Chapter 13:Innocence & False Guilt
Fell's POV a few weeks later
A few weeks have passed. My dreams have continued. My feeling has continued around Sans. My soul won't stop racing, my face would burn if he did anything good to me. I start to find myself thinking....affectionately of him. Anything he did started seeming so awesome and he even look good 24/7. He could be an absolute mess and I would still think he's the best looking guy now. Something is wrong with me. But I look around at my friends and notice things with my friends. They get like this around their love or crushes. Am I....Getting a crush on Sans? Am I falling in love with him? I've only known of L.O.V.E. or allies, er, friends.
But a few days later, it is confirmed. He locked us in a room. He smiles. He sits beside me and holds my hand. He turns the TV on and it's a comedy show premiering live. He snaps and the lights dim. My soul absolutely races and my face burns up. I never felt like that in my entire life. I was a fucking mess, but what confirmed it for me was the joy I felt within my mental mess and smile. I wasn't even paying attention to the comedy show, my focus was on him. I feel happy with him. Like, really happy. It overwhelmed me. And, I might have tried to kiss him. But I snapped into my senses and leans away, trying to focus on the show.
Shit I'm gay. And for him.
I've kept this secret from everyone.
By July, there's something special for one day. It was a gang meeting, for the members only. No, we were not gonna start trouble again. Now it's just a talk or meet to catch up. Sometimes even sleepovers. And this is one of the scheduled ones. It's at the shack place, with remade walls of course.
I head out and have my stuff in a duffel bag. I get there and they're coming too. Killer who got back to his normal size or age. Dust and Error are coming as well. Cross was coming and claims X!Chara is asleep so he won't make it. We go in. We get set up with our clothes, blankets and a pillow each. We all catch up with each other. Then we start a game that Error suggested:Truth or Dare. A few of these rounds go by. It was basic rules and basically if we chose one thing but refused to do it, we'd have to do the other. For example, if we chose dare but don't want to do it, we MUST do a truth and vice versa.
It gets around to me for the fifteenth time now, at least. I lost count.
"Truth or Dare, Fell?"Cross asks
"Uh, Truth."I say
"What is a deep secret you keep from everyone?"He asks
"We all know you got one."Dust says
Fucking shit.
"Do I have to?"I ask
"Unless you want to get dared to steal chocolate from Chara, yes."Cross says
"The mega death wish."Killer chuckles
"Fuck it, alright. I think I am gay for someone."I say
"Woo! Welcome to the club!"Nightmare says
"Well that is just fucking obvious dude."I say
"Huh?"Dust says
"You're gay for each other..."I begin, pointing to Killer and Nightmare
"You're gay for Night's brother."I tell Cross
"You're gay for Ink and..."I say to Error
"You're gay for a freakin' cinammon roll."I tell Dust
"WaY to ExPosE uS, duDe."Error says
"Dude, it's been clear for months, years even."I say with a shake of my head
All their faces are blushing messes.
"Like I said, welcome to the club. I have no shame with getting exposed again. Especially with him.~"Nightmare says with a smirk and gaze at Killer
Killer notices and his face gets bright.
"Nighty..."He says
Nightmare pulls Killer closer.
"Yes, Kills?"He says, winking
Killer mutters something and Nightmare smiles, kissing him on the head. TKO for Killer. Nightmare chuckles and hugs Killer, waiting for him to wake up.
"So who is the lucky guy?"Cross asks
My face burns up.
"Nope! Nuh-uh! Nah! My turn is over! Next! In fact, goodnight!"I say, getting to my sleeping bag
"Dude, it's only 11 at night. You know the rules, we play until 11:30."Nightmare says
"Shit..."I mutter
"Come on buddy!"Dust chuckles
"I'm staying here though!"I say, holding my pillow
"Alrighty then."They say
A few turns pass and next thing I know, it's my turn to be asked again. But I tried to be smart. If I choose truth, I'll have to admit who. Maybe the dare will be different.
