Chapter 15:Farther Apart
We arrive at a warehouse.
"Why is it always a warehouse?"The three of us mutter
We look at each other and shake our heads.
We go in.
This warehouse.
"I got the top six."Killer says
"I got the middle 6."Allsun says
"I'll get the first six then."I say
Killer teleports up and Allsun swings up using his tentacle to grab a pipe.
Time passes.
I'm searching the 3rd floor when I hear violent noises. This is followed by Killer getting blasted off the top floor and falling, horribly wounded.
"Kills!"Allsun yells, catching him with a tentacle
Allsun hugs him and I gaze up at them from the lower floor. Then, I see them get blasted from below. It seemed like a volcano erupted beneath them. They both shoot into the air and land on the bottom floor, scorched and Allsun holding Killer protectively.
"You guys okay?"I call down to them
"Yes.....Just a little wounded!"Allsun says
"No!"Killer responds
Allsun hears this and proceeds to hug and kiss Killer.
"Okay, maybe I feel better."Killer says
I hear growling. I look and see some tiny furball standing a few feet from me. It looks possessed by Cipher. It looks like a Flameon, fire Evie mixed with a porcupine a bit. It has bones sticking out like spikes.
"Seriously? They're making Pokemon now?"I say
"Classic!"Allsun shouts
"What?"I say
"That is no Pokemon!"Allsun tells me
I was about to question what he meant but recall he said they put Poketale code or chemicals in Fell.
"Shoot."I mutter
I look at the Pokemon.
"Red?"I say
The response to this was the Pokemon running at me. It rammed into me like it was a fricking Tauros(bull/ ox pokemon). It burns my leg and looks up at me. Then, it bites me in my scorched leg.
"Agh!"I grunt in pain
I don't want to hurt it, if it is Fell. He may be in pain, scared or unaware of what's going on anymore. I check my hp.
This pokemon digs their teeth in deeper.
(The teeth are as sharp as Fell's.)
0.4/1 HP.
I drop to the floor. I see his tooth. It may be him
"Red, please! It's me! Classic! Stop! If it's you, please stop!"I plea
The Pokemon pauses. It looks at me.
"Red?"I say
It removes its teeth from my leg.
"I see you found my new pet. Lovely gift of loyalty from Cipher. He doesn't like intruders."A voice says
I look up and see Renew a few floors up above with Cipher.
Killer and Allsun teleport up once fixing their wounds and begin to fight the two. I look back at the Pokemon I have recognized as Fell. As Red.
"Red, I am here. It's me. It's you, right? Wait.."I say
I dig into my pocket and take out a bottle of mustard. I usually carry ketchup around but this pocket was special. I use it for times when Red is upset or just wants mustard. I extend it to him. He tilts his head, then blinks a few times. He hesitantly comes over and sips from it. His flaming tail begins to wag, he likes it.
"Dang it! I'm losing control! He's doing something to Fell!"Cipher shouts
"Ya, it's called feeding him."I mutter quietly
"FUCK!"Renew yells
I look at Red. He starts shaking his head. He looks at me, no longer with the weird eyes. Now, I see bright red eyes. He looks at me and steps back. He looks at my leg. His eyes widen and he steps further back.
"Red? What?"I say
He points to my leg then at himself.
"Oh....Ya, you bit me but it's ok."I tell him
My stats appear. I see him looking at my HP. He gets even more frightened. He shakes his head and runs off.
"Red! Come back!"I yell, getting up and running after him the best I can
I find him climbing into a box to hide. He curls up in there, the box being made of metal and stones. I peek in at him.
"Red. Please, come on out."I tell him
He shakes his head, scared.
"I'm going nowhere without you, Red."I say
He gives me this look that said Why? You should.
"I'm not leaving you. I l-care about you, Red."I tell him
He looks away. I sigh. There has to be some way to assure him it's okay. Sure, I could just carry him home in this box, but that would bring the issue of getting him out of the box home. I get an idea.
Time for honesty.
"Red, you wanna know what I was dreaming about? Or should I say who?"I ask, peeking my head in
He looks at me curiously.
"I was dreaming about you.~"I tell him
He leaps at me, coming out of the box. He lands on me, pinning me down. He looks at me with his tail wagging rapidly. His gaze asks one question excitedly:REALLY?!
