Chapter 11:Hello Again
6 months later
Nightmare's POV
I open my eyes and look around. I have a mask on me, hooked up to a tank pumping HMO2, or healing magic oxygen. A machine beeps, tracking my soul beat and other statistics. I thought I was at Science's place, until a nurse came in. I realize I am laying in a hospital bed of a hospital room. How'd I get here? I was sure my time was up. I try to breathe calmly, but the confusion is getting to me.
"Where am I? How'd I get here?"I ask
"Lady Toriel found you on the ground, bleeding. She brought you here, not having enough healing magic to heal you. You're at the hospital."The nurse says
"O-Ok..."I say
"Who are you?"She asks
"Allsun."I say
"Ah, ok. Your medical records match up, I was double checking."She says
"Is everything ok?"I ask
"Your left leg got cut but a simple operation should fix that. Is there anyone I can call for you?"She asks
"I have my....emergency....contacts on"I say, feeling weak again
I take out my phone and access it for her. She copies the numbers down and gives me some food to regain my strength. She leaves and I nibble at my food. Then a thought strikes me.
I'm here, ok and safe, but what about everyone else? Are they safe? Are they ok? I gotta know!
I reach for my phone and dial for Killer. He does not answer. Odd. I call Ghastly. He does not answer. Shit. I call Dream. Nothing. I call Palette and he answers.
"Hello again, Nephew."I say
"Unclemare!"He cheers
"Heya..."I say
"How are you?"He asks
"Pretty good. Just woke up. How are you guys doing?"I reply
I sigh relieved as he explains to me that everything is fine and how Ghastly defeated Tim with his special attack. I feel so relieved, but so proud. I express this to him.
"I'm sure he'd love hearing this."He says
"Heh, I bet."I say
"I gotta go."He says
"Okay, cya Palette."I say
He hangs up. I put my phone aside.
I breathe in and out, listening to the sounds of the machine and my soul beating. But I realize he also kept dodging the topic about Killer, making excuses. Eh, probably nothing. I trust Palette. I smile and go to sleep.
Meanwhile...Ghastly's POV
I hear a phone ringing. I set my book aside. It was Harry Potter. I am hanging at Palette's house with Shino and Goth. Shino hears it too and goes to get it. It's the house phone.
"Some kind of hospital is calling."She says
"Could that mean...?"Goth wonders
She hands me the phone. I take a chance and answer. What are the odds a hospital would randomly call this house?
"Hello?"I say
"Is this one of Allsun's family members? Direct, not a girlfriend."A voice says
"His kid, yes."I say
"Oh! Hello, lil girl."It says
"Excuse me? I'm a boy! I'm his son!"I say, offended
"You have a squeaky voice. Is his girlfriend near?"The voice asks
"He has a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. And I thought you wanted family, not his lover."I say
I hear them gag.
"Bruh, it's 20XX, don't gag. Now, since you're using a hospital number to call, are you gonna give some actual info about my father or are gonna me a nosy annoyance? Cause if that's the case, I'll hang up right now."I say with a roll of my eye-lights
So disrespectful.
"Oh snap."Goth says
"Woo! Go cousin!"Palette says, clueless to the conversation besides what I say
"Your father is here. This number is listed as an emergency contact. He's gonna get an operation done. Would you like to see him beforehand?"They ask
"Sure."I say
"Ok."They say, then give me the address
It's on the other side of the forest.
A good walk never hurt anyone.
Then, this lady hangs up on me.
"So, what was that call about?"Goth asks
"Very contradicting. First they ask for family, not a lover of Papa. They mistook me for a girl based on my voice. Then asked for Papa's girlfriend even though they said no lover. When I said he has a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, they straight up gagged in disgust! Bruh, what year is it? Stupid old views. Then they told me to come and fill out some info for Papa to properly register him and see him, then gave the address."I explain
They both facepalm.
"Your voice sounds nothing like a girl's, and that's coming from me."Shino says
"We'll stay here. In case more calls come."Goth says
"Agreed. Oh! Why don't you take Killer with you?"Palette suggests
I nod.
"Oh, Mr. Killer!"I call
"Hm?"A voice says from the kitchen
I get up and go in.