"Dare!"I reply
"I dare you to go to who you're gay for and kiss him! I have a feeling I know who it is.~"Cross says
"Hell no!"I snap, feeling my face burn
"Ooo, he got jumpy at that. Must be special.~"Dust teases
"You know the consequence, Fell. You answer a truth now. And your truth is:Who are ya gay for?"Cross says with a chuckle
"Fuck you, Cross! Fuck you guys! Fuck you all!"I growl
"K."Killer says, looking at Nightmare
"W-wait, Kills, wha-?"Nightmare begins
Killer shoves him down against the floor, kissing him. We all pause, watching. Nightmare gives in and they kissed for a full few minutes. Killer sits up with a smirk and gets Night to sit up. Nightmare is all giddy with a silly grin on his face, his face burning bright. Killer hugs him, nuzzling his head against Nightmare.
"So, who is it?"They all ask
"You sons of bitches."I say
They chuckle, then wait for an answer.
"It's...It's Classic okay? You happy now you motherfuckers?"I tell them
"I CALLED IT! You all owe me a chocolate bar!"Cross cheers
"Wait, you guys BET on me?"I snap
They all nod.
"What the hell?!"I exclaim
"What? You've been less...Fell-like. You haven't cursed whenever we were with everyone. We thought something had to be up. So why not? Don't answer that."Dust says
"Uuuugggghhh."I groan, hiding my face in my pillow
"Hey, Fell, it's okay. We all know how it's like to admit it."Dust says
"None of you better fucking tell him! Or try anything!"I snap
"Of cOuRse, FeLl. Don'T wOrRy. I woN'T aNd mAkE sUre a dOoFus nAmEd DusT dOesn'T eIthEr, oR anYone. *AhEm* LiKe sOmeOne dId wiTh BluE."Error says
"Wow! Ratting me out!"Dust says
"HeY, thAt's kArMa bUd."Error chuckles
"You're right..."Dust sighs
A few minutes pass, then I hear stomping footsteps come quickly to the shack. Someone kicks the door in with a loud bang. In comes S!Pap. And he is fuming angry, triggered. He looks right at Error and Dust.
"You two are coming with me! This is on you both!"He snaps
Nightmare comes between them.
"Explanation please?"He asks S!Pap
"Blue has been arrested! And I do recall those two promising to keep him out of trouble!"S!Pap says
We all stare at him, silent and shocked.
"What?"We say
"Why the hell would he be arrested? Littering or something?"I say, not seeing him doing anything bad enough to be arrested
"Those stupid cops from overseas came to arrest him. For 2 attempted murder charges. The victims being Fell here and Cross."He says
"What?! But he never hurt us!"Cross says
"Someone framed him. Someone got a hold of one of his scarves and got it dirty enough to be used as evidence for his conviction. I only know two people with that kind of access."S!Pap says, glaring at Error and Dust
"Charles!"Nightmare mutters
"How could he get a scarf of Blue's?"Killer asks
"Hmmm, gotta think, he is a weird maniac."He says
"Well whatever it was, now he's at jail already convicted. And unless we find a way to prove them wrong, he's stuck there for his life. And they don't have equal rights between monsters and humans there, so he can't have a fair trial, appeals or any way out like humans do. All they see is a monster, and their stupid stereotypes for monsters make them see him guilty. Unlike over here where there are rights."S!Pap says
"Where's this jail?"Dust asks
S!Pap gives the address. Dust takes out his phone and types a bit.
"I'm off."He says
"I'm cOmiNg wIth."Error says
"No. Error, you're too angry right now. And if you walk in there, they'll take one look at you and say Yep, that guy is guilty! He knows this danger!"S!Pap says
Error sighs, then nods.
I watch him leave.
Dust's POV
I quickly go to the house, dropping off all my weapons. I also get some help doing a few things. Then I run through the dark as fast as I can. My Blue is framed. My Blue is in jail. He doesn't belong there. FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER OF ALL THINGS! Jail is the last place he should be in. He won't last a day in there. He's just that innocent and good. I need to see him.
