Chapter 20:Different....
Blueprint's POV
We walk to my house and I pack the stuff. I got the basic necessities as well as the Raven necessities. A puzzle to distract me, a water bottle to spray him away if Goth doesn't, and a few random items to whack him away with. I got my phone back and packed it as well. Might want to take pics for memories. He is annoying, but somehow find him a friend. It's just that I would like being able to be around him without him trying to kiss me or be a flirt every five minutes. No, not even five minutes! Every chance he gets he tries something stupid! I understand what Mr. Geno went through with Mr. Reaper now. I'd like to see or be around more sides of Raven than his flirt side. I've heard of his other sides, other qualities, from people like his siblings or our friends, but I've never seen them. It's as if they go non-existant or hidden beneath the flirt side whenever we hang out. So, the chances of seeing those sides or qualities as I hope to are slim and I just TRY to deal with it. But it's annoying and I don't like it. But....I do like him. That's why I stick around. I deal with it. Because even if he's annoying and a flirt, he's a good friend.
Though his timing could be better.
I'm zipping the bag up after packing my sleeping bag when I feel two hands grab me. I get pulled back and get a kiss on the cheek.
"You ready to go, Printy?~"Raven's voice says
Like I said, he has a flirt side that he uses any chance he gets.
I spray him away.
"Yes, I am. Chill out."I say
"Oh come on, Printy! You know you love me."He says
"Do I know that?"I ask
He smiles.
I pick up my bag.
"You're not gonna say it?"He asks
"Say what?"I respond
"That you do."He says
"Pfft, like in the movie? This isn't Disney. Now let's-"I begin
"Oh, so this was the onesie idea Sprinkle was talking about. Hey bro, you might wanna see this."A voice says
I look and see S!Pap there. If we were in my timeline, it would be Uncle Pap, but this isn't. Blue peeks in and his eyes become stars.
"Aww! How cute! Dusty and I just saw that movie! One sec!"Blue says, running off
Oh great....
He comes back with his phone. S!Pap chuckles. Raven wraps an arm around me, smiling already. I force a smile for Blue and he takes a picture. Blue and his bro go to the kitchen and I head outside.
"Did he try anything?"Goth asks
I nod.
Goth sprays Raven twice.
We set off to the cabin and Sprinkle welcomes us inside.
"Aww! You all look great! And it seems Shino gave the correct people her Disney ship onesies! You two really are a Judy and Nick."Sprinkle says, in a cat onesie
"Oh shut up."I say with a shake of my head
We go in and settle in. I look around at everyone. Jasper wears a bat onesie, PJ in a squid onesie, Dameon in a polka dot, Ghastly in a striped onesie, his brother in a star patterned onesie and Desire in a dog onesie like Goth and Palette. I shake my head and sit down. We were all just hanging out or setting up. I took my puzzle out, a rubix cube. I start playing with it to pass time.
"Ooo! That side looks nice!"Raven says, pointing to a side I managed to get all the blue on
"Thanks, wait-"I say, then realize what he's setting up for
"Like you.~"He says with a wink
I shake my head and keep playing with the cube. I tuck it away when Sprinkle got an idea. He has us sit in a circle.
"I saw at one of Blue's hangouts he and the others did this game."He says, placing a bottle in the center of the circle
I quickly realize the game. So does Raven, who sits near me. He gets a big smile on his face, as well as numerous others sitting with us. Palette, so clueless, grabbed the bottle and started looking at it.
"It's empty. Do we pass it and use it like a telescope? Disorting what we see?"He asks
Some chuckle, others facepalm.
"That's actually a good idea! Let's do it!"Sprinkle says
I sigh with relief. We passed the bottle around, looking through it. Everything curved and twisted looking through it. It looked cool and some said what they saw. Of course, Raven took it as a chance to flirt again. I ignore him.
But once that was done, the planned game started. Only added rule was that anyone who got Shino would get to HUG her.
