Chapter 43
They had been in the plane for a few hours now. Kirai had taken Steve's place as the copilot since Steve had no idea how to help fly the thing. Now Steve sat in the sitting room with everyone except Todd and Godhand, who were in the bedroom.
Lee and Dee sat on a small couch, conversing quietly. Tommy and Cupcake were playing a card game on the small table. Steve sat in an armchair, waiting for the ride to be over. Jay had told him it would be just a few more minutes until they arrived.
Godhand entered the room. Steve stood up. "I thought you were supposed to be watching Todd?" he asked.
"I was," Godhand replied. "He just sits there, doing nothing."
Steve was about to reply when Jay's voice was heard yelling, "Land ho! We'll be landing any second!"
Steve ran into the cockpit. Jay and Kirai were maneuvering the Shark so that it would land safely.
Steve saw a large building made of metal. There was steam bellowing from a few openings, and wires coming out of it in all sorts of places. There didn't seem to be anyone in it.
Jay and Kirai successfully landed the Shark. Then, Steve gathered everyone in the sitting room.
"Alright guys, it's time," he said. "Remember what Lourd said, in and out. We blow this place up, then we leave. No exceptions. Watch each other's backs."
Jay let out a whoop. Then, everyone filed out of the Shark. "Good pep talk, boss," Jay said to Steve as he passed, clapping him on the back.
Steve was the last one out of the Shark. Everyone was glancing up in awe of how big the building was. It was at least four hundred blocks tall.
"Ready guys?" Steve asked. Everyone nodded. "Then let's go!" They all walked towards the power plant, Steve in the lead.
When they got inside, Steve stopped suddenly. What he saw inside was terrifying.
Creepers. At least fifty of them.
And they all had iron helmets with the word Mojang on them.
Steve had never actually killed a Creeper in his life that he remembered. He had only encountered three of them.
The first, during the first day of his remembered life. He had run away from it like a baby.
The second, in the jungle. Good Spider had saved him from it.
The third, in the Resistance. Jay had beheaded it the night they were helping with the Zombie shift.
And now there were fifty of them staring at him. And they all had glowing red eyes (I completely forgot about this aspect of Mojang monsters until now. Oops.) and iron helmets.
And then a Creeper with a gold helmet stepped out of a door on the right of the huge room they were in. The red lights of the power plant gave everything an eerie crimson glow. The gold helmeted monster walked up to them.
"Theta," Steve growled.
"Ah, you know my name? How wonderful!" the Creeper responded in a hoarse voice.
"Why are you here?" Steve asked.
"Why, because the Almighty Notch sent us!" Theta replied.
"You're not gonna just let us pass, are you?" Jay asked
"Of course not!" Theta answered.
Kirai leaned in and whispered to Steve. "If we can blow these Creepers up, then we can blow the place up without using TNT."
"But we're not normal Creepers. When we explode, we don't die!" Theta said cheerfully, but with his hoarse voice it was kind of hard for him to sound cheerful.
"Oh yeah?" Jay asked. "Show us."
Theta seemed to shrug. Then he got bigger and started flashing white. Everyone backed away.
Theta exploded, leaving a crater in the ground. But, he was still there, standing in the hole he had just created.
"Do you believe me now?" the Creeper asked.
Jay's jaw had dropped. He nodded.
"Good. Now, what was I going to say? Oh yeah. Attack!" Theta yelled.
The Creepers rushed forward. "Don't get too close for too long!" Steve yelled, and the nine of them charged at the Creepers.
They battled, but this was much different than battling Zombies or other people. These were living explosives.
Steve struck a Creeper with his sword, then jumped back as it tried to explode. When it saw he was out of range, it stopped and walked towards him again. The whole process repeated over and over again.
Tommy had climbed on top of some machine thing and was shooting the Creepers down before they could explode. Jay was running around, faster than an ocelot, beheading the Creepers with his axe.
Steve dodged a Creeper explosion and saw Theta returning to the door he had entered from. He was about to go that way when another Creeper stepped in front of him. He killed this one, but then was pushed back, away from the door.
Steve saw Lee or Dee, he couldn't tell which, get caught in a Creeper explosion. She flew and hit the wall, hard. The other twin ran to see if she was okay.
Cupcake and Kirai were fighting back to back, slicing any Creeper that came near. Godhand was throwing some sort of potion at the Creepers, probably harming potions.
Todd had his flint and steel out. As one Creeper came near him, he curiously struck it with his flint and steel. It blew up. Todd flew backwards. But this time, the Creeper had died when it exploded.
Steve sliced a Creeper in half with his sword, then ran through the doorway. There was a flight of stairs. Theta was nowhere to be seen. He must've climbed the stairs.
As Steve was about to go up them, he heard a voice call, "Steve!" He turned around.
Jay was there. He threw the TNT and flint and steel to Steve, then ran off to kill more Creepers. Steve caught the explosives and prepared to climb the stairs.
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