♛ Chapter Eighteen ♛
Kiki turned the corner, and a small convenience store came into view. Her eyes almost lit up like lamp poles at night, with a wide smile gracing her lips.
Kwan leaned forward, peering out the windshield, and spotted the convenience store. "Is this the place?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, then turning his attention towards Kiki.
Kiki nodded and pulled into a parking spot in front of the store. "Yes, this is it," She said, turning off the engine. "My home away from home." She unbuckled her seat belt, getting out of the car, closing the door behind her.
Kwan got out of the car as well, stepping onto the sidewalk. He looked up at the building, taking in the small yet cozy exterior. "It looks pretty old," he noted, as he looked around and saw the small crowd of people exiting the store.
Kiki nodded again as they approached the door, slipping in front of Kwan to open it. She held the door open, gesturing for him to go in. "This whole building is technically a historic landmark. This was originally a pharmacy in the mid-1900s. It wasn't until the early 70s that it was turned into a bodega."
Kwan stepped inside, his eyes quickly adjusting to the dim lighting of the store. He took in everything, the small yet organized shelves, the warm atmosphere, and of course, the sweet aroma of Mexican fresh pastries, the soft sound of Spanish music playing through the speakers on the ceiling.
Kiki followed behind him, already comfortable with the space. This was where she had spent most of her grade school days, and even now that she was a senior in high school, it was her haven away from Sabrina and Lacy. "Hi, Mrs. Torres!" She greeted as she headed straight for the counter with a bright smile on her lips.
Mrs. Torres, the middle-aged woman with olive skin and graying hair that ran the store, looked up at them from behind the counter. "Ah, hola cariño," She said, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity. Her eyes then flicked over to Kwan, giving him a curious glance. "It seems you brought an amigo with you, and who is this joven apuesto?"
Kwan felt his cheeks warm up slightly at being called "handsome" in Spanish. He was used to it, but for some odd reason, it felt different, more genuine. He offered a charming smile, "My name's Kwan," he introduced himself politely.
Mrs. Torres raised an eyebrow at Kwan, a small smirk on her lips. "Kwan, eh? A lovely name." She then looked back at Kiki. "He's cute. You brought a cute boy for me?" she teased, her dark eyes dancing with amusement.
Kiki groaned in embarrassment and tried to ignore Mrs.Torres' playful comment. Her cheeks, on the other hand, were reddening the more she tried to ignore it. "Just ignore her," she murmured to Kwan, shooting Mrs. Torres a stern glance.
Mrs. Torres let out a warm, hearty laugh at how Kiki tried to ignore her. "Oh, come on, cariño. You know I was just teasing." She then focused her attention on Kwan once again, her expression growing more serious. "So, Kwan, what brings you to my little bodega?"
Kwan chuckled, amused by Mrs. Torres' teasing. He leaned against the counter, glancing over at the display of pastries. "Just tagging along with Kiki here. She said I had to try the tamales and pastries. Can't say no to that."
Mrs. Torres grinned, obviously pleased by Kwan's words. "Oh, you're one of the smart ones, eh? Are you gonna try the tamales and pastries?" She leaned across the counter, her eyes twinkling. "What kind of tamales do you want? We got corn, red chili, chicken, beef…"
Kwan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, his gaze lingering on the display case. "Hmm, I'm not sure. I guess whatever is spicy, because I love spicy food… Maybe the red chili? And the pastries, could you recommend some for me?"
Mrs. Torres chuckled, "Ah, you're a spice lover, eh? Red chili tamales it is, then. For the pastries, we have some traditional conchas, some sweet bread called pan dulce, and some Mexican chocolate pastries." She pointed at each one as she named them, and then gave Kwan a sly smile. "And you know what, you're cute, so I'll throw in some empanadas on the house."
Kwan's eyes widened, clearly impressed by Mrs. Torres' generosity. "Oh, you don't have to do that," he said politely, but his gaze lingered on the empanadas. He was used to people doing this, but every time, he turned them down because he felt unworthy to accept such a gracious offer.
Kiki rolled her eyes, hiding a smile as she focused on Kwan. "She always does that for people she likes," she explained to him in a whisper, leaning over. "And you can't turn her down. It's a battle you'll lose. Believe me. She always wins in the end."