I need to see that he's okay.
Be there to comfort him.
Help him.
I get to the boats and ride one across the seas. I get off and use my phone for directions to the jail. I go in and get all the usual checkups for anything getting snuck in, but pass. A short as heck man sits at a desk. I'm talking shorter than Ink kind of short. Like Shino's height or something.
"What are you here for?"He asks
"I'd like to see someone."I say
"Name?"He asks
"Blue."I say
"Ah, the newest guy. You sure? He attempted to kill two people."He says
"I'm sure."I say
"Okay, come with me."He says
We walk down a hall. We pass the visit areas for human prisoner with glass and phones. He waddles ahead, then shows me a single room with a glass wall.
"You can see in, but he can't see out."He tells me
This is not right.
I see Blue sitting in there, handcuffed and chained. He hears noises from the nearby cells and looks terrified, muttering something. I put my hand up against the glass.
"There, you saw him."He says
"I meant like a visit. That's what some of you humans say to refer to a visit."I say
"Sorry, that's not available to murderers. Or attempted murderers."He says
"Oh really? Or are you just being injust to monsters? To non-man? Because I did some research before coming here. I know the rights of justice and convicted, and you're breaking all of them over a monster. Also, you have 850 murderers or attempted murderers convicted in here, and I saw 5 of them in that visit room back there, so how about you do your job before we have some problems?"I say
"What are you talking about problems?"He asks
"The rights are that if a wrong is being done, by law, anyone could protest or sue the wrong-doer, no matter who they are. So I will either sue this place for the injustice you're all doing here. Maybe get some Monster rights in place, doesn't that sound smart? Or, OR, I could get a protest. I could get a lot of rioters. I have many connections and many friends. And as far as I know, this jail has had many problems with justice here or protests. And the press or news seem to watch this place like hawks. Would be a shame that this place makes the front cover for injustice, wouldn't it? So, good sir, how is this gonna go?"I say smoothly, taking out my phone
"Pfft, you don't have enough money to sue properly."He says
I dig into my pocket. I pull out some bags of G I've saved.
"What's that?"He asks
"This is 2,000 G. And if I'm correct, that converts to a lot of human currency. So I think I'm good with the finances of suing. But are you really willing to risk getting your system put on the cover for being sued or protested again?"I say
His face goes pale. He is shocked.
"Your choice, buddy."I say
"I-I'll get a room set up."He says, then starts talking into his walkie talkie
I smile.
"Thank you for cooperating. Maybe I'll delay those protests and sueing you all."I say
"What? But I thought-"He begins
"Ya, that was for the rights. I may get a sue for false convictions as well, or protest. You got the wrong guy."I say
"How do you know?"He asks
"Let's go to court. Put my friends and I on the stand, we'll tell ya. Do you even know who the victims are?"I say
"No."He says
"I do. They're my friends. So, keep that in mind."I say
He nods, then a buzz sound is sounded. A guard comes over to Blue and yanks him roughly out of his cell. I could see his fear. This guy leads me away. He sends me into a room, where Blue sat against the wall, waiting in fear.
"Hey, Blue."I say, coming over to him
He looks up and sees me.
"Dusty!"He cheers, leaping to his feet
I hug him. He hugs me tightly.
"I-I'm so glad you're here, Dusty."He says
"So am I. I got you, Blue."I say
He looks at me.
"Are Fell and Cross okay?"He asks
"Yes. Yes they are. But they're worried about you. We all know you don't belong here."I tell him
"Good. Dusty, I didn't do anything! I would never! I-I can't hurt them! They're our friends!"He cries
"Sssh, sssh, Blue. It's okay. I know. I know. You got framed by Charles. But we're handling it. We're gonna get you out of here, I promise."I tell him
"O-Ok."He says
"Now, are you okay? Anyone hurt you or bother you? You do not belong in there. You're too cute and sweet to be among those ugly and bad people."I say
He blushes a lot.
