Chapter 14:Closer
Fell's POV three months later
I wake up one morning, hearing a knock at the door. I get up and go to the door, yawning. I look at the clock. 5 AM. Who is knocking at this hour? I open the door and find nothing but a flower on the doormat. I can hear someone running off, hearig the snow crunch, but can't see anyone. I curiously pick the flower up.
"Hey Fell...."It says with an echo
Echo flower.
"You like someone don't you? Classic perhaps? I've heard plenty of it. Well, look closely. You two may not be so different!"It says
I stare at it, surprised.
Classic? Liking me?
My face warms a bit.
Wait. Who the fuck put this here? Who ratted me out?
The voice was none of the gang's voices and the echo made it hard to recognize. Dang it.
I go back inside, shutting and locking the door. I set the echo flower down. I sigh and doze on the couch. I wake up when I hear someone coming. I look and see Sans there. I smile at him and he smiles back. I get up and go to the kitchen. I start making breakfast.
"Red? When did you get this?"He asks, coming in with the flower
"Someone left it on the mat this morning."I say
"D-Did you hear what it said?"He asks
I look over my shoulder at him. He looks anxious while holding it. Odd. But this means he heard this and may think that I....No, won't let him know.
"No, should I have heard it?"I ask with a lie
"E-Em no! I'll be back in a few, okay?"He says, putting a jacket on
"Okay."I say
He leaves with the flower. I eat my breakfast and he comes back with his face burning but without the flower.
"You okay?"I ask
"Yes."He says
I shrug it off and he has his breakfast. I try to think of who could've ratted me out....Someone told whoever sent that flower of my feelings. Or they hinted it. Hmm....Maybe start with Dust. I get up and get my jacket on. I tell Sans that I'm off to "hang out" and he nods. I go next door to Blue and Dust's house. Which is also Ink and Error's including their bros' home. Sprinkle opens the door and smiles at me. He has me come in and goes upstairs to hunt Dust down. S!Pap is asleep on the couch. Jasper is sitting at a table with Blueprint, who is playing with a puzzle. Blue is in the kitchen making tacos with Ink and Error. E!Pap is sitting on the floor, watching TV and working on his book. I smile. Jasper calls me over happily. We talk a bit but he seems more intrigued by what Blueprint is doing.
"What are you doing there?"He asks
"Solving a puzzle."Blueprint replies
"Puzzile? Like a pretzel?"Jasper says, seeming confused
"You've never tried a puzzle?"Blueprint asks
"Not really. Couldn't find any so I'd usually just do what Father says, wander through the halls or mess with Suave. Encre brought activities but nothing like this, usually painting or other arts. And then of course there is decoding his language. That's always a time consumer. But no, I never tried a puzzle."Jasper replies
"Well here, I'll make ya one."He says
Then, right there he used his scarf like a, ya know, blue print. It became real disconnecting from the scarf. He slides it to Jasper, who was lost in amazement.
"Woah! So what do I do?"He asks
"You break the pieces apart and put it back together by connecting the pieces."Blueprint explains
"Ah! Okay!"Jasper says
A few minutes pass and the were having fun. Blueprint seems to enjoy having a fellow puzzle-lover. I see someone sneaking up behind Blueprint. I chuckle. Knew he couldn't be too far.
"Blueprint, seems like you have company."Jasper says
"Huh?"Blueprint says
"Hey, Printy.~"Raven says
Blueprint turns his head and just then, Raven kisses him on the cheek. His face lit up brighter than when Dust sees Blue do something he considers cute(which is really anything) or kisses him, which is fast so this says something.
"Raven! What was that for?"Blueprint snaps
"For you. And the correct form of that question would be WHO was that for. How's your puzzle going?"Raven says with a wink and sly tone
Pfft. This kid has been smoother than my own friends with kisses. If my friends had kissed someone they love, like Error to Ink or something, they wouldn't even be able to speak a sentence clearly.
"It's going good! Quit distracting me!"Blueprint says, refocusing on his puzzle
"K."Raven says
Raven leaves the room, for now. That look in his eye told me he had a plan to return.
"What was that about?"Jasper asks
"Nothing. He's just being a flirt."Blueprint says
"What's a flirt? Is it a troublemaker?"Jasper asks
Blueprint sighs, shaking his head.
