Chapter 19:Boom!
-suggested by @Cometdakitty
Nobody's POV
Everyone is casually enjoying themselves. It all seems nice. A few weeks have passed. Suave is calling Jasper back inside.
"But I met my alternate self! It funking rocks! Wait..."Jasper says
"Heh, you just got censored by Fresh!"PJ chuckles
"No unrad language, broseph!"Fresh says, walking over
Suave looks at Fresh and smiles.
"You don't like that language either, huh?"He says
"Nope. Very unrad."Fresh says
"Well thank you for censoring him. I don't have my water bottle this time and M'Lord would not be happy with him saying that."He says
Fresh smiles, then notice Suave did not hide his eyes.
"Wait, broseph. You don't hide your...ya know?"Fresh asks, gesturing to his own eye behind his shades that has his soul
"No, why would I?"Suave asks
"Guess my version of you has more soul confidence!"Jasper says, snatching the shades
"Hey! Give those back!"Fresh snaps
Suave goes inside while Jasper teases Fresh and PJ, flying up with the shades. He comes out and sprays Jasper, making him drop the shades.
"Don't be rude, Jasper."Suave says
PJ catches the shades and gives them to Fresh.
"Thank you broseph."Fresh says
He smiles and Suave notices the letters changing on Fresh's shades. Suave takes his own glasses off and cleans them, not believing it. He puts them back on.
"How is that happening with your eyewear, if I may ask?"Suave asks
"Oh! They just change to help me express myself."He says
"What does YOLO mean?"Suave asks
"You only live once."PJ replies
"Very true."Jasper says
The others nod.
"Do you have a place to stay?"Jasper asks
"No." PJ says
"You can stay with us!"Jasper says
Suave sighs. Suave smiles and goes to speak with Encre and Fallacy.
"So are you a trouble-maker too?"Jasper asks
"He is. I'm turning over a new leaf though."Fresh says
They nod and go in/ With permission, they went to the guest room. The first interaction was as smooth and good as it could be. It was good.
But with all the good, there is surely some bad.
As the moon rises, so did trouble. Reaper, Geno and their kids all lived together with the Swaps right next door. Reaper had taken Geno out for some fun, leaving Goth in charge. Reaper took Geno to some outdoor movie theater. Reaper, despite Geno's concerns, thought nothing would go wrong. Goth is too shy to try trouble or invite Palette over this late at night. But he is stern enough to keep Radier from taking Shino(again) and to keep Raven from sneaking out to bother Blueprint. Plus, their swap selves are right next door. What could go wrong? Nothing, right? Oh, but Reaper would learn that he is very, very wrong.
And it's all because he left the door unlocked, telling the kids they'll be back in a few. Ya, but he did not tell the kids or Geno that "a few" was really a 2-hour movie!
All the lights are off. All doors and windows except that one door are locked. Shino and Raven are peacefully asleep. Goth had just started to doze on the couch, waiting for his two parental figures to return. He hears the door creak faintly. He looks, still half asleep, seeing this black-hooded figure coming in. Being half-asleep, he thought it was Reaper and smiles.
"Hello, Re-" He begins
The figure lunges at him, revealing a knife.
Goth summons his scythe quickly before he fights the best he could, trying to defend himself and his siblings. But then, the figure catches him off guard by teleporting a few times randomly and swinging a second weapon at him. Goth raises his scythe to defend himself, blocking the attack. But this resulted in the item breaking his scythe in half. Then the knife swings at him, cutting him by the eye. Goth drops his broken scythe and the figure grabs him.
"We must go before your parents return. You will be useful, I can tell."They say, injecting him with something
The figure drags him out of the house, breaking his phone and dropping it in the snow. But they did not even notice Goth drop his scarf a small distance from the house, laying it to point in the direction he's being taken.
Goth wished he locked the door, or was told to. He had feared to go against Reaper or Geno's word but now, that is the least of his worries.
The next morning, Blueprint leaves a taco restaurant. Now, Blue got a job there and is happily making tacos for the customers. It is broad daylight, but he left alone. A kid, walking home alone. Yeah, that won't end well. A spirit soars up behind him, grabbing him. He fought and yelled, trying to escape or get help.
"I wouldn't leave if I were you. And don't even try making anything. Unless you want deadly consequences."They say
"Leave me alone!"He snaps
"Sorry, no can do, kid. Now, I'm a ghost of my word. If you don't come with me, lives will be taken. And I think you know some of these lives."They say
"W-What?"Blueprint says
The spirit begins to list off names, some Blueprint knew, others, he did not. But the ones he knew were names that he knew were busy or still home. But then, one name struck him.
