Chapter 21:Missing Piece
Blueprint's POV
Raven surely is back to normal. The next day, he comes to my window, climbing in. He smiles. He has a stupid boquet of flowers with him.
"Hey Printy.~"He says
"What now, Raven?"I ask,
He extends the boquet to me.
"What are these supposed to be?"I ask
"Something for someone as cute as my Printy."He says
I cross my arms.
"Shut it."I tell him
"Aww come on!"He says
I turn my back to him.
"There has to be some reason I can't recall why I woke up with you."He says
"Quit climbing into my room!"I tell him
"Printy, I just want answers."He says
"Your mind has all the answers. Now, can you go?"I state
He sighs.
"Okay, Printy. But I'll be back!"He says
"I know."I say
I turn, watching him leave. But he set the boquet on my bed.
Once he left, I shut the window. I sigh. He's back to his normal self, unfortunately. He doesn't recall anything that really happened. He's back to covering his other sides up again. Back to being a flirt and ONLY a flirt. And I'm already sick of it. I don't want to deal with it. Not when I know what he's hiding or what he's really like. Not when I remember what he doesn't. The greatest times I've had with him. The truth. Love. Missing piece.
I remember what he had told me on the walk before Sci took him.
"Hey, Blueprint. Do you know what you are?"Raven asked
"Emmm, a skeleton child?"I said
"No, you are more. You are my friend. My love. My missing piece."He told me
I remember my face had warmed a bit.
"Raven.....You are my missing piece too."I said
He smiled, then kissed me. We heard footsteps and broke apart. That's when Sci came.
Missing piece.....
I look at the boquet and smile a bit. I still find this sweet. I take the flowers and set them in a vase in my room. I set it on a desk, but tuck it in a closet whenever someone tries to come in.
A few days pass and I kept space between Raven and I, though he would still get close.
One day, he comes over with a book.
"What am I doing wrong?"He asks
He shows me the book.
How to Befriend or Love a Tsundere.
"Reaper gave me this book."He says
"Really? I am not a tsundere."I tell him
"Actions speak louder than words."He says teasingly
"Shut up."I tell him
He looks at me. He hands me the book. I skim through it.
"Hmm, maybe because you skip page 12."I say
"Huh?"He says
"Show them who you are. Your entire, true self. You don't do that."I tell him
"What?"He asks
"Every time you're around me, you show your flirt side. Nothing else. But I've heard about so much more from our friends. You show more when I'm not around. Heck, Goth says you're nearly a different person! You turn into Reaper around me, but I wanna be around Raven like everyone else is, not Reaper Jr."I explain
"I dunno what you're talking about."He says
"You know what? I'm gonna go. I have Blue to make tacos with. People who don't hide who they are. Cya, Raven."I say
I shove the book back to him and leave.
Raven's POV
I am dumbfounded. I didn't know of this. But something tells me that there is something missing. I try to think but now a chunk of my memory goes blank. As if it never existed. Unaccounted for. Odd.
But I know someone who may know the truth.
I go and knock on Palette's door.
He answers.
"Oh hey, Raven! Come on in!"He says
He shuts the door behind me.
"Is there something I'm forgetting? Blueprint has been acting off."I say
"What do you mean?"He asks
"He seems more distant and upset. Mentioning something about showing true selves and such. It has started since that time I woke up before training."I explain
"Oooh, you really don't remember, do you?"He asks
"Remember what?"I ask
"Oh dear. Sorry, dude. I can't say. Blueprint would kill me. All I can say is that it's a lot different from whatever you remember prior to it. Between that sleepover and training, months happened. I've never seen you guys so happy. But he may be upset because during that time, you weren't a flirt with him. You were....yourself. Which, I can see why he is upset. You act one way, a flirt, around him but another way without him. Almost complete opposites. So, I can see why he is upset. That's all I am saying."He explains
I process it.
"Oooh."I say
We chat a bit more and I smile. I picked up on hints in the conversation. It was interesting, what I am putting together. I leave Palette's house hours upon hours later to head home. I go in and go to my room. I look at the book Reaper or "Dad" gave me. I say "Dad" since he isn't my timeline's Reaper, my real father. Maybe I should try to be less of a flirt around him. Maybe I can remember the truth. Maybe I can learn the truth. Or be who Blueprint remembers. I hop into bed and smile. Then I doze off.
Having a wonderful, absolutely, wonderful dream.
Back to Blueprint's POV
Multiple days pass. I go out and chill at a table of Blue's diner. I get a taco and begin to munch down on it. I hear footsteps. I turn and see Raven coming over. I shake my head. I continue eating my taco. He sits down beside me.