He looks so cute.
"Really. And can I just point out how excited you got at that Red? Hehe, what? Was that red echo flower telling the truth when it echoed how you were gay and liked me?"I say
His eyes widen in surprise. His face gets bright red and some of his flaming fur turns pinkish. He hops off of me and hides his face. He puts his lil paws in front of his face to hide. His tail is low.
Wait, the way he is reacting proves it's true! He likes me! My face brightens.
"Red, are you embarrassed about your lil secret that I learned about?"I ask, softly feeling one of his bone spikes
He jolts and looks at me.
"Is that the case?"I ask
His flaming fur gets higher. I swipe my hand away before I get burnt. He runs off.
"Oh come on! Red!"I say, chasing after him
He gets stuck in this corner and turns around. I kneel down and look at him. So cute. He looks at me with terrified, nervous eyes. He keeps backing up nervously until he's against the wall.
I extend the mustard bottle to him.
"It's okay, Red. Everything is ok."I assure him
He comes closer.
Hesitantly, he begins to sip it again while I hold it.
"Ya know, I never imagined you as a Pokemon. Who knew you could be so cute?"I say with a smirk
He freezes up. He spat out the mustard to his side. He looks at me in shock, his face getting brighter red.
"Ya I said it. Now, I got a question, did you like that sleep kiss, Red?"I ask
He pauses, then bows his head and nods. Then, he gets a smirk. He looks at me and his gaze says he is up to something. He starts to creep closer to me.
"Uh....Red?"I say, nervously backing up now
He keeps coming closer.
I back up but he puts a paw on my wounded leg, stopping me. He keeps coming closer and closer to me.
"R-Red?"I say
He pounces on me, pinning me down. He walks on me until he is gazing down at me, face to face. He winks and I feel my face burn. My soul starts to pound. He has my stats appear again. He backs up until he is below it. Specifically, my stat showing my soul. It literally felt like my soul was on fire, making my face burn even more.
"R-R-Red! What are y-you doing?"I stutter
He has the stats go away. He lifts up my shirt with a paw and peeks under.
"RED!"I snap, my soul racing
He pokes one of my bones that got wounded when he rammed into me. I jolt.
"R-Red...."I say, unable to yell
He lowers my shirt. He walks back up to my face. He seems more confident now. He looks smug. He puts a paw on my cheek.
"R-R-R-R-Red?"I stutter
He starts leaning close but then gets kicked off of me. He flies through the air and slides across the floor.
"Red!"I shout
Two hands grab me.
"Got him."Cipher's voice says
My eye lights shrink and I feel something get injected into me. I can't summon anything. I try to struggle and get free, but then something else is injected into me. I can't move.
"Red!"I yell
"Good. Amazing at how our luck worked with the plan. Those two idiots left thinking these two were gone."Renew says
"Should we still take Fell?"Cipher asks
"Nah, now that we have Classic, he is no use for us."Renew says
"Let's go then."Cipher says, placing a mask around my mouth
Red starts running over. He's about to run and leap when they teleport and he disappears from my sight.
Meanwhile, with Killer and Allsun
"Where the hell are they?"Killer mutters, wandering outside the warehouse
"Could they still be inside?"Allsun asks
"No....Maybe.....I dunno."Killer says
"Oh dear Asgoro, I'm gonna go look."Allsun says
He breaks back in and Killer follows. They wander around, calling for Fell and Classic. They hear a thud and a crash and a bunch of other noises. They hear some barks or growls, which Killer said must translate to Fell cursing and IS NOT HAPPY.
Allsun goes upstairs and finds the lil Flameon Fell knocking stuff over, ramming into things or setting things on fire. Ya, he is not happy.
"Fell! There you are!"Allsun says
Fell turns and looks at him with tears in his eyes. This is the first time he has seen Fell cry. He runs to Allsun and nuzzles his leg, crying. He's in his hostile form so the fire didn't affect him. He scoops Fell up and looks at him. He tries to sense what he wants to say through his emotions or thoughts. He finds this: Why? Why did you bring HIM along?! Why did you and Kills disappear?! Why?
