Chapter 2
After Marinette threw the watch in the water she started walking. "Where am I?" asked Marinette out loud. "I think we're in Paris." a high pitched voice said. Marinette jumped once she heard that, "Oh, gosh Tikki you scared me!" "Sorry Marinette" Tikki apologized.
After that happened Marinette headed in to town, " Wow Tikki Paris is beautiful." "I know" Tikki said giggling.
In Adrien's room
Natalie knocked "Come in" Adrien said. "Good Morning Adrien, I can to tell you your schedule for the day at 9:30 you'll do you piano lesson then at 10:00 you'll do your Chinese lesson then at...
Every day it's the same thing over and over again, it gets a little boring, bit that's how my life is. That's all for today Adrien, "Ok thank you Natalie".
After Natalie left, I walked over to my desk and saw box and I opened it, "Woah like the genie in a lamp." Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Plagg.
Once Plagg said that he starting flying around the room until Adrien catches him.
Did my father do this? No way he doesn't have a sense of humor.
Your father must not know that I exist or anyone for that matter. Hey you got anything to eat? I'm starving.
With Marinette and Tikki
Hey Tikki, do you why everyone looking at me? Hmm, probably because your wearing a strange outfit. Oh yeah I forgot that I still have my spy outfit on. I guess, I'll change my cloths. Yeah good idea.
Marinette went to the nearest store and changed in the fitting rooms
After Marinette change her outfit
Wow, Marinette nice cloths, where did you get them? asked Tikki. Actually Tikki I made this outfit and my shoes, I've always wanted to be a fashion designer.
Marinette you would make an awesome fashion designer. Thanks Tikki.
Then there was a scream outside
Woah, Tikki what's going on? It looks like someone's been akumatized. Akumatized? asked Marinette. Yeah, it's when an evil butterfly takes over someone and those evil butterflies are being cause by
Before Tikki could finish talking, there was a flying car heading towards Marinette and Tikki. Marinette ran and hid between to building.
In other words the only person that can stop them and turn them back to their normal selves is you Marinette. Me? But why? How? There's no way is I can...
You have to trust and believe in yourself Marinette. Ok, so what do I have to do?
In Adrien's room
Great the only thing that he eats is cheese. Camembert cheese. Which means that I'm going to smell like stinky old cheese.
Then I heard a scream, what's going on Plagg? Looks like someone's been akumatized. Akumatized? Who's going to stop it? You. By my self? No, your supposed to have a partner. How can I help?
Well your supposed says Claws out... Ok, Plagg claws out. No way I haven't finshed explaining!
Cool Adrien said when he transformed. Then he went out the window to help save Paris.
With Marinette
Tikki already explained Marinette everything. Ok Tikki Spots On! I still don't think I can pull this off but I still have to try thought Marinette as she leaped from roof to roof. I think my name should Ladybug. Ladybug swung her yoyo but missed.
I think my superhero name should be Chat Noir, Adrien thought as he was walking on his staff. When suddenly Ladybug "crash landed on him"
Who might you be? My Lady. Chat Noir said in flirtatious tone. Sorry, I'm new at this umm. Chat Noir, call me Chat Noir. Miss umm. Ladybug, you can call me ladybug.
Then there was a crash. Ladybug and Chat Noir headed towards the crash. Wait! said Chat Noir. What? asked Ladybug. I forgot, what my superpower is. Chat Noir said. Really? Didn't your kwami explain anything to you? asked Ladybug. I guess I was too excited about my new life, Chat Noir said sheepishly.
Ladybug laughed, well lucky for you my kwami told me your superpower, it's Cataclysm, which means that you can destroy what ever you touch and it's only a one time use you also have night vision. Woah, cool. Chat Noir said. C'mon kitty, let's get to work.
After they defeated the supervillain
Pound it Ladybug and Chat Noir said.
Well, see you next time kitty Ladybug said to Chat Noir as she swung her yoyo and left. Chat Noir blushed when Ladybug said kitty. Can't wait My Lady. Chat Noir said as he bowed and left.
With Marinette and Tikki
Marinette hid in an alleyway to detransform. Marinette? Yeah? I think we should find a place to stay the night? Yeah, your right Tikki it's getting late.
Marinette walked to a bakery that said, "We're Hiring" Marinette looked through the glass window and went inside.
Can I help you? asked a woman that came out of the bakery. Oh, yeah sorry to bother you Ma'am but I was wondering if you needed help, you had a "We're Hiring" and I thought...
Oh, yes dear, you can help us in fact, your hired. Really? Thank you so much Ma'am. Please call me Sabine, Sabine Dupain-Cheng and this is my husband Tom Dupain-Cheng. Nice to meets you umm. Marinette, you can call me Marinette.
When Tom and Sabine heard that name they both look sad. Sabine changed the topic by saying, " Here comes our favorite customer.
Good Evening Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng he said. Good Evening Adrien. Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng said.
When Marinette saw Adrien her cheeks turned bright red. "Hello, I'm Adrien" Adrien said as he stretched his hand out. I'm Marinette. Marinette stretched her hand.
When Marinette and Adrien's hands touched, Marinette's face turned even more red.
Why, am I stammering and blushing thought Marinette.
I think Marinette has a crush Tikki and Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng thought.
A/N Hey, guys I know it's been a while since I've updated this story other than first chapter, comment and let me know what you think of Chapter 2
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