"Mr. Killer!"I snap
"Waaa?"He asks
"Put the knife down!"I say
"Awww."He says
He slides the big knife back into the knife block. I sigh and shake my head.
"20th time this week, and what? 7th time today?"I ask
"Nah, ni, ni!"He says
"9th? Oh come on, seriously?"I say
He smiles and nods.
"Ma nam."He says
"I get your name is Killer but you don't have to try and take a knife every 5 seconds!"I say
Palette and Goth chuckle.
I'm arguing with a babybones.
No, I'm not being rude.
He is a LITERAL babybones.
He was the victim of the raccoon I found. Some chemicals turned him from the box. Science analyzed the evidence and said Killer cut a red wire that quickened the time to run out, but screwed up the toxins that could've killed him. Unfortunately, Science hasn't found any GROW UP chemicals yet.
So we're left with a baby Killer who parkours onto the counter to get a knife before he is even able to walk again. Either that or we have to catch him from crawling faster than Sonic out the door to find Papa. To please him, I take him with me for walks so he could try to find clues, but he's banned from touching or taking knives.
Especially after that one time where he scared the heck out of Uncle Dream when he crawled to the bedroom doorway one night with Cross' knife. Uncle Dream let out a scream of fright, thinking the knife was floating since he was unable to see Mr. Killer. It woke everyone in the house up. Dream said it was like being in those scary clown movies or something, where the clown is there with a knife. Except the clown turned out to be a baby pranking him. He's been banned ever since.
And yet here we are. Killer caught stealing a knife from the kitchen for the 9th time today and the 20th time this week. Jeez.
"Mr. Killer, do you want to go for another walk?"I ask
He smiles and nods
"Then put the other knife away. I see you hiding it behind your back. The blade is going higher than your head."I say
"Awww, da it."He says
He is still trying to speak, even as a babybones though. Mr. Cross once made a joke that if Fell got this chemical put on him, Fell wouldn't be able to curse as much or would be censoring himself due to the inability to say it correctly.
"Oh, that would be great!"S!Pap says
Suave got an idea that day, overhearing this. Suave didn't know it was a chemical that did it, so he tried to spray Fell with febreeze, but it failed. Though it did get Fell to shut up so he considered it a success.
"He sees that febreeze as a warning. He doesn't want a bar of soap shoved in his mouth next."Classic explained later
"Oooo! I didn't think of that!"Suave said
"Suave, you scare me sometimes."Fallacy sighed
I turn around and he hops on my back. I hold him and he grips my back. I head outside, carrying him.
"We'll be back!"I say
"Okay!"Palette says, waving farewell to us
I walk to the forest, the usual route. But I go in it this time. The flowers are in bloom. The birds chirp. I smile and breathe in the fresh air. Killer pays attention to every detail. He is happier now, though there's this bit of him still upset. He misses Papa. Heck, he may even think Papa's gone.
But that won't be for long.
I keep moving.
An hour or two passes.
"La waak?"He asks
"Yes, long walk. This one has a surprise destination."I say
He nods, curious now.
Another hour passes.
We get through the forest and I smile.
I see a town up ahead. I walk into it and find the address. Here's the hospital It's huge!
I look up at it.
Papa is in here somewhere.
I count the floors by the windows.
2...3....4....5....6....8....10...12 floors. Wow. 5 windows per floor. And that's just the rooms facing the front! 60 rooms on this side at least! Wow! And he could be peeking out, seeing us from any one of these!
I go in and go to the counter.
"I'm here to fill the papers out."I say
"Ah! You're the kid on the phone!"The lady says
"Yes, my name is Ghastly."I say
"Is that your lil brother?"She asks
"Ya, sure, whatever."I say
"Allsun's son?"She asks
"That's me."I say
Killer get real excited hearing Papa's name. He smiles and start to grip me tighter.
"Sun Sun! Sun Sun!"He cheers
"Yes, it's a sunny day."She says
"He means Papa."I correct her
"Oh, that's a strange way to say his name."She says with a dissapointed tone, as if a baby should be saying sentences or something
"You try being a baby and saying Allsun. Plus he's excited, don't be so critical. Now, may I have those papers?"I say
She slides me some papers and a pen. I set Killer down beside me in a chair in the waiting room. I fill out info with Uncle Dream on the phone to help me. Killer just keeps looking around or crawling laps up and down the empty chairs in our row. He keeps cheering Sun Sun happily. We were the only ones in the waiting room soon enough, everyone going for visiting hours or for some medical assistance. The lady comes over to me after Uncle Dream hung up to charge his phone.
