Beauty Project
At school
Sky's POV:
Today in art class we are doing a group project of five people. When the teacher was naming people me, Alya, Marinette, Adrien, I think a guy named Nino, and I were put together. We have to make something that symbolizes the beauty of Paris.
"I think we should do Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Monarch." Alya said as her idea for our project.
"Of course you do. What else could we possibly do?" I said to her sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and looked at Adrien. "What do you think we should do?"
He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "I thought maybe we could do a view of the Eiffel Tower at night with all the lights and all the lights along the city." Adrien said looking at everyone in their group.
"That's a great idea Adrien! What do you guys think?" I say looking at everyone else. He is so sweet and cute. I think I really do like him.
"Ye-yeah Adrien th-that is a gr-great idea!" Marinette stuttered out with a blush on her face. What is up with this? Omg she likes him! How did I not see this. What am I doing I can't like a boy she likes.
I quickly raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom.
Adrien POV:
As Sky ran out the door I saw a tear go down her cheek. I wonder what's wrong why is she crying I need to go check up on her to make sure Hawkmoth doesn't send an Akuma to her.
I quickly put my hand up and asked to to use the restroom and ran out after her. When I get out into the hall Chloe was yelling at her with Sabrina behind her.
"You think a fake like you could ever be with my Adrikins. If you don't stay away from him I will put these all over the school and everyone will know who you are!" Chloe yelled at her then held up a magazine with her on the cover.
With tears in her eyes Sky sadly but angrily said, "Chloe, let's not do this now I am not in the mood." And with that Sky ran off down the hall leaving Chloe there growling.
When they turned to walk to class Chloe turned and saw me. She ran to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "Adrikins I am so happy to see you I protected you from that evil girl!" She tried to kiss him but he pushed her away.
"Chloe what you did to Sky was terrible I know you can be mean but come on." I said as I walked away from her in the direction Sky went.
Sky's POV:
What Chloe said just made me feel worse. How could I ever think about being with anyone who is as kind and caring as Adrien. I ran to the end of the hall and leaned against the wall and slid down so I was sitting on the ground. And the tears started coming quickly.
Then I felt a warmth around my shoulders which made me jump a little. When I looked up I saw it was Adrien sitting close to be with his arm around me. When I looked at him I started to cry harder and leaned into him.
"Shhh it's ok Sky. Why did you run out of the class room?" Adrien said to me trying to calm my tears.
I looked up at him from where I was hugging him and crying into his chest. I retract my arms and wipe away my tears. "I realized something about my friend that I can't go against." I said tears still leaking from my eyes. Adrien lifted his hand to my face and wiped away my tears with his thumb.
We were now facing each other our faces so close to each other. Then he leaned into me and our lips touched I was surprised at first but I kissed him back. Then a picture of Marinette's face appeared in my mind and I looked away from Adrien. "I'm sorry Adrien I can't do this." I said as I got up and ran down the hall to the outside.
I ran into the nearest alleyway and whispered, "Mimi, Wings out!" As I jumped across the roofs tears still streaming down my face I tripped on the edge of a building and fell toward the ground. I didn't have time to bring my wings out from a skirt and the ground was growing closer.
When inches from the concrete something warm grabbed me and we tumbled on the ground. When I opened my eyes there was Chat Noir under me after catching me while falling.
"Thanks Chat." I say smiling threw my tears. "What brings you out here?" I slowly but surely got off of Chat dusting off my suit from any dirt that may have been on it.
"Oh nothing really I came to clear my head and them I saw you fall. Then I knew I needed to save you from hitting the ground!" Chat said with a flirtatious eyebrow wiggle. I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks Chat." I said calming my breath after the tears had stopped. I jump up into the sky extending my wings and flying back to school.
_________After School________
Adrien POV:
I still can't get Sky out of my head. The kiss was amazing even if it didn't last very long. But her word 'I realized something about my friend that I can't go against.' Did the thing she figured out have to do with him? There was that Chloe incident but there was a tear before that. What is it? I really have to know.
When I walked out of school there was Nino, Marinette, Alya, and Sky talking in a group. When I walked up Sky asked us, "Do you guys want to come to my house for the project?" Everyone else in the group nodded even me.
Then Sky looked off into the distance and said, "I'll be right back I need to use the restroom." She ran into the building doors and disappeared inside.
Then Monarch appeared on the opposite side of the street a few minutes later. What is she doing here? I thought to myself . There hasn't been a disturbance yet. Then a scream echoed threw the air and Monarch went into action.
She started fighting but she seemed off today. Maybe it had something to do with the fall earlier. I though to myself then I see her hit the ground hard. I quickly run into the boys restroom and transform.
When I got out Monarch was still laying on the ground while Ladybug stood in front of her blocking the hits of the akuma victim. Which now that I see it looks like a ugly troll.
"Chat, get her out of here!" Ladybug yelled to me motioning for him to get Monarch. I found an alley and set her down in it. Before I left I gave her a kiss on the forehead and ran back to help Ladybug with the akuma.
Sky's POV:
I was fighting this ugly troll when it's giant fist hit me and everything around me went black.
When I finally woke up I was in an alleyway. I looked around in confusion as to how I got here. I then look down remembering I was transformed when I blacked out and luckily I still was.
Then at the entrance of the alley I see a blond boy with cat ears coming out at the top of his head. He walks up to me and says, "Mon amour, I was worried you were hurt." He cupped my cheek in his hand and stared into my eyes.
A tear slid down my face and I looked away from him down at the ground below us. Still cupping my face with one hand he leans my head back by my chin with his other. I looked into his eyes and he kissed me on the lips. It shocked me at first but then I kissed back. It was warm and his lips were so soft against mine.
It was a passionate kiss. When he was sure I wouldn't lean away he put his hands or should I say paws on my hips holding me close to him. My hands found his hair and I scratch behind his ear which makes him purr. It was absolutely adorable to hear, it made me giggle a little. When I pulled away finally we were both gasping for air.
Then a thought popped into my head. What about Adrien? Um, Marinette can have him I got myself a kitten instead. I giggle a little at the thought. "What's so funny?" Chat Noir said with a confused face staring at me. I just giggle and start kissing him again and he seems fine with not knowing.
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