5 - The Tournament That Changed the World
(Everything in italics represents something that was tweeted. No, I'm not actually linking their channels or anything lmfao it's just the theoretical tweets that would be sent out for an event like this. Things in italics in other chapters aren't under this rule. Also, I don't necessarily support the views and takes certain creators included in this story have. This is a work of fiction and the characters are chosen to represent YouTube history in both the gaming and general world without being so problematic.)
April 9th, 2022
The best gift Tommy could ask for was the papers emailed to him. "Hello, Tommy! Happy birthday :) Glad you can finally be the 'big man' you dreamt of being. Get these forms back to me, Devon or Sealow as soon as possible, please. We should be able to announce the MCI teams tomorrow." The child- no, the ADULT, signed the different forms he needed to in order to compete. No more would he bullied for being young. And as the email promised, the teams we're tweeted out much to the excitement of the internet.
Our first team is the Red Rabbits led by Technoblade and featuring TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, and Ph1lza! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Up next is the Orange Ocelots led by James Charles and featuring Jschlatt, ConnorEatsPants, and IAmTy! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Then we've got the Yellow Yaks led by Captain Sparklez and featuring NetNobody, KaraCorvus, and DanTDM! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Challengers Approaching! The Green Goats led by AntVenom and featuring MichaelMcChill, Pokay, and RoastedJames will be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Watch out for the Blue Badgers led by Fitz and featuring Zuckles, TobyOnTheTele and SwaggerSouls! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Next, is the Purple Panthers led by Pokimane and featuring Nihachu, Captain Puffy, and Toxxxic_Support! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Upcoming is the Pink Parrots led by Slimecicle and featuring Ted Nivison, Cscoop, and Traves! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
The Brown Bats are coming in strong being led by Grian and featuring MumboJumbo, ItsFundy, and Ranboo! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Our next team is the Gray Geckos led by Vikkstar and featuring PeteZahHutt, JeromeASF, and BajanCanadian! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Last but certainly not least is the White Whales led by Dream and featuring Skeppy, GeorgeNotFound, and BadBoyHalo! They'll be competing in Minecraft Island from June 4th to the 10th. Watch their perspectives at their Twitch channels linked below.
Give a warm welcome to our guest stars; JacksFilms, Anthony Padilla, Ninja, David Dobrik, Jake Paul, Jeb Bergensten, Markus 'Notch' Persson, Marzia Kjellberg, and PewDiePie! Exclusive contestant interview rights have been taken by DramaAlert. Special thanks to our sponsors; Twitch, G-Fuel, Apex Legends, Honey, and Quidd as well as our hosts MrBeast, ChrisO2, Chandler Hallow, and Quackity.
The excitement in Tommy's veins, he left a funny reply on his team's announcement tweet. People have dubbed this event 'The Tournament That Changed The World' after a tweet Notch sent out. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, Daniel Keem was interviewing Jimmy, one of the few guests that was always a joy to have on his show.
"Look I know you haven't had the best experiences with Minecraft YouTubers but I think I picked up a good line-up-"
"Nah I've always trusted your judgment. So tell us about the competitions! I'm very excited to get an idea of what we're going to see."
"Uh I can't reveal the final game just yet but we have some real-life parkour. Um... we've got to find the button where like competitors go around and take different censors and the team with the most wins. We got build battles with legos, hide and seek, Beast Says, and much more it's going to be absolutely insane!"
"I'm sure it will be. Think you can list some of the competitors since I'm sure not everyone has checked Twitter?"
"Of course! We've got the Dream Team, TommyInnit, Vikkstar, some of the guys from the dominating Roughhouse podcast, the Misfits, and many more. We got an all-star lineup of Minecraft giants you won't wanna miss."
"And how will people be able to watch this event?"