Everyone takes their turns, kissing or hugging. Then it's my turn. I reluctantly spin the bottle. Pfft, his face. Raven thought I would get him, but the bottle landed pointing to Dameon. I shrug. He's a cool boi. We kiss and he was chill about it too. Raven seems disappointed. But some turns pass and he spins the bottle. It lands on me. I sigh, shaking my head. It was gonna happen eventually. He comes over and smiles. He leans in and kisses me. But then he gets too close for comfort, pulling me closer. My face burns up. I slap him away before he gets any further.
"Don't push it!"I snap
"Come on!"He says almost whining
"Next!"I say
He grabs my hand.
"Please? Can I at least sit beside you?"He asks
Goth gets his spray bottle ready.
He gives me some puppy eyes.
"F-Fine."I say, glancing away
That's the rarest thing that isn't exactly flirting that I get from him. His persuasion side.
The game continues and I luckily no longer had to kiss him from there. He didn't land on me and I didn't land on him. What a relief. The game is ended after some rounds and then truth or dare starts. A few rounds go by and then Dameon chooses to give me the choice.
"Truth."I say
"What is something you wish about someone in your friend group, like Raven or someone?"He asks
I hesitate.
Raven looks at me with a big smile. I shift uneasily.
"I wish I saw the sides, or qualities that I've heard about from others in one of my friends....Who seems one-sided."I reply
"Huh?"Raven says, not understanding
Everyone looks at each other, then smirk. They know who I'm talking about. Everyone looks at Raven.
"I swear if you all spray me I am leaving."Raven says, uneased now
Shino comes over and just tackle hugs him.
"We sent the big guns over then."Radier chuckles
"Gah! You sure did! Haha!"He says
"Anyone hungry or thirsty? How about we take a break?"Sprinkle says
Everyone nods and goes to their bags. I get a snack out and Raven sits beside me. I look at him and see he is just looking at me confusedly. It was like he is trying to figure me out.
"Are you ok?"I ask
"Who were you talking about with that truth?"He answers with a question
"Heh, just a friend I'd like to get closer to. Curious much?"I respond
He looks a little ticked off.
"Just a friend?"He asks
I nod.
"Someone we know?"He asks
I shrug, taking a pretzel and munching on it. I offer him some and he accepts.
Jasper comes over and offers him some orange juice. Raven accepts that as well, forgetting to bring drinks or snacks. I turn and start chatting with Shino while happily munching on the pretzels. But then I feel a hand grab the tail of my onesie. I look and see Raven grabbing it.
"Raven!"I snap, already reaching in my bag for something to slap him with
"It was coming loose. Don't worry, I'm fixing it. I know how hard Shino worked on these."He says
He's caring....I see his brotherly side.
"O-Ok..."I say
I look at Shino and feel my face burn a bit.
"Are you ok?"She asks
"Something went loose with this onesie, your brother is fixing it."I tell her
She nods.
"He is good."She says with a smile
I feel two hands wrap around me. I get lifted up and then find myself in Raven's lap.
"Printy, relax. I got you."He says with a wink
"Cut this out, Raven!"I snap
Shino starts digging through my bag.
"How about we all go to sleep?"Sprinkle says
"Ya!"The others say
Everyone starts getting in their sleeping bags.
"Raven! Let me go!"I tell him, shoving his head away from mine
"Aww, come on, Printy."He says
"I want to sleep!"I snap
"Alright. Then sleep."He says with a smirk
"In my sleeping bag!"I say
"Okay, go on."He says, releasing me
I get out of his hold.
"What are you up to?"I ask, narrowing my eyes
"Nothing."He says
I go into my sleeping bag and quickly the warmth and coziness makes me begin to doze off. I feel the bag get lifted up. I open my eyes to find he is holding me in his arms even in the sleeping bag.
"What the hell? Get in your sleeping bag!"I snap
"Didn't bring one. Now, you said you wanted to sleep, so sleep."He says
Then he tugs the hood of my onesie lower over my face. He starts rocking me gently. Now I doze off.
"Idiot...."I mutter
I slowly wake up the next morning.
"Good morning, Blueprint."Raven says
I look at him, surprised.