"Kinda. Except they use flirting."He says
"Flirting?"Jasper says
"It's like teasing someone with love."He says
"Ah, I see. I get it. Man, no wonder he reminded me of Father being lovey to Encre when he's painting when he did that. You reacted like Encre does as well. Hmm, maybe he gets that from his father. I have seen Mr. Reaper do that to Mr. Geno at times when Mr. Geno is busy. You must be what Mr. Geno is to Mr. Reaper!"Jasper says
Blueprint begins to blush even more.
"Sure, whatever. Just do your puzzle."Blueprint says
I hear a chain of thuds and then a loud bang.
"Ow."I hear Dust say
"Dust!"Blue yells, peeking out of the kitchen
I look and see Dust laying at the bottom of the stairs, rubbing his skull.
"Did you fall down the stairs?"I ask
"Again?"S!Pap says, waking up
I chuckle at S!Pap's commentary. How many times has this happened then.
"Someone left a puppet on one of the steps!"Dust says, pointing to a puppet on a step
"I nEvEr tOoK mY pUpPeTs OuT oF mY rOoM."Error says
"Dang it, I dropped it."Jasper says
"Really, dude?"Dust says
"YoU wErE tRyInG tO sTeaL?"Error snaps
"That's a big no no, Jasper."I tell him
"I was curious, ok? I'm sorry."Jasper says
Blue helps Dust and checks him for injuries while Error and Jasper had a talk about puppets. This left Ink alone to make the tacos. Dust looks at me and comes over once he convinced Blue that he's okay.
"What's up Fell?"He asks
"I think someone ratted me out about....ya know."I say
"Oh! Well it certainly wasn't me. Error covers my mouth with his hand, strings or puppet's hands whenever I try. He's been watching me 24/7 to make sure I don't. I bet he is right now. But...Why do you think so? Did Classic confront you?"Dust tells me, with Error watching from the kitchen
"This morning there was the echo flower left on the doorstep. The message was from someone. Not one of you guys, but they knew about it. They said they have heard plenty of it....Now I am trying to figure out who it is before they leak it out again..."I tell him
"I'll check with Cross and I bet Error's checking with Nightmare and Killer now."He says as Error heads out the back door
"You're a pro at predicting him, aren't ya?"I say
"Eh, he has his surprises from time to time. Comes with being a best bud of his."He says
I nod.
"We'll find that mole, Fell. Your secret is safe."He says
"Thanks, Dust."I say
"No problem."He says
I get a ding from my phone. I check it. It's from Classic.
"Can you come home? I found something else...😥"The message says
I get a bad feeling.
"Shit."I mutter
"What?"Dust asks
"I think the culprit struck again. Cya."I say, then leave
I get home and go inside.
"Sans?"I call
He comes over quickly.
"H-Hey, Red."He says
"What's wrong?"I ask, noticing how uneased he seems
"This was slid under the door. It says it's for you. I swear I didn't read it!"He says, handing me an envelope
"Ok?"I say
He nods, then goes upstairs.
I open the envelope and find a bunch of pictures. Of us. Of me. Of him. Sleeping. Eating. Talking. Inside. Outside. Heck, there was one of each of us showering! I feel extremely creeped out. These were all taken from a distance or through some window. Someone has been watching us. Stalking. A letter was inside as well.
"Dear Fell or Red,
Hello. I bet you must be so confused right now, so let's get something in that skull of yours. I know where you live. I know your routine. I know how you think. I know where you can hide. I know your secret. I know your weaknesses. I know who you care about. I know how to hurt them. So if you want to be smart, come meet me at the diner. Let's have some fun!
Hell no.
I tear the letter up and all the pictures. I start a fire in the fireplace and toss the shreds into the fire. I go upstairs and find Sans staring at the window. He wasn't looking outside, just one spot on it. I can tell, he would be blinking if it was outside. He gets up and goes downstairs. He cups back with some flour and with gloves on. He spreads the flour on the part of the window he was staring at. Then he blows and wipes some of it away.
"What are you doing?"I ask
"Red....I think someone was at this window recently."He says, dodging the question
Shoot. What did he find now?
He steps aside and shows a handprint on the window, shown by the flour. He teleports to the ledge of the window and repeats the process.
"It's out there too."He says, teleporting inside again
"That isn't good."I say
He shakes his head. He takes a pic of both handprints and then lifts the prints by using see-through tape.
"I'll see if Geno can find anything in the multiverse coded databases or something."He says, heading off
I nod.
