Chapter 2: The Truth
Fallacy's POV
I start to cook up some breakfast for everyone. Today's the Halloween BBQ. It's something a boy named Palette came up with and everyone just went along with. Shino, Dameon and Jasper have been setting up tables outside. Ghastly is making snow decorations. Dream and Cross are supervising them with Ghastly's mentor. Killer is who knows where. Blue, Dust, Ink, Swap!Geno and Reaper are making some food. Encre is with Error, stringing decorations along the nearby trees and rooftops. E!Pap is preparing his book. Swap!Pap is asleep on the couch. X!Chara is hiding his chocolate. Goth is trying to get Geno and S!Reaper to come out, they've been watching the AUs for trouble. in his lab miles away failing at experiments. I can hear the explosions from here at the kitchen stove. Nightmare is still gone. But that mentor guy has given us hope. He told us what really went down after Nightmare died in that puppet body. Encre and I were so happy to hear this news and thanked him for all that he's done. We've welcomed him into our home and now, he's a good friend of mine already.
I am making something called burgers as well as pancakes for those brunch people. It's new for me but Ink gave me a recipe book, teaching me what to do before Blue dragged him out. It ain't so bad.
And to those of you wondering about Encre and I, yes I know you are there. The wall is still broken. Ahem. Encre and I are still good friends. But I keep getting this feeling like something went down that I'm forgetting. It happened most likely while I was under control because that is a complete blur and hurts to think of. Encre has acted odd around me lately.....I've been loving to him nontheless. I love him after all, no matter what he does or says, nor what my mind comes up with. I would just like to hear those words from him too....Nevermind. Focus on cooking.
I hear a door shut. I lean back while flipping the pancakes in a frying pan.
"Hello?"I call
"Hey."Killer says
"Oh, it's you."I say, looking back at the stove as he walks in
"Where's the kiddo?"He asks
"Seems like you ignored him again. He's outside setting up and based on where you came in from, you would have walked right past him. And yes, he's with his mentor."I say
"Ugh, I don't see why he puts so much trust in that guy."He says
"I don't get why you don't."I say
"He doesn't trust me!"He says
"Well, you give him good reasons to be. I mean, I wouldn't trust the person acting hostile and secretive while isolating a kid from everyone. And, you did attack him. Would you trust your attacker?"I say
"That was to see his skills!"He excuses it as
"You made him blind in an eye."I state
"Good! Maybe then he will learn to trust me!"He says
I set the food aside. I sit at the counter and put my hands on the table. I stare him dead in the eyes.
"You have been secretive with all of, Killer. I get you miss Nightmare, but that doesn't excuse your behavior. You can only earn what you give. You haven't given much trust to him, nor any of us, so why should we trust you? Give me a reason to trust you."I say
"I'm trying to keep Ghastly safe."He says
"Interesting, cause that's what we're all doing. He's a kid, not a prisoner. He doesn't know or get what happened to Nightmare. Heck, he thinks that his dad just went on a little job run, something you seem to be doing lately quite often. Put yourself in his shoes, Killer. Imagine being a kid and the person you look up to and depend on just had to go. Then, the person closest to them that you trusted kept mysteriously disappearing, keeping secrets and isolating you from those you love and care about as well. In a situation like this, wouldn't you want to be free? Able to visit those people? You would, I know you. And then, imagine after months of this, a new person comes along, being sent from the person you look up to, offering to train you and help you. Something needed right now for you. You accept it. But the secretive one goes hostile and tries to isolate you from that to. Take it away from you. How would you feel? And then, witness your mentor get beaten and blinded by that hostile person. Would you still trust him? Would the new guy? Cause they don't. But hey, you gave the kid another thing to like about him. They have something besides Night in common, they both are blind in an eye. Except one blindness was caused by you. So, what do you think?"I explain
He is quiet.
"The BBQ is gonna start soon. Should I expect you or do you have other places to be that you won't talk about?"I say, getting the pancakes and burgers
He leaves.
"Guess not."I say
Encre comes in.