"....Are they watching? Listening?"He asks, looking at the glass and multiple cameras
I snap my fingers.
The glass is boarded up and all the cameras fall, breaking.
"Not anymore."I say, wiping his tears
He sighs, relieved.
"It's scary in there....Many of the other prisoners don't like having a monster near them....They've already thrown threats or insults at me. The guards aren't nice either. One hit me when I simply asked how their day was, trying to be nice. They tell me to shut the fuck up, I'm not gonna ever get out of here and if I say anything, I'll regret it. I'm scared, Dusty."He tells me
That did not make me happy at all.
"They're wrong. You're getting out of here. We, I will do what it takes. I'll get you a trial, sue this place, protest, whatever I have to do to get you out of here as the innocent cinnamon roll you are."I tell him
"But monsters here don't-"He begins
"Oh they do. They will. You will. Unless they want trouble."I say
"Dust, come on."He says, nervous
"It's okay, Blue. We have lots of connections and friends willing to support you. Heck, we have the victims on your side! What motive could they even have for you? Besides that scarf, what evidence do they have? Nothing!"I say
My phone dings. I look at it. It's a text.
"Ah, Charles took your scarf from Sprinkle when he kidnapped the kid."I say
"Oh...."He says
I put my phone away. I smile. I reach out and hold his hand.
"It's all gonna be ok."I say
He is silent.
I lean in and kiss him. His eye lights shrink and his face glows. But he gives in, kissing back.
"I promise."I tell him
There's a buzz sound. A guard comes in and grabs Blue. Blue looks at the guard and starts to tremble.
"This him?"I whisper
He nods.
"Hey, mister, what's your name?"I ask
"Greg."He says
"Well, Greg, I suggest you go easy on him before you find yourself in court next."I say
He rolls his eyes and drags Blue away.
I wanted to hurt that guard SO BAD.
The lil man walks in and leads me out.
"So, are you satisfied?"He asks
"Yep, but I have one request."I reply
"Name it."He says
"To file a trial for him unless you want to get sued or be in the news."I tell him
He looks at me. I stare right back down at him.
"Fine."He says
I give him my phone info and he says he will call me. I smile and walk out of that place. I get back on a boat home as the sun begins to rise. I get a call from Cross.
"Hey, you out yet?"He asks
"Yep."I say
"How'd it go? How is he?"He asks
"Welp, I see what S!Pap meant about the rights. They treated him like nothing. He won't last in there. He's ok, but he has already gotten threats from other prisoners or even the guards. The guards are so rough with him. He is scared. But hey, I managed to persuade those idiots to give him a trial in court."I say
"How'd ya manage that?"He asks
"That place has a news history for injustice. I basically told them that if they want to stay out of the news, they have to give a trial."I say
"Woo! That's good. Blue is innocent, we all know it."He says
"Ya, and it seems the only evidence they have is that scarf."I say
"Pfft. We're all here for him. Put Fell and I on the stand, we'll prove those idiots wrong."He says
"We'll get a call soon."I say
"We better."He says
A few days later, I get a call from the prison. They have set the trial for tomorrow, but refuse to give him a lawyer or any kind of defense. Injustice idiots. They hung up before I could protest.
"So? What did those idiots say?"X!Chara asks
"The trial is tomorrow, but they won't give him a lawyer or any kind of defense. They want to just let the prosecuters talk and have Blue fend for himself."I say with a shake of my head
"Well, I can be his lawyer."X!Chara says
"HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE A LAWYER?!"Cross shouts from the other room
"I have 3 degrees. Look, you people don't know what I do online."X!Chara says
He takes out 3 diplomas. One was a bachelor's of law, the second was sarcasm and dealing with idiots. The 3rd was a lawyer's diploma.