"Fell, I'm sorry. He was worried terribly about you. Leaving him back was like caging an animal. He could get in trouble and might've even shown up anyway. We...didn't disappear. I'm sorry that we got seperated from you guys."Allsun says
Ya well it must be a lose lose! He is in trouble now! They took him!
"Aww, Fell....It's ok."He says, hugging him
Why? Why? Just why him?
He begins to whimper.
"Don't worry, we're gonna get em."Allsun says
Can they be burning in hell?
"When we get them, they will be burnt to a crisp in hell."Allsun says
Good...Those motherfuckers deserve it.
Allsun stands there, hugging Fell and healing him from some wounds he found. He comforts Fell, knowing exactly how he feels and understanding. He soon managed to soothe the Flameon to sleep. Part of his fur turned blue, probably to show he was upset.
"Nighty, I think we should-"Killer says
"Shhh, I just calmed him down enough to rest."Allsun says
"What do you mean, calm down?"Killer asks
"They got Classic, Kills."Allsun says
"Oh....Ya let's go and update the others."Killer says
He nods. Fell wakes up and hops out of his grip. His spikes hide away. He then blows into the air. Flames fly into the air, making a heart and a message:Coming for Classic.
He then comes back to Killer and Allsun. Allsun teleports the three of them home.
The TBC part is coming in.
A week later, Classic's POV
I slowly regain consciousness after a WEEK of experiments from Cipher and Renew. They hurt but I'm hanging on. I'm pulling an S!Pap. Blue told me of this time that his bro hung on by an hp level below 0.1(ref to chap in first book ;3), and I'm basically doing the same. I'm at 0.0000000000001 hp. But if I take one more hit, I don't think there will be another 0 to save me.
"Okay, we got what we needed, what should we do?"Cipher asks
"Same as Fell."Renew says
Cipher nods and comes closer to me. A few injections later and I'm out cold.
I wake up and look around. I'm back in the warehouse, right beside the mustard bottle and box Red hid in. I was dropped here. I shake my head, feeling different. I check myself. I see that I've changed like Red did, but not the same. Better than being turned to dust. I weakly get up and look around. I gotta regain hp. The week old mustard will surely get me sick more than anything so I shove it off the ledge into a can far below. I then look around for other resources. I find on the 8th floor a fridge. And it was full of mustard, ketchup, spaghetti, basically any common food that could regain hp. I hop up and grab the ketchup bottle. I sip it until I am back at full hp. I shut the fridge and bring the bottle with me. Now I gotta find a place to rest. I hop, limping a bit with my injured leg left unkept and not tended to. I find on the 16th floor a box with a small pillow and blanket packaged inside. I tear it open and snuggle up cozily in it. I sleep until morning.
That is when I heard a noise. Then two. I climb out of the box with curiousity. I peek over the ledge and see some familiar faces down below.
Blueprint, Raven, Palette and Goth. Palette was holding his Gothy's hand while Raven was attempting to hold Blueprint's. Both Raven and Goth have their scythes out. When Raven failed to hold Blueprint's hand, Raven kept going ahead of him protectively. Palette has his roller out.
"Man, this place is big."Palette says
"Where do you think he could be?"Goth asks
"He couldn't have gotten far!"Blueprint says
"I'm sure we'll find him."Palette says
"But keep your guard up, guys. Those jerks could still be here."Raven says
"Okay, well, there are 18 floors and four of us. Hmm...."Goth says
"How about we split up!"Blueprint suggests
"Good idea! Let's do a buddy system for safety though! We'll each do 9 of the floors! I'll go with Gothy and you can go with Raven!"Palette says
I could tell Raven got excited. Blueprint got this look like he was questioning why he said anything.
"Good idea, Printy and Palette. That sounds like a plan. Come on Printy! Let's do the top 9!"Raven says, taking Blueprint's hand and running off
"Hehe, smooth, Palette, real smooth."Goth says
"I think that made them happy! Or your brother at least, right, Gothy?"Palette says
Goth nods and the two search the lower floors. They all wander around, calling for Fell. Did he seriously come back here?
I hear something get knocked over from an upper floor. I get startled and run across a middle bridge that connects to the other side of the warehouse floor.
