Jace and Alec were far from the Institute geting something at the store for Isabelle. She was cooking tonight, Alec didn't see why they needed to get something for her. It was going to be bad either way, but oh well.
" We better hurry up. It's going to start pouring rain soon." Says Jace. The entire sky was filled with dark grey clouds.
Alec nodded and they started running. Soon they were at the store and walked to the isle where the seasonings were. She had sent them to get black pepper, and the only store closest that had it was about a mile from the Institute.
" Alec, where's the black pepper?" Asked Jace.
Alec never answered. They just kept started searching, but there was no black pepper. " Where's the next store with black pepper?" Asked Jace.
" About another mile from here." Says Alec.
Jace groaned. " Well let's get going. If we show up without it Isabelle will kill us." Says Jace.
Alec nodded. They then walked out and started for the other store. " How do you know this other store has any?" Asked Jace.
" I have gone there to get black pepper many times for Magnus, so I know it's there." Says Alec. Jace nodded and ran after Alec lead to the store.
Half way there Jace stoped Alec. " I thought you said no more then a mile from here?" Says Jace.
Alec grined. " I lied. I knew if I said it was more then two miles you wouldn't go, but we're less then a mile from it so shut up and follow me." Says Alec.
Jace heaved a heavy frustrated sigh, but followed Alec anyway, and soon enough they were at the store. Jace continued to follow Alwc till they got to the seasonings. They then started searching, but sadly there was nothing there. Again.
" Now what do we do?" Says Jace.
Alec shruged. " I'm not sure at this point." Says Alec.
" Do you think Magnus might let us borrow some of his black pepper?" Says Jace.
Alec slapped his hand to his forehead. " Yes, why didn't I think of that!!" Says Alec.
Jace just grined and they started for Magnus's place. They steped outside and saw it was pouring rain. Jace and Alec groaned at the same time and started running through the empty roads, all the cars were parked and no one was out.
They ran for a while before they finally made it there and rang the buzzer. " WHO DARES INTERRUPT..." Magnus started but Alec interrupted him.
" Magnus Its me, let us in please?" Says Alec.
Almost right away they were let in. They walked to the door and walked in to see Magnus waiting for them in the kitchen.
" Hey Magnus we need a favor?" Says Jace.
" I'm all ears." Says Magnus.
" Isabelle's cooking tonight and she sent us to get black pepper, but none of the stores we went to had it, then it started pouring rain and we were wondering if you had any black pepper we could borrow?" Says Alec.
" Well of course you can borrow the black pepper, but my question is why is she cooking? No offense but it tastes bad even with seasonings." Says Magnus.
" That's what we said, and she told us if we don't show up with black pepper we would regret it, and that was puting it in different nicer words." Says Alec.
Magnus nodded and snapped his fingers and a glass bottle of black pepper appeared in his hand. " Here you go." Says Magnus.
Jace took it just as Alec got a text. It was from isabelle. As he read it his blue eyes went wide. " Jace!" Says Alec, the tone of his voice was urgent.
Jace read the text as Alec showed him. " CRAP, thanks Magnus but we got to go. " says Jace.
" Atleast let me give you guys a umbrella or a Rain coat." Says Magnus.
Alec and Jace looked at each other then back at Magnus. " Umbrella." They both said at the same time.
Magnus nodded and gave them the umbrellas. Then they were off, but Jace slipped on water at the top of the stairs and tumbled down taking Alec with him.
Alec hit the ground first and cried out as Jace landed on top of him. Then his eyes went wide with fear. " Jace get the bottle, GET THE BOTTLE!!!" Yelled Alec.
Jace ran and dived to catch the glass bottle of black pepper but missed. He never heard it hit the ground. Jace looked and saw Magnus had his hand out. It was glowing blue.
They sighed in relief. " Jace, Alexander, are you guys ok?" Asked Magnus.
They nodded. " Thank you Magnus." Says Jace.
" Anytime." Says Magnus giving them back the pepper.
" It that had broke it would have been very bad." Says Jace.
" Very. Now come on, let's get going ." Says Alec.
Jace nodded, they waved bye to Magnus and took off down the street back towards the Institute, in the pouring rain to give the black pepper to Isabelle, completely forgetting the umbrellas.
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