"I also passed an exam for lawyers. Plus, I appear as a human. I'll be taken seriously and fairly in comparison to a monster."He says
"Why do you want to help him?"S!Pap asks
"Because I KNOW he is innocent. I hate false guilt or injustice. He deserves to be right here with us. He's my friend, our friend and I'd do anything to help get him out of there."He says
"Ok, he's in."S!Pap says
"I'll start making the case now!"He says, then runs off
Cross spread the word and by the next day, there was a boat full of supporting friends for Blue coming over. S!Pap sits beside me and was amazed.
"Heh, guess he is so precious that he got connections."He says with a smile
I nod.
"Blue is very easy to like and befriend."I say
We head to the court as told and X!Chara was there, waiting.
"I persuaded them like you did Dust and they made me his lawyer. Though I want to....make Guard Greg go to sleep now."X!Chara says, muttering the last part
"Why's that?"S!Pap asks
"I went to meet with Blue and when he got sent in, he was scared. Then Guard Greg tried to end our meeting early. When Blue did not comply, he punched Blue. Calling him a shitty monster. I blocked this guard from Blue and I told him to stop and get some common sense. He was shocked. I said that I'm his lawyer and will not hesitate to find a way to get him fired, but really I wanted him dead. He complied and left Blue alone until we ended our meeting properly. Jerk."He explains
I did not like hearing this. Nor did S!Pap. E!Pap grabs his hand and starts to calm him down. Sprinkle, after getting calmed down by Shino, came over and told me everything will be ok.
A bell rings. Two doors open and X!Chara leads us into the courtroom. Oh, the look on the jury's face, the judge's face, the prosecutor lawyer and all the guards' faces seeing us all come in and sit on the defense side of the room was VERY satisfying. The prosecutor's side only had one person. Charles. A free man with only a year of jail to pay for the ambulance. Classic had to restrain Fell from going over there and beating the life out of him. Let's see how they can explain this. Over a dozen people believing he is innocent vs 1 person thinking he's guilty. X!Chara sits at a table, waiting for Blue to be taken in. S!Pap actually held my hand, squeezing it nervously. I look at him.
"I'm worried for him."He says
"Me too, bud."I say
"My brother is lucky to have someone like you as his boyfriend."He tells me
I smile. That was the first time S!Pap really said anything to me that wasn't a threat.
"Well, he is lucky to have a brother like you."I tell him
He smiles at that.
I get a tap on the shoulder. I look and it's Jasper.
"If they try anything like cancealing the trial or not letting him show, I have signs ready. I am ready to protest against these fucking idiots!"Jasper says
Suave did not spray him.
"He has a point of what they are for taking the most innocent monster into some rotten jail."Suave says
Reaper taps S!Pap on the shoulder.
"Just say the word dude, these people are on my list."He says
"Heh, you're all protective for my bro, huh?"S!Pap says
Everyone nods.
Sprinkle sits beside me with Palette beside him. Palette checks his phone.
"I'll be right back, guys."He says
"Where are you going?"Sprinkle asks
"Word of the trial spread farther out. And someone else is coming. I'll handle it."He says
Sprinkle nods.
Palette leaves and a few minutes pass. No Blue.
A full ten pass and Palette comes in with another kiddo. He has this kid sit beside Sprinkle and he sits on the end.
"Hey Sprinkle."The kid says
"Hey, Blueprint."Sprinkle responds
"Who's on trial?"He asks
"Father."Sprinkle says
"But Mr. Dust is right there."Blueprint says
Blue is taken in at that moment.
"Other father."Sprinkle says
Blueprint looks and sees Blue. He is shocked.
"What? Him? For what? Why? And since when did you have robot legs?"He asks
"Yes. For 2 attempted murders. He was framed by that guy over there. That guy over there caused me to need these if you get what I'm saying. But it's gonna be okay, Blueprint. He's gonna walk."Sprinkle says, pointing to Charles discreetly
Blueprint gave Charles a death glare, he was not happy.
