I need to stop myself from doing more stories, but it's harder every day since more random ideas come across my mind during classes.
So here we are again I want to continue writing my other story but the words for the next chapter of any story do not come out and also ideas for this story come out when trying to write so here we are.
So same with the other Star Wars story I'm going to use something from the Old Republic and put it into the Clone Wars since I really like the SWTOR game.
So this time Y/N will be a Miraluka and now comes the explanation of what were they.
Miraluka Explanation
"They claim to see on a higher plane than we do. You know, the whole Force thing? Makes me nervous."
Atton Rand from Star Wars Knights of the old republic II: The Sith Lords
So they have no eyes as you can see, but their connection to the force is extremely since they use it to see their environment. This vision was so strong that if a Miraluka looked upon a Jedi or Sith, they could "see" Force radiating off them. The strength of a Miraluka's connection to the Force varied by individual.
-For the sake of the story, Y/N will be able to see part of the force basically if the force user wants to maintain it hidden Y/N will sense something but will believe it's nothing since all living things have the force in their own way, Sith and Jedi can channel it that's the difference.
You can guess why they are almost extinct. Also if they could interbreed with baseline humanity. It was said that such mating would result in difficulties for the offspring.
Y/N(personality will be seen through the story)
So while trying to write my other Star Wars story the idea for this story came and it was basically the main character being a Jedi Knight, I know they aren't the best people around since they take kids away from home and if they say no they stalk them most of their life. I'm not kidding.
I won't describe the looks of Y/n since it can vary from reader to reader just know that he will wear a cloth on his eyes since not many people are comfortable talking to a person with no eyes.
As for wears, as said before the Miraluka are rare and normally haunted by sith or sought by other people to use them as weapons. So normally people would want a Miraluka dead so with that reasoning I chose this.
I didn't find a male version of Tau Idair armour but it's really cool sincerely, this was made by Inkyung Lee a concept artist of Biowere who has worked on some of the best armours in the shop of SWTOR.
You don't wear the mask just in case.
I will leave a link to her Artstation in a comment on the picture.
So I'm going to use my favourite type of Lightsaber.
A Lightsaber Pike
"The lightsaber pike employs the same combat style as the dual-bladed saber. Both are staff weapons, but the pike has a shaft of saber-resistant metal, and a short blade on only one end."
Quote from The Jedi Path: A Manual for students of the force
The black part of the end extends to reach the full extent of the saber but it can be retracted at any second giving it more versatility for the weapon user. And the hilt can resist other lightsabers. What more do you want?
As for the colour let's see, green represents the Jedi's that explore the Force and seek the understanding of it, blue means the Jedi's that protect using more their physical strength and the Force to battle the enemies of the Jedi.
But there is a colour crystal that represents a person that explores the force to understand it like a green crystal and protects the order the same way a blue crystal.
That is the Turquoise lightsaber cristal acting and meaning both things originally there was only one that I can remember and the hilt of the saber was made from a Rancor tooth, so yeah also those crystals are rare.
Questions(please read)
-Do you want your own Clone Force/ battalion? If so give me some names since I'm horrible at it.
-For your Jedi master who do you prefer? Plo Koon or Tera Sinube.
I know many of you will decide Plo since he has a cooler design, but the reasoning on these options was on who would teach and be a better role model on Y/n early life.
Tera Sinube was a Jedi council member before being succeeded, and Plo during the clone wars was a council member.
-Y/n will have a padawan but I'm doubting if it should be an original character like Y/N or be one of the Jedi companions you can have in the SWTOR?
I think that should be all if you have questions that I can answer ask away and I'll try to help in any way I can.
I hope no more random ideas come to my head during classes.
I hope that you have a great day or night from SNT
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