Who's There?
I opened the door that leads into my room were I saw a young man sitting on a bed on the left side of the room. I picked up my two bags full of cloths and more, and brought them to the other bed on the right. I set my bags down and looked through one of them to see Wich one has my pillow and blanket. I pulled them out and made my bed with my dark blue blanket on top of my sheet. Then my white pillow was at the top of the bed laying there very still.
The room was awkward and had a odd felling saying that my roommate didn't like to have a girl around him all the time. I feel the same way, after all.. I just got away from all my hard work of monster slaying training and having to do so many choirs around the house. But like that wont change.
I turned my head to see what he was doing. He was staring at me strangely like he had just saw a ghost. Although we see ghosts all the time him and I do sit by one in class. "Hi I'm Senshi," I called out to hm from the other side of the room.
"I'm Tomoyo." He had a firm voice that went perfectly with his blackened hair and dark colored eyes. He reminded me of someone that you would see in a comic or manga. Oh how I miss my manga at home.... -parents didn't let me bring any manga or something to read cause they say it will get in my way. Damn.
I turned my head after I relized there was a bother bed on the other side of the room with Tomoyo.
"Why is there a bother bed hear?" I asked him.
"A bother new student came at the last second and is transefering with us in this one room.
O.o that came as a shock. "But I thought that only two people were to be in one room?" I asked him. "That's true but all the rooms are filled and somhow they disided to choose this room to put the new rich kid hear." He repleied sounded discusted and a little angry. "Do you know what they are?" I asked him another question, hes probibly not licking me less and less every tme I open my mouth. "I heared he is a purebreed werewolf who comes from a important family. I'm still not sure though."
"Oh I see." I said as I sat up from my bed and begain to look aground the room. It was small and hard to belive that 3 people ail be living hear.
Right above my bed was the bathroom were inside there was a shower in the right too corner and infront of it was the tolit. Turning my head I also saw a sink with a mirrior hanging above it on the wall.
I shut the wood door to the bathroom and went to the other sore of the small house lie Rom and saw a small room with nothing inside. "Do you know what this is for?" I asked Tomoyo. "Yea, they had extra wood when they finished the rooms so the desided to give a extra room to us cause there are three people" I looked inside once again and saw that there were no windows. What a dull room. I thought to myself as I turned to look at the kichen. There was a frige,stove, sink and a counter all In on line going acroos the room. The bedroom is the first thing there is then if you look strait ahead there's the 'kichen' and then on my side above my bed is the bathroom. Then above the two boy's beds is a
random room for what ever we want to put in there. We must be lucky.
I could hear the door open and close and I turned around to see another young man walk through the door. He had blonde hair and green eyes. Oh how great these two would be in a manga.
He shut the door and went to his bed without saying anything. But I felt lime I new his name but I didn't want to say it and get it wrong. "Takashi." I whispered as I went back to my bed.
On my way I guess he herd me cause he begain to talk. "Yes?" He asked me and I turned around triping on my long black hair that's longer than I am. I begain to fall and couldn't stop cause I was tied up in my own hair. I felt like repunzil but with black instead of golden hair. I could just see at the corner of my eye,the werewolf was caching me as I fell. I landed in his arms like a parent holds there baby. "Eh sorry." I apoligized to him. "No need to say sorry." He spoke like a kind gentleman. Wow just like in manga! I thought as he put me on the floor and untangled my black silky hair for me. "Thank you." I told him as I held my hair up and went to look for a hairband to tie up my hair.
I'm such a clutz. Thinking to myself as I pulled out a band and tied my hair into a ponytail.
But like that would do anybetter my hair is still longer than I am.
The bell rang and it was time for class. Hours passes until school was over and everyone left to eat or go back to there rooms.
I had my hair in a huge pony tail and I made sure to hold it so others don't step on it. I could feel someone touching my head with all five fingers tuning through my hair. I shivered and pretended it was the wind. The fingers kept running through my hair. I turned but no one was there. I still walked on.
"Why the hell is our kabin so far away?" I whispered. "Its possible that they know your a monster hunter." A vioce called behaind me. I grited my teeth. "Who's there?" I yelled as I turned and faced Tomoyo. My eyes became huge and I ghasped in shock. "What are you saying?" I asked. He smiled and laughed then took a step forward and I took one back. "Because I fought you a few weeks ago before school started." He whispered to be as if we were in class. "What are you saying? I'm not a monster hunter!" I yelled and begain to walk to the cabin. I could hear him walking behaind me. "Then why would you look around the room, every monster knows that there is a extra room in every cabin for everyone." I ignored him, "Then what are you is not a human monster hunter?" I froze in my foot steps. "I'm not aloud to say." I repleied, "Now why is that?" I begain to get fustrated and just yelled. "I'm a half breed!"
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