Chapter 13
Last Time on A Midsummer's N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶m̶a̶r̶e̶ Dream-Kai:
As I started petting Virgil's hair again, I heard it again. It sounded like... purring? Like a cat? I looked down at Virgil. I started running my fingers through his head, I heard the purring sound, I stopped my hand, the purring stopped.
I smiled softly, Virgil, you and your adorable ass purring are going to be the death of me
~Virgil's PoV~
I opened my eyes and hissed in surprise at the sunlight. Where was I? There was never sunlight in the loft!
I tried getting up, but I couldn't, something was holding me down. At that moment I realized that I was also not only on top of something, but someone. I looked down to see Roman, with his arms around my upper waist. My face heated up much warmer than any human ever should.
I took a deep breath and laid back down, getting comfortable. I heard Roman groan under me, I froze.
"Virgil?" he asked, voice groggy and sleepy.
"Y-yea?" I asked, trying, and failing to keep the stutter out of my voice.
He seemed to suddenly realize the position we were in, as he immediately unwrapped his arms from my waist, I bit my tongue.
"Sorry Virge, I swear I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine Roman," I murmured, relaxing on top of him (A/N: not like that you HEATHENS)
Roman sighed, "We need to go to the activities, Virgil..." he said.
I sighed and rolled off of him and onto the floor. He got up too and after changing, and getting breakfast, our group walked over to go meet up with John.
As we got closer I noticed he was blushing and was wearing a turtleneck? It was the middle of summer-oh. OH.
I felt eyes staring at me, I looked over to see Roman wink at me. I stifled a giggle and punched his shoulder lightly. Roman seemed unfazed by it.
"O-Okay! So today we're going to be doing some Painting!" John announced with a grin. "Follow me!' he exclaimed, walking over to the Arts & Crafts cabin. We got in and were seated in front of a canvas.
I picked up my paintbrush and started painting, not realizing what I was painting until it was too late.
~Roman's PoV~
Oh joy! We were painting today! I'm going to paint something Disney-related. I started to paint Aladdin, it is my favorite Disney movie after all!
Once we had all finished our paintings, we had to show them to everyone. I volunteered to show mine's first, of course. Everyone clapped, which was great!
Evan painted a beautiful tree, the way he painted it was as if you were standing under it and looking up, I could tell that even Virgil was impressed. Connor seemed proud, I wonder if he asked Evan out yet...
Speaking of Connor, he painted a night sky.
Jeremy painted a pokemon, Michael painted Mario, not really surprising there.
Patton painted a puppy? kitten? it's hard to tell.
Logan made something called 'abstract art' I don't really get it.
Then it was Virgil's turn, I was so excited to see what he painted!
He painted two people. A man and a woman. The woman had a slightly chubby frame, tan skin, freckles, curly brown hair that reached her shoulders, and green eyes that seemed alive. The man was paler, with black hair, brown eyes, and a skinnier frame.
Needless to say, I was very confused, who are these people?
"They're my parents," Virgil said quietly and abruptly. I held my breath. Virgil did the unexpected and smiled, "Now I have something to remember them by,"
I was about to walk up to him but he retreated back to where his easel was. I looked over at him, he gave me a forced smiled and put up a hand in a 'stop' sign, so I decided not to press him further.
As we were walking to lunch I was silent, not knowing how to bring it up to Virgil.
"They would've liked you, you know," Virgil said out of nowhere, looking at the floor. I blushed, what should I do in this situation? I put a hand on his shoulder. I'm an idiot.
"That was a very beautiful painting, V," I said. I could tell Virgil was smiling, cute, he lifted his head, I was right! He took my hand that was on his shoulder and started pulling me to the cafeteria.
"Thanks, let's go get lunch!"
~Time Skip~
I was swimming in the lake now. Connor suddenly appeared next to me. I raised an eyebrow. "How may I help you?" I asked. He smiled.
"Do you like Virgil?" he asked. I blushed scarlet. Connor grinned, "I'll take that as a yes! Listen, if you ask him out, I'll ask Evan out," he grinned. I blushed even darker if that's even possible.
"D-Deal," I finally said. Connor grinned evilly.
"Great! If you don't do it my sunset tomorrow I will do it for you," he hummed, swimming away.
So that was my goal today, to ask out the cutest boy in the world
~Virgil's PoV + Time Skip~
left the cabin at 7:25 PM. The sun should be setting soon. I closed the door quietly and ran to the lake and onto the lake. I stood on the edge and looked into the water, I was able to see little fish!
I sat down on the edge and waited.
Waited for the sunset to come. As the sun was about to kiss the waves, I felt a presence near me. I didn't look and stared at what was happening before me. The water rippled with different shades of yellow, orange, red, and purple.
Someone sat down next to me, I looked over to see Roman. He looked at me with a soft smile. I blushed and looked back at the sunset.
Roman wrapped an arm around my shoulders. My face burned (A/N: I'm listening to First Burn lmao)
"Virgil, I-I like you," he said abruptly. My eyes turned into saucers as I looked at him wide-eyed.
I was met with a pair of lips on mine.
~Author's Note~
I'm just imagining the comments lmao.
There will be a sequel :3
I won't tell anyone about anything (unless you ask really nicely :) )
Ily!! 💜
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