"Who's he?"S!Pap asks
"That is Blueprint. His world was destroyed as well but in his, he is a child of Blue and Ink."Palette says
S!Pap smiles at this. He leans forward and looks down the row to Blueprint.
"Hey, kiddo. Sprinkle is right. It's gonna be okay."He says
Blueprint went over to S!Pap and hugs him. I scoot over to give them space.
I notice Blue has a wound that was not cared for. He is sitting there with a bleeding skull while I know for a fact if it were a human, they would be getting care for it. The others clearly see this too and were uneasy about this sight. Jasper climbs around and gets onto an indoor balcony overseeing this courtroom. He proudly shows this large sign quoting this prison's slogan, yes it has a slogan to keep the news away. "Justice for one, justice for all" is the slogan. Jasper has it in big letters on the sign. Then it says:HAVE JUSTICE FOR THIS ONE!
The jury sees this and already starts to whisper among themselves. Blue looks at us and smiles nervously when he sees us.
The trial begins.
"Defense, what do you plea?"The judge asks
"Not guilty."X!Chara says
"On what grounds?"The judge asks
"Injustice grounds."X!Chara says
"Okay, you both may begin. Defense and Prosecutor."The judge says
X!Chara lets the prosecutor show what little evidence they have. Just a scarf, no witnesses, heck the only witness they have stole an ambulance. No motive either. They were scrambling just to get a timeline together. They made up stories of I suppose and I think. Their main reason was a flimsy story they put together where Fell and Cross were cheating on Blue and Blue found out, then tried to kill them both. We all laughed at how stupid it sounded. They couldn't even call the victims since they didn't know who they were.
It soon became X!Chara's turn.
"This case is full of injustice. By the end of this, the jury will see that. I promise you all. Now, I'd like to call the leader of this investigation to the stand."He says
That short man from before waddles to the stand and sits. He takes the oath and X!Chara walks over.
"Hello, sir. Now, tell me about this investigation for the case."X!Chara says
"Simple, he's guilty."He says
"Opinion much? Where is the evidence?"X!Chara asks
"Did you not see the scarf?"He says
"I did, but what else do you have? A motive? Did you check for an alibi? Did you check for any other suspects?"
"No, he's a monster, he's guilty. His motive was what the prosecutor said. We did not look for suspects or alibi."He says
"Hmmm, well that sounds like a poor job then. And if he's a guilty monster, why isn't he? I mean, he stole the ambulance one of the victims were in."X!Chara points to Charles
"Because he did not have the scarf."The man says
"Hmm, but can I ask you another question?"
He nods.
X!Chara takes out a document. 2 documents.
"Aren't these your land's documents of rights and rules for equality? That any man can have?"
"Yes it is, but what does it have to do with anything?"The man asks
"Well, this confirms your institute did not give my client, the defendant the equality you're required to give. Don't look at him as a monster, he is a non-man. And if a woman can get equal rights to a man, so can a non-man. They all have man in the name and these documents say equal rights for any man."
The man's face goes pale. He did not expect that. The judge glares at this man. The jury talk amongst themselves. I notice two members of the jury giving Blue sympathetic looks. That's gotta be good.
"No more questions, your honor."X!Chara says
The man ran out of the court.
I look at Charles. He no longer looked so confident.
"I'd like to show some more evidence. But I need help. Error, can you help me?"X!Chara says
Error comes out and helps set up a computer screen.
"This is a security camera footage. Now, this may be weeks or months before the incident but all will be made clear."X!Chara says
On the security camera, it shows an alleyway. A car sped into it and then two people come out. Charles and Sprinkle. Sprinkle was tossed to the ground, bleeding already. This was the incident. Nightmare leans from the back row and hugs Sprinkle. I look at Charles. He is shocked at this evidence found.
It shows Charles pickpocketing Sprinkle after knocking him out. And what does he take? X!Chara pauses it at that moment.