He isn't calling me Printy?
"Good morning."I say
"Did you rest well?"He asks
"Yes....I did."I say
He sets me aside and I climb out of the bag.
"That's good. Good dreams or nightmares?"He asks
"Dreams."I reply
"Of what?"He asks
"Umm, I can't exactly recall."I say
I am amazed. We are having an actual conversation! No flirting or anything!
Something is up.
"Hey, Raven, are you feeling okay? You're acting weird."I ask
"What are you talking about? I feel fine!"He says
"You haven't called me Printy or flirted with me once like you usually do."I tell him
"I don't recall ever flirting with you! It's all a blur, bits and pieces."He says
"Really?"I ask
He nods.
"This better not be some trick."I say
"It isn't. Honest."He says
I reach up and feel his foreskull or forehead.
"Hmm, no fever so you're not sick."I say
He looks at me and his eye-light shrinks.
"Raven, are you ok?"I ask
"Uh....Ya?"He says
"Then why are you so tense? Your eye-light shrank so something is wrong. You can tell me."I say
He does not answer, then just runs off. He runs out of the shack and out of sight.
"What the hell? Raven! Come back!"I shout, going after him
"What did he do now?"Goth asks, catching up
"Nothing, just acted odd before running off."I say
"Well, let's find him before he gets in trouble."He says
I nod.
A half hour later...
"Raven! Get down here!"Goth shouts
"No!"Raven yells back
"Raven, get out of the tree!"Goth orders
"No!"Raven refuses
That's right.
Raven is in a tree and refuses to come down or let us climb up to him. What a strange morning.
"Why not?"Goth asks
"Because Blueprint is there!"He responds
Goth looks at me.
"He just called you Blueprint...."He says in shock
"You see what I mean?"I say
He takes out his phone.
"Hey.....I think someone broke Raven. Nono, he isn't hurt. But he is acting....Different....He called Blueprint by his name and not Printy.....I know! On it. Bye."He says on the phone
He tucks it away.
"That was Mama Bear Geno, he agrees that is weird. We have to figure it out."He says
"Oh jeez. We can't just have a normal day, can we?"I ask
"Guess not. Hey bro! What do you have against Blueprint?"Goth says, then yells up to Raven
"Nothing! It's just...."Raven says
"Gothy! There you are!"Palette cheers, hugging Goth
"Blueprint!"Shino cheers, hugging me
"Hey..."Both of us say
"What's going on?"Palette asks
"What's brother doing in a tree? Should I get Radier or someone?"Shino asks
"Nah, I don't think that would work. He refuses to come down and won't let anyone up."Goth says
"We'll see about that."Palette says, climbing up
He climbs up and sits on the branch with Raven. They talk and soon Palette is climbing back down.
"Jasper..."He mutters
"Huh?"Goth says
"Jasper did something."He says
"Alright, let's go investigate. You two stay with Raven."Goth says
The two go back to the shack. I stay with Shino. We keep an eye on Raven, who still refused to come down. Then, he hesitates and looks around.
"Have you tried going up there?"Shino asks
"No, he doesn't seem to want me up there."I say
"Nonsense!"She says
Then she drags me up the tree.
"Brother! I got your Printy for ya!"She says, placing me on the branch
"My Printy?"He says, looking at her then at me
"Yep!"She says, sitting on a branch above us
He looks at me nervously. Then he smiles and hugs me. He picks me up and hops down from the branch.
"Don't want either of us to fall, that branch is weak."He says, then sets me down
He climbs up and gets Shino down. Goth comes over with Jasper holding a bottle of an orange liquid.
"He got one of Science's chemicals and gave Raven it."He says
I take the bottle.