"Hey look! There's another one here! Did they turn someone else? And their leg is wounded! Poor person!"Palette says, spotting me
I look and see him on the 3rd floor with Goth, both looking up at me.
I smile at them.
"Hey, one of their diamonds turned yellow on their cap-like fur!"Goth says
Guess I'm some kind of Glaceon.
"Could that be an emotion? Happiness?"Palette wonders
I look around and hear something get knocked over. Then, a pair of shades fall and land at my paws. They aren't the size of Fresh's. Much smaller. It reminds me of Allsun saying they injected Red with parts of Fresh's code/chemicals. And Renew said to do the same to me so chances are, so do I. I scoop the shades up and look around. I don't see anyone that these would fit. I toss them down to Palette, who catches them.
"These were....."Palette says, but I couldn't hear who because of another bang
This one being a floor below me now. I look around and get filled with joy. I see Red! 2 floors below me!
"Red!"I shout, but it only came out as a yip
"They see something!"Palette cheers
"Or someone."Goth says
I move quickly down the floors. I open the fridge and get a bottle of mustard. I go to where I heard the noise. The 14th floor. I run to him quickly, limping due to my leg. He turns around and jumps when he sees me. I set the bottle down. He gives me this confused look that said:Who the fuck are you?
I nudge the bottle to him.
He looks at me. Then at the bottle. He begins to sip it. I try to get close to him, but his spikes come out and his flames grow. I see myself melting a bit, feeling weak. I step back and he hisses at me, a clear message to stay back.
"Hey! They found Fell! Awesome! Raven no!"Blueprint says
I look and see Raven coming closer to Blueprint who was watching us. Blueprint gets trapped in a hug.
"What floor?"Palette asks
"14th!"Raven replies
There are rapid footsteps. I run off, finding my hp lower again. Oh right, he's fire and I'm ice. We don't mix. I sneak up to the 16th floor. I climb into the box and sip the bottle of ketchup. Though I don't realize I was followed yet. I hear Red yell. He surely was caught.
"Time to go, buddy."Palette says
I peek out of the box. On the 17th floor is Red being held by Palette. Red is looking at me, hissing and growling at Palette. Palette looks at him, then at me.
"Ah, I see. Well ya need these, Mr. Fell."Palette says, putting the shades on him
Perfect fit.
"Poor thing must be scared. One of the diamonds turned purple."Blueprint says
I turn away, hiding under the blanket. Silence fills the warehouse besides footsteps. I stay still and quiet.
I feel a burning sensation on my wounded leg. I let out a cry of surprise and pain.
"Mr. Fell!"Palette shouts
I look and see Red peeking into the box. He has shades on, but moved the blanket to reveal my wounded leg.
BI-TE his shades say and he tilts his head.
I nod. I feel the pain in my leg. I check my hp. 0.4/1! I take the ketchup bottle and keep sipping it until it goes back up.
I look at Red again. He looks at me weirdly. I feel uneasy. I climb out with the ketchup bottle now empty. I leave it behind. I limp away nervously. I climb onto the railing of the stairs and sit. I slide down them and hop off when I'm at the 7th. I find Palette and Goth on the other side. I smile at them. But Red cuts me off from the bridge.
SA-NS? His shades say.
I nod.
The words on the shades disappear. His shades are absolutely blank. I step back.
Then, they get two giant hearts.
My soul speeds up.
Then his shades say ID-EA when he gets this smirk on his face.
"R-Red?"I say nervously, though just came out as a noise
He steps closer. I back up. He steps closer. I turn to run or limp away. Ice and fire don't mix! Then, he pounces on me. He knocks me down and pins me down. He is on my back. He nuzzles his head against mine happily, his tail wagging and fur blazing, showing a lot of passion and love. My soul races and I feel my face burn. But I could feel my hp dropping and I see my paws begin to lose form like melting ice cream.
"Red! Red! Please! Get off of me! Please!"I shout, but it only came out as a yelp
"Fell! Get off of them! Poor thing!"Palette shouts
Palette runs over and scoops Red off of me. He is wearing mittens so he is safe. Red looks at me and keeps trying to get out of Palette's hold to get to me. Goth comes over and checks on me.