"Look what he takes. A scarf. But the same scarf used as evidence against my client. So yes, he had the scarf. That doesn't put my client but that man over there at the scene! But nothing was investigated to find this evidence. Another sign of injustice."X!Chara say
The jury is not happy. But that's good for us. They are glaring down the lawyers against Blue and the investiators sitting with Charles. One juror stands up.
"Pardon, your honor but I can't take it anymore. May the defendant come over to me?"The juror says
The judge is shocked at this request, but approves it.
Blue is roughly yanked to his feet.
"Be gentle!"The juror snaps
We have a supporter for sure. Guard Greg frowns and brings Blue over to the jury. They all got up and hug him, with the one juror bandaging his wounded skull. I wonder if they think he's guilty at all. Blue smiles, seemed to be put at ease. He was so sweet and polite to them. Then the guard brings him to his seat again.
"Any witnesses to call?"The judge asks
There is movement in the row behind me. I look behind me. Cross and Fell are antsy, ready to defend Blue.
"Yes, I have a few to call. I'd like to call Cross to the stand first."X!Chara says
Jaws dropped in that courtroom. I look at Charles. He is shaking.
Cross proudly goes to the stand and takes the oath to be honest.
"Hello, Cross. Now, you are one of the victims for this convicted murder charges. Was it Blue who did it?"X!Chara says
"No."He says
"Is that love story true?"
"No."He says
"Why is that?"
"Because I already have a boyfriend and if Blue is my friend. Plus, there are 3 people sitting back there with the ability to make me pay if I cheated on Blue or my boyfriend. Just check the phone records. Plus, Fell has a bad temper. My friend is as far as we go."He explains
"Well if it wasn't the defendant, who was it? Could you point to him?"
Cross points to Charles.
"I'd just like it on record that this witness pointed to someone who wasn't the defendant. Is there any evidence or knowledge to prove what he did?"X!Chara points out
"Well, the hospital records say a lot. And he did take a knife and carve his name into my arm."Cross says, lifting his arm that got out of a cast a few days earlier
Each of the jurors come up and see the carving. Oh, Charles DEFINITELY regretted that.
"Any more questions?"The judge asks
"No."X!Chara says
"Any questions?"She asks the other side
"No, your honor."The prosecutor says, looking like they were hit by a ton of bricks
"Call your next witness."The judge says
"I call Fell to the stand."X!Chara says
Jaws drop again as Fell takes his oath.
Same questions, same answers. He also points to Charles. He went through this without cursing, wanting to seem believeable to the jury. And statistics show jurors don't believe those who curse as much. He also showed his scars from the attack. No questions beside X!Chara's were asked.
Sprinkle is called next. He retells the whole event and confirms the scarf was taken as shown in the video. He explains the wounds in clear detail from memory.
"Now I don't know about you all, but I think it would be very hard for a kid to tell in that much detail about a stranger doing something like that to them and having to get medical attention for it and for it to be made up. Fact, not ficition."X!Chara says
This time the prosecutor had questions, but the answers to these questions just made Blue look better. It made this place and Charles look worse.
Then, X!Chara calls me to the stand. I didn't expect that but I'd do anything to get Blue out of here.
I go to the stand and take the oath.
"Will you tell the court how you know the defendant?"X!Chara asks
"He's my boyfriend."I say
"How much do you hang out?"
"We live together, so a lot of time."I reply
"Would you mind telling me where the defendant was at the time of these attempted murder crimes?"
"He was with me. We were making tacos. We didn't even know there was an attempted murder or murders happening until hours later when the hospital called us."I explain
"Ah, now were you ever interrogated on this before his conviction?"
"No. It seems this case just took one look at him and the scarf and locked him away."I say
"So they never checked for an alibi that he had? All they had to do was ask you?"
"Sure seems that way."I say
"No further questions."He says
Then the prosecutor gets over.
"Is it true that the defendant has a hostile and violent manner?"They ask
I laughed. I actually started laughing.