I get nervous though. After he left, I shut all the windows in all the rooms, making sure it's secure. The I wait on the front steps for his return. And boy did he return.
After two hours, he comes running back over. He does not stop or say a word. He grabs me and yanks me off my feet, getting inside and slams the door behind us, locking it. What the heck?
"Dude, is everything ok?"I ask
"There's a match. He found a match to the prints. It's Cipher."He replies
"Oh shi-shoot."I say
"I am not going out there."He says
"Neither am I."I say
He smiles at me, glad to not be alone. But he seems at unease. I make sure all the blinds are shut to help ease the both of us. I see he is still uneased. I have him sit at the couch in the back room, the only room without windows. I put out the fire in the front fireplace and block it up so nobody can sneak down it. I want it to seem like we aren't here the best I can. Lockdown basically. I get some blankets and put some on him. I turn on the TV and set the channel to some comedy marathon. He smiles, seeming put at ease.
Hours pass. He falls asleep. I go upstairs, checking on things. Once all clear, I change into some pajamas. I go back downstairs and set up a proper resting space in that living room. I lay down and try to sleep. But then I hear some movement. I roll to my side and see Sans is shifting closer. He is still asleep though. What's he doing? Is he seriously gonna sleep walk or sleep teleport now? He keeps coming closer to me. He places a hand on my cheek. I feel my face burn. My soul races.
"Warm....."He mutters sleepily
He gets close and kisses me. No warning. Nope. Just. That. IN HIS SLEEP! My face burns up more than I've ever felt it burn. My soul pounds quickly. He rolls back.
"Nice....."He mutters
What just happened?!
I think for a few moments and then softly nudge him awake. He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Red? Something wrong? Your face certainly is your name."He says with a chuckle
"What the heck were you dreaming about?"I ask
His face gets real bright.
"E-Emm, nothing important. Why?"He replies
"Because you just kissed me!"I tell him
His eye-lights shrink.
"W-Where?"He asks
"Not on the cheek or head! Direct!"I tell him
"Oh my Asgore...."He mutters
"What?"I ask
"Em, like I said. It was nothing. Sorry. *fake yawn* Night!"He says, facing away from me
Okay, something is up. Wait until morning.....Or just leave it.
I shrug and try to sleep.
I wake up to a loud banging. Ugh, what now? I look and see Sans awake but just trying to sleep. And he's a master of sleeping in noisy atmospheres. So he was succeeding, unlike me. It either sounds like someone is trying to break in or knocking from desperation. Both are trouble. I get up and go to the door. I open the door and realize it was the trying to break in part.
Cipher is at the door, now hovering and looking at me with a smile. I step out and shut the door behind me so Classic doesn't hear us, or him and he doesn't try to sneak in.
He hovers and hangs above me, with this wicked grin.
"Hiya pal!"He says
"You're no pal of mine, what do you want?"I ask
"Aww, come on, can't we just talk? One gang member to another?"He says
"You have been out of the gang the moment you took Nightmare or started working with Renew. Get lost."I snap
"Oh, but I have 2 deliveries to make. A drop-off and a pick-up."He says
"What the hell are you talking about?"I ask
He drops a red echo flower on the doormat.
"That's for Classic."He says
"And the pick-up?"I inquire
"My boss wants you."He says
"Well fuck off because I'm going nowhere."I say
"Oh, but don't get so cocky. My boss and I know who you love in there. You know what we can do to him."He says
"Oh? Shrink him again? So scary."I say with a roll of my eye-lights
"I've seen how close you've gotten to him. And we can do much more than shrink him, ya know. Observe."He says
Classic appears in front of me by a snap of his fingers. Within a series of four more snaps, Classic begins to turn to dust.
"Now, I get lovers usually introduce themselves to each other's families and I am sure your brother would love him, but wouldn't it be too early for them to meet face-to-face if you get what I'm saying?"Cipher says
He is referring to my brother, who died when our timeline was getting destroyed. The last thing he ever did was shove me through a portal before the timeline got wiped out. His last words was one of the few and last times he told me:I love you little brother!
Classic takes my hand and smiles as pieces of him break to dust. The idiot just kept telling me puns while Cipher snaps away with his fingers. I start to cry.
I can't lose him too!
"No! Stop!"I shout
I hear the door open.
"Oh crap! Someone's coming!"Cipher mutters, then teleports away
I turn and see Sans there, perfectly okay.