"Personality Swap. Causes personality to swap or show hidden traits. Side effects may include:Anxiety, memory loss of original self, yada yada yada. Warning:DO NOT DRINK OR GIVE! What the heck, Jasper?"I read, then ask
"What? Surely you want to see the other traits he has."Jasper says
"So now his bravery turns to fear and his flirt turns to, well, the easily flustered mess. And he doesn't remember his old self. Not a time of flirting or anything. Great...He's broken."Goth says, shaking his head
"I didn't know! I didn't read it!"Jasper says
"Goth, let's bring him to Suave."Shino says
"Wait! What do I do?"I ask
"Have fun!"Shino says
Shino and Goth leave, taking Jasper to Suave. I nervously look at Raven and see that he is looking at me with his face a bright red.
"Are you ok?"I ask
"Y-Ya..."He says
"Um, wanna hang out?"I suggest
"You're not gonna yell or say no?"He asks
"I recall you being a real tsundere like Big Mama Bear, er, Geno."He says
"Oh...I had a good reason to be. But, you forget I wasn't completely like that. Again, wanna hang out?"I say
"Sure!"He says
I go to the shack and we grab our stuff. I leave him at his house and I go to mine. I get dressed and then head over. He comes out and smiles.
"So, where do you wanna go?"I ask
"Diner for breakfast?"He suggests
"Sure."I say
We head off and are able to have a normal conversation.
"I hear the diner has some puzzle party or some kind of event."He says
"Oo! Interesting."I say
"I know you love puzzles."He says
"I sure do."I say with a nod
He smiles.
This was starting something new. And we didn't even know.
Weeks, no, months go by.
I see the other sides of Raven that they talked about. I liked these sides. It feels like I got to know Raven. The Raven that others know besides a flirt. I got to know him better. And I liked that. We got closer. And I liked that. And he warmed up to me again despite his memory and personality changes. Great at jokes even when he isn't trying to flirt. Sprinkle starts teasing that we're inseperable. I don't mind it, Raven's nice. He's more than an annoying flirt, that's for sure.
One day, I went with Dust to check on the two pairs of locked down skeleton brothers. Dust knocks on the door but gets no answer. He shakes his head. He gets a key out of the doormat. Not under, but IN it. We go in.
"Mr. Classic? Mr. Feell? Edge? Pap?"I call
"Sans! Give me my fucking jacket back!"Fell snaps
"Nevah!"Classic chuckles
"Swear Jar Sans! If I heard it, his bro heard it!"Edge shouts
"Ah, another peaceful day."Pap says
"Never thought I'd see the day of them having a swear jar."Dust says
"Gah! Red!"Classic shouts
"I told you to give it back!"Fell says
"Oh! Hello, Guests!"Pap says, coming in and seeing us
Edge comes in.
"Oh dear."He says, facepalming
"I'll check on them."I say, going upstairs
I hear noises from one of the rooms and banging.
"Give the jacket back!"Fell orders
"Fine!"Classic says
There is a moment of silence.
"Now this is for trying to be a sneaky thief."Fell says
"R-Red! W-W-Wait!"Classic says
I peek inside and find Fell pinning Classic to the floor, kissing him. I watch, unsure if I should say anything. They don't seem to know I'm here. But they seem happy so it's not a bad thing. Dust comes over and see the scene.
"Ah, so this is what happens in a lockdown. Interesting. Good job, Fell."He says
Fell quickly shifts next to Classic, his face a red blushing mess.
"How the fuck did you get in?"He asks
"You're very predictable, Fell. And I think that's two for the swear jar."Dust says
Classic starts laughing.
"Clearly you all are okay."I say
"Yep!"Both of them say
"Alright, then we're off! I'm sure Blueprint has a puzzle to finish."Dust says
"Okie!"They all say
We leave from their house, Dust keeping the key.
One night, I get a call from Goth. I wake up, sleepily grabbing the phone and answering it. It's 2AM.
"What is it, Goth?"I ask
"Shoot. Umm, Goth......I will call you back."I say, then hang up
No, I did not go back to sleep. I got up, putting a jacket on and sneak out the window. I hop down and search for Raven.
"Raven! Raven! Where are you? Raven!"I call
I see a trail of footprints. I follow them and they end at a tree. I check around and find that there are handprints on the wet bark. I climb up and find it continues across the trees. The prints end back at my house, near my windowsill. A complete circle back. I climb onto it and look around. I climb back in. I sit on my bed and gaze out the open window, looking. Did he come? If not him, who? When? Did I waste my time? Where is he? What do I tell Goth? He's expecting me to call him back...I glance at my phone.
