♛ Chapter Twelve ♛
Sabrina sat at her vanity, sectioning parts of her hair off with a pin-tail comb then rolled them up in small hair curlers. "Do you think I've got enough small hair curlers? I don't want too many because it'll be uncomfortable to sleep in." She asked, glancing back at Lacy.
Lacy sat on the edge of the bed, putting the lid on the sparkly, bubblegum pink nail polish she had just put on her nails. "Is your hair completely covered?" She asked and Sabrina confirmed her question with a yes. "Then you have your answer."
Sabrina furrowed her brows and frowned at Lacy's tone. "Okay, what gives?" She asked, standing up and walking over to the bed. "You're a little more snarky than usual." She sat down on the edge of the bed and placed her hands on her lap.
Lacy looked over at Sabrina and sighed heavily. "It's not that anything is bothering me, I just can't get over how Cooper was looking at Stephoné for so long." She said, disdain in her voice as she stood up and set the nail polish on Sabrina's vanity.
Kiki walked out of the bathroom, tying a bow on the back of her nightgown. "Why does that bother you? They didn't even speak to each other, just a little wave. It's not like you're dating him or anything." She questioned, her blunt tone laced with sweetness.
"Who says I can't?" Lacy whipped her head around and glared at Kiki. "Who says any of us can't date him?" She challenged sharply, crossing her arms over her chest, making sure her nails did not get smudged on her silk pajamas.
Kiki was taken aback, staring wide-eyed at Lacy's sudden outburst. "Uh -" She closed her mouth realizing she had nothing to say to that. 'What's gotten into Lacy? She's normally not this on edge about Stephoné. She's never really given her much thought.' She thought to herself, looking down at the floor.
Sabrina glanced between Lacy, who was annoyed, and Kiki, who wanted to vanish. "Do you have a crush on Cooper Cunningham?" She teased, knowing Lacy of all people would never follow through.
Lacy rolled her eyes, cracking a small smile. "He is cute. That smile, and accent, he's every girl's dream man." She swooned, falling back on the bed. "But I doubt I'm his type. For anything, he's Sabrina's type, isn't that right? Tall, brown-haired boys with blue eyes?"
Sabrina recalled all of her crushes, whether at school or celebrity ones she'd had and they were indeed brown-haired and blue-eyed, who also happened to be tall. "Yes, yes, that's right. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We don't know him, he doesn't know us and we don't know his type."
Lacy rolled her eyes, not understanding why Sabrina was being so different. "Whoa, now what's up with you? I thought it was your thing to make every boy fall for you then turn them down in the sweetest way, even if they aren't your type?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow.
Sabrina took in a deep breath and dug her nails into her palms. "No, Lacy. That was never my goal. I just can't help it if guys fall for me of their own accord and then I have to date them to keep my appearance up." She sweetly replied through a forced smile.
Lacy snorted, blowing a stray lock from her face. "Tell that to your two junior-year boyfriends." She commented harshly, sitting back down on the bed and grabbing the top coat, applying it to each nail.
Sabrina took a deep breath and forced a polite smile. "They weren't my boyfriends. They were simply boys who wanted to hang out with me at different times after confusing their feelings for me and getting turned down." She replied, keeping her voice calm.
Lacy pressed her lips inside a thin line, raising an eyebrow. 'I don't believe that for a moment. Sabrina has always been boy crazy, so, what gives now?' She thought to herself, turning her attention towards their black-haired friend.
"Anyways," Kiki wanted to move away from this subject onto a slightly different one that may or may not have been controversial. "I was thinking, um, maybe could I uh, try to run for prom queen too? Just as an experiment, maybe?" She hesitantly asked, playing with her fingers.
"Oh sweet Kiki," Sabrina stood up and walked over to Kiki, placing her hands on her shoulders. "You can, but you know how big being prom queen is to my family! I have to win no matter what, and if you run -" She paused for a moment and smiled politely. "You know I can't disappoint my parents. You wouldn't want that for me, would you?"
Kiki wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not. "I-I know it's important to you. Just-just forget I said anything, it's silly anyways." She wiggled her shoulders out of Sabrina's hands. "I spoke out of turn. Let my thoughts be vocalized. Sorry."
Sabrina sympathetically looked at Kiki, patting her head. "It's fine. I'll let you wear the crown and take a few pictures if you want." She continued to smile and pivoted on her heels. "Besides, I didn't think you'd be interested in prom other than for the food."