"So, what's it like to be the son of a weirdo?"She asks
"Excuse me?"I ask, though thought with my annoyed tone she'd take the hint to rethink what she just said
Insulting my Papa? Calling him a weirdo?
"I mean, your father has a boyfriend. So he's gay, that's fricking strange. So what's it like? To have a weirdo as a parent?"She says
This stupid lady.
I take a deep breath.
X!Chara, thank you for teaching me the ways of dealing with idiots.
"I'm sorry, you're not my parent."I say, continuing to fill the papers
"I'm not a weirdo."She says
"Oh, so your mouth is. The things you have said, so weird. Welcome to the world, ma'am! This is normal! Your views and words are weird in today's world! And I don't like you insulting my Papa based on who he loves so can you not? We never judged you based on what you love, so don't do it to my family."I say, then hand her the papers
She looks at me.
"I may be a kid, but I know when something stupid is stated. So I'm sorry lady, but I'm not your kid and will not just sit and let you say those things. Now, when can I see my Papa? My awesome, unique, Papa?"I say
"I'll go check on him."She says, setting the papers in a drawer and walking away
I sigh and shake my head. Palette calls to check on me. We talk a bit.
"Ya, I found that strange lady. She kept saying stuff like what she did on the phone....Course I told her off, nobody calls my Papa a weirdo."I say
He chuckles and praises me.
"X!Chara is glad to hear that too."He says
"Heh, I'm glad."I say
"Excuse me, kiddo. Did you have a baby with you?"A security officer says, approaching me
"What's up, cousin?"Palette asks
"I'll call you back."I say
"Yes, I had one. A lil boy."I say
"I saw him crawling away. He got into an elavator too."The officer says
Oh dear....KILLER!
"Thank you, sir! I'll find him!"I say
He gives me a visitor key card to get around and follows me.
Meanwhile, Nightmare's POV
I sit in the bed, bored. I am just playing games with myself. I am saving the power on my phone for contacting my friends or family. I am currently playing a shadow puppet game. I laugh with the things I can make.
The nurse comes in and takes my breathing mask off. I find that odd. Then, without warning, this nurse kisses me.
What the fuck?!
I shove her away.
"What was that for?!"I snap
"Reflex test."She lies
I shake my head.
She leans close, trying again.
Bitch I ain't liking this! What the fuck!
"Excuse me, I have a boyfriend."I say
She ignores me, sitting down. She sat on my leg that must've gotten severed because I could only feel up to my knee and it HURT!
"GET OFF ME!"I snap
"No.~"She says
I reach to my side and click the button for security. A red light flashes now.
"Aww, why you gotta rat me out?"She asks
"Cause I don't take crap."I say
An officer comes in and I explain what happened. The officer reports it to a passing doctor, who happened to be her boss. This doc fired her on the spot for breaking numerous rules. She is very stubborn though. She clung to my bed frame. But then I hear a gasp.
I look and see this lil baby in the doorway.
"Sun Sun!"He cheers
Then he quickly crawls over, knocking the nurse off her feet. Then she gets escorted out. I lean over the side of my bed, peeking down at the baby skeleton boy.
"Why hello there!"I say
He smiles and stands up. He starts to hop, trying to climb up.
Who's baby is this?
"Nai Nai! Sun Sun!"He cheers
So cute!
He manages to climb up and crawls over to me. He hugs me and smiles. I smile and gently pick him up and wrap him under the blankets.
"Ah you okai?"He asks
"Yes, I'm okay."I say
"I wuv you, Nai Nai."He says
"Wait, are you trying to say Night?"I ask
He nods.
"How did you know my other name?"I ask
"I hav mai ways."He says
"Ah, so you're the cute yet sneaky kind of kiddo."I say
"Mhm. Way, cu?"He says
I nod.
His face becomes a bright red.
"I wuv you Sun Sun! I wuv you Nai Nai!"He says
"Aww, thank you. But don't you have someone to be with right now?"I ask
"You, Nai Nai!"He cheers
"But I'm not your parent. I don't even know who you are."I say
"Ya, you doo!"He says
Then, he kisses me on the cheek.
