Chapter 65
Alpha's Point of View
Alpha stood on top of a building in Sector 25, the city right next to Mojang Headquarters. His troops were attacking a building full of people who had been resisting Mojang. Alpha just watched.
He knew this wasn't right. Regular Zombies would try to take down a building full of people, sure, but they would fail. It just wasn't right for Mojang to control them.
But Alpha couldn't do anything. His troops wouldn't listen if he told them to attack Mojang.
Alpha supposed he could try to destroy whatever machine Mojang used for controlling monsters, but that was in Mojang Headquarters.
There was nothing Alpha could do.
So he just watched his Zombies attack innocent citizens all over the place.
* * *
Captainsparklez's Point of View
Sparklez had been humiliated by Steve, again.
Well, not really. It was actually his girlfriend that Sparklez hadn't noticed at the time.
He noticed when the sword went through his shoulder, though.
After that had happened, Captainsparklez had drank an invisibility potion and ran away.
Now he was back at Jeb's headquarters. Sparklez watched as Jeb gave Mitch and Jerome some other assignment to catch some outlaw.
Sparklez just sat in the corner.
* * *
Steve's Point of View
Steve and Ruby had gone back to Lourd and explained the situation with Alex.
"Well, right now, Mojang's forces are spread too thin. They can't afford to bring their units back to defend them. They're probably just preparing their human troops, which definitely aren't trained enough. I think we still have a chance," Lourd said.
He, Manga, Steve, and Ruby were in the control room. Suddenly, Steve saw something on the security footage.
"What is that?" he asked.
A guy was running away from two other guys. Steve recognized the two other guys, Mitch and Jerome. But who was the guy running from them? He was moving too fast for Steve to catch a glimpse of him.
He also seemed to be shooting at them, with some sort of redstone pistol looking thing. Kinda like the one Jean had, but looking.
Steve was surprised when the guy ran inside the hidden entrance of the bunker.
"What the--" Lourd said.
Steve ran back out to the common area and looked at the staircase leading up.
A guy stood there.
He looked around 18 years old. He had raven black hair and ice blue eyes. He wore a black cloak, boots, and gloves. He had a necklace that seemed to be made of obsidian. He also had a dagger sheathed at his belt, along with his redstone pistol thingie and a bow.
"Uh...hi?" Steve said, confused.
"Hi. The name's Enderspi. But you can call me Sharky," the mysterious guy said.
Suddenly, Jay was at Steve's side. "Sharky? Like, the Sharky? The famous outlaw?" he asked excitedly.
Sharky chuckled a bit. "Yep, that's me," he said.
"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!" Jay screamed like a fangirl. He started shaking Steve's shoulders. "The Sharky is in our bunker!"
Steve stopped him. "Uh...okay. Why are you in our bunker?" he asked the outlaw.
"I need a place to hide from those two bounty hunters. They were sent after me after I vandalized Jeb's car," Sharky replied.
"Oh. Well, while you're down here, mind helping us in the war effort?" Steve asked.
Enderspi looked confused. "What war effort?" he asked.
"Ya know, the war against Mojang?" Steve asked.
Sharky's expression didn't change. "Huh. Doesn't ring a bell. Isn't Mojang the government?"
"Where have you been the past few weeks?" Steve asked.
"Running from the cops and bounty hunters. Livin' a life of crime is fun," Sharky replied. "I haven't had time to watch the news."
Steve facepalmed himself. "Then we got a lot of explaining to do," he said.
* * *
After explaining everything in the control room with Lourd, Manga, and Ruby, Enderspi sat down in a chair.
"This is a lot to take in," he said.
"You're telling me," Steve said.
On the security footage, they saw Mitch and Jerome outside of the hidden bunker entrance, looking around.
"Where'd he go?" Jerome asked.
"I have no idea. You lost him," Mitch replied.
They started fighting.
Steve turned to Sharky. "How did you find this place anyway?" he asked.
"It was pretty obvious," he replied, like it was no big deal. "And I'm used to finding hidden entrances."
Steve just nodded. This guy was mysterious, but he seemed cool enough. At least he wasn't killing everybody.
"So you're an outlaw," Steve said.
"Yep. You haven't heard of me? I thought everyone has," Sharky answered.
"Well I just got my memories erased, so..." Steve pointed out.
"Oh yeah. Well yeah, I'm pretty much the most famous outlaw ever. I'm banned from thirteen different Sectors. All the cities, and a few more. Not that that stops me," Sharky explained.
"What exactly do you do?" Steve asked.
"He lives on the edge. Never following rules, always irritating authorities, but doesn't hurt a soul, unless they hurt him first," Ruby said, staring at Sharky dreamily.
"Ahem," Steve tried to get his girlfriend's attention.
"Oh. Love you," she said to Steve, and she left the room.
"Your lady friend's right," Sharky said when she was gone. "That's exactly what I do."
"That'" Steve wasn't sure what else to say.
"Anyway, Enderspi, are you going to join the war effort?" Lourd asked. "Because if you're not, you're gonna have to leave."
Sharky thought for a moment. "Yeah, I'll help. Just tell me what I need to do."
"Well, we're about to go out there and prepare everyone for the--hopefully--final battle with Mojang," Manga piped up.
"Ooh, a final battle. My favorite," Sharky said, rubbing his hands together.
"Then let's go," Lourd said.
They went out to prepare everyone for a battle that'll risk their lives.
Like Enderspi/Sharky? He's Enderspi's character. Go follow him/her!
Happy 4th of July my fellow 'Muricans!
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
Update 7/28/15: Character entries are closed. I am not taking any more characters in this book.
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