Chapter 16:Pathetic and Promises
Red's POV
I wake up and go to Sans' room to wish him good morning, but his room is empty. There's just a bottle of ketchup on a desk. I turn and leave the room. I go to get some mustard from the fridge and find Papyrus sitting on the couch, sipping a mug. He is reading a small note, then looks up at me.
"Were you looking for my brother?"He asks
I nod.
"You won't find him here. He left a while ago according to this note."He tells me
"What? What do you mean he left?"I ask
"Relax, he left a note like he usually does. He was going for a walk it says and will be back soon. Man, you get worried about my brother easily. I guess that's a good thing with his hp and the fact that he can be a lazybones...."He says
I nervously chuckle and nod. I go to the fridge and get some mustard. I sit down and he looks at me.
"You drink mustard. Interesting...."He says
I look at him.
"Sorry if this is weird, but this is my first time out of my world. These differences are interesting to me."He says
"Heh, ya. I know."I tell him
"What did you mean when you said my brother was yours? Quote:He's mine, end quote?"He asks
"Emm, well.....He uh, I em, ehh...."I say, trying to think of an answer
"Has there been trouble?"He asks
"People try to cause it with him by coming to the door. But nothing serious."I say to keep him from worrying
"Ah, well thank you for keeping my brother safe. Or your crush."He says
I spat out my mustard in surprise.
"How could you tell?!"I ask
"Oh come on, you live with him. You protect him even though you come from a world where it really is kill or be killed or anyone for themself, one of the most dangerous worlds. The only love known there is level of violence, and you show him a lot of the other kind. And you have 1 hp like him, yet put yourself in harm's way to keep him safe and get him inside. Also, you got very nervous about a simple question. You're blushing right now too."He explains
I feel my face burn up.
"Hey, relax. It's okay. I, the Great Papyrus, support you. Besides, what year is it? You're not alone with those emotions. And, I think you and my brother would be just fine. Does he know?"He asks
"Yes, he does. And I've asked him if the feelings are returned."I tell him
"So you found out he's gay too?"He asks
I nod.
"Do you know who he likes?"He asks
"He wouldn't tell me."I reply
"Nyehehehe, well then, Sans was good at keeping secrets."He says
"Why do you say that?"I ask
"I cannot say. I like my brother happy and he would not be happy if I told you behind his back."He says
There's a ding. Papyrus takes out his phone.
"Oh! It's from brother! Nyeh, probably just some more puns or jokes. Nyehehe.....Wait, okay. Something is not right here...."He says
"What?"I ask
"There isn't a single joke or pun in this message. He always puts at least one in. And he never called me Brother Papyrus. Whoever sent this is not my brother. I'm gonna go find him."He says
"Wait, maybe it's just one of our friends! I know Blue, er, Underswap Sans calls his bro that from time to time! Maybe Sans had him send a message to you for him and it was just force of habit. Blue is not a fan of puns.....Unless they're by Dust or one of the kids. Let's see if he is there."I say
"Alright."He says
We head off to Blue's house.
Meanwhile, at Blue's house
Blueprint sits and reads a puzzle book. It was like one of those brain games books. Raven sits beside him, quietly for once. He hugs his knees to restrain himself.
It's quiet. Peaceful. Early in the morning.
Too quiet.
Blueprint looks at Raven confusedly. What is up with him? Raven was just thinking of hugging Blueprint right now. But he knows he can't.
"Raven? Is everything okay?"Blueprint asks
Raven does not answer, just looks away from him.
"Raven?"Blueprint says
Raven stays quiet.
"Oh come on! Just because I refused to kiss ya yesterday does not give you reason to give me the silent treatment!"Blueprint snaps
He remains silent.
Blueprint shuts his book.
"What is up with you today?"Blueprint asks
Raven does not answer.
"If you came here to just give the cold shoulder, you can go."Blueprint says
That gets Raven to talk.