I look at him.
"Kills?"I say
"Nai Nai!"He says, hugging me again
"What happened Kills? How are you like this?"I ask
"Big boom."He says
"Big boom? What's big boom?"I ask
"Ne, nefew. Nefew noes."He says
Nephew? Oh! Palette knows.
"Lil boy, where are you? Come on out, lil boy. You couldn't have crawled too far."A voice says
"Don't underestimate him, sir. He's a quick crawler."Another says
Ghastly's voice.
"Are they talking about you?"I ask
He chuckles a bit before nodding.
"Ah, I see."I say
He kisses me again. This time I feel my face warm up.
"You ah cu."He says
"You calling me cute?"I ask
He nods with this cute smile.
My face burns.
My soul beats faster and is echoed by the monitor tracking it.
Why does he have to be so cute and use it as an advantage?
He looks at the monitor, then at me. He summons my soul. It's racing even faster now. He holds it gently.
"Ssh, cam down, it is okai."He says
I feel my face burn even more.
"K-K-Kills!"I stutter
He releases my soul and it fades. He hugs me again, nuzzling his head against me.
"It's okai, Nai Nai."He tells me
"You are something else, Kills."I sigh with a shake of my head
"But you wuv me aniway."He says with a smirk
"Yes, that's true."I say
I go silent and so does he. He gazes up at me with the happiest look on his face.
"Here he is!"A voice says
I see an officer in the doorway. Killer clings to me tighter. Ghastly then enters the room.
"Why am I not surprised? Thank you sir."He says
The officer leaves.
"Ya know we were supposed to stick together, right? Not leave me to fill out papers while you crawl into an elavator alone, right?"Ghastly says
Killer shrugs.
Ghastly sighs, facepalming and shaking his head. I look at Killer.
"He is right."I tell him
"Awww."He says, facing defeat
"Hello, Papa. How are you feeling?"Ghastly asks
"I am feeling alright."I say
"When is it happening?"He asks
"It? Whaa is it?"Killer says, lost in confusion
"They said at 2. But they may take me 10 minutes early to get to the room."I reply
"Ah, alright. Wait, it's 1:50, so-"Ghastly begins
A doctor walks in.
"Allsun?"He says, checking his clipboard.
"That's me."I say
He nods.
"It's starting, huh?"Ghastly says
"Mhm. Now could you hold that baby?"The doctor says
Ghastly nods and comes over. Killer holds me tightly, unaware of what's going on.
"Time to go, buddy. I'll cya later okay?"I tell him, speaking gently
"I wanna stay wit you."He says
"You will, later. But not right now. Come on, let go. I'll be back before ya know it."I say
He doesn't budge. I pry him off me and Ghastly picks him up.
The doctor helps me out of bed. That is the first time I actually see my condition. My severed leg is cut to the knee and is heavily wrapped in bandages. The doctor puts me in a wheelchair and wheels me to another room, where they laid me on another bed and gave me some kind of sleeping medicine. I fall asleep, numb to anything they do.
I wake back up, finding myself getting wheeled back to my room. My dark, empty room. He takes me in and helps me back into bed. He leaves and of course now I'm wide awake. I check my leg and find some robotic protstethic leg now attatched. I find a note on a desk saying that physical therapy will start tomorrow, walking training. Understandable. But then I hear something moving. I get up shakily and look around. I reach for the light switch. I turn the lights on and find someone at the window. I'm on the 7th floor, what the fuck?
I go closer, but a good distance. It's freaking Charles. And the window just so happens to be open, without a screen, so he's reaching through.
"Hello again."He says
"Hell no. Goodbye."I say, trying to shut the window
He grabs my hand.
"Come on, it'll be fun."He says
I reach into my pocket and find Dust's gift:The secret weapon's case. I take it out, open it, to find a pen. What? A pen? Ok, Dust, you're starting to concern me. I click the pen and it switches out. I adapt to the situation and jab it in his hand. He jolts and twitches like he is getting electrocuted. He releases my hand. I shut the window and he falls down. I look at the pen.
Nice pen.