"Red? I heard you yell? What are you doing out in this hour? Wait, you're crying! What's wrong?"He asks
Thoughts race through my head. But I know one thing.
Keep him safe. Don't lose him. Even if that makes dealing with devils.
"Sans, just go back inside. Go to sleep but don't answer the door until you verify it's someone we know in the morning. Do it. I can't let you be with boss."I tell him
"What? Red? What's going on? Get inside now!"He says
"I'll be in soon. Just give me a few minutes."I lie
He nods, shutting the door.
Cipher appears again.
"So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"He asks, extending a hand to me
"Just leave him out of it."I say, snapping to summon a bone attack
It whacks his arm out from behind his back, which had fingers crossed.
"No double crossing."I tell him
"Fine. Now do we have a deal?"He asks
I shake his hand.
Instantly my hands are bound behind my neck by something, then a collar and leash is put onto me. A mask or muzzle is put on me to silence me.
"Just not to risk anything, now come along."Cipher says
He yanks on the leash and I do nothing but follow. He pauses for a moment, looking around as if he was lost. I glance back at the house, looking so small now. I know that this isn't good for me, but when I looked back at the house, I did not have to question if I made the right choice. I'm protecting Sans, and that's what counts. I don't care about what Cipher has to say, but as long as Sans is safe, I will go through anything in a soul beat. Besides, if things go very wrong, I may see my boss, er brother.
He tugs at the leash.
"This way!"He says
I follow without hesitation. Yes, I'm scared, but isn't that part of being brave? Having courage? And I would go through hell to protect those I care about. And if this is hell, so be it.
Classic's POV hours later
The sun slowly rises, shining through the shut and blinded windows. But I of course slept in, not having a window to shine on me. I wake up and find that Red has not come back. Like he said he would. What a liar. I get up and look around, but can't find him anywhere in the house. I open the door. He isn't in sight.
"Red? Red!"I call
No answer.
I find a flower on the floor. It has a note on it.
"Sorry for your loss."It says
I flip the note.
"Listen for the truth."It says on the other side.
I frown.
I pick it up and look at it. It's red. It reminds me of him.
I remember last night. He said I kissed him.
Did he leave? Was he freaked out? Mad? I mean, I didn't give a clear answer. And I'd hate it if he did that and wouldn't explain it....or I may not. Heh...
But then the note doesn't make sense.
And why would he be crying?
Oh dear. Red, where are you?
I frown and shake my head.
I try to call him, he wouldn't pick up.
Think. Who would know where he is or could be? Who is close to him?
Nightmare, Allsun, Error,Dust, Killer and Cross. Nightmare hasn't been around so that's a no. He went to see Dust yesterday so perhaps that's my best bet. I get dressed and head out, tucking the noted flower in my pocket. I knock on the door and Allsun answers. I didn't expect that.
"Hello."He says
"Hey, is Re-er, Fell here?"I ask
"Um, no. We expected him to be with you. Is he gone?"He asks
"Mhm, missing. I can't find him. And he won't answer his phone."I say
He pulls me inside. He shuts the door.
"Dust! Get your ass back in here!"He shouts
"Uggh, why?"Dust groans, carefully coming downstairs
"Fell is missing! He won't answer Classic here and that says something!"Allsun says
"Aww fuck!"Dust snaps, coming down
"Why does it say something when he doesn't answer me? I thought him not answering you guys would be a bigger sign."I say
"Well, ya see, he-"Dust begins
Allsun covers his mouth.
"Shut it, Dust."He says
Dust nods.
"I came here since he came to see Dust yesterday. I thought he may know something."I say
"Do ya?"Allsun asks Dust
They whisper to each other and Allsun nods.
