so they slashed me by that eye with a knife. Now it hurts just to OPEN that eye. So I don't. I feel around and find the piece connecting the collar and least. I press it, disconnecting it. Sweet freedom! I get up slowly. I look around blindly.
Then, I run as fast as I could go. I never ran so fast in my entire life. The wounds do slow me down a bit, but I don't stop. Any minute Cipher or Renew could find out that I escaped and could be coming to kill me. I trip and fall, grabbing a brick wall to keep me standing. I keep moving. Limping now, I head along a street. Many people bump into me, muttering to themselves and paying no attention to me. I don't recognize any of the voices. I look blindly around, asking for help. But nobody would listen.
Not until I reached a street corner. Someone approaches me.
"Oh dear! Child! Are you okay? What happened to you? Who are you? Where are you from?"A voice asks
"N-No, I'm not. I got kidnapped and hurt. I technically come from that direction, but my true origins are elsewhere. My name is Blueprint. Who are you?"I ask
"Can't you see?"The voice asks
"I'm blind. They hurt me to make me unable to see."I say
"Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I am Officer Ester of this here town! Now, I will take you to a nearby child center that I know has a GREAT medical wing!"The voice says
"R-Really?"I ask
"Sure thing!"They say
The officer grabs my hand gently and leads me away. I go in this building and get bandaged up, as well as given fresh clothes to wear. I am released to join the other kids while they figure out how to get me home.
The kids were not nice here.
One of the caretakers gave me a pillow and I hold it tight.
I could hear them all whispering to each other as I blindly wander to join them. I hear words like freaky, freak, weird, weirdo, stupid, ugly, and so on. I knew they were talking about me because I also hear words like blind, wounded, bandaged, weird marked, newbie, alone. I walk over to them anyway, hoping they weren't. I blindly tap one on the shoulder.
"Hello! I am-"I begin
"Don't care, don't talk to us, stupid!"They say
"Ya!"The other kids say
They go back to chatting but now talk louder, letting me hear. They made fun of me, but wouldn't let me speak. The words they called me, the insults they said right to me, how they isolated me after what I went through, really hurt. I just want to go home. I start to cry. Silent, but still. I hide behind the pillow, not wanting to seem weak.
I wipe my tears once their topic changed. They begin to talk about the quote:"Cool kids" that hung out upstairs. They gave no names, but basically idolized them and want to be a part of that group.
Then quit being such jerks.
I don't say a word though.
I wander around in my thoughts while just listening and hugging my pillow.
"Alright kids, bed time!"One of the caretakers say
All the kids run off and I try to keep up with them.
When I get to the room the caretaker led us to, I am once again unwelcomed.
"Get out, stupid. You're not sleeping with us. You can't."One says
"We won't sleep in the same room as a weirdo."Another says
I go to the bed near the entrance, away from the other kids. I climb in it and set my pillow aside. I pull the blankets over me, trying to ignore them and get some rest since they will just cut me off when I try to speak.
But, that was the opposite of what happened.
I feel a punch to the face knock me awake. Then a kick knocked me out of bed. I held my pillow tight but land on the floor roughly.
"Don't you hear us? Or are you a deaf weirdo too?! YOU SLEEP OUTSIDE!"They snap
I start crying.
"CRYBABY!"They shout
"Shut up! I just want to sleep! Please! I'm not stupid, I'm not weird, I'm just a kid that wants to sleep! I want to go home! You don't know what I went through so just shut up! Please!"I yell
"Oh yeah? Try us, freak."One says, sounding as if they were towering over me as I laid on the floor
I am unable to get up.
"I don't suppose any of you have ever been kidnapped and nearly killed, huh?"I say
They all go silent.
"Didn't think so."I say
"So those weird marks on your skull are bruises?"They ask
"I was born this way."I say
"So you were born a weirdo. You don't sleep with us."They say
Then, the kid towering over me starts beating me mercilessly. I could do nothing but cry. All the other kids egg that one on, chanting FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
I hear footsteps come down some stairs and quickly over to the room. The kid drops me from a choke hold. Now someone else grabs me and helps me up.
"Hey! Leave the kid alone! He's been through enough and deserves rest and equal treatment."A voice says
"But he's a weirdo. Just check his marks!"The kid says
"Says the polka-dot monster. Ya, whatever you say. Look! You gave him a black eye! Shame on you! And shame on you all for cheering him on! That's right! I heard! Now shut up, all of you! You are just a bunch of jerks and bullies to exclude, insult and hurt a poor, abused, lost kid that you don't even know!"The other says
Nobody spoke. I heard a few kids mutter.