I put it back in the case and in my pocket so some nurse doesn't use it or accidentally tase themselves. I turn the lights back off. I sit back down in bed and lay down. I hear more movement.
"I swear to Asgoro-"I begin
(Cue people yelling Asgoro no)
A lil lump begins making it's way up the bed under the blankets. I feel something bump into my metal leg. It pauses there. Then, it goes around my leg, closer to me. A little head pops out from under the blankets.
"Nai Nai!"He cheers
I sigh with relief.
"Hey, Kills."I say
"You ah bak!"He says
"Mhm, did you seriously hide out here?"I ask
"Los em in da elavatour."He says
"Ah, I see."I say
He comes close, cuddling me.
"Are you okay? I felt you bump into my leg."I say
He rubs his head.
"Yaaa......"He says, though really didn't seem to be
"Aww, Kills."I say
I lean over him and kiss him on the head where he felt his head. His face gets bright red.
"Nai Nai!"He exclaims
"What? Did that hurt?"I ask
"No, it feels betta. But it was a supise."He says
"Aww."I say, holding him close
He holds me close.
"Sleep well, Nai Nai."He says
"Sleep well, Kills."I say
I sleep and he holds me close.
The next morning, I wake up and find Killer sleeping on me. Still a cute lil babybones. But I realize that I have a visitor. Cross is sitting in a chair beside the bed.
"Hey Cross!"I say
"How are you feeling?"He asks
"I feel alright."I say
"You're not lying?"He asks
"Why would I be?"I ask
"Because you got your leg cut because of m-"He begins
I realize where this is going.
"Tim. Because of Tim. Cross, don't blame yourself. One, you're my friend and I know you wouldn't hurt me like that. Two, you're my brother's boyfriend, and you know how he will get if he knows you're blaming yourself. Three, you were being manipulated by Tim. You have no intentions. He did. And four, if you dare even try to blame yourself, I swear I will climb out of this bed and slap some sense into you."I cut him off
"Heh, that's the Nightmare I know. You're being honest."He says
"Yep."I say
A doctor walks in.
"Let's go do your session."He says
I nod. Cross picks sleeping Killer up. I get up and go to do the session.
Weeks pass and my sessions are going well. Then my doctor decided to try something.
"You'll be with my other clients, ok?"He says
"Ok."I say
He takes me to this gym-like room on the 4th floor. Many clients with a robot leg or arm are there, some with two or both. There is one face that I recognize there. And he recognizes me.
"Mr. Nightmare?"He says, quickly running over but tripping
I catch him before he falls.
"Hey kid. I go by Allsun now. But you can call me that still. What are you doing here? Blue and Dust have been searching for you for months!"I say
It's Sprinkle.
And I notice he has two protstethic legs. Though he found mine cool.
"I've been here for 4 months. I got transfered from another where I stayed for 5 months. Before that, I was in an alley of another town. I....Got kidnapped and then dumped in an alley when they were done."He says
"Did they...?"I begin
"Cut my legs, yes. They said a kid like me should not be able to walk without a world."He says
"Did you catch their name?"I ask, walking with him
"Char....Char Less something, something like that."He says
Charles comes to mind.
"Charles?"I guess
"Yes! That's his name!"He says
I hug him.
"I'm so sorry that happened! Here, I'll let you call the others. They'd be so glad to hear from you!"I say, handing him my phone
He smiles happily and thanks me. We walk around and he talks on the phone.
I hear tapping from above. I look up and see Charles on the sunroof, tapping a knife against the glass. I narrow my eyes, he smiles and his gaze goes to Sprinkle. OH HELL NO!
I grab Sprinkle and pull him close. I go to one of the doctors and point Charles out. They stared in fright and then pulls a lever. The windows shut like in a lockdown, even the sunroof. Then they call security to check up there. I hold Sprinkle close. We get taken back to our rooms. But I don't take any chances. Some newbies were taken to a safe room so I follow them with Sprinkle. We get locked in there and just hang out. I find Fell in the room with us.