"Blueprint?"A voice calls shakily
I look and see Raven at my window. He has tears in his eyes.
"Ya, Raven? Your brother was worried about yo-"I say
"You're okay!"He cheers, hugging me
"What do you mean?"I ask
He breaks into tears, crying on me.
"What's wrong? Raven! Talk to me!"I tell him
He sits up and sits beside me. He won't stop crying.
"I h-h-had a n-n-n-nightmare."He finally says
"Why did you leave then? Goth's worried about you!"I say
"It was about y-y-you. I had to make sure it wasn't true."He says
I reach up, feeling his cheek gently and wiping his tears.
"What are you talking about? I don't understand."I say
He just keeps crying.
"Raven, come on."I tell him
"I had a nightmare mixed with scenarios. One minute, you're next to me being happy and fun, next you're either getting taken or attacked. In some scenarios, you were even killed. I couldn't risk it. I can't lose you, Blueprint. I can't! Some situations just were too bad or wrong! Blueprint, I-!"He cries
"Ssshh, sssshh...Raven. It's ok. It's ok. It was just a bad dream. I'm fine. You're fine. We're fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Do not worry. Now, quit crying. I'm here for you."I say
He looks at me.
"Come on, Raven. Calm down. I got you."I tell him
"I love you, Blueprint! I love you! I don't want anything to happen to you!"He tells me, hugging me again
I feel my face warm a bit.
I hug him gently. I gently pat him and try to comfort him. He refuses to move or release me.
"I'll protect you."He says
"I don't need protection."I say
"Research says that dreams, good or bad, are things that your subconscious or the world is trying to tell you. So really, you do according to it. And I will protect you. I'm not losing my Printy."He says
"Your Printy?"I ask, looking at him
Could he be coming back? Could that stuff be wearing off?
His face burns up.
"Um, I em....Nothing!"He says
"Do you wanna rest?"I ask
"S-Sure."He says
I lean against him and he leans against me. We doze off.
I wake up the next morning and smile.
"Morning, Blueprint."He says
"Good morning."I say
"Rest well?"He asks
I nod.
"So did I."He says
"That's good!"I say
"I think I'm gonna head out before I worry my family too much."He says
"Alright, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you!"I tell him
"Oh and Blueprint?"He says
"Yes?"I ask
He turns and kisses me. I feel my face warm.
"I meant what I said. Cya."He says, then walks away humming and out the window
I process what happened. My face burns up even more. What the heck happened?! He wasn't flirting? He loves me? How is he so calm? Why am I reacting like this? Do I like him? I'm blushing....I liked that kiss.........Gosh, when will Science have that cure for him? It's too early for this!
A few days later, we are at a holiday celebration. Raven smiles and we are all having fun. Then, Raven takes me by the hand and leads me to an area that nobody was at.
"What are you doing?"I ask
His face gets a bit red.
"Well, em....look up."He says
I look up and see mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.
"Are you ok with it?"He asks
I nod.
He gets really happy.
He wraps his arms around me.
"Wait, do you love me?"He asks
My face burns up.
"Between us."He says
"Between us, yes."I tell him
He smiles, his face getting brighter.
I wrap my arms around him, hesitantly. He kisses me. And no, I did not slap him away.
He pulls back and smiles at me. I smile.
"Keep it between us? So you don't shut down like Geno does?"He asks
I smile.
"S-Sure. Whatever you say."I say
He smiles even more.
We head back to rejoin the others in the party.
Science pulls me aside.
"Hey, Blueprint."He says
"Hey. Have you reorganized your things so they won't be so troublesome or easily used for trouble by certain people?"I ask
"Emm, that's a work in progress. But, I have managed to work on the cure for that chemical Jasper gave Raven. I should have it all set soon."He says
"O-Ok."I say
"He won't remember any of it. At all. No dreamy feeling or blur. His mind will just repeat events to fill it in. So nothing to worry about. He will be back to his normal self."Science says
I nod.
