Chapter 7
Trigger Warning: Suicide Mention
"I'm not telling him, Thomas, that's your job," Jackie said suddenly, breaking the fragile silence. Thomas took a deep breath.
"Virgil, I am so sorry..." he trailed off.
"About what?! What's going on?!" I questioned, raising my voice. Their behavior got my heart thumping fast. I wanted to know exactly what was going on. I was nervous and anxious and scared for whatever reason.
"Virgil... your father... he... he took his own life, Virgil,"
And just like that, my world was shattered. My little, cracked bubble of security and hope was busted open with a single sentence.
~Virgil's PoV~
"W-what?" I breathed. No. No fucking way. He was the last thing I had left. Why would he do this?
Thomas took a deep breath, "Before your mothers death, he was diagnosed with depression. He had a very troubled childhood. Your mother was his anchor. When your mother died, he became worse. He tried to get closer to you, but it was never the same. So, he decided that he would make the pain go away... that's why he sent you here Virgil. Every night he called me and asked if you had made some good friends. When I told him how close you and the boys in your cabin had gotten in a few weeks... I guess he thought you would have people to lean on... So he took his own life. Overdose, by the way, died in the least painful way possible way. I guess he sent you here cause we were good friends, and so you didn't have to find him like that. He wrote a Will, but we haven't opened it, it's only addressed to you, so we'll let you open it when you're ready." Thomas finally finished.
I was silent. I knew I should be sobbing my eyes out. I knew that I should be crying. But I wasn't. I just walked out. My body numb. I walked back to the cabin, silent, eyes on the ground. I think people were asking me "Are you okay?" "Virgil what happened?" but I'm not sure. All noises had faded into the background.
I didn't realize that I had put my hand on the handle on the cabin door. I opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind me and falling to the ground. That's when the tears decided to start falling.
"Hey Virgil you're back- woah, are you okay? What happened?" Roman's voice asked. I looked up to see a blurry Roman-colored blob above me. I shook my head and got up, walking past him and climbing onto the loft. I collapsed onto my bed with a broken sob. I felt the bed shift and another weight sat on it around my feet. Before I knew it, three sets of arms were hugging me. Roman, Patton, and Logan. I shook my head and pushed them all off me.
"N-No, ju-ust l-leave me-e a-a-alone," I gasped, trying to catch a breath over the sobbing. I heard them all shuffling away and climbing down the ladder. Then I heard whispering. I didn't care enough to decipher it. Before I knew it, I heard the door open and close. Another quick whisper joined the trio's conversation. Before someone climbed up the ladder and sat right next to me. A warm hand was placed on my back.
"Shh... it's okay Virgil..." Maddy, it was Maddy. I looked up at her, wiping my eyes.
"I-I'm sorry-"
I was interrupted by her quickly throwing her arms around me in a hug, "Sh... don't be... I know how you feel... my older brother committed suicide last year... You'll get through this..." She whispered softly.
"I have no one. I'm all alone. My dad was the last family I had.. he's gone," I managed to say without stuttering. Maddy looked me in the eyes.
"You are not alone," I raised an eyebrow at her, "You have Me, Pepper, Teagan², Paris, Roman, Patton, Logan, and all the others. Don't push them away, trust me," she finished softly. Roman appeared next to her and wrapped his arms around me, taking me from Maddy. I started crying into his shirt as he rubbed circles on my back.
"Let it all out," he whispered, and I did just that. I let the dam break, rivers of tears escaping my eyes.
~Roman's PoV~
I let Virgil cry on me, my shirt was gonna be wet, but I honestly didn't care. Virgil needed a shoulder to cry on. And while I may only ever be that for him, but it's good to know that I'm here for him. After maybe fifteen minutes Virgil stopped crying and his breath evened out. I looked down onto his face to see his eyes closed and mouth ever so slightly open. I looked at Madison.
She was also crying, I reached out to her and pulled her closer. She started silently sobbing into my shoulder. I didn't mind. Eventually, she too fell asleep. I gently rested her head on a pillow on Virgil's bed and picked him up, carrying him to my bed. I tucked Virgil in, making sure he would be warm. Then I went over to Maddy and did the same thing.
I climbed back down the stairs to see Patton and Logan looking at me.
"How is he?" Patton asked, obviously very worried.
"He's asleep," I replied. Patton nodded and sat down, holding his head. Logan sat next to him and rubbed his back. I gave Patton a quick hug and retreated to the loft. I got up there and saw Virgil's sketchbook on his dresser. I walked over and looked through it.
They were pretty good drawings, the first few were dark and were dated to a few months ago. Soon the drawings got slightly happier. Eventually, I found one that was dated to a few weeks ago, it was of me, reading a book on my bed. I smiled and blushed. After that, there were portraits of the rest of the gang. Logan, Patton, Paris, Madison, Pepper, Teagan J., Teagan, Evan, Connor, everyone. There was a sketch the was dated yesterday, it looked unfinished but looked slightly like me. I looked over at Virgil, who's chest was moving up and down calmly. I closed the sketchbook and put it back. I walked over to the bed and ran my fingers over his.
"I'm here for you Virgil..." I whispered. I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it, blushing a light pink. "I'll always be here," I murmured against his hand.
I sat by him, eventually falling asleep, sitting up and right next to Virgil.
~Author's Note~
Sooo.... yea...
lol, thank you all for all the comments and votes, like, really you are all so nice and wonderful!!
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