Chapter 17:A Guardian!
Classic's POV
"Hey! Hey! Wake up! Open those eyes already, stupid asshole!"A voice says
I open my eyes.
There is Fell Papyrus. He has two slash marks across the chest. I see tears in his eyes.
"Bout damn time! Are you my brother's beloved Sans?"He asks
I nod.
"Nice to meet you. Now, when do you plan on waking up? I'm tired of seeing my brother upset!"He says
"Well it isn't that easy."I tell him
"Then just fucking do it."He says
"Why don't you do it as well? He misses you."I tell him
"You first. You're on his mind right now. I've never seen him so upset. Sure, he's a worthless asshole, but he's my worthless asshole brother. I can't just watch him be upset when the reason he's upset is here and I can do some fucking thing about it. He loves you."He says
"Or did he just want something from me?"I ask
He steps closer, taking me by the arms. He lifts me up.
"My brother is not a user. He's an asshole and lazy, but not that kind of asshole. He loves you with all his soul. He wants nothing more than to love you and be with you. Hell, have you heard what he has said in the waiting room? Do you even realize you've been in a coma for a week? He can't fucking lose you and he won't if I have anything to say about it! Now fucking wake up!"He snaps
I'm silent.
"And I want him fucking happy. I approve of you both."He tells me
He smiles. He genuinely smiles.
"Come on, he needs his cute Sans right now."He says
I feel my face warm.
"Wake up already."He tells me
"Want me to tell him anything from you?"I ask
"Wake up, then we'll see."He says
I nod.
He drops me. But I feel no impact.
Here goes nothing.
F!Pap's POV
I appear in a hospital room. I find four nurses and a doctor watching and caring for Sans. Oh he better fucking wake up. My brother deserves to be happy. And right now, he's the key to my brother's happiness. I see the monitor go from the dead line to a slow increase. A small slope. It starts to beep. Beep...........Beep...............Beep.........
It begins to pick up speed.
It gets faster until it's like a regular soul.
He slowly begins to open his eyes. The nurses and doctor are all shocked. He looks at me as I hover behind him. I wave. He waves back. That made them all estatic. They all begin running tests and operations to keep him up and help him. Two extra nurses had to carry the doctor out, who had fainted from shock of such a "miracle" as they called it.
"Someone call his brother!"One says
"Someone call his friend!"Another says
"Someone get these tests run!"A third says
It's a mess.
But nobody is mentioning my brother.
Nobody, besides him.
"Hey, uh, is there someone in the waiting room for me? Can he come?"He asks
"Oh right! That guy! Would you like to see him?"A nurse says
I facepalm.
"What did he just say? Yes he does! I'll go get him sir!"Another says
"Thank you."He says
I give him a thumbs up. Then I float off to the waiting room to make sure those staff stay true to their word. Error and his tiny bud had left by now, leaving my brother waiting all alone. He got restless. He had cried, cursed, yelled, swore, vowed, went through so many emotions but simply begged to the stars for Sans to be okay. I get to the waiting room to find him leaving. He was exiting through the doors when the nurse got there.
"Is anyone here for a Sans the skeleton, C?"The nurse asks as the door closes behind him
"Me. Is he ok?"A voice says
A Papyrus comes over...Probably his Papyrus. He looks innocent, nice, and strong.
"Deliver the news gently."I whisper in the nurse's ear
They get a shiver like a chill went down their spine. They nod and look, but do not see me.
"He's....It's a miracle. He's awake! Come along now, sir!"They tell the Papyrus, estatic and hyper
So much for gentle. The Papyrus gets excited and follows the nurse. I run after my brother. I block him off but he walks right through me. He shivers like he got a chill though, so he sensed my presence.
"Okay, whatever Napstablook, Hapstablook or whatever spirit is here, just show yourself."He says
I snap my fingers.
"Okay, Sans."I say
He turns and looks at me.
"B-Bro, er boss?"He says
"Yes, it's me. Now, listen up and put your motherfucking hitchhicker thumb down."I tell him
He lowers his hand.
"I have spent a week trying to wake your little friend up. That is special time of the afterlife I used to help you. To make you happy. And I just spent 3 hours getting him to return to life. And I did not spend that time for you to fucking walk out on him!"I explain
"Why would you do that? Boss, that's unlike you."He says
"Because if I can't be around, he should be. I see how you get with him and you deserve to be happy. I want you happy. Also I support you both."I say
"Okay, and?"He says
"You will turn back now and walk your stupid ass back into that hospital this instant! You will ask a nurse to see him and you will see him! Then you will be fucking happy just like you're supposed to!"I snap
He looks at me.
It takes me 30 minutes to repeat it and make him believe me.
"I'm trying to be nice and do a good thing, ok? Don't make me regret it."I tell him
Then my visitor time ends. I become invisible again, I could tell by his gaze. But I stay beside him. I talk to him but he couldn't hear me. He pulls out his phone and dials a number.
