The Truth?
*sobs in the corner*
Warning: Title change, previously titled 'Dispute'
There was said to be a display of fireworks in the middle of the village square.
Chat Noir carried Ladybug to the top of a nearby rooftop to get a better view of the show once it started.
They sat together in silence looking up at the clear sky. Chat turned his attention to the princess wondering what he should say to spark some kind of conversation.
He didn't realize that he'd been staring until she had turned her attention to him.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked.
"S..sorry...." He said nervously rubbing the back of his head. "It's just...."
Chat heard a whisper in his ear and he realized it was Plagg in his original form. Keeping himself out of view of Ladybug he tried to help the blonde.
"Compliment her." He said. "Call her. Pretty or... beautiful."
Adrien wasn't sure if he should be taking romance advice from his kwami, but decided to go along with it for now.
"I think you're very beautiful." He said confidently.
"Hmm...flattery. Like I haven't heard that before." She said sarcastically.
Chat sweat dropped as he tried to find something else to say.
"Ask her how's her day going. Make sure she's having fun." Plagg said.
" are you having a good time..with me that is?"
"I haven't really decided yet." She stated bluntly. "We still have the rest of the night. I'll let you know."
Chat whispered to his kwami. "Nothing seems to be working..."
"What was that?" Ladybug asked.
"You know things would go so smoothly if you weren't being so difficult!" Plagg had shouted with slight irritation.
Ladybug turned her head towards the Prince glaring at him. "Excuse me?!"
Chat raised his hands in defense. "That...That wasn't....I wasn't..!"
"Listen here Noir! I don't need you to judge how I am got don't KNOW me so don't act as if you do!"
Chat returned her glare. "Well I'm TRYING to get to know you, but every time I try you completely shut me down!"
"Why do you even care anyway?" She asked suddenly. "Is it just because I'm a princess? Because you find me beautiful? Do you even know what me choosing you for a suitor means? It means we have to get MARRIED and you barely even know me and yet you seem so persistent to spend the rest of your life with me."
Chat looked into Ladybug's eyes. There was a glint inside them that he never really noticed before. He could tell that this whole marriage situation went alot deeper for her than he knew.
Chat thought for a moment listing all the reasons of why he wanted this girl so much. Yes she was beautiful, but it was more than that, she had a fiery spirit for adventure, she was kind, humble and that was just the things he could name off the top of his head.
There was so much more he wanted to know about this girl and he could see the two of them learning more about each other with each day they spend together. It didn't matter if she was the Princess or not, she was all that mattered.
And despite how different their lifestyles have been he knew there was one thing that they did have in common.
"You're....much different than I'd thought you be princess." He said. "I'm ashamed to admit it, but when I first heard about you I expected you to be spoiled and inconsiderate like most of the high class people I've, but....that wasn't the case."
He reached out for her hand, hesitating at first he slipped his fingers between hers and when she didn't pull away he held on.
"I might not know alot about you now Ladybug, but I want to learn. I want to know your likes and dislikes. I want to know what makes you smile, things that make you laugh. It might be too soon to call it love, but I feel like I could grow to love you. I can't imagine that with anyone else. I don't care that you're the princess and I could care less about the throne of you say the word we can go anywhere you desire. I'll take you far away from here if that's what you wish. I don't want you to feel trapped."
Ladybug blinked at the boy. She felt touched, but again she found familiarity behind his words and in the sincerity of his voice.
She reached up placing a hand on the Prince's cheek and she leaned in.
Chat blushed hard noticing her face slowly approaching his own as he closed his eyes expecting to feel her lips.
He was mistaken.
In one quick swoop Ladybug removed the mask from his face. His eyes shot opened and his expression was full of panic. While Ladybug's eyes widen in recognition.
(Extension begins here)
"'s you...." Ladybug said slightly shocked. "You're the boy I met in the marketplace."
Adrien tried to think of an excuse anything, but couldn't figure out what at the moment, he simply said. "I...I can explain."
"Oh really? Enlighten me!" Ladybug angrily tossed the mask back at him. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
"That I wouldn't figure it out?"
"No! I mean...I hoped you didn't....I..I...mean that's not-!"
"If there's one thing you should know about me Chat, it's that I detest liars. So tell me right now, who are you? I need the truth RIGHT NOW!"
Plagg flew from his hiding spot and in front of the princess. "Calm down your majesty. There's a perfectly good explanation for all this."
Ladybug blinked. "Plagg?"
A tiny gasp was heard and Tikki who was hiding under Marinette's pigtail zoomed out and tackled the cat in the air. "You're back! I knew I sensed you nearby I just wasn't sure!"
Tikki released Plagg and he continued. "My boy's a bit of a dunce, but he'll tell you everything I promise." Plagg looked back at Adrien. "TELL her."
Adrien knew what Plagg was getting at. He was giving him a choice, he wanted him to tell her everything about the genie, the cave, and the fact that he was just a dirty street rat with no real home. Whatever he said to her now, there was no taking it back.
"I.....I..." The blonde struggled with his next words. "I....dressed like a commoner so that I'd be able to escape the...hardships of palace life."
Plagg wanted to scream. idiot!
Ladybug seemed to buy the story. "Why didn't you tell me it was you?"
"Would you had believed me? You kind of hated me the moment I walked into the palace." He said with a chuckle. "Besides I had NO idea you were the princess when I met you and once I did it just met the only way I'd be able to see you was to throw on the fancy robes and make my way to the castle."
Plagg sat on the ground and groaned.
"At least he told THAT truth..." he thought.
Tikki gave him a curious look.
"Besides..." Chat continued. "Royalty going out in the city in disguise it sounds a little strange don't you think?" He winked and his smile brighten when he made her blush. "I guess I thought you'd find my princely self more appealing."
Ladybug playfully hit his shoulder. "It's not THAT strange." She rested her head atop his shoulder. "....and as it turns out...I already liked you before I met your Prince half."
The blonde's face grew a deep shade of red and his heart pounded. An explosion sounded in front of them and they looked up to see the fireworks blazing across the skies.
"Beautiful...." Ladybug said in awe.
" is." Chat said not looking at the skies, but instead at the princess.
If he wasn't already in love with the princess he was definitely getting there and nothing could stop it.
Edit: So when I was writing the next chapter I only ended up with 500 words so I just added that chapter to here.
Miraculous World will now be updated every Thursday.
I will STRIVE to make the deadline!!
See you next chap!
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