"What? Got Volume Two to show me?"I say sarcastically
"No. I wanna be with ya."He says
"Pfft, ya right. Go ahead, Reaper Jr. I'm ready."I say
"I'm serious, Blueprint."He says
He just used my proper name, not Printy.
"Ugggh, did Jasper give you some orange juice again?"I ask
"No, he didn't."He says
"Then what's up with you? This is new."I tell him
"I listened to you. I don't want to be Reaper Jr. to you. It clearly makes you unhappy. I want to be someone you like being with. So, I'm gonna be me. Also, I remember the truth."I tell him
I look at him in surprise now.
I didn't think of that. Science said it wouldn't be possible. And here we are.
But I got excited a bit, if he remembers, that could mean a lot to me.
Yet, I'd like to make sure he is not messing with me.
"Oh really? That's interesting."I say
"Yes! Does that make you happy? I feel happy! It was great with all that time!"He says
"Hmmm, depends. Are you being honest?"I ask
"Really? Of course I am!"He tells me
"Then what did you call me before Science came?"I ask
"Uuhhh...."He says
"Anything?"I ask
"Printy?"He says
"Are you asking or telling me?"I say
"Printy."He says
"Wrong. Do you even recall where you were the morning of the sleepover?"I ask
"No."He says
"Do you recall the holiday party?"I ask
"What party?"He asks
My hopes drop. I am let down. He lied.
"Great, I'm friends with a liar now. You lied to me. Which just stinks, I would've been really happy if you remembered. So, I'm out of here. Bye, Raven."I say with a shake of my head
I walk away, leaving him at the table. It feels like my soul sank.
A few days pass. I haven't heard from Raven or seen him. Did I hurt him? I mean, he was giving an effort. Maybe I should have let him spend more time and such.
After a week, I was still left with not a word from him. I go out to hunt him down. All I find....Is his scarf.
I pick it up and hug it tight.
No...Raven...You gotta be out here! Please!
I find a note in the scarf.
You put my brother behind bars, you all pay. Freaks.-TJ the hell did someone manage to take RAVEN? He has a scythe! Great, a fam of crazies...
I look and see the scythe stuck in the ground nearby.
Correction, HAD a scythe.
My phone rings. I answer it quickly but before I could get a word in, someone spoke.
"I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come looking for him. Now, you all will pay with your lives for putting my innocent lil brother behind bars."A voice, TJ says
"Innocent? He nearly killed three innocent people! What do you think he was charged with?! And he basically stalked, harrassed and attacked someone else! He's lucky he wasn't charged for that too!"I say
"Seriously?"He asks
"Check your facts! Speaking of facts, if you hurt Raven, you will pay. Let him go before things get ugly."I snap
"Awww, you hear that, kid? Your lil friend thinks he's scary enough to get me! Sounding silly to save ya! Ack!"TJ says
There is a moment of silence.
"Printy?"Raven's voice says
"Raven! Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Where are you?"I ask worriedly
"Emmm, he beat me a bit but I think I'll be ok. I'm in some strange house, looks like a basement. I never knew you cared so much, Printy."He replies
I feel my face burn a bit.
"Well actually you did, you just can't remember."I say
"Really?"He says
"Y-Yeah..Now, how bad did he hurt you?"I ask
"Agh!"He yelps
"Get my bro out of jail in an hour or he dies."TJ says, then hangs up
Hell nah. I'm getting Raven myself. TJ is an idiot.
I go back home and find Bluescreen with Gradient on the couch. Bluescreen greets me and asks what's up.
"I got a weird call."I say
"Oh! I cAn tRaCk iT dOwn. I hAtE wEiRd cAlLeRs. PrAnk?"Gradient says
"More like a call of nonsense."I say
"HaNd iT oVer."He says
I give him my phone and within minutes he gave it back to me.
"CheCk yOuR cAlL aNd gO tO rEcEnt, tHe deTAiLs wIlL bE tHerE."He says
"Thank you Gradient!"I say
He nods.
I go back to the spot. I pick up Raven's scarf. I call Goth. He answers.
"Hey, Goth."I say
"Hello, Blueprint."He says
"I'm gonna go to see Raven-"I say
"Do you need a bottle?"He asks
"No, but if neither of us come in say, an hour or two, this is where to find us."I say, sending him a text of the location Gradient found from the call
"Huh? What's going on?"He asks
"Nothing to worry about. Now I gotta go, bye Goth."I say, then hang up
I pick Raven's scythe up from the ground. It didn't disappear. It stayed. I lift it and manage some swings. I will protect him. I check my phone and head off to the location.