"We have Raven. You don't want to lose him, do you?"The spirit asks
It was a lie, but Blueprint did not know that at all. He got scared, worried, nervous. He, as annoying as Raven could be, did not want to lose Raven. No, that would be too hard. And then to be with his family knowing he could've done something would be terrible.
"So, if I come, you won't hurt him?"He asks
"I swear on spirit's honor."They say, their eye glowing red as they wink and show a wicked grin
Blueprint did not know that there was no such thing as Spirit's Honor. Maybe if he spoke with X! Chara he would've, but he had not.
"Fine, I'll come."He says
"Perfect!"The spirit says, dragging him away
A short distance they went before the spirit tore his scarf off of him and tossed it into the wind. But little did he know where the scarf would go.
Elsewhere, Palette got a call from Raven at around noon, asking to meet up and talk. Palette agreed. But on his way to the meeting place, he bumps into Bluescreen, who is in distress.
"What's wrong, buddy?"Palette asks
Bluescreen takes out a phone and talks, then hits a play button.
"My brother has gone missing! We were supposed to meet up! But he never showed up and Dust hasn't seen him! Sprinkle hasn't seen him! Blue only saw him at work! Nobody has seen him! A-and-Wait. Has Raven taken him again?"The phone translates
"I dunno. But I'm sure we'll find him. It's gonna be okay, I'm sure of it."Palette says
The wind blows and Bluescreen gets whacked in the face with a scarf.
Blueprint's scarf.
This made it even worse.
"He definitely isn't with anyone good! He isn't with Raven!"The phone says for him
This set Palette at unease. He calms Bluescreen down and sends him back home, saying that he will speak to Raven and figure it out. Bluescreen left after giving Palette Blueprint's scarf, telling Palette to show it to Raven to show just how bad this is.
Palette goes to meet Raven with a slight delay.
Palette's POV
I arrive at the meeting place, a clearing between Raven's home and Ghastly's home next door. I have the scarf in my hand behind my back. He comes over with both his hands behind his back. Very unusual and very bad already. The grim look on his face told me that this was not gonna be some small chit-chat. No. This is serious.
"Hey, Palette."He says
"Hey, Raven. What did you call me here for?"I ask
"Have you seen Goth?"He asks
Answers a question with a question. Up goes red flag number 3 with him.
"No. I thought he was home with you."I tell him
"Well, we were hoping he got to you. I was hoping he got to you."He says
"What are you talking about? Got to me? Like escape? From what?"I ask, full of concern
"Reaper is a complete idiot, ya know? He left Goth to watch over us for a few minutes, telling him not to lock the front door. But boy, he's bad with time because last I checked, a few minutes is not a 2-hour movie on the other side of town! And least to say, stupidity has consequences! I wake up this morning to hear Geno yelling at Reaper about the door. Shino is asleep and I come downstairs to try and calm Geno down. But, then I see why he's yelling! Goth is nowhere to be found and this is what I find on the floor! Scythes are NOT supposed to do that on their own! They aren't made to BREAK!"He explains, then tosses two broken pieces of a scythe to the ground
But I recognized the pieces. They were pieces of Gothy's scythe. My soul sunk, knowing how bad this is. Raven is angry, full of worry. But also of self-blame. He sits down and I sit with him, still hiding the scarf. He rants and rants his emotions or thoughts out. He says he can't do that at home because Shino will hear and he's supposed to be her strong older brother, putting a brave face on and telling her it's ok. That nothing is wrong and that Gothy is ok, will be found. No need to worry. But she won't believe that if she hears all THIS. He is angry with himself as well. He should have disobeyed Reaper, knowing Goth would not. He should have locked the door, asked or demanded to know where they are going, check on them through calls to know when they will be back, stay up with Goth until they came back, be with him, protect him, do something. Not what he did instead. Which was lay asleep through it all in his room upstairs, doing nothing while his dear brother was in trouble right downstairs!
I calm him down the best I can and convince him not to think that way. He couldn't have known. I mean, who anticipates that someone will kidnap their brother? But, once he calmed down, I knew I had to check with him about Blueprint. For Bluescreen.
"So.....Have you contacted your Printy today?"I ask
"No! I haven't even thought of it since Goth is missing! Why?"He asks
"Well......Bluescreen can't find him anywhere and nobody has seen him. All he found was this."I say, showing him the scarf
He stares at it.
"No...Nononononono NO!"He snaps, taking the scarf and tossing it to the ground
He looked ready to cry.