Kiki turned her back towards Sabrina and Lacy, her fingers picking up nail polish and faking looking at them. "I wasn't. I just thought it'd be fun." She lied, trying to mask her hurt in a nonchalant tone. "But now that I think about it, for me, it doesn't sound like my style."
Lacy decided to move on to a different person to talk about. "Do you think little Miss Stephoné will run for prom queen? Since Ariana is planning the whole shindig and they're BFFs, it's the only reason she'd goat her into running." She asked, waving her nails around in the air.
Sabrina thought about it for a moment. "Even if she is, I doubt she'll win. She's too anxiety-ridden to do anything of the sort. Even with this new way of running, I can still win. I know how to please the people and can sway anyone with my words!"
Lacy picked up her phone and pulled up the website Ariana had created. "So, since we've already created an account for Sabrina as the White Queen - which I said we should have gone with the Red Queen since that's like your signature color, but anyways - we have these questions to answer." She said, showing the question to Sabrina. "Sheesh. These are some deep questions."
Sabrina put her hand on the phone and pushed it away. "We have until next Friday. I can make up replies on the spot. Let's not think about any of that and just focus on having a fun sleepover! Nancy is preparing us snacks and special drinks for whatever movie gets picked."
Kiki perked up when the word movie was mentioned. She had a million titles running through her head. "Can I pick the movie, please?" She asked, lacing her fingers together and smiling sweetly at her two friends.
Sabrina was pleased Kiki had moved onto a different subject. "Sure, just pick anything you like, just no horror, can't stand the blood and guts." She cringed at the thought and didn't understand how anyone liked that stuff.
Kiki smiled brightly, throwing up the peace sign with her index and middle finger. "I don't like horror either, unless it's horror games, but with just jump scares and foreboding music and atmospheres!" She exclaimed, walking out of the room, down the stairs, and into the living room to browse the streaming service Sabrina had.
Lacy watched Kiki leave the room and called out something else. "And no thrillers or crime ones either." She said and once she knew she was down the stairs she turned to Sabrina. "How did we become friends with her again?" She asked, knowing full well it was a rhetorical snarky comment.
Sabrina twisted the cap off her clear top coat and applied it to her nails. "We're all rich, remember? We met her at her parents' soirée." She replied, just as snarky as Lacy had spoken to her. "Or out of obligation. Can't remember."
Lacy tried to wrack her brain for what Sabrina was talking about. "Yeah, I don't remember any of that." She crossed her arms over her chest, being careful not to mess up her wet nails. "So, real talk. Lately, you've been out of it, staring off into space and this is the first time in weeks you've allowed us to be at your home having a sleepover?" She asked, leaning against the vanity.
Sabrina sighed, crossing her legs and bounding her foot in the air. "I've got things on my mind and personal issues to deal with. As you know, my mom is in Dubai now and my dad has been spending late nights at the office so I don't get to see him and when he is home he brings people from work over for dinner and business."
Lacy walked over and sat back down on the bed, crossing her legs. "Your parents are legit famous, I mean, it's not every day your parents are a model and a CEO of a technology company that deals with virtual reality! You have all the money in the world, how can you be unhappy?"
Sabrina narrowed her eyes as she searched Lacy's face. "I'm not unhappy. I just miss my parents. Is that so wrong?" She asked Lacy, falling silent before continuing. "Do you miss your birth parents?"
Lacy lightly pressed her fingers into her arms, trying not to mess up her nails. "Of course I do. Unlike you I don't know them," She snapped, averting her gaze across the room. 'I don't think I'll ever be able to find them but she didn't need to bring that up.'
Sabrina sighed as she continued, moving to a different subject. "I just wish I knew who I was running against. I wonder if Cooper is going to try for prom king? His friend . . . Kwan, was it? He seemed interested." She said, snapping her fingers when she recalled his name.
Lacy tried to recall when Cooper or Kwan had shown interest in prom. "Uh, when was that exactly? We've only formally met them during lunch, only got a quick hello - well you did - during class."
Sabrina didn't hesitate to reply to Lacy's question. "In the hall after class. We passed by them and Kwan was going on and on about it, getting Cooper and his brother, Daniel hyped about it." She set the top coat bottle on her vanity.
Lacy nodded, pressing her lips as she stood up pulling up her sheer silk robe. "It's not like we can ask, it was made clear that no one but the ones running and maybe friends are to know who's running to make it fair." She rolled her eyes.