"Just in time. They nearly completely melted. Fell, you're a fire type, they're an ice type. You were gonna hurt them doing that, though that may have just been your intention."Goth says
Red shakes his head. His shades read: I♥H-IM!
Goth picks me up and feeds me a cookie. It gets me up to 0.9 hp.
"He's shaking."He says
He bandages my leg and tries to get me to stop shaking. I soon stop once I'm sure we're safe.
"Who are you?"Goth asks, setting me down
Palette sets Red down as well.
Red runs over to me quickly. He nuzzles my head with his shades reading SOR-RY!
I smile at him.
"He seems happy with Fell, the diamonds turned yellow again."Palette says
"Ya, just gotta make sure Fell doesn't go too far. Now, let's get out of here."Goth says
I hear some noises upstairs and find Raven hugging a blushing mess that is Blueprint. I come over and look at them. I smile. Raven lets Blueprint go and they kneel down, looking curiously at me. Blueprint picks me up and carries me back to Goth, Palette and Red. Raven follows behind him. We all go to the bottom floor and head home. Palette carries Red, Blueprint is carrying me. Red is the only one who knows it's me. But the others caught on quick when we were set down and Red kept sticking close to me.
"Guys, I think that's Classic."Dust says
"Why do you say that?"Cross asks
Dust gestures to Red nuzzling his head against me again.
"Oh ya, definitely Classic. He did always have a soft spot-"Cross begins
Red runs over to him and growls, clearly saying shut up. The two just start messing with him, teasing and stuff. I shake my head. I walk over and look at them. They just continue. Red is hiding his face now.
"Uh, guys, you may wanna stop. Palette says the colors on the diamonds thing show his emotions. And right now, they are red."Allsun says
They stop their teasing and look at me. I stomp my foot. They are silent. I shove Cross away and over to Dream, making Cross a blushing mess. I push Dust to Blue and he was all bright in the face after a simple hello from Blue. That should keep them busy. I go to Fell and nudge him. He looks at me. I smile. He looks around and smiles at me. I hear some commotion upstairs and then Blueprint comes downstairs, sticking between us and Blue. Raven comes downstairs.
"Aww, you escaped my hug, Printy."Raven says
I watch them confusedly. Red nudges me and he points to Raven with his shades saying FLI-RT! Guess Raven is a flirt. I nod to show I understand.
Raven gives Blueprint the puppy dog eyes and Blueprint gives in. Blueprint hugs him but then Raven took the extra step and kissed him on the head.
"Quit it!"Blueprint snaps, his face lighting up
Raven tries the puppy eyes but fails this time. So he just picked Blueprint up and ran.
Those two do appear to be interesting.
Palette comes into the house.
"Time for us to visit Science!"He tells me
I nod and start to follow. I feel a paw grab my tail. I jolt and look to see it's Red. His shades say ME-TOO. I look at him and tilt my head.
GU-ARD his shades reason.
He then peeks from under the shades and gives his own kind of puppy eyes. I sigh and nod. He smiles and walks beside me as we follow Palette to Science.
(end of Chapter 14 continuation)
Classic's POV a few weeks later
I walk around through the snow. I smile and wander about. Science is trying to make a way to turn me back, but made me a speaker collar for me. I could now turn it on and it will translate my thoughts into words. Kinda like that dog collar from the movie UP. But parts of my fur also change to express how I feel. Palette made a translation sheet. Red shows anger, blue shows sad, purple shows fear, yellow means joy, etc. I even noticed he put pink=love. Since when did my fur turn pink? I can think of some situations though.
He made copies and gave them to everyone else, even Red.
I dig into the snow until I'm out of sight. I make a fun turns and find my ketchup snow stash. I hang out there, sipping at a bottle.
"Sans? Where'd ya go?"A voice calls
I smirk. I go through the tunnel I've made and pop my head out to look. I see Red wandering around. He has a translator collar as well. I see him getting close. I turn my translator on and dip back into the hole. I wait until I hear him pause. Then I leap out at him, tackling him.
"Hey Red!"The translator says for me
His face burns up a bright red.
Sign that he is getting protective and worried. He's been getting like this whenever I leave his sight.
"Why do you always do that?"His asks
"Why not?"I respond
He goes silent.
I smile at him.