I lean against him and try to comfort him.
"It's gonna be okay. We'll find them. I know it. We just gotta think."I tell him
He nods, then wipes his eyes.
"What can we go off of?"He asks
"This is Gothy and Blueprint we are talking about. They wouldn't go without a fight or a reason. Gothy's scythe makes that clear. But they are smart. What could have gotten Blueprint to not meet with his brother after leaving Mr. Blue's workplace? What could have been done?"I say
"Goth usually leaves clues to where he is going. There have been times where he leaves for sudden reasons like checking on a friend or something and he would leave a note behind or some kind of clue. Printy never leaves if he doesn't want to. He will plant himself down like a tree and stay there until the other leaves. The only reason I can think of is if someone lured him with some puzzles or threatened the ones he cares about. Printy is stubborn, but with a big heart."Raven explains
I think about the info.
"Blueprint would not leave for a puzzle without warning. I think it's the second reason. Hmmm..."I say
I gaze around us. I see Bluescreen knock on the door to Ghastly's house. Unclemare answers. They have a repeat of my conversation with him.
"No, strangely I haven't heard from Classic and his brother."He says
"You haven't heard? Fell and Edge set the place in lockdown to protect them after some incident! Blue won't tell me anything about what happened though."Dust is heard
Unclemare sighs.
"Kills!"He shouts
"What?!"Killer responds
"What are you telling Fell now?"He says
"Why do you think I'm causing anything with him?!"Killer asks
"Ahem, Fell and Edge set their home in a lockdown. You basically set my son Ghastly's life on indoor lockdown."He says
"Good point but Fell did that on his own! This is him protecting Classic we're talking about! HIM and CLASSIC! CLASSIC! It is to be expected. Plus, Papyrus is too innocent NOT to be in a protective lockdown!"Killer says
Unclemare shrugs.
"Sorry kid, haven't seen him. Can't reach them either. But I'll keep an eye out for him."Unclemare says
Just that was enough for Bluescreen. He nods and leaves.
I get an idea. I stand up and hand Raven Blueprint's scarf. I pick up the pieces of the scythe and they quickly turn, pointing. I head in the way they point and find Goth's scarf. In it, I find a tiny piece of his scythe that the other pieces were attracted to. But no note. It just seems to be pointing in a direction. Raven hugs me, amazed at the discovery.
My phone dings.
I take it out and find it's a text from Blueprint. But it was not BY him, I could tell.
Hiya Paletee! Surely you've noticed two of your friends are gone. That's becawse of ME! your Welllcome! Now, do you recall the first time you had gotten in this catastrophe? The code-stealing tests ran? Cause I KNOW Goothy doos! If you want to stop me, er, us, come if you dare to the following location. Don't be a coward and chicken out on you're pessious Goth!
The message had a location listed.
"Raven, we have to go. Gothy and Blueprint were taken for trouble, but the idiot gave me the location."I tell him
He summons his scythe.
He looks pissed off.
"Ah, if there's one thing I love doing, it's taking jerks and bad idiots out. I can't wait to do this to the a-holes that took my brother and Printy, thinking they'll get away with it. Lead the way, Pal."He says
I nod and we start to head off.
X! Chara blocks our way.
"Where are you two going?"He asks
"On an adventure to see Gothy and Blueprint!"I reply, ready to explain myself
He glances at me, then shrugs.
"Alright, bring some chocolate back for me."He says
I nod, then we head off.
"What was that about?"Raven asks
"Oh, nothing. X! Chara is just checking in. He's like the silly, care-free guardian that you never want to mess with. Mr. Cross, I'd say is the protective type while Dream is a worried optimist. He gets worried but sees the positives. X! Chara is the easiest to get past."I explain
He nods.
A few hours later...
"Cross? Have you seen Palette? Nobody else has and I'm getting worried."Dream says
"Nope."Cross says
"I have."X! Chara says
"What? Where is he?"Dream asks
"On an adventure with Raven to see Goth and Blueprint."He replies casually
"What? Why didn't you stop them?"Dream says
"I was supposed to?"X! Chara asks
"YES! Blueprint and Goth have gone missing so they could be putting themselves at risk on this adventure to find them! That adventure was dangerous!"Dream says
"Well, I didn't know they were missing! How was I supposed to know he meant that? The last time Palette said he was going on an adventure, he was taking his first trip to the GROCERY STORE! THE GROCERY STORE! I thought that this time, they may be meeting up there or something!"X! Chara says
Dream sighs and begins to pace worriedly.
"Looks like someone's grounded when he comes home."Cross says
Dream nods.
