Chapter Eleven
Jack and Katherine walked into the reception. She had taken off her veil . People smiled and clapped as the came in. Jack loosely held her hand .
Katherine and Jack then walked down to sit at their table .
Katherine looked at the food .
Plenty . With blood red roses all over and blood red as the color.
Jack had a glass of champagne and Katherine had water .
"Katherine ?" She looked up towards Jack .
"Yes ?"
"Would you mind coming with me to meet some of my family ?"
"I've already meet your mother -"
"Some cousins "
"Oh .... I guess " Jack then helped her up .
"Jackie boy finally tied the knot !" A man said with glasses on .
"Thanks Ryan !" Jack said .
"Oh , you must be Katherine. Jacks wife "
"I am ... It's nice to meet you -"
"Romeo .... Like the Shakespeare play ?"
"Yup ! "
"Is Andrew here ?" Jack asked looking over them .
"Here I am !" A fella with a crutch said .
"CRUTH ! Good you could make it" Jack said hugging him .
"I wouldn't miss dis for the world"
"How's the leg pal ?" Jack asked him
"Eh ... It's been better .... It's been worse . But enough about me ... You must be Miss Katherine?"
"Yes .... It's a pleasure to meet you" Katherine said smiling . "Well , we'll see ya both soon ! Youse got more guests to meet . Come on fellas !" Cruthie said .
They guys all waved goodbye and Jack suggested they go back to their table . Katherine agreed and they went .
"They we're really nice " Katherine said trying to break the ice .
"Yeah , they're alright ... Just some cousins "
"If you don't mind me asking ... How are you all related ?" Katherine asked hoping he wouldn't be mad at that question.
"My father and their fathers . We're all brothers . My father was the oldest so he was made king "
"Oh , that interesting . Now do you all have different dads or -"
"Yeah there was around 8 children . 4 sons and 4 daughters ... What about your parents ?"
"My father is the only male out of 7 children . My mother had a sister and three brothers ... "
"And your the youngest ?" Jack asked .
"Yes . Oscar and Morris should be here . I bet they would embarrass me though " Katherine said
"How ?" Jack asked titling his head .
"They'd tell you horrible fake stories from when I was younger."
"Really ? I don't have to worry about that ?" Jack said
"How come ?" Katherine asked him .
"I don't have any siblings "
"I knew that " Katherine said then looked at her silverware .
"Your father and mother are here if you wanna say hello " Jack said to her .
Katherine nodded and she stood up . Jack took her hand and walked her to her parents .
"Hello father . Hello mother " Katherine said .
"hangosan beszél" her mother said .
"How are you ?" Katherine said a little louder .
"Well , and how are you dear ?" Her father asked .
"Very happy father " Katherine lied through her teeth .
"It's honor to meet you King Joseph " Jack said and then the two men shook hands .
"And it's an honor to meet you Queen Victoria " Jack said bowing and kissing her hand .
"This is a lovely ball " Victoria said
"Thank you mother "
"beszélni , ha beszélnek hozzá " Victoria said .
Katherine nodded and allowed Jack to continue on the conversation.
"Have you meet my mother yet ? She's been dying to meet you " Jack said .
"No we have not . " Pulitzer said .
"I'll go get her " Jack said he kissed Katherine's cheek and went on his way .
"Katherine, come with me . I need to have a word with you " Victoria said . Katherine followed and they went to a private tea room nearby .
(beszélni , ha beszélnek hozzá means speak when spoken to in Hungarian hangosan beszél means speak up in Hungarian)
Katherine and her mother were in the tea room ...
"Your so stupid !" Her mother said hitting her shoulder with a fan .
"I'm sorry mother "
"You are supposed to act like an obedient queen ! You must let your husband do all the talking ! Your stupid ! Have I taught you nothing ? Did I fail as a teacher ?!"
"No mother you didn't fail -"
"First of all I would never fail ... You on the other hand ..... Ugh ..... And don't interrupt! I don't care ! You don't interrupt! " Victoria yelled at Katherine .
"You listen to me ... You are going to let your husband do all the talking ! Your job is to stand there and look pretty! You are not to have any opinions ! Even if it is about you !" Victoria said .
"Mother I -" then Victoria's hand slapped her hard across the face .
"Get a maid in here " Victoria said leaving and talking to Katherine.
Katherine called for Clara .
"Katherine? What happened ?" Clara noticed looking at the bruise now on her cheek .
"I was talking with my mother .... Then I fell ... I tripped over my dress " Katherine lied .
"Oh , well I'll just out some makeup on it " Clara said taking some powder and a brush .
"Where's Katherine?" Medda asked when the two reached Victoria and Joseph.
"She isn't feeling well ... She just went to take a pill " Victoria said taking a sip of champagne.
"Oh , poor dear "
"Yes , happens all the time. She doesn't drink enough water so she gets headaches " Joseph said ...
Joseph said that because that was always Victoria's answer ... He thought it was true .
"Is she gonna be okay ?" Jack asked
"She'll be right as rain soon enough " Victoria said .
Like that Katherine came back .
"Katherine? Your mother and father told us you got a headache " Medda said
"Oh . I'm okay now " Katherine lied though her teeth .
"Katherine? Would you care to dance ?" Jack asked .
Katherine nodded and went with Jack to the dance floor.
Katherine and Jack began to dance .
"How long have you had headaches?" Jack asked as moved .
"Not long . Since I was maybe 12"
"12... So what ? Three years ?"
"About "
"Wow ..... Do you wanna sit down ?" Jack asked
"No I'm okay "
Jack then moved a piece of her hair behind her ear . A small amount of powder went on his thumb . He noticed the purple and blue Mark .
"Katherine? Are you okay ?"
"I'm fine "
"Katherine.... You have a bruise on your face "
"It's nothing " she said looking at her feet .
"Did someone do this to you ?"
"No .... I fell my mother helped me to get a pill and I fell over my dress .... I'm fine"
Sorry for no updates in forever but enjoy ?
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