"The witness will answer the question."The judge says
"S-Sorry your honor! It is just that you couldn't have been more wrong about him! He is so nice and peaceful! He never fights unless he has to and even then, he will try to spare the fighter! He's the type of person who believes anyone can be good if they try."I say
"Is there any evidence of that?"They ask
"Look at those rows behind him. Look how full they are. Look at that kid with the sign. They all support my boyfriend, the defendant. Do you believe in good? I do. And I don't think they would all be here like this for the kind of person you're describing. No, they would be as empty as the rows for that guy over there."I say, gesturing to the differences between the seating for Blue vs the seating with Charles
The prosecutor looks and his face goes pale. The jury notices this difference as well.
"N-No further questions, your honor."The prosecutor says
I leave the stand and X!Chara calls S!Pap up. Same questions. Same answer. He was the one who got to taste test the tacos.
The prosecutor tried to same kind of questions that they did to me with him.
"Hey, that's my brother you're talking about. You're calling the most innocent and kindest being to live a bad person. He wouldn't hurt anyone. He helps others and does anything to do what is right. Just like his boyfriend said. And if ya need evidence, I'd like to get out a book if ya don't mind."He says
"A book? Sure."The prosecutor says
E!Pap starts getting excited. Blueprint and Sprinkle are anxious. They grip onto me tight. I wrap my arms around them and assure them it's okay.
S!Pap takes out a photo album, a scrapbook even.
"I hElPeD hIm mAkE tHat!"E!Pap mutters
I see Blue's face light up.
"Now, what did you want to see? Hostile? Violent? Be my guest and try to find it, but that's like searching for Bigfoot."S!Pap says, handing the book over
They flip through the book and their face gets grim, unable to find anything.
"Show it to me."The judge says
They do as told. The judge flips through it and is amazed. He hands it to a guard and then every juror got a look at it.
"And that's just the memories in my book."S!Pap says
"There's another?"The jury and judge exclaim, but with excitement mor than shock
"Yes, my buddy in one of those rows has his own."S!Pap says
"Will that buddy please come?"The judge says
E!Pap comes up and hands his book over.
They all look through it.
"How is this possible?"The prosecutor asks
"I dunno, maybe don't judge a book by its cover."S!Pap says with a wink
He sits back down.
"One last piece of evidence, but for the crime of injustice more. I'm sure the jury is wondering where the defendant got the injury. After all, he didn't have that when arrested and wasn't allowed to be near other prisoners. Roll the clip of security."X!Chara says
It shows what Guard Greg did. The judge and jurors were NOT happy. But then we were sent out for the jury to figure it out. Blue hugged us before being taken away.
Four hours pass before we filed back in.
"What verdict have ya come to?"The judge asks
"We find the defendant not guilty on any charges. We press charges against Guard Greg on assault and press the charges of attempted murders on Charles. We will be pressing charges on the investigators of this case as well that convicted the defendant. We hope to find some rights soon."The jurors say
"Fair enough. Court ajourned, you're free to go, Blue. Guard Greg, you are fired and so are those involved in Blue's conviction. And can someone get Charles as well? I will see you bunch in another court trial soon."The judge says, then bangs the gavel
Blue is freed from the handcuffs and he hugs X!Chara. Jasper hops down and hugs Blue. We leave the courtroom and all hug him. It was nice to see Charles take Blue's place. I hug Blue.
"I told you so."I say
He chuckles.
Blueprint introduces himself to Blue and he hugs Blueprint, welcoming him. We all go home and celebrate. Blue had some convincing to do with Sprinkle, but eventually Sprinkle stopped thinking it was his fault for the conviction. I noticed Raven seemed quite close to Blueprint. Eh, I let them be. Blue is sitting on the couch with his brother and pulls me over as well. He feels safe and looks so happy. That's what counts.
Good is ahead, I can feel it.
Also, here is Blueprint!
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