Goth's POV
"Hey...Hey! Blueprint!"I whisper
Blueprint starts shifting and groaning.
"My head-Goth? What are you doing here?"Blueprint asks
"Probably the same as you."I reply
"What happened to your eye?"He asks
"Knife. How do you feel? Do you feel sick? Anything hurt?"I ask
"Umm, no why?"He asks, sitting up
"Cause they just experimented with us. I want to make sure you're ok. Raven would kill me if I didn't."I reply
"Is he here? Raven?"He asks with a bit of joy and worry mixing
"Nope. He's still at home as far as I know. Why?"I tell him
"B-Because...He was the reason I gave in. They got me because they said they had him and will kill him if I don't come."He says
"So that's how you were captured. Heh, my brother would love hearing how you care then."I say
He punches me lightly in the shoulder.
"Shut up!"He says
I chuckle.
"How did they get you?"He asks
"I listened to Reaper. He told me to leave the door unlocked while he was out with Geno, so I did. And whaddya know! Someone came in, attacked and got me."I explain
"Can you summon your scythe?"He asks
"They broke it. And I can't summon broken weapons."I reply
"Wait...Since when were we wearing these?"He asks, looking down at our shirts
"The moment they ended experiments."I reply
"Why these colors?"He wonders
"It's the color of your lover or crush's eyes. Someone most likely to come for you. That way, they can match you with them when that someone comes and they make a terrible plan."A voice says
Footsteps are heard and we look. I smile.
"Oh hey, Desire."I say
"Hiya. So, are you and Palette still crushing on each other or did you finally get together?"He says
"We are together."I say
"Blueprint, er, Raven's Printy? What about you?"Desire asks
"Shut up! He's just a flirt."Blueprint says
"A flirt you got kidnapped to protect."Desire reasons
"Who has grey eyes?"Blueprint asks, gesturing to his shirt
"Oh, that's because they don't know anyone fitting the requirements like Raven or Palette."He says
"Clearly they don't know about you and Sprinkle."Blueprint says
"I don't know what you're talking about. DO NOT give them the idea to drag him into this."Desire says
"So what do we do?"Blueprint asks
"I have a pla-" He begins but gets silenced by a ringing sound
"What's that?"I ask
"Someone came."He says
The floor opens up and Blueprint drops down it. Then Desire drops through. I fall through another and land in a small, empty room all by myself.
"Why hello there."A voice says
I look and see a blue-eyed spirit float over.
"What's your name?"They ask, getting in my face
"G-Goth. Do you serve Renew and Cipher just like the red-eyed spirit does?"I ask
"Oh, you poor, sweet child. What did they do to you?"It asks sweetly
"They took me, experimented on me and plan to kill me. But that doesn't answer my question."I say
"I wouldn't serve those idiots no matter what they do. Now, how about I help you? My name is Karen."It tells me
"O-Ok..."I say, not having many options
"Tell me about yourself and your life. I want to know I'm helping a good kid."Karen says
We start to talk quietly.
Raven and Palette enter the hidden building as the text told them to go. Raven has Blueprint's scarf in his pocket and has his scythe out, ready to use. Palette holds his roller as he walks and carries Goth's scarf.
"Ah, so glad you both could come. Mind showing me your eyes?"A voice says
Raven and Palette look at each other. They get a bad feeling. Palette keeps his head down low while Raven raises his scarf to hide his eyes a bit, not giving a clear view.
"Aww come on, don't be shy!"The voice says
"We're not falling for your tricks! Now come out with Blueprint and Gothy!"Palette snaps
"Aww, you think you can get them here. How cute. Who are they?"The voice says
"You know exactly who! Now do it or face the consequences!"Raven growls
"Sorry, I don't. But I'm sure they are being put to good use as we speak."The voice says
"You leave them alone!"Raven demands
"Sorry, no can do. But maybe....."The voice says
Raven feels the scythe get yanked out of his hold. He feels someone grab his arm and he looks. There's the spirit, gazing at him with a wicked smile.
"I can make an exception for a price?"The spirit says with a tone that just tells him that they think they're clever
"Get your hands off of me! I got your exception right here!"Raven snaps, having his scythe come back
"Hey, can't we talk about this? I'm sure your friends would appreciate it. Now, tell me about this Blueprint. Who is he to you?"The spirit says
Raven didn't want to risk anything, so he doesn't use his scythe.
"He is someone you should release unless you want to die."He growls
"Ah, but do you want him and your brother to die?"It asks
"You leave them alone!"Raven snaps
"Ah, but if you kill me, either of you, they both will die."It says
Palette lowers his roller. He backs up from the spirit.