"Bonjour, mon amour-I mean, monsieur!"He says, his face becoming a rainbow
"Hello, love. How are you?"I ask, coming over and placing a hand on his cheek
"Good. Everything is set up. Error went to find Ink but our job is done."He says
"Interesting. So you're free and you came to me?"I say
"Of course!"He says
"And we're alone? Jasper is still outside?"I ask
"Oui. He is making a snowman with that Palette kid. Wait, m-monsieur! What are you thinking?"He asks
"Nothing.~ Just thought I'd remind you how amazing you are."I say, leaning in
"M-M-Monsieur! I-I-I-ahh! No! It will start in a few minutes! We're by the window! They'll see! M-M-Monsieur, w-w-we need to get out there."He says as I kiss his neck
I snap and the blinds shut. The doors lock too.
"You lil liar. An hour is more than a few minutes. Besides, nobody will see, love.~"I say
Then, I hear a tapping on the glass. I open the blinds and see Jasper at the window. He holds a sign and smirks. It says:Father, I know what you're doing and I ship it. TwT Just don't be late!
I shake my head and he chuckles, running off. I shut the blinds again.
"What was the tapping?"Encre asks
"Nothing to worry about, love. Now, where were we?~"I ask
"Monsieur!"He exclaims
"Come on, it won't be so bad, will it?"I ask
He looks at me with that rainbow on his face again.
"N-No..."He admits
"Alright, then shall I start it?"I ask
With some hesitation he nods. I smirk.
Then I begin kissing his neck again.
An hour and a half later, Ghastly's POV
"They're late!"Jasper says as everyone chats at the table
"Did you really think he was gonna listen?"I ask
"No because this is him and Encre we're talking about but still! I thought Encre would've reminded him!"Jasper says
"Maybe he couldn't say anything."I say
"Are you suggesting that he kissed Encre directly?"He asks
"Perhaps."I say, munching on a hot dog
"He would've leveled up then."He says
I glance over and see the two coming over. I smile and wave for them to come sit. Encre sits beside me with Fallacy beside him. Suave, sitting across from Jasper, checks his watch.
"That makes 31 and 55 seconds late, sir Jasper."He says
"Why? Why so late Father and Mister Encre?"Jasper asks
They quickly point to each other. It was like the inverse of a parent asking two kids who did something wrong. I notice Encre brought out a clipboard. I start to look through it while the three talk. I find some....interesting sketches. Including what seems to be a map leading to our house. Guess it's in case he gets lost. I look at Encre. I smirk.
"What are you smirking at, Ghastly?"Jasper asks
"Someone here is guilty as charged."I say
Fallacy winks at Encre and Encre's face lights up in a rainbow.
"Father, you are the reason aren't you?"Jasper says
"Why me?!"He snaps
"You're instigating something with that wink at Mr. Encre!"Jasper says
"Can we just eat?!"He says
"Sure. But we will have a talk later."Jasper says
Falllacy rolls his eye-lights and munches on the food he is served.
"Mr. Encre, have you shown Mr. Fallacy these sketches?"I ask, pointing out the pages to him privately
"N-No! Monsieur, keep this between us!"He says
"So that's why you and Mr. Fallacy went missing for some time after the attack and were just late. Interesting."I say
"Shhh! He doesn't know!"He whispers
"Know what?"Fallacy asks
"N-Nothing, Fallacy!"Encre says
Fallacy shrugs and keeps eating.
"How many close calls have you had, then?"I ask
"What do you mean?"He asks
"Letting words slip or times he almost caught on. How many have those happened?"I ask
"Emmm.....12 this week."He says
"It's only the second day of the new week."I say
"Exactly."He says
"6 per day?"I ask
He nods.
"Wow, Encre. And he didn't get further from that?"I ask
"No, I made sure of it."He says
"Well, if the close calls are getting so frequent, might as well just tell him or give it up to chance. See where it goes. You obviously have mutual feelings for him."I say, then continue eating my food
"Hmmm, ok."He says
We all talk and have fun catching up. Étoile loved being part of this for the first time. But night begins to fall and everyone starts going home. Suave goes inside. I sit still beside Encre, coloring on a paper he gave me.
"Hey, monsieur......Can I ask you something?"Encre asks
I glance up.
"Sure, love, what is i-!!!"Fallacy begins
I watch with pure joy for them. Jasper notices I stopped coloring and looks up too. He nearly lets out a scream of joy that could've woken everyone in town up, scaring them too, but Étoile covered his mouth and made him calm down. Much to Jasper's dislike, Encre put his clipboard over their faces, but the top drawing said it all. Fallacy looked shocked though, his face glowing yellow in the dark, brighter than Encre's rainbow.