"Shoot, we upset one of the cool kids...."They mutter quietly
I couldn't stop crying.
"But you're right about one thing! He is not sleeping with you guys! He does not deserve to! He deserves better! So we will be on our way!"This kid says
"What? You can't do that!"One kid whines
"I just did, and I would line up. I called a caretaker already."They say
"And I am disappointed in all of you!"A caretaker says, before lecturing the kids
"Hey, you okay?"The kid asks, still holding my hand
"Y-Yes....Thank you."I say
"What is your name?"He asks
"Blueprint."I reply
He reaches up and wipes my tears, trying to help my wounds given by the kid.
"Ah, good to see you again. It's me, S!Pap. I'm glad you're okay or at least here, in a safe place. Some idiots took me, then shrunk me a bit. I think they were trying to get me out of the way to get to Blue, pfft, good luck to them with Dust. These people think due to my size now that I'm a kid. I am glad that I stopped those kids, you have been through enough kiddo."He explains
I open my eye and look at him, though unable to see him. But I could hear and feel him. I hug him.
"Hey, kiddo, it's okay. It's alright. You're safe now."He says as he comforts me
"T-Thank you, Papyrus."I say
"No problemo."He says
I smile.
"So, you're a cool kid here?"I say
"Eh, I don't care. Just gives me authority of some kind over those a-holes. Now, let's get you a proper sleeping place. The other cool kiddos welcome anyone with a good heart. And you DEFINITELY pass."He says, leading me upstairs
All the kids up there were cool. Not because they were popular or had some kind of perk, but because they were so good and close with each other. They are so accepting and welcomed me, hugging me and apologizing for the other kids quote:"Immature, childish and mean behavior." Keep in mind these cool kids were younger than the ones downstairs. They took me to a bed that they made sure was cozy, while S!Pap ensured they were careful with my injuries. I sit on it but then they all shifted their beds to be closer to me, all of them happily laughing and chatting to each other. I didn't understand why they did this.
"It's to show you are not alone after what you were put through."They all say
I smile.
"Thank you."I say
"No problem!"They tell me
I lay down and fall asleep.
The next morning, I wake up and play with the other kids the most that I could. The doorbell rings.
"Hey, I think I see a blaster!"A kid says from the window
"It looks like Blasty!"S!Pap adds
"Who's Blasty?"The kid asks
"A pet basically of a bud of mine."S!Pap replies
"Hey, Blueprint! Someone here is looking for you!"A caretaker says
"Looks like you're going home. Call us. We put papers in your pillowcase. Stay safe!"The kids say
"Thank you! It was nice meeting you all!"I say
S!Pap guides me downstairs and holds me close. I hold my pillow close to me.
"He's right outside. S!Pap, you stay back."The caretaker says
"No, I'm his guide and friend. You've reunited us."S!Pap says
"And I don't want him to leave again."I say
"Alright."The caretaker says
"Come on, Blueprint."S!Pap says, leading me outside
The door shuts behind us.
"Where could they be?"S!Pap wonders
"S!Pap?"A voice says
"Sup kid."S!Pap says, leading me down the front steps
I hear a gasp.
"Printy! What happened to you?!"The voice asks
I hear footsteps speed and stop right in front of me. I reach out and feel someone standing in front of me.
"He got kidnapped and attacked by some idiots whose names start with C and R."S!Pap says
"Is he alright? How much care was given to him?"The voice asks
"They took care of his wounds or covered others up. He can't see because one eye is hurt too much to open while they blinded him in the other."S!Pap explains
"Printy..."The voice says
I feel the person in front of me gently. I slide my hands up until I feel their skull, their face. I feel it warm up, then tears run down against my thumbs.
"P-Printy, your arms....What are you doing?"The voice asks
Only one person calls me Printy.
"Raven...?"I ask
"He can't see so he is trying to identify you and his surroundings."S!Pap says
"O-Oh. Yes, it's me Printy. I'm here."He says
I am very hesitant.
"Tell me something only Raven and I know."I say
"Okay...."He says
He got really close and whispers to me.
"You are my missing piece and I am your missing piece."He whispers
I nod. I lower my hands but he grabs one. I pick the pillow back up. I feel his hand go up my arm, feeling the wounds I thought were bandaged but clearly were not. I hear a ripping noise before I feel a soft fabric wrap around the wounds.
"Which one gave the black eye?"He asks
"Actually, those were the kids here. They picked on him until I stepped in and brought him to the nicer, better ones. The culprit is peeking out the window right now."S!Pap says
Raven pulls me close but lifts an arm up, probably to shake a fist. S!Pap stands beside us.