"Hey....Error? Could you come pick me up from the hospital? I think I'm starting to see things..."He says
"DuDe, I jUsT gOt a cAlL frOm tHe hoSpiTal. What aRe yOu dOinG tRyIng tO lEaVe? Get yOuRseLf baCk iN thEre, idIoT!"Error says
"You sound like my brother."He says
Fell lowers his phone, getting hung up on.
I smirk.
I hear running footsteps and see a nurse come running over. She stops and tries to catch her breath, panting.
"A-Are you.....Are you Red?"She asks
"Yes I am, why?"Brother asks
"Oh thank the stars! I've been looking for ya everywhere! Come on! Your friend wants to see you!"The nurse says
He smiles now. He follows the nurse. I follow them. They go into the room again. But now only the Papyrus was there.
"Oh! Hello, Fell! Sans just left to find you! He thought you left!"He says
I facepalm.
"This is why I was trying to fucking get you inside sooner."I mutter, but he doesn't listen
He turns and runs off while the nurse reports for everyone to be on the lookout, Classic wasn't supposed to leave his room.
I teleport to him and find him limping down some stairs. He leaves the staircase and looks by the waiting room. He starts to head to the door to leave. I hop in front of him and he sees me.
"Go back to your room or at least your floor."I tell him
He nods, then turns and goes back up the stairs. The four flights of stairs to get to the 4th floor. He wanders around, looking.
"I'll find him."I say
I teleport and find him on the 2nd floor, searching. I find a small board and marker. I'm able to hold them and write a message for him.
Get your ass back up to the fourth floor!
He looks at it.
"Okay, maybe my eyes weren't fucking messing with me."He mutters, then turns and does as told
I erase it and teleport to Classic. He is wandering about still.
"Maybe he's with Paps..."He mutters
He starts limping to his room.
"Sans!"Brother yells
Classic turns his head.
"Red!"He cheers
Brother runs over and hugs him, crying again.
"I thought I lost ya! NEVER scare me like that again!"He tells Classic
"Aww, Red! It's okay. It's all okay. Besides, I got to talk with your brother. He's very nice."Classic says
"Tch, sure. Define nice."He says
"He just wants you to be happy. And I'd be careful what you say since he's the one who got me to wake up and is standing right behind you."Classic says
"Shit, so I wasn't seeing things..."He mutters
Switch to Classic's POV
Then he smiles. He turns and waves to his brother. Small, but still. F!Pap smiles and hugs him.
"Aww, a brotherly hug!"I say
He hugs F!Pap back, though couldn't see him.
F!Pap whispers to Red.
I turn and start to head back to my room while they find a private space to go to so Red doesn't look like a crazy person talking to himself. I go to my room and find Cipher hanging upside down in front of Paps, soaking wet.
"So? Where's Red? He's gonna pay for shoving me in that water. And where's your brother? Dead? Alive? Don't worry, you'll see him soon."He tells Paps, summoning an attack
"Correct. He will see me. But you will leave him alone!"I snap, summoning a bone attack and firing it at Cipher
It pins him to the wall.
"Leave my brother alone. Leave Red alone."I tell him
He just laughs.
"You can't stop me. You can delay me, but you can't stop me."He chuckles
"Well then I'll permanently delay you, therefore stopping you."I snap
He begins to laugh and rant on how he's superior, unstoppable, stronger than me, blah blah blah. He removes the bone attack and starts walking closer to me. I back up.
"Oh shut it and stay away from Sans."Paps says, punching him
Cipher is knocked out the open window. Paps peeks out and chuckles.
"Maybe when he dries off he will learn to be good. Or not."He says
I look and see Cipher is caught by the ankle by a drying rack, the rope kind where you hang your clothes to dry in the sun. He is still soaked so it does seem funny. I chuckle. I hear footsteps come running. I look at Paps, who shrugs.
"Busy hospital."He says, shutting the window
Then I feel someone run into me and wrap their arms around me.
"Oh! Hello, other Papyrus!"Paps says
I look and see F!Pap floating beside Paps, who smiles when greeted. The two begin to talk. I look and see Red hugging me. He turns me around and looks at me.
"I heard a bang! What happened? Are you hurt? Are you ok? How do you feel? Did a doctor mess up? Did a nurse? Is your brother okay? Is he hurt? A-"Red asks
"Red, it's okay. Calm down. Paps just sent Cipher to dry off."I tell him
He looks at me confused. I gesture to the window. He looks out it and chuckles. Then he looks at me again.
"Sans....I....."He says
I'm silent, not wanting to interrupt him. He seems nervous. I smile and his face gets a little red.
"I....didn't know you watched anime."He says
I hear slapping sound. I look and see Paps facepalming, his glove making the slapping sound when hitting his skull. F!Pap was shaking his head, glaring at Red. They clearly expected something else to be said.
"Oh, heh, ya. With Alphys but that was a while ago."I tell him
"I see..."He says
His grip on me tightens.
