Chapter Twelve
Jack and Katherine finished their dance and then Jack did his toast .
It was late and it was time to retire . A tradition was for Jack to shake hands with all the men who attended the wedding .
Katherine walked up to their room .
It was beautiful. Gold K's were all over. Small K's littered the room .
K for Kelly .
Katherine had someone help her out of the dress.
She was alone in the room . She began to brush her hair . It falling onto her white nightgown . With a small curl . Katherine kept the powder on her cheek .... She didn't want Jack to know .
She brushed her teeth probably about 20 times . And washed her face . Her hands trembled as she heard the door open . Her toothbrush fell in the sink .
The door opened .
"Katherine? It's me Clara ??? Well um ... I was coming to see if you need any help with your dress ?"
"Oh . I'm fine I'm dressed "
"Okay , goodnight "
"Night " Katherine said . She paced back and forth in the room .
She took deep breaths and sat down on the bed .
Boom . Boom . Boom
Jacks footsteps walked to the door . It opened and Jack saw Katherine sitting on the bed .
"Hi " Jack said . Katherine turned her head to see Jack . Still in his suit . The small medals hung on one side .
"Hi " Katherine said in a small . Tiny voice .
"Katherine, how's your cheek ?" Jack asked standing in front of her .
"Okay .... Just fine " Katherine said .
"How exactly did you trip over your dress ? It's a hoop right ? Those are like impossible to trip over "
"I walked and tripped " Katherine said trying to avoid the conversation.
"Katherine... You're acting like that's not the answer "
"Well it is "
"Katherine? Did someone hit you ?"
"No ... I fell . I was walking to sit down and I was dizzy so I fell " Katherine said
"If you wanna stick to that story then okay " Jack said .
"Katherine?" Jack asked
"Yes ?" She said to fearful
"On wedding nights ... People well ... They ... And we sorta have to . So "
"I understand " Katherine said knowing it was time .
"Okay .... Well I'll try and get this over with quickly okay ?" He said to her trying to calm her down .
"Okay " Katherine said .
Jack pushed her down on the bed ...
After he and Katherine had ..... intercourse..... Katherine quickly fell asleep . Her face was showing her bruise and Jack knew it wasn't from falling but he didn't quite know what else .
Jack saw Katherine begin to shiver and he pulled a blanket over her more .
He then took a pillow and blanket and brought them to the couch .
He slipped off his shoes and took off his suit shirt . He laid on the couch and started to fall asleep .
Katherine woke up sore . The events from last night hung onto her tightly .
She lost her childhood .
Jack might as well as take her childhood memories with it .
She sat up to see Jack was no where near here . She got out of bed with a tender feeling . Katherine walked to see a tray with coffee and tea standing there and a note :
Jack and Katherine,
I hope you enjoyed the wedding ! Breakfast will be serviced in your room in three hours at 12:00 !
Love ,
Katherine took a sip of the tea .
A groan was heard and she turned .
Jack was lying on the couch covered in a blanket .
"Katherine " Jack said
She jumped and turned around and spilled her drink on her hands.
"Hi " she said .
"Morning - what's that ?" Jack asked referring to the note in her hand .
"A note from your mother . Breakfast is at 12"
"Okay , " Jack then stood up .
The blanket was on the couch and Jack was shirtless .
"I'm going to take a shower " Katherine said .
Katherine then walked to the bathroom .
Katherine took off her nightgown . Her inner thighs hurt so bad . True Jack told her it wouldn't be long and it wouldn't hurt too bad .
It hurt . It hurt so bad . Also with all of jacks body weight crushing her it hurt even more .
She stepped in the shower . The warm water washed off the wedding .... And washed off Jack .
She grabbed her shampoo . Strawberry . She washed the hairspray and styling products out of her hair .
What she needed to do is wash that man out of her hair .
Then she washed her body . Cleaning off the dress and the cake and flowers and the dancing .
She wanted it all gone . All far with no pain left . No memory of last night or any days before that.
She needed to remind herself that she is now queen and married .
She needed to remember that her life is now jacks too .
She had to account him for anything .
She had to share her life with him now .
After her shower she put on a robe.
Jack was sitting on the couch watching the news .
Katherine walked past him and went to the closet to find something to wear .
There was plenty of dresses .
Katherine picked a simple blue one . She was getting sick of all the red and pink !
She came out . Her hair and makeup done quickly .
"You look lovely " Jack said as Katherine went to a small mirror to pin back part of her hair .
Jack then put a grabbed her hand and kissed it . Katherine blinked .
Her then stood up and kissed her cheek ... Right on her bruise "ow " Katherine said when his lips add pressure to her bruise .
"I'm sorry " Jack said letting go .
"No ! It's not you its just that my bruise -"
"From ?"
"When I fell "
"Katherine I know you didn't fall . What happened?"
"Nothing "
"Katherine how are we suppose to have a somewhat normal relationship if your keeping things from me "
"Jack ...... Promise me you won't tell anyone "
"Promise "
"Cross your heart "
"Crossed "
"My mother slapped me " Katherine said
"Why ?" Jack asked
"Because I wasn't speaking loud enough . And I was to speak when spoken to. And I interrupted her .... So she slapped me "
"How dare she " Jack said his teeth hitting down and his jaw angry .
"It's nothing . It's happens all the time -"
"What ?"
"Nothing " Katherine said trying to avoid this conversation even more .
"Katherine "
"Okay , she's hit me before . Often . I have a couple scars on my hands ... From guarding my face and her rings snagged me "
"Katherine... Why didn't you tell someone "
"No one would believe me ... Accept my brothers but they were never here so "
"Katherine... It's time for breakfast "
"Right "
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