Raven yanks his arm free.
"Let's see those eyes."It says
It floats in front of Raven, looking him right in the eye.
"Ah, you're talking about him. One moment."It says, then zips away
"I don't have a good feeling."Raven says
"Neither do I."Palette says
Raven looks around at the interior of the place.
"I think I'm gonna pull a Ghastly."He says
"Sneak attack from the shadows or above?"Palette asks
"Both."He says
Palette nods.
Raven leaps and climbs into the shadows.
The spirit returns. But not alone. It holds Blueprint close, blindfolded and with his wrists bound.
"Blueprint!"Palette exclaims
"P-Palette?"Blueprint says, shaking
Raven stays silent, being pissed off in the shadows above.
"The puzzle is missing a piece! Have you seen an R anywhere?"Palette says
"Now, here he is. What the hell are you talking about?"The spirit says
"He's a puzzle lover! We have the U and the N piece but I lost the R. I want to see if he knew where it was."Palette says
"Oh. Okay."The spirit says
The spirit grins.
"How about we start talking about the cost?"The spirit says, lifting Blueprint's chin up
"Sure thing."Palette says, making eye contact with the spirit
"Hey wait a sec-Where's the other kid?"The spirit asks
"Bye-bye, mean spirit!"Palette says
"Hands off my Printy!"Raven snaps, leaping from the shadows and knocking the spirit with his scythe
"Now, Blueprint!"Palette shouts
Blueprint blindly kicks the spirit and runs away. Palette grabs him and hugs him.
"It's me, Blueprint. It's Palette. It's okay now."Palette says
"The spirit-"He begins
"Is getting taken down by Raven. Are you ok?"Palette says, untying his wrists
"Y-Yes. Where is Goth? Did the spirit bring him to you?"Blueprint says
"No, they did not. I dunno where he is."Palette says
"Shoot. They had plans for him. I overheard someone talking about it. They did the tests. Goth said again but I didn't know. I hope he's okay."Blueprint says
"I'm sure he is. He-"Palette begins
"Printy!~♥"Raven cheers, hugging Blueprint from behind
"R-Raven!"Blueprint exclaims, jolting from surprise
"Hey, I'm so glad you're okay! You are safe now!"Raven says, taking the blindfold off
Blueprint looks at Raven.
"You're okay?"He asks Raven
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"Raven says
"I--------No reason."Blueprint says
"Actually, there is a reason. You're gonna lose him."The spirit says, coming back out of hiding from Raven
The spirit blue attacks Blueprint, turning his soul blue and dragging him away to the spirit.
"Now this is fun but clearly you don't want to take my offer, won't even let me name it. Too bad for him."The spirit says
The wall is blasted apart.
"What's up motherfucka!"A voice yells
The spirit gets knocked by an airborne piece of the wall and jumps at the noise. More booming sounds are heard. The spirit releases Blueprint, who gets grabbed by Raven quickly. Raven runs back and grabs Palette, then leap up on the border of ceiling shadows.
The three look to see a tank rolling in and forcing the red-eyed spirit out. How's that for an entrance? On top is a familiar face with two spirits. One spirit was blue-eyed, yelling and shouting taunts or curses at the red-eyed spirit. Beside them is Desire, who is steering it.
"Click this button and it will only hit the target."The blue-eyed spirit says
Desire nods and clicks a button.
Beside him is a green-eyed spirit, who happily greets them all.
"What the fuck?!"The red-eyed spirit yells as it tries to flee
"A little advice for you, jerk. Not the best choice to lock me up beside an old artillery room!"Desire shouts
Palette watches in wonder, Raven's jaw drops and Blueprint just watches.
"So this was your plan!"Blueprint says
"Yep!"Desire says
"Hello!"The green-eyed spirit calls up to them
The red-eyed spirit flees. Desire parks the tank and looks up them.
"What's up, guys? Besides you three?"Desire says
He smiles proudly.
"That was awesome!"Raven says
The blue-eyed spirit looks at Palette. They seemed to have realized something.
"You!"It says, pointing to him
"What?"Palette asks
"What's your name? I'm Karen."They say
"Palette."He replies
"Come down here."Karen says
Palette hops down and Karen looks at him.
"Yep, same name. Same eye color. You're him."Karen says
"Huh?"Palette says
Karen turns and opens a hatch.
"Climb in."Karen tells him
Palette does not hesitate. He does as told.