"Oh my dear Asgore why is-"His translator begins
He panicks and taps it off. I look at him confusedly.
"Why is what?"I ask
He shakes his head, then shoves me off of him. I fall back into the hole with a thud. The landing made some snow shift into the hole, falling on me. But I don't mind. This has become my element. Though it does get Red to panic.
"Sans? Sans where are you? I'm sorry! Sans!"His translator calls
I make my way through the snow and hop out.
"What are you digging for, Red?"I ask
He turns around.
"Sans!"He cheers
"Hey, Red!"I say
He smiles.
"You're okay!"His translator says
I nod.
I look at him and smile. I look around and see nobody around.
"Maybe now I can-"My translator narrarates, making me realize it's still on.
I reach up and tap it off.
"Now what? Wait! You're pink! Are you feeling love?"Red asks giving me a teasing gaze.
I shake my head, feeling my face burn.
"Aww, come on, you can tell me."He says, tapping my collar to turn it on
I tense up.
"No! Well, yes, but, uh, em well-"It translates
"Calm down, I was just messing with you."He tells me
I sigh, relieved.
"Or was I?"He says
I look at him. He summons my soul and checks the stats. It even told my emotional state, which said: GAY & CRUSHING! I could've died there on the spot.
He looks at me.
"You're gay?"He asks
I nod. He smiles and comes closer to me, my soul between us.
"Would your stats happen to say who your crush is if I look hard enough?"He asks with a wink
"No! Try looking around at the others!"I tell him
He nods. He has my soul go away and nuzzles his head against me. Then he grows bigger than me.
"What the?"His translator says
He turns to himself again. He checks himself and smiles. Then he looks at me with an idea clearly coming together. He takes the collar off of himself, grinning. He reaches toward me.
"R-Red?"My translator says
He picks me up and places me in his lap. He starts petting me, rubbing me. My face burns even more, soul racing. He feels from my head to my tail. He's never done this before.
"R-R-Red, s-stop....This is n-new....Too new..."My translator tells him
"Then tell me who the lucky guy is.~"He says
"RED!"My translator shouts
He does not stop. He chuckles. I start to huff, feeling warmer. He turns me over and starts to feel my belly. Not like a dog, but he was touching it. He holds it in one spot.
"Your soul, I can feel it."He says
He leans his head down. My soul beats faster.
"I can hear it racing. Heh, sounds nice."He says
He starts nuzzling his head there, then kisses me on the head. My feet twitch and jolt, not used to this. My face must be a blushing mess. He lifts my tail up a bit.
"Ya, that's definitely pink. You're feeling love but certainly good at keeping the who hidden."He says
He looks at me and smile. I frown.
"Reeeed!"My translator exclaims
I hide my face with my paws. I feel him rest his head where he could hear my soul again.
"Classic! Science thinks he found a way to-ohhh."Palette says
I look and see Palette there. Red looks at him and his face gets really red.
"Fell, leave him alone. He's nervous."Palette says
"What?"Red says
"I gave you a list! Orange means anxious!"He says
I look and see my tail tip is orange now. Oh phew!
"Oh..."Red says
Palette scoops me up and carries me away.
I get placed in this giant cylinder.
No...too familiar!
I look and luckily see Palette there with Science. That reassures me.
A few moments and a boom later, I'm laying on the floor a few feet from a fire. Definitely a failed experiment, but then I see that I am a skeleton, so not a complete fail. Palette scoops me up and runs. I find that I'm smaller though, so it's a side effect. Backfiring. Palette calls Shino, who puts the fire out. Palette sets me down. I look around. I am at the front steps of home sweet home. I knock and try to speak, but can't. Luckily, I still have the collar on so it can talk for me. The door opens and there is Red. He looks down at me and his face gets redder. He reaches out, grabbing me and putting a small fire out of my shoulder.
"Science failed?"He asks
I nod.
"How do you feel?"He asks, taking the collar off
I give a thumbs up.
"Can't you talk?"He asks
I shake my head. He looks around and then smiles at me. He grabs my hand.
"Works for me."He says
What's that supposed to mean?
He pulls me inside, shutting and locking the door. He takes me to the living room without windows. He looks at me. He winks.
He sets me down on the couch, then lays me down. He smirks, then lays on me.