Kwan chuckled, scratching behind his ear sheepishly. "Looks like we've scored some freebies," he said, grinning at the spread of goodies. "We can not thank you enough for them. You are very kind and generous."
Mrs. Torres chuckled and nodded. "Of course, cariño. And you, Kiki, you're still just the same as usual, eh?" Her gaze then turned to Kwan again, eyeing him before shifting her gaze to Kiki and then back to Kwan, seeing how cute they were together.
Not that she was going to play matchmaker.
Kiki's cheeks went red again, and she avoided Mrs. Torres' gaze, busying herself with looking at the displays. "Oh, this looks good," she mumbled, taking a candy bar off the shelf and turning it over, not really reading the ingredients, but more or so simply preoccupied herself with something else.
Kwan was completely oblivious to the silent exchange between the two and the twinkle in Mrs. Torres' eyes. He grinned at the spread of food laid out before them. "Looks like we're in for a treat," he mused, his stomach rumbling slightly.
Mrs. Torres gave a knowing smirk, her eyes darting between the two again, amused by their obvious obliviousness to the situation. She didn't miss the way Kwan's gaze lingered on Kiki and how Kiki was trying to keep her gaze to anything else but Kwan. "Oh yes, a treat indeed," She replied, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.
Kwan was blissfully unaware of the undercurrents between the two women and, instead, focused on the boxes of candy, crouching down, in front of the shelves before him. He studied the various candies with keen interest, trying to decide what to buy first.
Kiki, on the other hand, was acutely aware of Mrs. Torres' subtle glances and playful comments. She could feel the heat creeping up her neck and ears, and she silently cursed her body's traitorous response. She desperately tried to keep her gaze locked on the candy in her hand, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
As the silence lingered, Mrs. Torres couldn't help but add a little fuel to the simmering tension. "You know, Kiki," she began, her tone light and casual. "Kwan here is quite handsome, don't you think?"
Kiki's eyes widened in alarm, and her cheeks reddened even more. "W-what?" She stuttered, her voice cracking slightly as she felt the blood rush to her head. "I… I… um… I guess… he is?" She desperately tried to sound nonchalant but failed miserably.
Mrs. Torres suppressed a laugh, clearly enjoying the flustered reaction from Kiki. "Come on, cariño, there's no need to be so coy," she teased lightly. "You can admit he's attractive, can't you? He looks like one of those Korean pop boys my niece is obsessed with."
Kiki's cheeks were now burning red, and she tried to hide her reaction by looking down at her hands. She wasn't sure if the heat she felt in her face was from embarrassment or something else entirely, but one thing was for sure, her heart was racing. "I guess… we both are ethically Korean," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.
Mrs. Torres chuckled softly, her amusement growing with each flustered response. "Ah, so he is Korean? Interesting," She tilted her head slightly and said with a smirk, "You know, I've heard Koreans have a special word for people they find attractive."
Kiki shot a sidelong glance at Kwan, who had moved further down towards the wall stocked with random items, completely oblivious to their conversation. She swallowed hard, her curiosity piqued despite her better judgment. "Really?" She managed to ask, her voice strained.
Mrs. Torres nodded, savoring the moment. "Oh yes, it's called oppa. Have you ever heard of it?" She asked innocently, putting on a soft smile which hid the impish grin she was suppressing so desperately as she teased Kiki.
Kiki's cheeks burned hotter, and she felt a knot tighten in her stomach. Of course, she had heard of it. She wasn't completely disconnected from her culture, but still, hearing the word oppa in relation to Kwan was doing strange things to her heart.
She swallowed hard and replied in a soft voice, "I- I've heard of it, y-yeah... I just feel a little cringy calling anyone that term when I primarily speak English," It was a half truth. She used the term quite a few times while speaking English.
Mrs. Torres' smirk widened as she watched Kiki grapple with the idea. "Fair enough," she conceded, leaning in conspiratorially. "But you know, it can be very endearing, calling someone oppa. It has a certain charm, a sweetness to it." she paused for a second before she added, "Besides, I think Kwan might actually like being called oppa."
Mrs. Torres' smirk widened as she watched Kiki grapple with the idea. "Fair enough," she conceded, leaning in conspiratorially. "But you know, it can be very endearing, calling someone oppa. It has a certain charm, a sweetness to it." she paused for a second before she added, "Besides, I think Kwan might actually like being called oppa."