"Okay, sorry. I just don't wanna lose a bet."Raven says
"What bet?"Blueprint asks
"Goth says that I'm a flirt to you-"Raven says
"Which you are."Blueprint says
"-So he bet that I couldn't go for some time without being one to you. If I lose, I have to do as he says or as you say. If I win, he has to spend a night with Palette."Raven says
"That sounds like a reward for him to be with Palette."Blueprint comments
"Ya, but he has to be in pajamas and not say no to Palette. That kid flirts with Goth without even knowing it's flirting! And have you seen how my brother gets around Palette?"Raven says
"Good point."Blueprint says
Raven nods.
"Is that why you're holding your knees?"Blueprint asks
"You have no clue how bad I want to hug you right now."Raven tells him
"Raven, you aren't a flirt because of hugs!"Blueprint chuckles, hugging him
"Oh."Raven says
"It's just that you often make the hug a kiss moment. Which is a flirt move."Blueprint says
Then, Blueprint kissed his cheek.
(Go ahead and ship, I am ready for your RAVENPRINT chants X3)
Blueprint then went back to reading.
"Hey! Wait a sec! Printy!"Raven exclaims, processing what happened.
Knock knock.
Blueprint goes and answers the door.
"Hello! Come on in!"Blueprint says
Fell and Paps walk in.
"Has Classic been here?"Fell asks
"No."Blueprint says
"Oh..."Fell says
"Are you Blueprint?"Paps asks
"Yes?"Blueprint says
"Ah! Nice to meet you! I've heard about you from my brother! Emm....Who's the blushing skeleton at the table?"Paps asks
"Oh, that's Raven."Blueprint says
Fell chuckles.
"It appears the flirt has become the flirted, huh Raven? I've only seen you blush like that, Blueprint!"Fell says
"Shut up!"Raven snaps
"And now we see the Geno side of him."Fell says with a smirk
Raven hides his face in his scarf.
"Let's keep looking, Fell. I don't have a good feeling."Paps says
"Okay."Fell says
Then the two leave.
Blueprint has realized the oppurtunity he has with this bet and goes back over to Raven. The tables have turned.
Back to Fell's POV
We check with everyone to see if Sans had come. But he is nowhere to be found. Then, there's another text. This time sent to me.
Don't worry, Red. I am okay. Just with BS to find someone.
Is he dealing with some bullshit?
"He's looking for someone."I say
"Oh! Is he looking for Undyne? That's nice! Does he need help?"Paps asks
Need help? Your brother is offering to help. Undyne?
No, some kid named Gradient. BS is looking for him.
What BS? I'll end that!
Oh! Red no! It's a name! I'm with a guy named BS! At least that's what the translator can understand.
He's with someone? A guy? How come I've never heard of him?
Well, ok..What's he like? Why didn't you say you were going with him?
It was sudden. Unplanned. I thought it wouldn't take long. He's a good guy, don't worry. Very nice. Though hard to understand without a translator. With a good heart and not much anger. But he's cool and good to be around. Don't worry, I'm fine with him.
Ok...How come your message to your brother was different?
BS had my phone. We were in a rush and he wanted to ensure that my brother knew I was ok. If one thing is clear about him, he likes honesty and now, I am doing a lot more than a walk!
What do you mean?
I'm searching with him. For Gradient.
"So? What is it?"Paps asks
"He's with another guy....He will be ok."I say
"What is going through your head?"He asks
"What do you mean?"I ask
"You look upset at him being with another guy....oh. Pfft. Fell, are you seriously thinking what I think you are?"He asks
"I dunno."I reply
"Do you really think my brother has a crush for that guy instead?"He asks
".....It's a possibility."I reply
He starts laughing.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry. That is just so absurd. How did he describe this guy?"He asks
"Good guy, cool and nice. With a good heart and not much of a temper or anger. Good to be around."I reply
"Ya, that is not a guy he'd be crushing on. They'd be a friend at most."He says
"What do you mean? How do you know?"I ask
"Hmmm, how can I tell you without upsetting brother? Ah! Indirection! Puzzles! Clues! Yes, nyehehe! Hmmm....."He says
I have no clue what he is talking about.
"I'm guessing your Alphys never showed you anime?"He asks
I shake my head.