They part and Encre lowers the clipboard. He smiles while Fallacy is stunned, wonderstruck.
"T-T-That was not a question."He stutters
"No, it was not. But this is."Encre responds, then whispers something to him
Fallacy's face gets brighter.
"I-I-I-Is this r-real?"He asks
"Yes, that's why it's called reality. How does the diner at noon sound?"Encre asks
Fallacy's face becomes a blushing mess.
"I'll take that as a yes."He says, then goes inside
Fallacy falls off his chair, unconscious. Étoile looks at him, perplexed by this. He gets a cup of water and pours it on him. This wakes him up.
"Yes!"He cheers
"Yes, what?"Étoile asks
"Oh...oops."He says
"Don't worry, Mr. Fallacy, it wasn't a dream."I tell him
His face glows and he goes inside. I look at Jasper.
"You owe me a pack of crayons. I win your bet."I say smoothly
"Wait....My dad just got asked out! I gotta go have the talk with him! I'll get you your crayons later!"He says
"What talk?"I ask
"How to act cool, blend in, not get in trouble or be a fool, that stuff! You saw how he just was! I don't think a waiter would like waking him up at closing time, right? Plus, he has been wearing the same thing around everyday! He's a sore thumb! So I gotta go, bye!"He says, then runs inside
I chuckle.
Étoile comes over to me.
"I got an update from your father."He says
"Really? How is he? How far is he from here?"I ask
"He's going to a doctor."he tells me
"What?! Why?"I ask
He goes silent.
"Étoile.....How did you meet my father?"I ask
"Heh, that's a long story."He says
"I'm ready to listen."I say
"Let's go inside."He says
I nod and we do just that.
"Ok, so, I gotta be completely honest with you. You're dad...he....welp, he died. We met in the middle way, the place between life and afterlife. He was going with a Papyrus to get reincarnated. I was only a kid a few years older than you. He saw me and offered for me to come along. So I did. He told me about you and everything. He got reincarnated but gave me a piece of his soul to complete my process. As a cost to reincarnation, we both lost something. I lost some memories, causing my amnesia and any traits I had back then are gone now. In its place is a constantly changing piece of code. That's why my eye, that is now blind, changes so much. He....He lost something else. Something more."He says
"What?" I ask
He places a hand on my head.
"I'm sorry...He lost his ability to love. Because of this, he lost a lot of his memories. His mind is basically a clean slate when it comes to who to trust or not. He only remembers his love for you. I learned this when we woke up. He didn't remember his own boyfriend or name anymore. All he really remembered was you and witnessing Killer kiss some Color guy, but that last one faded once he took a nap. He trained me to protect me and soon sent me to protect you. I think that's why he chose me to be your mentor, because he forgot everyone else. By the time he sent me on my way, I felt like I knew you better than anyone and would protect you no matter what. It felt like I had a family. But...I'm still just a strange kid."He says
"No you're not! I look up to you! I believe you! I find you amazing! And wouldn't that make us brothers in a way?"I ask
"I guess so..."He says
"Good because I'd love to have you as my older bro!"I say, hugging him
He smiles at me.
"Heh, thanks. Father didn't want to come back with me since once we figured this out, he was upset. He didn't want to upset anyone. He feared that he forgot someone or something. His head was a mess. Besides, I can understand him. Who wants to come home with a whole new name, appearance and memory but can't recall the members of that home or the ability to love them? And we both saw how newbies are welcomed here by certain people. Hehehehe....heeh."He explains, laughing with a sad tone
"'s ok."I say
"I finally convinced him to come home when I explained how you missed him, as well as everyone else. It seemed unconditional and that maybe you guys will spark something in him. He may not get his memories back but that doesn't mean he can't make new ones with you all."He says
"I see....Thank you. Now let's get to bed before those sad vibes settle in on you."I say
He nods.
"His new name is Allsun. Makes sense, it means kind, honest and noble. That seems to describe him wonderfully."He says
"I can't wait for his arrival!"I say
"Wait, brother is coming?"Uncle Dream asks
"Looks like I have to stay up a bit longer. Night, Ghastly."He says
I nod and go upstairs as he explains to Uncle Dream what happened. What truly happened. I lay in bed and start to doze.
I chuckle and doze off.