Sabrina walked towards the door, flipping her hair out of her face. "It's not so bad the more I think about it, it could be rather interesting. When I win, I'll prove to my parents that I can handle anything and adapt no matter what comes my way. I just need to think of this like being a politician, say what sounds good even if I don't mean it." She proudly declared, feeling a sense of pride well up in her chest.
Lacy followed her down the stairs, placing her hands on the railing. "Of course. Then your father will see that you are more than capable of taking over the company! With your college classes, you'll be more than qualified to become the CEO. He will see that for sure."
"Anyways, one day we should invite Cooper, Kwan, and Daniel over for a movie night. Then we let them pick a movie because movies tell you a lot about a person." Sabrina said, walking down the stairs.
Lacy rolled her eyes as Sabrina spoke, not caring about what she said. "But the question is: will they accept? With my little slip-up - which by the way you didn't need to say a word and make me look bad - I doubt they'll agree." She sneered, narrowing her eyes at the back of her friend's head.
Sabrina dryly laughed walking into the living room. "Make you look bad? Tsk, Lacy, sweetie, you should have known not to talk bad about other people in front of new people. We can because we've known each other for quite some time and know where we stand." She sweetly yet condescendingly said with a smile on her lips.
Kiki looked up from her sitting position on the floor in front of the coffee table. "I picked a movie! It's a fluffy romance about a café owner falling for the guy who is there to buy out her business to tear it down for new luxury apartments." She flatly replies.
Lacy turned her attention from Sabrina to Kiki and the movie on the TV. "Perfect! I was worried you'd pick something else." She said, sitting down on the couch and picking up a cotton candy mocktail Sabrina's housekeeper had made for them.
Kiki turned around and frowned at Lacy's icy tone. "Wouldn't want to pick something you wouldn't enjoy." She softly added, taking a bite out of her cracker with cream cheese and strawberry jam on top as she thought. 'I hate these movies. They're so cheesy and predictable with the same plot.'
Sabrina took a sip out of the cotton candy mocktail and hummed. "Decent. Had better." She commented sitting down on her armchair and putting her feet up on the ottoman in front of her. "Kiki, sweetie, come up on the couch and don't sit on the floor."
Kiki huffed, getting off the floor and sitting on the other end of the couch away from Lacy. "Just play the movie." She mumbled, stuffing another one of her snacks into her mouth as she rested the tray on the end table beside her.
Sabrina didn't understand why Kiki was being this way but brushed it off and played the movie. 'Hmm, should I check to see if I can find Cooper on social media? Most everyone has one and it would be easy to stalk and find out. Hopefully, it isn't set to private.' She thought to herself.
She pulled out her phone from her robe pocket and clicked it on. She pulled up her social media and began to look for his account. She didn't know whether he used his actual name or a username, but the best thing she could do was search using variations on his name.
'No Cooper Cunningham . . . no one remotely looks like him. Could he be the type to not have a social account like Stephoné? Hmm, maybe I should try his friend Kwan. I doubt his brother would have one if he did. So, the next best thing is his best friend.' She thought as a smirk grew on her face.
She quickly typed in his name and it took a while before she found his account. Unfortunately for her, it had been turned to private so she couldn't stalk unless he allowed her to follow her. 'I doubt he would allow me to follow him. I need another way to . . .' Her thoughts trailed off as she looked at a bored Kiki.
She leaned over to her friend and smiled deviously. "Kiki, sweetie, is the movie boring you?" She asked, noticing they were half an hour into it and had an ulterior motive to her tone.
Kiki looked up at Sabrina, wondering what on earth she could want. "Yes, Sabrina. Why do you wanna know?" She replied flatly, keeping her voice down so as not to disturb Lacy who was complaining and immersed into the movie.
Sabrina glanced at Lacy, making sure that she wasn't listening. "Could you do me a favor? A small, tiny little favor?" She asked sweetly, hoping and praying that Kiki would agree without hesitation.
"Sure," Kiki wasn't sure if she should but at the end of the day, she didn't exactly have a choice. "What is the favor?" She asked, resting her cheek in her hand and crossing her legs, bouncing her foot in the air.
Sabrina grinned, keeping her voice soft and sweet. "I realized something. You have much in common with Kwan and maybe you could try and get close to him?" She inquired, hoping to rest on her last word.