I find this really bad looking house. Windows broken, door hanging, vines growing on the side, the roof falling apart. But then I realize something. Ghastly described a house like this when he went to try and save his father, before Mr. Killer pulled him back of course. This house has a reputation already. But now I know where to go. I check through the windows and find a shadowy figure standing by the front door. I find a broken window just above the ground. A basement window. I smile, glad to find this.
I crawl through and drop to the hard, cold floor. I get up and look around. Small space.
"Printy?"A voice calls quietly
I turn and see Raven in the corner, covered in wounds.
"Raven!"I whisper, full of joy
I get over to him and smile. I begin to cry, relieved that he's ok but upset at the sight of his wounds.
"Printy, why are you crying?"He whispers
"I'm just so glad you're ok!"I tell him
"What are you doing here?"He asks
"To get you out of here, duh!"I reply, wrapping my arm around him
He places his hand on my cheek, trying to wipe my tears. But he starts to cry as well. I reach my hand up to him.
"Now why are you crying?"I ask
"I missed you, Printy. I missed you so much. As well as for everyone. Two days ago, he said he got you and then said he killed ya yesterday. I'm so glad that was a lie!"He says, hugging me
"I am just glad you're ok! I'm getting you out of here!"I say
"How?"He asks
"I climbed thro-wait. Is this another wound?"I say, feeling a mark on his neck
"Ow,ow,ow!"He cries
I look and see he has a cut on the back of his neck. I take out his scarf and wrap it around him.
"Why'd you come?"He asks
"I'm the only one that finds your disappearance odd. Then when I got that call, I knew something was wrong. Can't lose my missing piece."I say
"I don't have any puzzle pieces."He says
"You are my missing piece, Raven."I tell him
His face reddens, but then his eye-light shines. He doesn't say a word.
"Raven, you there?"I ask
He seems in a trance. Or in lala land. Point is, his head isn't here.
"Raven?"I say
No response.
I smile though.
"I really remember it all now...Printy....I...."He says
"For real? Now is not the best time to lie again."I say
"You're my piece as well. I recall the party and being in a tree the morning of the sleepover."He says
I smile.
"Of course you do."I say
"You love me?"He asks
"Em...Yes."I say
He smiles. He stops rubbing my cheek and just holds his hand there. I feel my face burn up a bit.
"Well then, Printy.... "He says, his face slightly red
"What?"I ask
He grabs my scarf.
"R-Raven? I need to get you o-o-out of here."I say, growing uneasy
"Look out!"He says, shoving me behind him
A knife stabs his shoulder. He drops down. He pulls the knife out. I step in front of him before he could get hurt any more.
"Stay behind me, Raven."I tell him
"W-What?"He says
"I got this. I'm getting you out of here."I tell him, raising his scythe
"Oh really now?"A voice says
I see another skeleton come closer.
"Stay back! I won't let you hurt him!"I snap
"Awww, do you love him?"TJ asks
"Yes! Now back off or I will make you!"I growl
"Printy..."Raven says
I take a quick glance and see his face is getting redder. I look back at TJ.
"So, are you gonna let us go or are we gonna have some problems?"I ask
He charges at me. He dodges every swing of the scythe but one good kick and punch knocked him out on the ground.
I sigh relieved.
I smile.
"There....That should give us some time. Let's get out of here, Ra-Huh?!"I say, feeling two arms wrap around me
"Printy..."He says
"W-W-W-What are you doing?"I ask
"I want to hug you. I want the experiences I forgot. I want to give you love, if that's ok.~"He says
I don't say anything.
"I like how your eye-lights change. Especially to hearts right now."He says
I feel my face burn. I just look at him. Silent.
"Hmmm...."He says
"A-Are you okay?"I ask
"Wounded, but I feel alright."He says
"Ok..."I say
He slowly nuzzles his head against me.
"So what do you say, Printy?"I ask
I look nervously at him, feeling my face burn and soul start speeding up.
"Shouldn't we get out of here first?"I respond
"Aww, come on Printy. It isn't everyday I learn that you love me.~"He says
"Neither is it everyday that you get kidnapped and hurt so badly. Let's get out of here."I say
"Fine.."He says
I look at the window and realize it's out of reach now. Even for Raven. But TJ is knocked out, so that could allow us to just walk out the front door. I help him up the stairs and peek out from the doorway.
That's when I feel something pierce my arm.
"Printy!"Raven shouts
I see a trap had been set, ready to fire an arrow when a wire releases it. A wire I had stepped on. I pull the arrow out. I start to feel dizzy and stagger a bit. Raven grabs me.
