Chapter 73
Ruby's Point of View
Alex blocked their path.
Ruby hated Alex with a passion. Alex had tried stealing Steve, and she had been a spy for Mojang.
"Going somewhere?" Alex asked.
"Get out of the way before you get hurt, you traitorous liar," Steve growled.
"Liar? The only thing I lied about was not being a spy for Mojang," Alex replied, feigning innocence.
"And being my childhood friend," Steve said.
"Oh, sweetie," Alex replied, making Ruby clench her fists. "We really were childhood friends. Our parents really were killed. We really were on the run for a year. And Mojang really did capture me. But when they did, they converted me to their ways. They made me a loyal servant," Alex explained.
"You're lying," Steve said, like he didn't want to believe it.
"No, I'm not. Drink your memories. Find out," Alex tempted.
"Not right now, Steve," Ruby whispered. "She's just trying to make it a one on one fight with me."
Steve nodded.
"Friend or not, you're going down, Alex," Steve said.
He and Ruby charged at her.
* * *
Jay's Point of View
It was clear the Resistance was winning the battle.
There were only a few Mojang monsters left.
"Get those last few monsters!" Jay shouted.
The bounty hunters were all leaving. Jay didn't care. He and his friends could handle the last couple of monsters.
But the bounty hunters seemed to be leaving in fear.
Jay wondered why as Mitch and Jerome, the last bounty hunters still there, left.
Tommy shot the last Mojang Creeper, and it died.
All Mojang monsters were killed now. Nomis' good Creepers had been killed in the battle. The good Ghast hovered nearby.
Jay, Kirai, Nomis, Tommy, Alice, Simon, and Ghoul met up in a circle.
"Why do you think the bounty hunters looked so scared when they left?" Jay asked.
Everyone shrugged, except Alice. Her eyes widened in terror as she pointed behind Jay.
He whirled around, and what he saw brought back terrible memories.
The Wither.
* * *
Captainsparklez's Point of View
Captainsparklez ran up the seemingly endless flights of stairs.
He could sense Steve somewhere nearby.
He passed one floor with a giant dead Slime with a gold helmet on it. He drank a potion of invisibility and crossed the hallway.
Three men were fighting an Enderman with a gold helmet.
Sparklez kept running.
* * *
Steve's Point of View
Steve charged at Alex, but she knocked him back with the hilt of her sword easily.
For some reason, this blow hurt a lot.
Steve lay on the floor, watching Alex and Ruby fighting.
Neither of them were landing hits on each other. They both always blocked with their sword.
Alex swung for Ruby's head, who blocked with her sword.
Ruby swung for Alex's stomach, but she blocked with her sword.
The fight went on and on like this, until Alex kicked her leg out and hit Ruby right in the stomach.
Ruby doubled over, dropping her sword.
Alex grabbed Ruby so that she couldn't resist and yanked her head up by the hair.
Alex pointed her sword at Ruby's chin and turned to face Steve.
"What're you gonna do, Steve?" Alex asked tauntingly. She had a demonic smile on her face. Ruby couldn't move. If Steve made a move to help, Alex would surely kill Ruby.
Suddenly, a flashback hit Steve.
This looked awfully similar to something he had seen before.
Back in the ravine.
Beta, holding Porkchops almost exactly like that, with an arrow pointing at his chin.
Then Beta had killed Porkchops.
Steve was not going to let that happen again.
He threw his sword with a ferocity he had never felt before.
The sword sliced Alex's cheek, and she fell to the ground, dropping Ruby, who breathed heavily on the ground.
Steve charged over to Alex, who lay on the ground too.
He picked up his sword and glared at her.
"You're a monster," he said.
Just as Steve was about to stab Alex, he felt someone in full iron armor tackle him from the side.
They tumbled over one another on the ground, and landed farther down the hallway.
Steve looked at his attacker.
* * *
Jay's Point of View
The Wither stared at them, and they stared back.
Then a huge crater formed in the ground, and the Wither flew up high, and started shooting projectiles at them.
Jay blocked a few, but they had to dodge the rest.
"How do we kill this thing?!" Alice screamed.
Jay thought back to last time they had battled the Wither.
"Anyone have explosive arrows?" Jay asked.
Tommy shook his head.
Alice looked through her quiver. "I have three," she said as another projectile nearly hit her.
"I'll take them," Jay said.
Alice handed them over.
"Jay, you are not doing what Todd did," Kirai said.
"I have to," Jay replied. "It's the only way to kill this thing."
"No. I won't let you," Kirai said. "You have to--"
She was cut off when Jay kissed her on the lips.
When they pulled apart about ten seconds later, Jay looked at her. With his eyes, he told her to stay there.
And then he ran off.
Kirai let him go.
Time to kill the Wither, Jay thought.
* * *
Steve's Point of View
"Too many to count," Sparklez replied, and he jabbed his sword into Steve's side.
Steve cried out in pain, and with a new strength, threw Sparklez off of him.
The bounty hunter landed a few blocks away.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve saw Alex and Ruby fighting again.
He charged at Sparklez, trying to stab him with his sword.
Sparklez rolled out of the way, and Steve cut his belt off.
Various items scattered everywhere.
Steve and Sparklez fought with their swords once more.
Hopefully, it was for the last time.
This time, Steve managed to knock Sparklez down.
"Let's end this, shall we?," Steve growled, as he was about to stab Sparklez once and for all.
Sparklez kicked Steve's feet out from under him, and now the roles were reversed.
Sparklez stood over Steve one more time.
"How about I end this," Sparklez said.
Steve saw a small block of TNT with a button on it next to him. He recognized it as something Sparklez stopped him with before, back at Jeb's headquarters.
Steve pressed the button and threw it at Sparklez, just as the bounty hunter swung his sword down.
He hit the TNT with his sword, and it blew up.
The explosion blew Captainsparklez out the window, literally.
He broke through the glass and fell eighty three stories down to the ground.
Steve was knocked back a little, but he didn't fall out the window, luckily.
He got up slowly, and turned to watch Alex and Ruby fight.
Just in time to see Ruby get stabbed in the heart.
Just want to say that that chapter was freakin awesome.
Except for, ya know, that last sentence.
Don't kill me.
Thanks for reading, and remember to vote, comment, and follow!
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