Friends like these
*listening to the female cover of Friend like me*
*decides to put the video at the top because I'm nice like that."
Adrien blinked at the strange boy while he tried to process what he just said. "My....what?"
"Your genie." Nino repeated. "You know, magic, three wishes, yadda yadda?"
"I don't understand."
"Man your slow. How you ever make it through school?"
"I never went."
"Oh....well let me explain." Nino continued. "So I'm your genie. Basically I have the power to grant whatever you wish."
Adrien eyes widen. "Really?"
"That's right Dude!" Nino replied enthusiastically "You can wish for anything" Nino snapped and suddenly the blonde was surrounded by piles of gold.
"Woah....what?" He jumped at the sudden appearance of treasure.
"Or maybe you'd like to eat like a king?" Nino snapped again and this time Adrien was sitting in a large comfy chair in front of a large table with plenty of food to feed an army.
Plagg saw a pile of cheese on one of the plates and zipped over to get it, but once he reached the treat the entire table vanished.
"Awww...." The cat whined.
"I'm basically the best friend who can give you anything you want." Nino laughed "You get three wishes, just three."
"And I can wish for...anything?" Adrien smiled amazed by the sudden magic that happened before him.
"Yes!" Nino stopped himself. "W..Wait actually no...there are a few rules."
"Well first..." Nino put an arm around Adrien's shoulder as he explained. "I can't kill people so don't ask me. Second, I can't use my magic to force anyone to fall in love. Third, for the love of all things good DO NOT ask me to bring back the dead JUST DON'T!"
Adrien raised an eyebrow at the genie. "Okay?"
"And Finally. No wishing for more wishes. You get three dude that's it." Nino let go of Adrien and bowed to the blonde. "Other than that whatever you ask I'll grant Master."
Adrien looked up at the ceiling of the cave and then at Plagg who gave him a smirk.
"Yeah....thanks Nino, but no thanks." He said to the brunette.
Nino stood up with a confused look.
"This sounds cool and all, but I doubt any of it is true. I mean really am I really going to believe you can grant me any wish if you can't even bring people back from the dead?" Adrien turned away walking towards the opposite direction. "I doubt you can even get us out of this cave, so I guess we'll just have to find our own way out."
Nino glared at the back of the blonde's head as he snapped his fingers and in a puff of smoke poofed in front of him to prevent him from moving further.
Nino put his hands together and inhaled before putting them back down towards the blonde.
"Boi." He stated. "Do you really think I'm just going to stand here and let you diss me like that? You rubbed my ring therefore you are getting your wishes whether you like it or not!"
Adrien crossed his arms, smirk never leaving his face. "Prove it."
Nino grabbed the boy by the vest pulling him closer. "You wanna get out of this cave? Then LET'S GO!"
In a puff of smoke they shot off the ground and into the top of the cave. They burst out of the ground and into the land above.
In the throne room the King along with Princess Ladybug and Alya confronted Hawkmoth.
"Hawkmoth this is beyond unacceptable. You know that you are obligated to report to me before any executions. You are NOT to take it upon yourself!"
Hawkmoth was kneeled before the King as he tried to keep on a mask of regret. "My most humble apologies my lord."
"I have half a mind to dismiss you from duty, if not for your years of loyal service." The King stated. "So I trust that this will not happen again or there will be devastating consequences."
Hawkmoth winced slightly. "I understand M'Lord."
"Come here sweetie." The King said to his daughter who stepped forward taking his hand. "I know I can't change the past, but I'm hoping that we can all put this behind us."
Ladybug nodded, but sent a glare towards the dark man in front of them.
"Forgive me Princess Ladybug." Hawkmoth stood up taking her other hand. "My most humble apologies to you as well, I never ment to cause you so much distraught."
When he went to kiss her hand Ladybug snatched it away giving the man a menacing look.
"You know...maybe getting married won't be so bad." She said "Because the moment I'm Queen, you're out of here." That said she left the throne room.
The King sighed and looked back when he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Alya.
"Would you like me to go check on her your highness?" She asked
"No, but thank you Alya. I'll go talk to her." The King walked out of the throne room the same way as the princess.
Once the king was out of sight Alya turned to Hawkmoth who gave her a dark smile.
"Is there something you want my dear?" He asked the girl.
"From you?" She laughed. "Not a thing, but I'd watch my back now if I were you."
Hawkmoth's eye twitched. "How so?"
"I might be the princess's Lady in waiting, but I'm also her best friend. You hurt her and that's not easy to forgive." Hawkmoth's face remained the same but she continued. "You might have the King fooled, but I know what you are. You make one wrong move and I guarantee that the princess will know immediately and you and I both know how much the King loves his daughter judging from today."
Hawkmoth chuckled. "Do you expect your juvenile threats to phase me?"
"Maybe, I mean it seems to be working to some extent." Alya leaned forward. "Your eye is twitching."
Hawkmoth looked unimpressed. "There are ways to keep someone quiet"
"True." Alya turned away. "But I'm not like the others Hawkmoth. I won't be so easy to get rid of. Like you do to anyone who tries to go against you. Am I right?"
Hawkmoth frowned she definitely knew too much.
Alya smirked at the man "This conversation will stay between us, but the moment I see my princess in tears again, you're through."
Before heading out of the room she faced him one last time. "I can promise you that."
I'm almost every story I read the author makes Alya a complete savage.
So I thought why not I make her savage myself?
Was she too savage? Or not enough savage? Tell me!
If you haven't checked out my other story Miraculous Mermaid please do! Its surprisingly popular
I never expected so many ppl to read. I love how many lovely death threats I get which each cliffhanger 😃
Bluerose is out ✌
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