I can't say anything.
My soul races.
"Your soul is beating fast again. Interesting. Do you want anything, lil Sans?"He asks
I shrug.
"I'll get you some ketchup."He says, wrapping me in a blanket
He leaves and I sigh. He leaves my translator. I put it on and then my phone rings. I reach out to the table and grab it. Paps is calling. I answer.
"Hey Paps, how are you?"I say
"Sans! I am well! Undyne is sending me to you! She says I'm going to train or adventure! She won't tell me why it is suddenly changing. I can't wait to see you!"Paps says
Oh shoot, Undyne saved him. Bless her soul. Okay, get Paps here before trouble finds him.
"Okay, Paps. Listen closely, where are you?"I say
"I'm by a diner."He says
"Okay, head down the street to the right of the diner. Keep walking until you see a house marked 22. Knock on the door. I'll answer. But if you get a bad feeling, find houses marked 14-23 and any of them will let you in. They are friends of mine."I explain, then describe each of them to him
"Okay, thank you brother. But never fear! I, the great Papyrus, will be just fine! Nyehehehe!"He cheers
"I know, but you can't blame me for worrying, can ya?"I say
"No. I do plenty of that with you. Cya soon, Sans! Love you! Nyehehehe!"He says
Then he hangs up.
I smile.
Red comes over and gives me some ketchup. I sip it and he sits down in front of the couch and looks at me.
It is silent. He just watches me. I set the ketchup aside. He smiles and puts on a comedy show.
We watch it together, smiling and laughing at the jokes.
The show ends two hours later.
"So....uh, you know I'm gay and like you, r-right?"He asks
I nod.
"W-Well...Em, I uh, ah....What I am trying to say, I mean, ask is, are the feelings returned?"He asks, making a heart with his hand in the air
I hear a knock at the door before I could answer.
"Who's there?"Red asks
"I'll get it!"My translator says
I go to the door and open it.
I find a hooded figure much taller than me at the door.
I wave. They grab my hand and yank me out, the door shutting behind me.
"Sans!"The person cheers, hugging me
"Hey Paps."My translator says
"What's this?"He asks, his face peeking out of the hood
"Translator. Lost my voice so it makes my thoughts into words."I say
"Ah, are you alright?"He asks
I nod.
He hugs me closer.
"Why are you hooded?"I ask
"Undyne told me it was for disguise."He says
He sets me down and smiles.
I smile back.
"You had ketchup, didn't you?"He asks
I nod.
"Okay. Well how about you tell me all that I missed? I bet it's amazing!"He says
"Sure thing!"I tell him
He smiles.
I hear the door open and I feel a hand grab me. I get pulled inside.
"Sans!"Paps shouts
I find myself getting held close to Red, who holds me protectively.
"Fuck off! He's mine! You can't take him!"He shouts
I look at Paps and see he looks shocked, confused, and offended.
Red slams the door with a kick before he could say or do anything.
"Idiot."He mutters
I sigh with annoyance. He's getting way too protective.
"Great first impression, Red."My translator says
"First impression? What are you talking about?"He asks
"That was my brother you just told to fuck off and called an idiot. And slammed the door on his face."I say
"Why was he hooded?"He asks
"Well, can't be walking around looking innocent as him at night."I respond
"Oh shoot...."He says
There's a bang at the door.
Red gets up and opens the door. He gets sprayed in the face.
"What the?"Red says
"A nice skeleton was coming over, then asked me if everything was ok. I told him what happened and he gave me this. He also told me to put this bar of soap in your mouth, but I really don't think he learned what mouthwash is."Paps says
"Suave...."My translator says quietly
"Now, can I have my brother?"Papy says, pointing a bone at him
"Sorry, Papyrus. Didn't know it was you. Didn't mean to be rude. Not to a Paps."He says
"How do you know me?"Paps asks
"Easy to recognize another version of my brother."He says
"Oh! You have a Papyrus too? I bet he's a great bro to you!"Paps says, lowering the bone
"Ya....He was...."Red says, bowing his head
Paps almost instantly caught on. He drops the bone and hugs Red.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"He begins
"It's fine."Red tells him, stepping back
I get up.