He walks away and I shake my head. I knew this would happen eventually. Besides, I would have to deal with him being annoying or a flirt at some point. But these times have been good. Shame he will forget.
Eh, whatever. It will all be fine. It will be normal again. Just like it was before.
Won't it?
A few days pass.
I walk with Raven to training but get stopped. By Science.
"Hey, Sci, what's up?"Raven asks
"Hey, Science..."I say, already knowing what's up
"Hey, Raven. Do you have a minute?"Sci asks
"I think I do. Blueprint? Do we have time?"He asks
"We have an hour, I think we're good."I say
"Blueprint can go, I only want to speak with you."Science says
Usually Raven would question or rebel, but his personality got swapped so now he doesn't question anythin' and complies. He walks away and I keep going. I shake my head, already tucking these memories away. They will no longer exist to him. And if I try to tell him, he may use it as a way to tease me or say I'm making stuff up. So, if it never happened for him, it never happened for me.
A few minutes pass.
Science walks past me, dragging an unconscious Raven.
"What the heck?!"I say
He did not tell me that it would knock him out.
"Oh! I wanted to try some things with him."He says
I snatch Raven from him quickly.
Hell no!
"Hey!"He snaps
I hug Raven close.
Science is displeased.
I shake my finger no at him.
"Sorry Science, but you have a history. Failed tests, experiments and stuff. I won't let Raven become another part of your experiments or a failed one. Besides, we have training to get to."I say
"Wow, you really like him, huh?"He says
"Why wouldn't I? Now go reorganize those chemicals of yours."I say
He nods and walks away.
I hold Raven close and carry him away to the training area. I sit under a tree and he collapses on me, out cold. I sigh but smile.
"I enjoyed our time....Raven."I mutter
"Hey, Blueprint!"Palette says, coming over
"Oh, hey Palette."I say
"He fell asleep on you?"He asks
"Nah, Science just cured him."I say
"Oooh. Let's hope it works correctly."He says
"Mhm."I agree
"How do you feel about it?"He asks
"Eh, ready for him to annoy me or be a flirt again.....The wish was nice while it lasted."I say
"So, he was who you were talking about."He says
"Mhm, and what you guys said about him was true. I just wish he didn't set that aside for his flirt trait whenever he interacts with me."I sigh
"Ah, I see. Have you told him this?"He asks
"You know him. He will pull some line like how he was born this way and stuff."I say
"Are you gonna tell him about what happened?"He asks
"He won't believe me. His memory was filled with repeats and Sci said he won't remember anything. It will just be a waste of time, let alone energy or memory."I say
"Are you gonna miss these times?"He asks
I nod.
"He was nice....The times were nice....But when he wakes up, it will be like it never happened. I am ok with that."I say
He nods.
"So, wanna slip out from under him and start practicing?"He asks
"We're 15 minutes early."I point out
"Being on time or sooner never hurt."He says
"Sure, let me just find a way to slip out."I say, shifting
That was apparently enough to wake him up.
"Huh, wha-? Oh, hey Palette."Raven says
"Hello! Ready for training?"Palette says
"Yep! Oh hey, Printy! How are you?"Raven asks me
"Just...Fine. I'm just fine."I say
"Hehe..."Palette says
"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since I was at the library! You rock, ya idiot."He asks
He really doesn't remember. Welp, it was bound to happen....Goodbye good times, hello normal times.
"Oh....Places. Places you should not have any business in."I say, trying to get him to back off
"Aww, but I don't get why everyone seems upset. Besides Printy, who is always cute when upset. Still, what's wrong?" He says
I look and force a smile.
"Nothing! You know what? I think I'm gonna go home."I say
"But training is gonna start, Printy! I-"He says
"I said I'm going."I say
I walk away.
I spent the rest of my day in my room or house for that matter.
Man, it's already tough.
Things are not normal. Nothing is normal anymore. Everything is.....different.
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