Kiki's heart raced even faster at Mrs. Torres' words, and she tried to steady her breathing. "You really think so?" she asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean... I don't want to come off as weird or anything... and besides, I am content with just referring to him as Kwan."
Mrs. Torres nodded, her gaze warm and understanding. "I understand, cariño," she said gently. "But remember, it's not about being weird. It's about expressing your feelings. If you think calling him oppa feels right, why not try it? You might be surprised by his reaction. Or you could always find another name to call him? Do whatever feels right,"
Kiki's hands fidgeted with the candy wrapper, her mind racing with thoughts. She had to admit, the idea of calling Kwan oppa was strangely appealing. The mere thought sent a strange flutter through her heart, but she was also terrified of his potential reaction.
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you, Mrs. Torres." She flashed a smile, knowing the older woman meant well, and it was endearing in a way. She had always had her best interest at heart, and she did like playing Cupid in her spare time.
Mrs. Torres chuckled knowingly and patted her hand on the counter. "Of course, cariño. Take your time. But remember, life is too short to hold back, especially when feelings are involved."
Kwan finally looked up from the pastries, hearing their conversation stop. He noticed the slight tension and the way Mrs. Torres was eyeing them with a knowing look on her face, but he chose to ignore it for now. "I found some more goodies I want to buy," I set down the multiple bags of pre-packaged cream-filled cakes and honey buns.
Mrs. Torres' smile widened as Kwan stepped up with an armload of pastries, his eyes sparkling with the prospect of sugary goodness. "Ah, you have quite the sweet tooth, don't you?" she teased, eyeing the array of bags. "You're going to have enough cakes and buns to feed an entire platoon."
Kwan chuckled, grinning sheepishly. "I can't help it," he admitted, setting the bags down on the counter. "There's just something about these treats that I can't resist. Maybe it's the sweetness, or maybe it's just the fact that I have zero self-control when it comes to food, or my mum spoiled me as a child."
Mrs. Torres' gaze then turned to Kwan again, her eyes narrowing curiously. "So, tell me, Kwan, I know you are both ethically Korean, but where are you from? I can't quite place your accent, and I've been curious about it since you first spoke."
Kwan chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm from a small country in Europe," he informed her, not wanting to say that he was from Amaryllis because that'd blow a proverbial hole in the whole lying low and he hoped she would pry too much.
Mrs. Torres quirked an eyebrow at Kwan, surprised by his vague answer. "Europe, eh? That's a bit vague," she said with a slight smirk. "Care to be a bit more specific? Scandinavian, maybe?"
Kwan let out a nervous laugh, his cheeks burning with a bit of embarrassment. "Ah, you've got me there," he admitted, rubbing his chin. "Yeah, it's close to Scandinavia, but it's a small country most people don't know, I mean it's not even really a country, so I just generalize, and it's not that important, it's not even on a map," He leaned against the counter and put on his best charming smile.
Mrs. Torres hummed, giving Kwan a sideways glance. "A small country that's not really a country that most people don't know, and it's not on a map? Doesn't that make it a bit difficult to find?" she chuckled, her eyes flickering with curiosity. "Why so secretive? You're not on the run or something, are you, jovencito?"
Kiki looked between the two and noticed how uncomfortable Kwan was becoming. She knew he was hiding something, but she wasn't going to pry it was the last thing on her mind. "No, I can assure you he is not, but we should really get that food and get a move on. We've got homework to finish."
Kwan nodded his head, watching as Mrs. Torres finished ringing up the items. He quickly pulled out my credit card and tapped it on the pinpad, paying for everything before Kiki could get a chance, too.
Kiki Mrs.alresdy fumbled in her wallet to get out her card but stopped when she heard the pinpan's ding saying to remove the card. "Kwan, I was going to pay for it." She almost whispered, looking up at him with a small frown.
Kwan waved her off as he slipped his credit card back into his wallet and stuffed it into his pocket. "I know, but you were having trouble getting out your card, so I went ahead and paid for it. I hope you don't mind. There is always next time." he flashed her charming smile.
Kiki felt her knees grow weak at that smile, Mrs. Torres’ words echo in her mind. She nodded, putting her wallet back into her crossbody bag. "I don't mind, thank you," she flashed him a smile in return, her heart fluttering in her chest.