"Same for you two!"Karen says to Raven and his Printy
They nod. In the hatch was an indoor space to the tank. Backup controls and medical supplies were the only things taking up space. But there was someone already inside. Goth.
Goth sat against a wall of this space, his eye still cut and a slash across his chest.
"Gothy!"Palette cheers
Goth turns his head. Palette runs over and hugs him.
"You're ok! You're safe now! I got you, Gothy! I got you! We're going home!"Palette tells him
"P-P-Palette!"Goth stutters in surprise
"Goth!"Blueprint and Raven exclaim, seeing his wound
Raven begins searching for bandages.
"Full steam ahead!"One of the spirits cheer
Palette holds Gothy's hand and kisses him. Goth becomes a blushing mess and really silent.
The tank begins to move forward. Palette bandages Goth and found some chocolate to give X!Chara. Palette sits beside Goth and Goth slowly explained what had happened, being delayed by the occasional strike of pain from his wound whenever the tank hit a bump. Blueprint shocks Raven by taking his hand. He wouldn't look at Raven, but he held Raven's hand tightly.
"And I'm sure you can guess why Blueprint got taken and how."Goth says when he finished explaining
"They threatened someone he cared about. Right, Printy?"Raven asks
Blueprint nods.
"But would you be surprised if you knew that the someone they said wa-?"Goth begins
"GOTH SHUT UP! DO NOT TELL HIM!"Blueprint snaps, his face burning up
Goth's POV
"Huh?"Palette says
I smirk. His emotions are showing. He has more care for my bro than it seems.
"Not tell me what?"Raven asks obliviously
"That someone was someone in our friend group."I say
Blueprint looks at me in shock. He thought I was gonna rat him out, but now he dug himself into a hole.
"Well, that's obvious. Printy cares a lot for our friends. Why wouldn't you want Goth to tell me that, Printy?"Raven asks
Blueprint's face burns even more. Palette catches on.
"Ooooh! Hehehe, I have an idea of who it might be."Palette says
Raven is completely unaware.
"Can we please change the subject?"Blueprint asks
"Of course, Printy. I got a question anyway, why are you and Goth wearing those shirts? I do not recall you wearing that last night, Goth."Raven says
"Well, that spirit has a terrible memory. Instead of remembering names, it wanted to match us with whoever we're close to, like a crush or boyfriend. These shirts were their way of doing so. Whoever came with the matching eye color, the spirit would bring one of us out."I explain
"So that's why it kept asking to see our eyes! Aww, if I knew that sooner I would've looked up the second time they asked! That way you would've been safe sooner, Gothy!"Palette says, gently hugging me
"Awww, Printy, you have a crush on me?"Raven says teasingly
"Pfft! As if!"Blueprint denies, though his face got brighter
"It seems like you're the one with a crush on him, Raven."Palette says
Raven simply smirks, saying not a word to deny it.
Blueprint is blushing so much right now. Might as well just be honest.
"At least ya have a chance. When they said your name and threatened to kill you, your Printy there gave in. He said so himself. He cares for you too."I say
"GOTH!"Blueprint snaps
Raven's eye lights up with joy.
"Is that true, Printy? You gave in because they mentioned me?"Raven asks
"....I couldn't risk letting them kill you. Couldn't have risked losing you, even if you are an idiotic flirt."Blueprint says
"Aww! You do care!"Raven says, hugging him
Blueprint at first looks mad, then that anger melts away to a nervous or embarrassed expression. Palette and I smile.
"What the fuck?!"A voice shouts outside
"Jasper!"A second snaps
"Shoot."I say, getting up
Palette follows and I climb up, opening the hatch. I peek out and see Jasper getting pulled inside by Suave.
"This home?"Desire asks
I nod.
"You alright?"He asks
I nod, holding the ladder and my bandaged wound. There is suddenly a sound of two pots and pans getting clashed together. Desire parks the tank
"Hey! Down here! Who are you, where'd you come from, and what are you doing here with this big machine?"A voice asks
"Ya!"A second says
"Your sister found us with a friend and seems to be having a strike with two frying pans."Desire tells me
"Pfft. She got that from Unclemare."Palette says
I chuckle.
"Answer me!"Shino shouts
"What brave kids to get in front of a tank."Karen says
"Hello, lil ones!"Jerry, the green-eyed spirit says
"Hey, Shino and her friend. I'm just bringing your brothers and friends to freedom!"Desire says
"It's Radier."The other voice says
"Ooo! Cool! Big bros! Wait, Bluescreen! Get over here! I think they got Blueprint!"Shino calls, still clashing the pots and pans with Radier
Bluescreen happily runs over.