"Well, my world's Alphys showed my brother some of them, wether he wanted to or not. He hung around because he's nice and didn't want to hurt Alphys' feelings. One day, she found this new one thrown away and decided to take a look at it. He watched it and from Alphys says, his favorite was a boy in it named Bakugo. But I guess that's not really a hint since you don't even know what that is."He explains
"What's this character like?"I ask
"From what Alphys described, bad temper and good heart."He says
I am completely confused.
"Maybe if ya watch it, you'll understand. Come on."He says, taking me by the hand and leading me off
"Wait what?"I mutter
Next thing I know, I'm watching some anime with Papyrus.
Meanwhile, with Classic's POV
"Gradient! Gradient! Where are you?"I call as we wonder through some strange environment
It's all mixed up. One minute we're in a jungle, another we're in a cave. Or mountains to canyon. Desert to snowland. Ocean to swamp, all so random. It's like someone just tossed a bunch of environments in and called it a day. Plus, the weather isn't even normal. One minute it's sunny, next it's a blizzard. Windy becomes rain that feels like acid. Clear skies turn to hailing tacos. Stale tacos. It's so weird and chaotic. It's both day and night here. But Gradient isn't answering either of us or in our sights. BS is getting worried now. My translator is translating everything luckily. I unzip my jacket a bit so it could be heard better, I had to conceal it to keep it dry.
BS thought he heard something so he turns back. When he left, a tree grows beside me. There's movement in it. I turn and look at it. Some strings grab me and pull me up. I get placed on a branch carefully.
"It'S yOu! GoOD tO sEe yOu aGaIN!"A voice says
I look and there's the kid. He hugs me before I could say anything.
"It'S gOoD tO sEe yOu ArE oK! ShoRtEr, bUt oK!"He says
"Heh, same to you kid. How are ya?"My translator says
"I'm oK! JuSt tRyInG tO sUrvIvE tHis RaNdOmnEsS!"He says, releasing me
"Did you hear us calling ya?"I ask
"No, I cOulD nOt hEaR aNy yElLs. And WhaT dO yOu mEaN uS?"He asks
"How about we get out of this tree?"I suggest
He nods.
I climb down and smile. I gesture for him to come down.
He hesitantly climbs down and looks around.
"I doN'T sEe aNyoNe."He says
"Hey buddy! I found him!"My translator yells
Footsteps come running to us. I see BS come running happily, he got even happier seeing Gradient. He yells something.
"BlueSCrEeN!"Gradient cheers
So that's his name.
"Gradient! You're ok!"The translator translates his yell
I smile and watch Gradient get a hug.
He starts talking qietly to Gradient and I guess Gradient can understand him because they both started to talk. I smile. It's nice to see how happy they are.
"No, tHeRe iS n0t a wAy oUt oF hErE. I cAn't eVeN uSe mY p0rtAls t0 gEt oUt. S0 h0w aBouT wE sTiCk toGeThEr uNtiL wE fiNd a wAy oUt."Gradient says
We nod.
Gradient leads the way and I trail behind, watching them.
I decide to update Paps or Red. I call Paps but he wouldn't answer. Eh, probably making lunch. I leave a text.
I call Red.
No answer.
Eh, he may be busy.
I leave him a text as well.
The ground begins to shake, the grass turning blue. Yes. BLUE.
"QuiCk! To tHe sTraWbERrY bUsHES!"Gradient yells, running ahead with Bluescreen
I follow them and Gradient hops onto a bush with Bluescreen. The ground shakes and broke open from underneath me. I fall down this new crevice and it gushed water out. All the bushes above turned to boats. The collar gets soaked and releases an electric shock before breaking off me.
I feel something grab me before I could teleport. If I teleport, it will come with me. It starts pulling me down, jabbing something into me. I release a yell of pain but instead get a mouthful of icky water. I try to struggle and get away, but this thing would not let me. I summon a bone, or try to, but couldn't. I check my abilities and find them locked. I get pulled lower and lower. Then, it releases me, tossing me into this sea-tunnel. The tunnel has a quick current and just pushed me through, tossing me out to some bit of land above the water in a cave. I cough and choke out the water.
