Tears Ch# 13
Katelyn's POV
I was sitting in despair at the table. I was going to tell Aph first considering she is my best friend but she was still asleep.
I feel so depressed, I need to take my mind off things...
So I decided to go to the mall...heh although the walk there on my own was quite boring, I would of asked Travis to come but he would just be constantly worried about me so I went on my own.
It took a while to get there but I did a eventually get there. I went into on of the shops and my heart stopped for a moment..
With my own two eye's I-I~ saw Jeffrey.. And LUCINDA??! What in the world were they doing here and w-why i-s Jeffrey touching her like that...are they together?
My heart ached with a sharp pain.
Why do I feel like this I'm with Travis why dose it still hurt?!
WHY dose it still hurt to see him with another girl!
I try to race out of the shop with out them seeing me.
J: Hey! Katelyn! Is that you! Oh my Irene I haven't seen you in a long time!
I slowly turn around and stare at them.
K: ....hi Jeffrey, Lucinda.
L: Oh my Irene Katelyn I heard you are pregnant!
She stares at me with an evil eye. She knows I didn't want Jeffrey to know. The little bitch!
I stutter with my words looking at Jeffrey.
K: Yeah! Its true I-I am pregnant!
J: ...... Who's the father?
K: Travis of course!
I can't tell them that I had a miscarriage but I can see the anger in Jeffreys eyes. I just wish Travis was here with me.
L:*gasp*No Travis is the father!
I can tell she is being sarcastic but I don't say anything.
K: Yeah so how have you two been?
J: oh ye! ---
He gets cut off by Lucinda.
L: Were Dating! Surprise! I hope that's ok with you Katelyn! You know dating your ex boyfriend.
I wish I could just smack her right then and there! With her little attitude!
K: Ooh~ Yeah ! That's great! I mean I've moved on with Travis and all so there's no problem!
L: heh..
Lucinda wants to play games hah! Let's play!
K: YEAH its totally fine with me! Oh gosh! Look at the time I have a date with Travis tonight I best be going!
L: Oh really! Huh
*She kisses Jeffrey*
She knows how to push my buttons. Ugh!
She gives me a devilish look.
I can tell Jeffrey is confused about what's going on.
L: ok then Katelyn you should really go! Me and Jeffrey have things to do!
K: Right... Bye!
J: Wait! Katelyn!
Jeffrey grabs my arm.
K: Let go of me!
J: But Katelyn... I still have feeling for you,
K: Jeffrey! We were over months ago! I'm with Travis and you know that!
Lucinda slaps Jeffrey across the face.
We now have everyone staring at us.
J: Katelyn I know you are with Travis but I didn't know you would move on from me so fast.
K: Fuck you Jeffrey! It was YOU! YOU WERE THE REASON WE BROKE UP!
I walk out and a tear rolls down my cheek.
I call Cadenza to come pick me up, I can't tell anyone what happened....*sigh* I'm going to have to tell Travis..
Cadenza's car pulls up and she drops me of at Travis's house.
I knock on the door and Travis opens up.
T: Katelyn what's up?
K: I need to tell you something.
T: Yeah sure come in.
I tell Travis what happened at the mall.
T:Ugh! Katelyn! Why didn't you tell me you were going on your own!?
K:Travis I have enough on my mind already! So do you! And I don't need you wording about me 24/7!
T: But I want to protect you! What if Jeffrey hurt you or Lucinda!
K: Well that didn't happen ok.
T: I know.
Travis hugs me from behind
T: I'm sorry I know you are stressed with everything that's happened.
A knock on the door concerns up both
T: Who could that be?
He opens the door to see.........
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