I climb out and get lifted down by Radier's tentacle hand, one of them at least. Shino hugs me happily. X! Chara comes over.
"What's all the commotion about?"He asks
"It's a long story."I say
"Mr. X! Chara, I got chocolate!"Palette shouts, tossing the chocolate
"Thanks!"He says, catching it
Palette comes down and holds my hand.
Everyone starts coming out, looking for answers or just confused and curious. Swap! Geno spots me and smiles.
"Reaper! Geno! Over here!"He shouts
Geno runs over and sees me standing with Shino and Palette. Radier was keeping everyone a safe distance away, seeing my wound. Desire climbed down and with the two spirits, tried to explain what they could for us.
"Goth!"Geno cheers, running over
Radier let him and Reaper come to us. They hug us happily. They hug me happily.
"You're here. You're okay. I'm so glad!"Geno cheers
"Told you he'll be okay."Reaper says
"Never listen to Reaper again about locks and time, got it?"Geno tells me
"Aww come on!"Reaper says
"He wouldn't have been in trouble if you told him we won't be back! He wouldn't have been in danger if you let him lock the blasted door!"Geno snaps
"Good point...."Reaper says
"Shino. You know what to do."Geno says
"Sorry, Reaper. I must escort you to the naughty corner."Shino says, leading Reaper away
"Wait, where's Raven?"Reaper asks
"Coming!"Raven calls
"Raven! Put me down!"Blueprint snaps
"Pfft, doesn't that sound familiar, Geno?~"Reaper says
"Shut up, Reaper."Geno says with a smirk
Raven hops down, holding Blueprint close and with a sign. Blueprint is blushing a lot. He crosses his arms though. Raven smiles happily at him. Bluescreen sees these two with the sign and chuckles.
"Cares for or about what?"Geno asks
"He cares about me!"Raven replies, full of joy
"That's my boy!"Reaper says proudly
Geno shakes his head.
"Couldn't you have been able to tell, Geno? You're both tsunderes!"Reaper says
"Shino."Geno says
Shino takes Reaper away.
"PALETTE!"A voice yells
"Shoot, I'm in trouble. That's Dream."Palette says
"Pfft, I'll handle him."Geno says
Dream gets past Radier with Cross.
"You are in so much trouble!"Dream snaps
"Hey, wait. Dream, he saved my son. He simply is following your example of doing good. Punish him would be like punishing yourself or a good-doer."Geno says
"Yes, but he could've been in trouble! He worried me!"Dream reasons
"As a member of the household, I vote against punishing him."X! Chara says
"What?"Dream asks
"You know the rule you made, Dream. Don't break it."X! Chara says, munching on the chocolate
"He has a point. If any members vote against it, it cannot be done. That was your rule."Cross says
"Used against ya. Smart!"Geno says, fist-bumping X!Chara
"Fine. You pass, Palette."Dream says
"Yay!"Palette cheers
The three leave.
"Now, Raven, I think you know what you must do."Geno says
"What?"Raven asks
Geno gestures to Blue, S!Pap, Dust, Sprinkle, and Bluescreen standing aside and waiting for Blueprint.
"Oh right!"Raven says
Raven releases Blueprint but holds his hand, leading him over. S!Pap starts chuckling.
"I meant to let him go on his own but ok."Geno sighs
"He'll learn....eventually. Just like Reaper did.....mostly."I tell him
"Right, right."Geno says, nodding
Blueprint hugs his fam. But then Sprinkle spots Desire. And so does vice versa.
"Hey Sprinkle!"Desire says, coming over
That caught all the kids' attention, except Jasper. They all came together and then group hugged Desire, overjoyed to see him. All of them start talking and the adults, or the people we recognize as adults- Reaper and Swap! Geno are the only two considered kids mentally. Jasper comes over and gets introduced. Everyone chits and chats, Fresh censoring every once in a while. We all start heading to our homes by nightfall. Gradient joins Bluescreen and I chuckle when Raven went up to Bluescreen, whispering a question to him. Bluescreen nods. Bluescreen picks Blueprint up. Blueprint smiles, not suspecting anything. But then Bluescreen hands him over to Raven. Raven happily skips back over to us while Blueprint gave his brother a Why-must-you-betray-me-like-this? look. Geno sighs, shaking his head.