"You were shaking. You're too weak to stand right now, ya idiot."He says
"Hey, has my brother found out?"F!Pap asks
"No, I have not told Fell and he hasn't caught on."Paps responds
"Know what?"Red asks
F!Pap facepalms.
Red looks at me.
"Is there something I am supposed to know?"He asks
"Is there something you want to know?"I respond
"Smooth comeback. I like him."F!Pap says
"Ya, he's cool."Papy says
"What did Cipher do that made you think I turned on you?"Red asks me
"Nothing important."I say, though my mind goes back to what was said
"Sans, tell me."He says
His grip tightens.
"I got put in this cave....My abilities like attacks and stuff no longer usable. He showed up. He looked like you, sounded like you. He shoved me down and told me.......t-told me...."I explain
"Told you what?"He asks
F!Pap tried to punch him but his hand went right through Red.
"Shut it! It's a sensitive topic you asshole! Quit pushing it!"He snaps
I take a deep breath and let it out.
"He told me.....Quote:Don't tell me you actually thought I loved you! Hah! Clearly you don't know what kill or be killed means! You do realize what world I come from right? One where people say and do whatever they have to for their own benefit. And let me tell ya, it was quite benefitting to mess with you, have your trust, hospitality all while you had no idea what I was doing! What makes you think I'm even your ally in this mess? Why would I love you? Hah! So fucking pathetic! End quote."I tell him from memory
"Wow, Classic, you had a good reason to question me! That does sound like this bonehead!"F!Pap says, stomping his foot
"Sans......You...."Red says
He starts to carress me, feeling my back and my skull.
"R-Red?"I stutter
He has his gaze locked on me. He does not answer
"R-R-R-Red?"I stutter again
"I love you, Sans and nothing will change that. There is nothing other than you motivating it. Now, c'mere."He says
"H-Huh? R-R-Red?"I stutter
He pulls me close. I tighten my grip on him. He lifts my head closer. My soul races faster.
He kisses me, shutting his eyes.
My face burns up and I look at him. He holds me close, yet so gently. Part of me was ready for Cipher to snap his fingers and reveal it was a trick while the other part of me is enjoying the moment. I'm amazed. My soul is beating out of control, my face is burning, I feel happy. My grip loosens and I begin to give in, but then he pulls back. He kneels while holding me steady. He puts his head to my chest.
"Your soul is beating fast."He says
"No shit Sherlock."F!Pap says, shaking his head and looking at the monitor, which was beeping fast
Red does not hear him still. He looks up at me, smiling. He picks me up and places me in the bed.
"So, are you Fell's guardian or something?"Paps asks
A clipboard and pen whacks F!Pap on the head. He grabs them and looks at the papers.
"Guess I am now. Pfft, all these papers tell everything about him! Oh come on, I gotta fill out reports? Guess work is never over."He says
Red smiles and sits in a chair beside me.
"Red....I...."I begin
"Rest. Rest now."He tells me
I try to talk but he would not let me, stubborn as heck. I give up and just doze off.
I wake up to a doctor putting some wristband on me.
"This will allow us to help him. It seems something in his code is affecting his health negatively. Just a click of a button from this will fix it when something is wrong."The doctor says, then leaves
We all just shrugged it off.
A few days later....
I sit up and look when the doctors leave. It's closing time. Meaning no more visitors. I smile. I take out the ketchup Red smuggled in and start sipping it in the dark hospital room. I hear some noises downstairs but think nothing of it.
A few moments pass and the door is kicked open. Then, it is shut and F!Pap is holding it shut.
"I'm alive? Ok?! What the fuck stars?! Okay, just focus!"He mutters
Fresh appears in front of me.
"Aaye, wassup, Classic Sans bro! Good to find ya first, broseph! Ya have some rad thing of mine, but that is rad! Now, how about we stay rad and get out of here before those unrad people get to ya?"He says
"Huh? What's going on?"I ask
"You need to get out of here!"F!Pap says
Fresh pulls me out of bed. He pats me down, taking my ketchup, phone, anything that could show I was somewhere, away and placing it aside. He says to leave those behind so the unrad can't keep track of us. He grabs me and tosses me out the window.
"I'll follow behind ya soon!"F!Pap says, holding the door still
But instead of hitting the ground, I land in a shopping cart? Yep, a shopping cart. There's some kid with white gloves, a lil floating blot by their skull, and wore dark colors hanging onto the cart and smiling. Fresh starts pushing while my mind is still processing what's going on.
"To the portal! To freedom!"The kid cheers
Welp, I was either kidnapped when it looked like a rescue or I was taken out of a bad situation in the craziest way. We go through a portal and we're off.
"What's your name? Mine's PJ!"The kid says
"He's Classic broseph."Fresh answers for me
"Ah, ok. And how is he?"PJ asks
"He's rad."Fresh says
"I was asking him!"PJ says
"I'm confused but ok."I reply
"Good! I'll explain everything!"He says
He begins to explain while Fresh pushes.
This is gonna be one weird experience.
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