Kiki knew deep down she had an ulterior motive. "I can try. But you know I'm pretty awkward around boys, especially ones like Kwan." She replied sheepishly.
Sabrina reached her hand over and placed it on top of Kiki's. "Oh sweetie, it shouldn't be that hard. Try and find him when he's alone or better yet, make it so he has to talk to you. Leave yourself available so he can make the first move if you want." She flashed her signature smile.
Kiki sighed heavily, pulling her hand out from under Sabrina's. "I can't make any promises. I can try." She replied, feeling guilty about this whole thing. 'I hope Kwan doesn't because I don't want to hurt him . . . if he found out Sabrina asked me and not of my own free will -' She cut her thoughts off and shook her head.
Sabrina smiled triumphantly, leaning back in her chair. 'Perfect. Perfect. Now, let's just hope that she follows through with what I ask and that Lacy doesn't catch the wind. As much as she's my friend she can be unbearable at times.' She thought to herself.
Kiki glanced over at Sabrina one last time before turning her attention to the snack in front of her. 'Why do I get a bad feeling that she's going to use me to get to Kwan? I mean, I don't understand her interest in him . . . unless she's going to use him, through me, to get to Cooper.' She thought, chewing on her lip.
Lacy glanced at Sabrina out of the corner of her eye. 'What is with that triumphant smile? Ugh, I can't stand it when she's scheming. It's such an unbecoming look on her. Can't she be at least subtle about her scheming?' She thought to herself, popping another piece of popcorn in her mouth. 'What is she scheming anyway? Do I even want to know?'
Kiki glanced between both her friends feeling like they were playing monkey in the middle and she was in the middle. 'Please let the movie end soon.' She silently prayed, turning her attention back to the movie.
The movie credits couldn't have come sooner. Sabrina pulled on the lamp beside her, turning on the light. "That was a pretty good movie. Glad everything worked out in the end and the misunderstanding was remedied." She mused, searching her arms over her head.
Lacy looked over at Sabrina and rolled her eyes. "I will pick another one this time since you seemed hardly interested." She mumbled under her breath, taking the remote and looking through the plethora of movies to choose from.
Kiki stood up and collected the empty trays and walked towards the kitchen. 'Maybe I should say I'm just tired and go to sleep. I don't want to watch another one of those movies and I'll probably just be a killjoy.' She thought to herself, putting each tray into the dishwasher.
Sabrina stepped up beside her, examining her nails. "Kiki, we have a housekeeper for that. You just needed to leave them on the counter and Nancy would eventually get to it and wash it by hand. We never use that thing." She didn't understand why Kiki felt the need to do that.
Kiki looked up at Sabrina. She blinked a few times to understand what she just heard. "You never use the dishwasher? Why not? It makes things easier and you don't have to clean them?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
Sabrina raised her eyebrows with a quizzical look growing on her face. "It has a name? Okay, well, I don't wash the dishes, you'd have to ask Nancy that." She said, pivoting on her heels and walking back into the living room.
Kiki sighed, closing the dishwasher with her hip. 'Not every rich family is like mine. You'd never know we were rich because we don't flaunt it and we don't have housekeepers, Mom, Dad, and I do everything ourselves.' She thought to herself as she shuffled back into the living room.
Lacy looked up at Kiki and didn't notice her demeanor. "Kiki, how does this sound: a city girl inherits a ranch from her grandmother she never knew. She goes there to sell the place but ends up falling for the cute stable hand who was close with her grandmother." She softly squealed.
Kiki forced a smile. She decided against saying she was tired since Lacy seemed to be excited about the next movie. "That sounds cute." She sweetly said, flashing a fake smile and sitting down on the couch.
Sabrina sat down and crossed her legs, her mind swimming with ideas on how she could try to get close to Cooper if Kiki getting close to Kwan didn't work. She could only hope she wouldn't come off as pushy because that was the last thing she wanted.
Sorry, once again this is late. I've been super busy and had a little bit of writer's block with what to do next or what to finish this chapter with.
A lot of the ideas I originally had I didn't write down, dumb me, so I don't remember them so it's like starting over from scratch. So, yeah, I've been trying to figure out where this story should go from here. I don't want it to be boring.
Thankfully I at least have the ending mapped out.
Chapter Talk:
Their friendship is very weird. I really like writing about how different they are but somehow they remain friends and get along. I do think Kiki is way too sweet for her own good and I honestly really love her.
Thanks for reading!
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