I look around for whatever grabbed me, but it's nowhere in sight. It probably went to find the next victim to take.
I hear footsteps and then I get yanked to my feet. Two arms wrap around me. I come face to face with Red. What the? How'd he get here? When did he get here? WHY is he here? What is he doing?
"There you are, Sans."He says
I could not answer him.
"Still voiceless huh? Such a shame. But Sans, I know the truth."He says
W-What? He knows?
My face burns up and my soul beats faster. What is he saying? Did Paps tell him?
"That's right. I know your little secret. And I am amazed........"He says, leaning in
My soul pounds. But then he shoves me down.
"How gullible you can be!"He says
I gaze up at him in confusion and shock. He laughs
"What? Don't tell me you actually thought I loved you! Hah! Clearly you don't know what kill or be killed means! You do realize what world I come from right? One where people say and do whatever they have to for their own benefit. And let me tell ya, it was quite benefitting to mess with you, have your trust, hospitality all while you had no idea what I was doing! What makes you think I'm even your ally in this mess? Why would I love you? Hah! So fucking pathetic!"He tells me
It feels like my soul is breaking. He steps closer, summoning a bone attack.
"But since you love me, you can do me a favor and DIE! Your donation EXP to the L.O.V.E. will be appreciated."He says, then fires the bone attack
It all goes black.
"Come on, Sans! Wake up! Wake up! Please!"A voice pleas
I slowly open my eyes and look around. My head is in Red's lap. I jolt and shove myself up. I look at him. He smiles.
"I'm so glad you're okay!"He says
What's he talking about? Oh wait, he probably found some benefit to keep me around.
I recall everything he said.
Tears fill my sockets. I look and find Papyrus sitting nearby. We're on a boat that turned from the bushes. Gradient and Bluescreen are sitting nearby. I hug Papyrus, crying.
"Brother! Are you ok? What happened?"He asks
I look up at him. He sees I don't have the collar on anymore. I can't talk.
"Oh, we'll figure that out later. Come here. It's okay. Brother is here. I, the Great Papyrus, is here."He tells me
He puts me in his lap and hugs me. I hug him tightly. He ssshhhs me and tries to soothe me with comforting words. He takes out a bottle of ketchup and gives it to me. I start sipping it, calming down.
"Thank you, Bluescreen for calling us. I'm glad to have found my brother. Who knows what could've happened."Paps says
"Sans? Are you okay?"Red, er Fell asks, coming closer
I look away from him, not saying anything.
He places a hand on my head. I slap his hand off of me.
"What happened down there? He doesn't seem happy with you."Paps says
"I cOuLd cHeCk."Gradient says
Gradient taps my head twice and a file appears. He looks through it and his eye-lights shrink. He sends it back to me.
"YoU jErK! GeT oVeR hErE sO i cAn cOntRol Z yOuR mAnIpUlaTiVE SeLf!"Gradient snaps, getting up angrily
Bluescreen grabs him before he could do anything to Fell.
"LeT mE gO, BlUeSCrEeN! LeT mE aT hIm! LeT mE aT hIm! I WIlL shOw hIm wHat hApPeNS wHen You uSe a SaNs! UnDeRfElL oR noT!"Gradient snaps, swinging fists at Fell
Fell looks so confused. He is a great actor.
"You....manipulated my brother? You used him? For what?"Paps asks
"I don't know what they're talking about!"He says
I look at him. I squirt the ketchup at him.
"Are they telling the truth brother? Is Fell a liar?"He asks
I nod.
"Stay away from my brother."He tells Fell, holding me closer
They all begin to argue. Paps wraps a bandage on my wound.
I look around and see Gradient flipping Fell off. I cover Paps' eyes before he could see or ask what it means.
But then, I hear a laugh. I look at Fell, he isn't laughing.
I look around and see someone watching from another bush-boat. I slip out of my bro's hold and see the person laughing. They look at me and pause. They look shocked at the sight of me. Then they disappear. I feel a hand grab me. In an instant, I'm looking at Fell, Paps, Gradient and Bluescreen on their boat. I'm not there anymore, though. A hand shoves me, forcing me to turn around.