"Well, we've partnered with the lovely engineers over at Twitch as well as Mark Rober and his friends to create a state-of-the-art streaming system that goes on top of the streamer's head. It's very lightweight and streams in 1080p, we got some of the best internet and backup plans on the island to ensure no streamer loses on content and you'll be able to go to any of your favorite competitor's streams and watch! And if you want to, you can head over to Twitch dot tv slash MinecraftIsland for the perspective of me and all the judges we've got drones keeping constant watch over the events and you can subscribe to the MinecraftIsland YouTube channel for highlights of the event and I'm sure your streamers will post highlights themselves."
"Oh, this is going to be so much fun. Thank you so much for coming on the show and thank you for inviting me to this event myself!"
"No no thank you for having me! I'm excited to see you there!"
"Without a doubt any time Jimmy." Going on deafen and wrapping up the episode, he'd call back a very stressed out Jimmy just minutes later.
"Keem I... I'm starting to have seconds thoughts-"
"What do you mean?"
"This is such a crazy thing to set up I'm thinking rationally and what if people get hurt-"
"Jimmy come on now no one's gonna get hurt-"
"Daniel I got a letter."
"...What do you mean you got a letter?"
"I-it's from Bhushan on the day we got back to the main office we went into 'quarantine' again because he left a note saying someone wants me dead and maybe it's denial or fear but I made sure the information was buried I didn't want to face him again and now I'm starting to wonder what if that's gonna come back and bite me-"
"JIMMY!" Despite the demanding tone, he found solace in his voice. He would've preferred the man to be a bit more progressive but Keem has always known damn well how to be a healthy authority figure in his life when he needs one most. "Look it might've been a dumb choice to ignore this. You probably should've gotten police forces involved-"
"But they'd send me into witness protection program! As much as I want to put people first part of me selfish, I'd be taken away from everything that makes me happy I'd probably kill myself-"
"Let me finish. I know you'd be unhappy in a scenario like that. But thankfully things are unlikely to change until after the tournament. It's been 4 months. You'll be fine I promise. Just... take care of yourself. Maybe don't throw around the term killing yourself so lightly. I know you wouldn't but some might not."
"...Being kidnapped put a lot into perspective." His voice dropped low, a soft whisper only Keem's ears could hear with enough strain. "Death isn't as scary as I once thought it was."
"...I know you wouldn't..." The statement almost seemed to come out as a question begging to be right. A hesitant silence consumed the empty white noise of the call making Keem's worried heart pace. The scars hidden by a bright hype-beast merch sleeve told a different story. But the only reason he switched to a razor blade was that his nails stopped having the same effect. Alex had to get up from his own peaceful rest and help him. He didn't deserve to have to do that. Jimmy certainly would never do this because he wanted to. So he finally let the words he was near certain wasn't a lie spill.
"...I know I wouldn't."
May 22nd, 2022
Papa was angry. She didn't quite know why, they spoke in a language she didn't understand. Despite the distance she had by being locked in the bathroom, the screams were awful and ear piercing. She did her best to keep her focus on the paper in front of her. The one she's studied so many times since it was shoved in a garbage can.
Jimmy Donaldson, age 24 (as of May 7th)
One of the major channels in the way of our success, he's the owner of the MrBeast LLC now managed by Night Media. Most channels under Night Media are considered targets and their elimination will make a YouTube takeover easier.
All across the margins, there were parts of the plan of assassination. It's been conflicting with her mind for a while now. Stay silent and let her father do as he must or try to... intervene. She was only 9 though! She never knew how to involve herself. That was until Mr. Kumar slipped her a note.
Call this number if you want to be the hero, Chu-Chu.
She had her own phone, she could call. But... oh Papa would be so worried about her! He might not care for others but he cared for her. At first, she wondered if maybe he was doing this for the right reasons. Maybe this Jimmy guy was bad and he just wanted to rid the world of evil. But after watching some of his videos, she saw him give money to the homeless, buy food for food banks, give his friends money. A bad guy wouldn't do that right? So now finger hovering over the dial button, her mind told her to call but her heart told her to stay loyal. Papa had to have reasoning. He wouldn't kill someone out of nowhere right? Killing is bad. That's what the media taught her, that's what her school taught her, that's what mama taught her before she went somewhere happier. Harshita Chandar would choose to stay by this belief no matter what. Even if it meant taking a journey away from her father. Heroes and princesses would leave their parents all the time to do what's right. So maybe the time has come for her.