Mrs. Torres gave Kiki a knowing look, but withheld any other quips, taking the hint putting everything they bought into a bag and hox, one with the freshly made food was in a box while the other pre packaged goodies were in a bag. "Here you go."
Kwan picked up the bags, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Torres." he gave a wave towards her and began to walk towards the door.
Kiki thanked the older woman as well, her cheeks still tinged with a hint of pink from the earlier conversation. "Yes, thank you," she quickly chimed in, her tone a bit rushed. "Have a good rest of your day.”
Mrs. Torres smiled warmly at them, her eyes twinkling with a mix of satisfaction and curiosity. "You two have a great day as well," she said. "Enjoy the pastries, and remember what I said, eh?" she directed the last bit specifically to Kiki, her gaze loaded with implication.
Kiki caught the subtle hint, her cheeks flaring up once again as she quickly nodded, "Right, I will... consider it." She had a lot to think about once she laid in bed later that night, but right now, she had other priorities.
Kwan, oblivious to the subtle exchange, just smiled, blissfully ignorant of the conversation that took place. "Thanks again, Mrs. Torres!” He pushed open the door and held it for Kiki to walk through as any gentleman would.
Mrs. Torres watched them leave, her thoughts swirling. Kiki was obviously conflicted. It was clear as day. With a thoughtful shake of her head, she turned her attention back to organizing the display. She hoped Kiki would come to grips with her feelings, one way or another.
Kwan and Kiki walked back to her car in silence. The only sound breaking the quiet was the rustling of the plastic bags in Kwan's hands.
"Thank you for bringing me here," he said, breaking the silence. "It was a nice little excursion." Kwan chuckled, gesturing to the plethora of bags he held. "And the food looks amazing. I'm honestly surprised at the self-control I've shown to not rip the packages open and chow down right here in the car park.”
Kiki's lips curled into a small smile. "I know you, Kwan. You're a cheeky glutton who you love food." She teased, chuckling softly before continuing, "But you're welcome. I thought you might like it here.... and…”
Kwan raised an eyebrow, sensing something more in her words. "And...?" He prompted, urging her to continue as he opened the passenger door to her beetle after she had unlocked it, placing the bags in the back seat.
Kiki paused for a moment, her fingers fidgeting with the car keys. “And…” She let out a soft sigh, her cheeks flushing once more before she finally mustered up the courage to reply. "I was wondering if you'd like to spend the next few hours with me at the park chowing down on the goodies we got?”
Kwan's eyes widened, surprised by her question. "The park, huh?" He considered her proposal for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "That actually sounds really nice. A little picnic, just the two of us, and it is a nice day. I'd love to enjoy it while we can.”
Kiki's eyes lit up at his response, relieved that he had agreed. "Great! Let's do it then." She tried to sound casual, as if it were just any other spur-of-the-moment activity, but the idea of having a low-key picnic with Kwan in the park filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Kwan hopped into the passenger seat, a satisfied smile on his face. "I haven't gone on a picnic in ten years.” He said, his excitement matching hers. The idea of spending time with her in such a relaxed setting was appealing, and the prospect of indulging in the goodies they purchased was even more alluring.
Kiki nodded, climbing into the drivers seat, shutting the door as the knot in her stomach slowly unraveled as she started the car.
She was excited to spend more time with Kwan, but Sabrina's words echoed in her mind, and guilt reared its ugly head. She frowned slightly, driving down the road, knowing she'd have to confess the real reason she had asked him to spend time with her.
She hoped he wouldn't be mad or feel betrayed because that would kill her inside. She took an exhale, calling herself down, not wanting to jump to conclusions. She focused on the road ahead and steeled herself to confess sooner the better.
Turns out this arc is going to continue into the next chapter. I thought I'd wrap things up in this chapter, but I guess I was wrong. The next chapter could wrap up their arc, then I can get back to Will confronting Sabrina about making Stephoné cry, which is gonna be fun.
Anyway, I have been busy, and I am finding time to get more chapters posted for all my books. Just bear with me and silent readers. Please comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on these chapters. It'd mean a lot to me.
Chapter Talk:
I am a sucker for these two, and they are so cute, like, I'm in the process of drawing both of them, well, redrawing them. But, I should post them eventually, and I am trying out a new coloring and shading style, so things are a wip.
Thanks for reading!
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