"I see. Welp, that won't help that much. Classic, you live with him, was he acting weird?"Allsun says
"Not really. But I woke up last night hearing him yell outside. I open the door to see what's wrong and he was crying. That isn't normal, is it? He-"I say
"You broke him. He never cries."Dust says
"DUST! Let him finish."Allsun snaps
"He told me to go back inside and to not come out until morning. To go back to sleep. He told me he doesn't want me with boss. That he will be in soon. But he never did come."I explain
"He only calls his brother boss."Dust says
"WhO wE tAlKinG aBouT? Oh, hEy ClAsSiC. AlLsuN, hOw mAny tImeS dId yOu hAvE t0 sToP DusT?"Error says, coming downstairs
"You guys stink."Dust says, shaking his head
"Only once."Allsun replies
"Fell is missing, Error. He mentioned his brother....."Dust says
"HoW eXaCtLy?"Error asks
"He didn't want me to be with his boss, or brother apparently."I say
"ShOot! We gOtTa fiNd hIm!"Error says, opening peekholes
"Why? What's wrong?"Dust asks
"His br0thEr iS DEAD! ClaSsIc! WhaTeVeR haPpEnEd, hE iS gOne bEcAusE hE sAveD yA fRoM tRoUblE!"Error says
"I'll try and get a sense of him and pinpoint where he is. Surely he still has negativity."Allsun says
"Pfft, this is Fell we're talking about. The only time I've seen him truly happy and positive is with this guy. Either that or in court when those idiots made up the stupid love story."Dust says, pointing to me
"GoOd pOinT."Error says
I just stand there, completely confused. What are they talking about? He seems in a good mood all the time, well, besides when someone gets on his nerves.
"Was anything left out of place?"Dust asks
"This was left on the doorstep."I reply, taking the flower with the note out
Dust takes it and looks at it.
"This is not Fell's handwriting....and red echo flowers are not around here...."He mutters
Then the flower starts talking.
"My boss wants you.....Do we"It says, cutting out
"Aw sHIt! It'S CiPhEr aNd RenEw!"Error snaps
"Just leave him out of it."Red's voice says
"AnD he maKes a DeAl! LovEly!"Error says loudly
Allsun shushes him.
"I'm trying to locate him and your yelling doesn't help."Allsun says
Error nods.
The flower then talks more.
"You know...consequence Fell.....Who are you gay for?"Cross' voice says from it
He's gay?
"SHIT!"The three of them snap, hearing this
"It's Classic okay? You happy....motherfuckers?"Red's voice echoes
My face ignites.
He's gay and likes me?
"He was listening in to us during that...shitty eavesdropper."Dust says
"Wait that's true?"I ask
Dust opens his mouth but Error glares at him.
"No."He tells me
I didn't believe him.
Nobody admits that as a lie. Not Red. Right?
"So he's the only non-gay in your gang?"I ask
"Well....He is gay. That part can be confirmed."Dust says
"Shut up, Dust."Allsun says
Dust shuts up.
After a few minutes, it goes silent. Error is checking peekholes and gave Dust and I some to look through. Blue and Ink found out and went to check with the others. Blueprint and Sprinkle also found out and went to check with the other kids.
"Agh-no! No! Urggh!Stop! He-No!"Allsun mutters, shaking
Both Dust and Error stop what they're doing.
"He's getting too deep in the emotions. He may have found Fell."Dust says
"Or hE sEEs sOmEtHinG. HeArS sOmeThIng aNd fEeLs lIke hE iS pArT oF iT nOw."Error says
Dust looks at me.
"Go get Killer."He tells me
I nod. I run to another house and knock on the door. Fallacy answers.
"Hello, how can we help you?"He asks, seeing how I just ran here
Should've teleported but whatever.
"Is Killer here?"I ask
"Yes, but why do you-oh! Killer! Get out here!"He says, realizing that it must be bad
Killer comes over. Fallacy shuts him out of the house.
"What is it?"He asks
I grab his hand and teleport him to the house. He sees Allsun and runs over, hugging him.
"He is not a lab rat!"Allsun shouts
"Snap out of it!"Killer says, hugging him tighter
Allsun opens his eyes.
"K-Kills....."He says, hugging him back
"It's okay...You're okay......"Killer says
"But Fell isn't."He says
"What?"Killer says
They fill him in on the situation. He frowns.
"I found him.....He's in a lot of pain.....The things they are doing are so wrong....But far too familiar....They're injecting him with chemicals and code, changing him. Using him like a lab rat as they said. They injected code and chemicals from Fresh, ugh, Poketale, Hotland and so on."Allsun explains
"Shit."Killer says
"Welp, I'm off. Come on Classic. Can't let Fell get used like that."Allsun says, getting up and grabbing me
"Wait! I'm coming with!"Killer says
Killer takes Allsun's hand.
"I can't lose you again."He says
Allsun sighs, then smiles and nods.
"We'll stay and make sure they don't come back to try more trouble."Dust says
Error nods, still searching through the peekholes.
Then, we were off.
*Do you wish for the chapter to continue or be left on cliffhanger?
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