"Fell? What are you doing here?"I ask
"Was going to get some stupid operation on my arm, put it in a cast or something, but then the doc shoved me in here."He says
"Ohhh."I say
"What the heck are you two doin' here?"He asks
"We were in therapy when some crazy man tried to break in and attack."Sprinkle and I say
"Oh, let me at him. I'll beat his ass!"He growls
"Well, thank you Fell. But you better watch your language. Never know when Suave could come and spray ya."I say with some tease
"Oh shut up."He says
"Who's Suave?"Sprinkle asks
"A friend."I say
"Oh! Joy!"He says
But I didn't know the point of our lockdowns in this room or our own rooms. An officer comes over to him and takes him away. Then Blue comes to pick up Sprinkle, who apparently is being sent home. After an hour, I'm the only one left. An officer comes, saying I'm getting transferred to a hospital 5 cities away for safety. Jeez. I follow him and he puts me in an ambulance. We drive off. I get put in a new room, though took a look at the transfers. Fell was supposed to have arrived by now.
4 months go by. Classic comes right as I'm filling out the forms to leave. He looks at me and then goes outside. I follow him, curious.
"What's up dude?"I ask
"Have you seen Red, er, Fell?"He asks
"No. Why?"I say
"I went to the other hospital to see him and thank him, but they told me he was transferred here. He uh...broke his arm to keep some jerk away."Classic says
"Come on, let's check together."I say
We go to the counter and there's a different lady this time. The lady that got fired from my hospital.
Oh great...
"Excuse me, has a Fell Sans been transferred here recently?"I ask
She looks at me.
"What, is he your boy?"She asks in annoyed tone
"No, but I have a right to ask about a friend. Or a friend's friend."I say
"Is he here?"Classic asks
"Oh please don't tell me you're a gay weirdo as well!"She says
Classic looks at me.
"She's outdated."I say
He nods, understanding.
"Stupid monsters."She mutters
"Hey! Could we get another staff member to help us? This lady is being rude to us after asking a simple question!"I call
A nurse shoves her away, saying she doesn't even work here. This nicer one asks us what we need help with. We explain what we're looking for, who we're looking for. She checks the computers.
"His ambulance never got here."She says
"What?"Classic asks, sounding and looking panicked
A doctor passing by injects him with something to calm him down.
"His ambulance never checked in. The report says MISSING. I could track it though."She says
We nod.
"It's in the city of nowhere.
"The heck?"Classic says
"Ya, it's a City over the seas, kinda like Hawaii."She says
"Thank you." I say
We leave and I got to see Fell's influence on Classic.
"What the FUCKING HELL is his ambulance doing overseas?!"Classic says, the panic medication wearing off
"Not getting medical help, that's what."I sigh
"That's it! I'm going to the fricking docks!"He says
"I'm coming with ya. Ya dn't knowwhat you're going up against."I say
"Ok, Allsun."He says
We go to the docks and get on a ferry boat. We sit down together and it sails off. I smile a bit, proud to be able to help even with my disability. Or to help a friend. My phone rings. I answer. It's Dream.
"Hello, brother!"He says
"Hey."I say
"Did you get what I sent to your hospital?"He asks
"Yep."I say, clipping on the cape from my birthday
He hears this on the phone and gets real excited.
"I can't wait to see it on you when you come home in a few minutes!"He says
A steamboat honks its horn as it passes us.
"Are you by a boat?"He asks
"Noooo."I lie
"Are you on a boat?"He asks
"Nah."I lie
"Are you putting yourself in danger to help others after YOU JUST RECOVERED?"He asks with an annoyed tone
I lower the phone. He's onto me. I look at Classic.
"Hey, when do we get off? I'm about to get yelled at by my brother."I say
"Now."He says
The boat docks and I get off the boat with Classic.
"No, Dream. I'm on land. I'm by the docks but that's because I'm wandering. Why would I do something like that?"I ask
"Cause you're you. Very selfless."He says
"Hey, I'm just trying to help out friends."I say
"You better not be lying to me."He says
"I'm not."I lie
"Okay, good! Cya soon, Brother!"He says
"Bye!"I say
He hangs up and I sigh relieved.
"Your bro going all protective?"Classic asks
I nod.
"I know that feelin'."He says, referring to his Papyrus
"Heh, nice. Well, it shows they care and it's better than nothing."I say
Now you people better not rat me out like you have tried to tell my friends about their crushes on each other. Cause if ya do, I am dead! Please!
We head off and try to find the ambulance. But most importantly, especially to Classic, find Fell.
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