Chapter 49
Lol ^
Steve's Point of View
They crossed the desert in the dark. It was kind of a good thing, because it wasn't as hot, but still, the sand could get irritating.
Every once in awhile, a monster would come up to them, and a few of them would work together to kill it. No one got hurt, since the ten of them were watching each others' backs.
As they crossed over a sandy dune, they saw a strange sight on the other side.
Iron ore was rising from the ground. It moved sand and sandstone out of the way, and when the ore was high enough, the sand and sandstone dropped back into place.
"What the Nether..." Scullscan whispered.
"Tommy, you've seen this before, right?" Steve asked.
Tommy nodded without looking at him. He was watching the ore in awe.
"Look!" Cupcake squeaked. She pointed somewhere in the air.
Steve searched the night sky until he found what she was pointing at.
Was that...him?
"Steve, how'd you get up there? You're right next to me," Jay asked stupidly. Hopefully it was a joke.
The figure looked exactly like Steve. He had his eyes closed, and was slowly rising his arms up as the iron ore rose.
"That's not me..." Steve said.
Suddenly the figure opened his eyes.
They were glowing white.
"That's Herobrine."
All the iron ore disappeared.
Then Herobrine disappeared.
"Okay, that was the weirdest thing I have ever seen," Scullscan muttered.
"Well, he doesn't seen to be bothering us, so let's keep going," Steve decided.
And they continued crossing the desert.
After awhile, Steve heard a whistling noise.
A very familiar whistling noise.
Steve turned around and swung with his sword. It connected with a flying arrow, sending it to the ground.
Everyone turned around. Walking towards them were ten figures.
Six of them looked very familiar.
Bounty hunters.
Steve saw Mitch, Jerome, Jason, Sky, Deadlox, and Captainsparklez.
The other four he recognized vaguely.
One of them looked like a sorcerer of some kind. He had purple and grey clothes. But the strangest thing about him was that he had purple fireballs in is hands.
It was Setosorcerer.
Or Seto, for short.
Another guy had blue pants with gold buckles on them, a blue shirt with a black vest, and goggles on his head.
Or Dan, for short.
Another guy was a cat. Yeah that's right. A cat.
Or Stampy, for short.
And the last one Steve hadn't met before was a squid. Well, a squid man.
Or Squid for short.
All ten of them were rushing at the strike team with various weapons raised.
The strike team prepared to defend themselves. They got their weapons out.
The bounty hunters clashed with the Resistance members.
It was a one on one fight. Everyone got to fight someone.
Captainsparklez rushed straight for Steve. They sword fought just like they did the first time back in that swamp. Except this time, Steve only had an iron sword to defend himself against Sparklez's iron one.
The swords crashed together. Out of the corner of his eye, Steve saw the rest of the bounty hunters battling the strike team.
Seto was throwing purple fireballs at Jay, who was deflecting them with his axe. Steve had no idea how it was even possible for Seto to throw fireballs, but he decided not to question it.
Dan was sword fighting with Kirai. They looked evenly matched.
Stampy was throwing cakes at Todd, who was just dodging them, not fighting back. Yes, the cat was taking a bite out of each cake and throwing them at Todd.
Squid was sword fighting with Scullscan. Tommy and Jason were having a bow and arrow fight. Sky was sword fighting with Cupcake. Lee sword fought with Mitch, Dee sword fought with Jerome, although Jerome was using two axes.
Deadlox rounded on Godhand. He had a diamond sword in his hand. Godhand brought out his potions. They fought, but Godhand had to keep running away.
Steve could feel himself losing this battle with Captainsparklez. But he wouldn't let himself get caught again.
They fought and fought, swords clashing, sometimes even creating sparks. But after awhile, Captainsparklez knocked Steve's sword out of his hands once again. Steve fell to the ground.
Sadly, he could see that everyone else were in similar states. Most were on the ground.
"We have orders from Notch himself," Seto snarled. "Kill all ten of them, he said."
Someone gasped, Steve couldn't tell who.
All ten bounty hunters raised whatever weapon they had. Just as they were about to strike, a bunch of clouds formed in the sky in an instant. Thunder rumbled loudly.
The bounty hunters hesitated. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck right next to Sparklez, who flinched. A figure stood where the lightning struck.
For a split second, Steve thought it was himself, but then he remembered what happened earlier.
The figure rose his head.
He rose his arms and lightning flew out of him in all directions. Steve shielded his face, but none of the lightning struck him. In fact, the crackling electricity seemed to only strike certain places.
Ten certain places.
The ten bounty hunters.
They disappeared.
Herobrine looked at Steve.
Then he disappeared again.
"Okay, am I tripping?" Jay asked. "Or did Herobrine just save us?"
"I think he did," Steve answered.
I took slightly longer than usual to write this chapter but whatev. And did you see the picture up there? 999 reads! Lol.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
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