It's Cipher.
"Amazing how after everything, you still live. For only having 1 hp, that hp is strong. Now, how should I kill you? Better question, who should I be when I kill you?"He chuckles
He snaps his fingers and changes to a number of appearances, including my own brother and Fell. He sticks with Fell's form and leans in close.
"Oh, and the stuff I said before is true. Fell is just using you like I am. He will just leave when he gets what he wants, whatever that is. He doesn't love you. He just loves whatever benefit there is for him. Why do you think he and I were in the same gang at a point? Because we're a lot more like each other than we seem. We're manipulative assholes, and I'm proud of it. Now, do me a favor and stay dead."He tells me
He swings up a hand with a bone attack. I shut my eyes. I feel something slash me right across the chest.
"Noo!"A voice yells
I hear a splash and then two hands grab me by my shoulders.
"Sans! Wake up! Open your eyes! Please! Sans! I'm begging you, please!"Fell cries
I open my eyes and cough a bit. Fell is hugging me, crying.
"F-Fe-"I struggle to speak, finally able to when I try
"Don't leave me Sans! I can't lose you! Please! Please, pleas please! I just want you to be okay! Please, Sans!"He cries
I feel torn. My physical soul is falling apart meanwhile my emotional soul feels like it's healing.
It all begins to blur.
"R-Red, w-w-what d-do you want?"I ask
"I just told you what I wanted!"He snaps
"I a-am s-sorry. What d-did you w-want fr-from m-me?"I ask
"I wanted your love! I wanted your answer to be yes to my question! That way I could spend every day of my fucking life, even when this mess ends, giving you love right back! I wanted to love you and for you to love me back! I wanted the most awesome guy I've ever known to stay by my side and let me stay by his! I fucking love you and can't lose you! I never wanted this! Please!"He cries
"W-Well, th-that's a l-l-lot, R-Red. But I pr-promise you will get it."I say
"Don't promise me a fucking thing! You know how us Sanses hate making promises! Unless it's a promise that you can keep!"He cries
"I s-suggest y-you t-t-talk to m-my b-b-bro th-then."I tell him
"What are you talking about?"He asks
I hug him.
"Red....I..."I begin, but then shut my eyes
Red's POV
I teleport back over to Paps and the other two. I frown. That kid that flipped me off reaches for Sans. I pull Sans closer to me.
"Nobody is touching him! I'm gonna keep him safe and I will not give him up! Got a problem with that? You can try to dust me if you do! Now how about we get out of here?"I growl
Just then, a portal opens. Error peeks his head in.
"ThErE yOu gUyS aRe! Oh dEaR! CoMe oN! We aRe gEttInG hIm tO a Doc!"Error says, hopping down
Then he lowers the portal so we could go through as well. He air-fist bumps Gradient, guess they know each other. Error gets everyone through and I carry Sans. Error comes through and shuts the portal. He tells Papyrus to go sit and chat with his bro. Papyrus reluctantly complies, not wanting to leave his brother.
"CiPhEr?"Error asks
I nod.
"AlrIghT, Let'S gO. It'S gOnNa bE oKay."He says, opening another portal and hopping through
"Thanks, Error. How'd you even know about the issue?"I ask
"BluepRiNt fElT tHat sOmeThIng wAs uP wHen YoU gUys lEft, sO hE tOld BluE. BlUe cAlLed InK anD weLl, hE toLd me."He says
"You're welcome!"Ink cheers, popping out of Error's pocket onto his shoulder, very tiny
"Science?"I ask
"Science."He says with a shake of his head
"HeY, aT leAst yOu'Re cUte, InkY."Error says
I smirk at them. Sans gets taken from me and next thing I know, I'm sitting with Error and Ink in a waiting area.
"Please be okay, Sans....Please...."I mutter
Classic's POV
"Wake up....Wake up! Hey, you Sans! Wake up for fuck's sake!"A voice says
TBC :3
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