Chapter 5
It's late the stars are now shining in the sky. Marinette looks out the window. The Dupain-Cheng's had been nice enough to give her a home and a job. Still even though she had been there about a month and had escaped the from agency somehow she didn't feel completely free.
"I want to bring justice" she thought. I need to know what happened to Laura even though she wasn't my birth mother she had always been there for me. If I stay here I will never find the answer, if I leave the agency might catch me.
Tikki I feel so confused, now that I am here I feel that I don't know who I am or who I'm meant to be, she sat up and looked at Tikki.
I am distract myself now, Prescott said to have a successful mission to never felt your emotions to intervene.
Marinette you should never doubt yourself. You are full of surprises! Tikki said as she hugged Marinette and laughed. Marinette took one last look at the full moon and went to bed.
Alarm rings
Marinette abruptly jumps off her bed, "ohh no did I stay up so late thinking?!". She reluctantly turns off her alarm and runs down stairs, quickly eats breakfast, grabs her homework and runs to school.
"Sabrina this is going to be hilarious" Chloe said as she gave Sabrina a piece of gum intended to be placed on Marinette's shirt and become the laughing stock. Adrikins! How have you been I haven't seen you so long, she said as she tried to kiss him. Adrien pushed her back lightly, "you saw me last week Chloe-
What are you doing?"
"Oh we were just going to place this in Marinette-" Sabrina started saying but Chloe quickly cover her mouth. "What?" He exclaimed.
Chloe that's not very nice he said as he tried to take the piece of gum from her hand.
Marinette causally walked in through the doors, trying to not be seen.
"Girl what are you doing? What are a spy?"
"Who? Me a spy? That's ridiculous!"
"C'mon Chloe give me that", said Adrien.
"Let's go to class", said Alya. As the two girls walked into the classroom. "Girl are you free this weekend? I was thinking we could go to Juleka's place and-
Chloe had been so persistent on to giving Adrien the gum that he has accidentally crashed into Marinette sticking the gum onto her shift just as the planned. Chloe and Sabrina snickered, high fived and walked away.
Marinette stood there too shocked to say anything when Alya steped in. Adrien tried to apologize but was given a look from Alya.
In the bathroom
Marinette tried to scrub off the gum from her shirt but it was no use. "I'll go and show them a piece of my mind". "No wait, it's not that bad I can just redesign this shirt the piece that had gum wasn't that big. She just wants to have us at her mercy, but we are smarter than that. And yes I am free after school", Marinette said as she smiled.
You go girl! Oh and while we're at it, we should invent a secret hand shake said Alya.
They both came out of the bathroom while Adrien tried to speak and Marinette held her hand.
I don't know if what you did was an accident or on purpose but know that all is forgiven.
Then they all headed off to class, leaving Adrien stunned.
"Dude are you okay? Earth to Adrien"
"Huh? Oh sorry Nino. It's just that earlier I tried to stop Chloe-
Adrien started to explain the situation to Nino as she looked at Marinette from across the classroom.
"That's so hot, I mean cool- I mean set me up with her man. I'm too chicken to ask out a girl like that".
"Ah yeah. I'll see what I can do". Responded Adrien.
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