"I'm so glad to find you both. Printy, I'm gonna lock my door and do better to keep you safe. Maybe if I had done that..."Raven says
"Don't beat yourself up, kiddo. You couldn't have known. It's over now."S!Pap says
I feel a hand on my cheek.
"Printy...."He says
"Yes?"I ask
"How do you feel?"He asks
"I feel alright....I guess."I say
"Well I'm taking you home to get helped. Come on. Oh and one more thing."He says
Then, I feel a kiss on my head. I feel my face warm up.
"Okay, come on."He says
He leads me away and then I feel myself get lifted onto a Gaster Blaster, most likely Blasty. Raven hops on in front of me with S!Pap behind me. Raven tells Blasty to go. And off we went.
Soon I am getting helped off of Blasty. Raven goes home to keep Geno from worrying. S!Pap leads me back home, where Sprinkle, Blue and Blueprint were making tacos inside. I could tell since I could hear them talking about making tacos now for Taco Tuesday. We come in and Blue is perplexed by the change in his brother's appearance, but sighs and thinks Science did something. S!Pap said that he will explain later.
"Blueprint!"Sprinkle exclaims
I feel myself get knocked to the floor, but in a hug.
Then another comes.
"What happened to you?"Bluescreen asks
"Gradient made him a translator before you ask."Sprinkle says
I nod.
"It's a bit of a story. And can I just suggest no tackle hugs? That hurt."I say
"Blueprint, I will get you fixed up. You didn't deserve that, brother just told me."Blue says
"Deserve what?"Sprinkle and Bluescreen ask
"You two just focus on the tacos. I will explain later."Blue says
They sigh, but get up and go to the counter. Blue picks me up and takes me upstairs. Dust goes to watch over them with S!Pap. Blue bandages and heals me properly. I am able to open my eye now. I look at him and smile.
"Are you able to see?"He asks
"Through this eye."I say, pointing to one eye
"Ah, and the other is the one blinded?"He asks
I nod.
He hugs me.
"I am so sorry you went through that. But never fear! I, the Magnificent Sans, shall prevent that from happening again!"He says
"I know."I say with a chuckle
There is a knock at a door downstairs.
"Oh! That's the tunnel door!"He says
"Tunnel door?"I ask
"A bunch of the kids made these tunnels or bridges between the houses to connect!"He says
"Cool!"I say
I come downstairs with him and he opens this new door. Ghastly, Gradient, PJ, Jasper, Radier and Étoile come in and hug me. There is a knock from the door on the other side, the other tunnel. Shino, Dameon, Goth, Palette, and Raven come over with Sprinkle and Bluescreen to join the hug. Least to say, space was limited in this warm welcome home. Then a bunch of them ran of through the tunnels to play. Ghastly stays though, he noticed my blind eye and wounds. He sits with me and made me explain what happened. He hugs me again before starting to teach me how to get around again. Having only one eye to see out of is new and my vision is now distorted a bit. I thank him and then Blue notices that his brother is gone.
"The others mentioned a new kid."Ghastly says
I chuckle. Blue realizes what happened and laughs.
"I'll get him, Blue!"I say
I head off and find S!Pap stuck in a circle of friends. I come over, pick him up and carry him back to Blue. He dozed, as usual. Blue thanks me and advises me to get some rest. So, I just sit down and start playing with my puzzles again in my room. I lock all the windows too. I hear the door creak open. I look but it was not my bedroom door. It was a small door. In comes Shino.
"We made secret passageways too."She says
"I see..."I say
She comes over and smiles.
"We fixed your scarf."She says, wrapping it around me
"Thanks."I say
"Have a cookie!"She says, giving me a cookie
I smile.
"Thank you, Shino."I say
"No problem!"She says, then leaves
I munch on the cookie and work on a wordsearch to pass the time. Night falls and I get in bed, turning off the lights. I lay down and start to doze, but then hear movement. Oh hell no!
I quickly sit up and grab a bat. I see someone in the corner of my room. I lift the bat up. They disappear from sight, making me uneasy. The bat is taken from my hands and they appear in front of me.
"Relax, Printy. It's me."They say
I sigh.
It's Raven.
"A little warning would be nice next time."I say
"Sorry. I just want to be here to protect you."He says, sitting beside me
"It's alright."I say
He holds my hand and smiles. I notice his scarf is torn. I look at my arm and find that the fabric wrapped around my arm was his scarf.
"Go to sleep."He tells me
"Alright."I say
I lay down and shut my eyes. He wraps his arms around me in a protective hug for a few moments, then releases me.
"Nobody will hurt you again Printy."I hear him say
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