"Printy! Stay with me, Printy! Don't close your eyes!"He cries
I lose the strength in my legs. I weakly drop down. He catches me and frowns.
"Blueprint! Say something! Stay up! Come on, Printy!"He pleas
"Raven......Get out.......You idiot. Please.....Goth will help you....An hour passed....R-Right?"I say
"I am not leaving you! Please!"He cries
I shut my eyes.
"Printy!"He shouts
I slowly wake up.
I look around and see Raven nearby. Sitting nearby. My head aches. He's crying and sitting down, covered in wounds.
"Raven?"I say
He looks at me. He stops crying.
"Oh my stars...."He says
"Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong?"I ask
He comes closer. I realize he is bigger. And I'm a lot smaller. He smiles.
"Printy...You are adorable! Tiny, but adorable!"He says
My face burns up.
"Are you ok?"He asks
I nod.
"Good, I was getting worried."He says
He reaches down and picks me up. He smiles.
"Printy, I'm so glad you're ok."He says
"Is TJ still knocked out?"I ask
"Yep."He replies
"Are you ok?"I ask
He nods.
"Now that I know my missing piece is ok.~"He says
I look away.
"Can we go then? I want us out of here, especially with your condition."I say
"Ok."He says
Using his scythe to stand, he gets up and limps out the door. I sit on his arm, trying to hold on and care for his wounds.
I was right.
An hour had passed. Over an hour has passed. 5 to be exact, mostly while I was knocked out I would later learn with an hour being me arriving and helping Raven before half an hour of dealing with TJ and trying to leave.
"Raven? Raven! What the heck happened? Are you ok? Where's Blueprint?"Goth asks, running over
"Hey, Goth. It's a bit of a story. Yes, I'm okay. Just some wounds. Printy's right here."Raven says, lifting me up
"Hey Goth..."I say
"Oh...Lovely. Raven what did you do?"Goth asks
"Why blame me?"He asks
"You are very sneaky."Goth says
"He didn't do anything."I say
"Alright."Goth says
I look at Raven. He smiles. His eye shines with joy.
"So can one of you explain? Blueprint, you called me about some issue. Is this it?"He asks
"Yes, I found his scarf and scythe after not hearing or seeing him after a week. Apparently Charles has a brother, who threatened his life and everyone's next if Charles is not freed. I went and tried to get him out of here. I called you just in case it would fail."I explain
"And the reason he is in a such an adorable size because a trap got him as we were leaving."Raven says
"Raven!"I exclaim, my face burning
"Don't argue with the truth, Printy!"He says, smiling at me
"Alright, let's get you home and helped before you bleed out hitting on him, Raven."Goth says
"One sec."Raven says
He looks at me, then smiles even wider. He lifts me up and places e gently in his scaf. It nearly buried me, but feels soft and comforting. It was like he tucked me away in a pocket.
"Let's go."He says
"Okay."Raven says
I grip the scarf and smile. I feel the movements like giant pounds. I hear the door shut with a creak annd a click. I hear them go up some stairs and Raven lays down. A few moments pass. Raven reaches into the scarf and grabs me. He lifts me out and smiles. He sets me aside on a pillow and slowly shifts onto his side to hover over me. He smirks. He gets closer to me. I get up and try to leave but he grabs me.
"Raven!"I shout
"You're not going anywhere, Printy.~"He says
"W-What?"I say
"Hold still."He says
He kisses me on the head.
My face burns up.
"Now that's adorable, Printy."He says
"Shut up!"I snap
I pull myself out of his hold, but sit beside him. I raise my scarf to hide my face. He places a finger on my chest, but our size difference made this pin me down.
"What are you doing?"I ask
"Your soul, I can feel it."He says
"Ok, and?"I ask
"It is beating very fast."He says
I don't say anything.
He removes the finger.
He looks outside.
"It's night so why don't you get some sleep?"He says
"Do my brothers know I'm here?"I ask
"You mean your half brothers?"He asks
"I consider them my brothers anyway."I say
"Okay, well they know you are here. So, why don't you sleep?"He says
"...Okay."I say
He lays down beside me.
"Night, Printy."He says
"Night, Raven."I say
He dozes off quickly.
I was about to doze off when the door creaks open. I look and search for the reason it opened. I see someone open the door. That someone is Science. How is he even here?! I grip Raven tighter. Science comes over and grabs me. He takes me away.
"Raven!"I shout
Raven doesn't wake up.
Science places me in a small jar, then in a pocket. He walks right out of the house, shutting each door.
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