"Who are you anyway?"Paps asks
"Fell. Nice to-"He replies
"Oh! So you're the guy my brother is so fond of! One sec! Brother, where do you keep the spaghetti? I'm gonna make dinner!"He cheers, going to the kitchen
"You told him about me? You're fond of me?"Red asks me quietly
"I might've let some words slip over the phone....I didn't know when he would come or who'd he meet, so I described who could be trusted to him. Including you."I say, my face burning
Forget what I said before. NOW I could've died.
"And you're fond of me?"He asks
"Well we are best friends."I say
"Brother? Spaghetti?"Paps calls
"Uh, top shelf on the right of the cabinet bro!"I tell him
"Ok!"He says
"Ok...This is ok..."The translator mutters
"Sans get in here!"Paps says
"Coming, Paps!"I say
I go into the kitchen.
"Please stay out, Fell!"Paps says
Red nods.
Paps turns a fan on to drown noise out. Contain noise in the kitchen.
"You just lied to Fell. And you said you guys were close to me."He says
"Bro! Eavesdrop much?"I say
"Sorry, but I just wanted to ensure everything is ok. And dishonesty means secrets. Secrets don't fit in. You got some explaining to do."He says
"I'll explain later. Just DO NOT tell him what I told you about him over the phone! Please?"I tell him
"Why of course brother! Whatever makes you happy! Nyehehehe!"He says
Soon, we're sitting at the table, all 3 of us. His spaghetti is good. It is real quiet. Papyrus starts up a conversation with Red and they talk. When he asked Paps what I told him, Paps kept it brief.
"You are very nice, have a bit of a temper and language, but very nice. Great to have around."He replied
Red nods.
Paps drags me upstairs. I show him the room I set up. I thought he'd visit eventually or come at some point, so I made a room like his. It doesn't have a race car bed but it has the rest. He smiles, thanking me. He pulls me inside and has me tell him everything. I tell him everything, well, mostly everything. I tell him about the GOOD times and briefly about the troublemakers, but nothing more. Don't want to worry him or make him get any ideas. We go to sleep, him in his room and me in mine. Red had already gone to bed.
I wake up the next morning, early for once. I go and look outside. I hear someone yelling, though can't understand what. I get a jacket on, curious. I leave a note for Paps to know where I am or may be. Then I go to find the owner of the yells.
The yells get louder and louder.
"Translating...."My translator says, but not my thoughts
"Gradient! Gradient! Where are you? Answer me! Please! Gradient!"It translates the yells
Gradient, why does that name sound familiar?
I have to find the owner of the voice now.
I wander around and find this skeleton yelling. The translator keeps translating of course.
(First time drawing Bluescreen)
I approach him. He seems to be a kid, around my height. Then again, Science's experiment did make me a bit shorter.
"Are you looking for Gradient?"I ask
He talks a bit.
"Yes, have you seen him? He called me saying there is trouble."The translator translates
He talks some more.
"Wait, you can translate what I'm saying? Awesome!"He had said
"What does he look like?"I ask
He takes out a picture. I look at it. I recognize him. I get a flashback. Whenever those two were done with experimenting on me for the day, they'd throw me in a room and try to take him. I never let them though, the kid looked so scared and didn't deserve this. He could still be there. I recall hearing what those two planned to do with him. I know just where to go.
"You a friend of his?"I ask
"Emm, yes."He says nervously, then takes out a picture of him with the kid
I nod.
"Come on, we're gonna get your friend back."I say
He smiles.
"Oh thank you so much, sir!"He says in translation
He takes my hand and we head off. I lead him through the forest to the warehouse, farther and farther away from home. We go in and I go to the fourth floor. There's this board with a plan pinned to it. I read it while he wanders around, looking for Gradient. I call him over when I notice a box shaking. He looks at it, full of hope. I look at the plan.
"They put him in there. It sent him somewhere."I say
He reads the listed plan.
"Cipher hurt him? Seriously? Not to my friend!"He says, glitching a bit from anger
I nod.
I take the lid off and the box drops down, becoming like a black hole on the floor, sucking anything nearby into it. This kid gets sucked inside, then me and the lid goes right back on.
I'm definitely getting farther away from home. Sorry Paps, I may be late to morning spaghetti.
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