"Hello, please state your name."
"Harshita Chandar."
"Where did you get this number from."
"A note from Mr. Kumar."
"What ink color was the note written in?"
"Uh... bright yellow."
"What was the note written on?"
"A washcloth."
"...At 10 PM tonight, you will have one chance and one chance only to pursue your chance to be a hero. Do you wish to receive instructions or call at a later time?" Swallowing back her fears, she agreed.
"Now please."
"Very well, at 10 PM sharp, be outside and waiting for a black tow truck with a van compartment attached to it. If anyone asks, say your waiting for your parents to help them unpack your car. Once the van arrives between 10 and 10:19 PM get in the 2nd seat to the front of the tow truck. If it doesn't arrive by 10:19, return inside and never call this number. Dispose of the note by flushing it down the toilet. If it does arrive, stay silent in the car until you've reached the highway for safety purposes. Pack a single backpack with what you may need for about 3 weeks. No more, no less. Let no one get ahold of the note or this number do you understand?"
"I need a verbal confirmation."
"Yes. I understand."
"Good. At the beep, I will hang up myself. Do not hang up or try to leave the call." Several moments passed until a quiet beep sound played and the caller left. Shoving the note in her jeans back pocket, she pretended to play on her phone as papa opened the bathroom door.
"He left, you can come out."
"What were you and Mr. Kumar arguing about?"
"Nothing you need to worry about sweetheart. But tonight he's going to take care of some important business so guess who gets to stay the night for once!" Harshita tensed but nodded.
"Alright I'm going to make us dinner, you watch some TV." The evening came and went. Harshita never stayed up this late, now it was 9:20 and she quietly paced her room, thinking of what to pack. She hoped food wouldn't be an issue because she only had a small bag of candy. Putting a few sets of clothes in the Dora backpack that has well outworn it's use, she put a few toys she liked. Finally, she grabbed her golden locket and secured it around her neck. Inside was a picture of her mama. She was the strongest person papa knew, second only to her of course. Despite barely remembering her, papa wanted to make sure a faint memory of her would remain. That was something she thanked him for. But papa was also in that picture. But she decided she should remember what else she's fighting for. Maybe if she saves Jimmy, she could save papa. He deserved to finally escape this evil he's trapped himself in. At 9:45 her bag was ready. But upon creaking the door open she noticed papa awake on the couch. She couldn't go out herself. But there was no other exit!
She opened the balcony door. They were on the 3rd floor, a still very tall drop. However, that wasn't the only way. The balcony to her left had an open door. If she could make the jump from one to the next, then she was home free. But if she didn't... Getting up on the railing, she looked at the distance. Maybe 4 or 3 feet. It was still scary to look at. Clutching her bag straps close and pulling her hood over her head, she took a breath and leaped across.
Harshita had never truly felt weightless before but as quickly as the experience took her away, she landed, stumbling roughly onto the other concrete platform. Thankfully, no one appeared to be inside so with as much grace as she could muster, her feet tip-toed across the carpet. Reaching the hotel room's exit, she left immediately and kept a swift pace until she got on the elevator where she felt she could finally breathe. The hard part was over. By the time she was outside, the car was pulling up. Inside, she did as she was told to. Not to talk until she reached the highway.
"I'll tell you about the plan, for now just rest, we've got a long few days ahead of us." The mysterious man told her.
"You won't hurt me right?"
"The boss needs you alive. It'd be useless." Harshita was still a little on edge but she let herself use her bag as a pillow and her eyes shut.
Maybe tomorrow some more of the world will make sense...
(gonna go answer a bunch of notifications tonight, for now, I'm just happy to have pumped out a new chapter :D)
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