"Kids from Reaper's influence...."He mutters
"What did you say to Bluescreen?"I ask
"I asked if Blueprint could come for a sleepover all our friends are having to celebrate Desire's arrival as well as you and Printy returning safely! Bluescreen wants to watch movies with Gradient at home though, so they pass on this one."He replies
"Where is this going down?"Geno asks
"At the cabin place that the gang meets now! They said it was ok!"Raven says
"Supervised?"Geno asks
"We'll look out for each other."He says
"Alright..."He says
"Watch him for Blueprint's sake."He whispers to me
"Will do."I say
Geno walks ahead.
"But I didn't even know about that! I don't have anything!"Blueprint says
"That's why we're all going to our houses first."Raven says
"Then why am I going to yours?"Blueprint asks
"Security."Raven says
Blueprint sighs and shakes his head. Raven gives him his scarf back. I find my phone broken but manage to fix it while we walk home.
My phone dings as I get the stuff for this sleepover. Then two. One is from Suave, on Encre's phone.
Come to the door, please.
I shrug and go before reading the other one. I open the door and he bows. He hands me a water spray bottle.
"Mister Geno said you are gonna be keeping Mister Raven from misbehaving. I have found that this technique works on him and Jasper. He once tried to encourage M'Lord Jasper to do something silly so I sprayed him and he stopped. It could help you with your task."He explains
"Okay, thank you."I say
He nods, then goes back to his house with his bottle ready to spray. I go to my room and tuck the bottle in my bag. I check the other text, finding that it's from some new group chat with all our friends, all the kids. It's from Sprinkle, who apparently came up with the idea.
Sprinkle: Ok, remember everyone! Wear an onesie to the sleepover! Come wearing it!
Radier: K
Dameon: Alright!
Palette: Ok!
Shino: Okie Dokie!
Ghastly: Okay!
Étoile: Alright
PJ: Sure!
Desire: Interesting. Got it.
Jasper: What's an onesie?
Ghastly: I will explain.
Jasper: Ok!
Raven: Sounds good. :3
Sprinkle: Raven, no funny biz or tricks unless it's in truth or dare.
Raven: Ok!
Gradient and Bluescreen:-no response-
Sprinkle sure does come up with interesting ideas. The majority of our friends are okay with it, so I will be as well. No reason to give a problem or be a sore thumb.
Me: Ok. Got it.
I look through my drawers and find an onesie with a note. Shino made it as a surprise gift. I smirk. I change into it. I zip the bag up and wait for my fam to come with me. Shino knocks on the door to Raven's room. The door opens and Blueprint answers for Raven, who was packing his sleeping bag.
"Blueprint, I made this for you. I thought you'd like it and since this event came as a surprise to you, I thought now would be a good time to give it. Especially with the rule."Shino says
"What rule?"Blueprint says
"You didn't see the message?"Shino asks
"No, why?"Blueprint says, then checks his phone.
"Oh....."He says
"So this makes the gift even better timed! I hope you like it! I learned how to make it from Ink and Error! Ink made me this one!"Shino says, lifting a neatly folded article of clothing to him
Her onesie was a dolphin one but the back had a label saying: PRECIOUS LIL BEAN!・ω・
I can't disagree. Plus dolphins are friendly.
I know she's giving an onesie.
"Thank you, Shino."He says
"No problem! Raven, are you wearing the one I made you?"Shino asks
"Yep!"Raven says
"Yay!"Shino cheers then lead Blueprint to the guest room.
A few minutes pass and there is a knock at the door. I open it and see Radier at the door with an octopus onesie on. Oh, this is just adorable when I realize who he's here to come with.
"Shino?"I ask
He nods.
"Come in."I say
He comes in and Shino hugs him to welcome him. He smiles. Blueprint comes downstairs but there's a knock at the door before I could see what animal Shino made his. I open the door and it's Palette. He looks at me and his face lights up, his eyes making hearts. I feel my face warm. He was in a pup onesie. So am I.
"C-Come in. We're waiting on-"I begin
"Gah! Raven! Put me down!"Blueprint yells
"RAVEN!"Geno shouts from the kitchen
I look and see Raven is in a fox onesie. Makes sense. He is sneaky. He picked Blueprint up, who is in a bunny onesie. I sigh and force a smile. Shino made these, inspired by Zootopia. She put so much effort into it, I would watch her make them. But Blueprint surely fits the onesie. He kicked Raven, forcing Raven to put him down. I go over and spray Raven.
"It isn't even the sleepover and you're up to no good. Sheesh."I say
"What? Foxes and I are opportunistic."He says
I shake my head.
"Are we all set?"I ask
"I just have to grab some stuff from my place."Blueprint says
I nod.
We head to his house next.
This is gonna be a long night.
And thanks to @Cometdakitty for suggesting the idea! :3 I hope you all enjoyed it!
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