The next morning I woke up with a brilliant idea. I will welcome Papa with his favorite snack I've made him! Emerald brownies. They're chocolate brownies but have green icing to hide the chocolate. I think part of why he loves it so much is since nobody catches onto it so he can eat them in peace. I get that. I wouldn't want someone like Error, Cross or X!Chara stealing my food either. I leave early in the morning with some G I saved up and go to the market. I have a list of the ingredients for the recipe that I hid in my stuffed octopus. I smile and get everything I need. But as I was leaving, a hand grabs me.
"Where do you think you're going, little boy? My boss wants you."A voice says
I fight and manage to get free. I run like I never have before. But then a Gaster Blaster appears in front of me.
"You're going nowhere."The voice says
I feel myself get whacked on the head.
"Ow!"I yell
"Ghastly!"I hear another voice yell
I turn my head and see Étoile coming over. I feel myself get pulled back, closer to the Blaster. Then more appear.
"Hah! What are you gonna do? Slap me?"The voice taunts
Étoile's eyes shrink and I could see him shake at this sight. The blaster sniffs me and nibbles my head, painfully. But then it licks me. I look at it. It smiles and nuzzles itself against me. I remember Papa telling how blasters can recognize good people.
"Let him go!"Étoile snaps
"Not gonna happen."The voice says
"Your funeral then."Étoile says
He shuts his eyes and puts his hands together.
"Run and bark, end this scheme. Free the loved, release the dark.Run and bark, end this scheme. Free the loved, release the dark.Run and bark, end this scheme. Free the loved, release the dark. Run and bark..."He mutters in a chant
The more he muttered, a strange glow came from his hands. Goop like Papa's starts to form on the ground.
"What the?! What's going on? Stop that!"The guy snaps
He keeps chanting. The goop grows. The glow from his hands grows and brightens.
"I order you! Stop or he will get it! I will let the blaster blast or eat him if you don't!"The guy snaps, holding me to the blaster
The blaster rolls its eyes and scoops me out of his hold, tossing me into the air and catching me on its head.
"...Release the dark!"He finishes muttering, opening his eyes and clapping
His eyes in that moment looked just like Papa's and full of anger.
The goop comes together and forms a dozen dark grey or dark green creatures that looked like Enogeny. They charge at the guy and absolutely destroy them.
It was amazing.
The blaster carries me over to him.
"That's what you call a special attack."He says
"That's what you call amazing! Thank you brother!"I cheer
"Heh, I should be mad, but it seems like you had good intentions. And you got your first blaster. Isn't that right boy?"He says, petting the blaster
The blaster huffs and nods, happily gazing at him, then at me. The blaster sniffs him and licks him.
"He likes you too."I say
"I can tell. Heh."He says
I slide off the blaster and hug him.
"Hey! You just got my work partner! You're gonna pay!"A voice says
"Bro, get behind me."He says
"O-Ok."I say
I get behind him, feeling myself shake from fear and cry a bit from the pain on my head. The Gaster Blaster hovers above us, firing at others that were coming towards us. I gaze at the partner from behind Étoile. I look up at him and see both his eyes engage with a glow like a genocide one would.
"You sure you want to do that, ya female dog?"He snaps, probably censoring himself with me being here
(Anyone see a shape in the shadow? ;3)
His chest glows and I see the lil bit of soul that must be Papa's.
"Brother, I think he does. Are you sure of what you're doing? Thi-"I begin to say, thinking we should just run
"AAAH! He's back! He's alive! He's alive! He lives! He survived! Master lied! Scram! Nightmare is back! Everyone scatter and scram while you can!"The partner yells, turning and running away
At least two dozens of people run away as well, the blaster blasting anyone lagging behind. It keeps blasting, forcing them to keep up the pace and leave. I look up at him in amazement.
"What was that?"I ask
"That's called a special defense. Mine allows me to have the foe see who they fear in my place. I guess they feared Father. Now, how about we head home?"He says
I nod and we walk home with the blaster guarding us. I go inside and start following the instructions for the recipe. As thanks for saving me, I let my curious brother taste test it. He loved it too.
"I'll make ya some, brother!"I say
He smiles.
"Papa's gonna love this, Ghastly. And that's the truth."He says
"Heh, I know. Thank you big bro."I say
We put the batches in the oven.
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