Okay, so this is a one-shot. I don't know if it absolutely sucks or if it's something that is worthy of reading. There will be a whole new character and I hope you like her! She's kinda depressing, but oh well. :P
"Millennium Gray, MG39, please report to room 6A1," a monotonous robotic voice announces from the white rectangular box across the room. In fact, everything in the entire room is white or black. Heh. But I've been living in this room for a few years now, so why am I even questioning their choice of...color?
I sigh, closing my striking red eyes for a few seconds before standing up. Another worthless week in this place. My lacy white shirt gets caught on my white shorts. Tsk. I carefully pry the delicate lace off the silver zipper so that it doesn't tear.
My hands reach the cold, black doorknob and I hesitate before turning it and pulling the door open. It's always awkward going out of my room. People in this facility know that I have large, brown raven wings and they pretend that that's perfectly normal. But I know that they're just lying to make me feel better. Their pity only makes me feel worse.
As always, I walk to room 6A1 and I open the door, expecting to find the same, strict face of Mr. Lawrence. Instead, I find a young lady with brown eyes, porcelain colored skin, and brown hair smiling at me. Her name tag says Ruby. That's the same color as my eyes.
"Hello, Millennium. I'm Ruby Wist. Mr. Lawrence has retired, so I'm here to replace him. We'll start with the simpler tests. Now, come in," she states, the small smile still on her face. I look at her once again, acknowledging that she must be in a high position, since she is wearing a black uniform.
I enter, sitting down in front of a table. Ruby sits on the other side, carefully observing my behavior, writing on a notepad. Her pen is red. That's strange. I've never seen one like that before.
There are three cups laid out in front of me, all black. I guess we're staring with this one. She stares intently. My eyebrows furrow in concentration. I'm supposed turn them gray, like I always do.
Apparently, I was born in a lab thirteen years ago, a small part of the DNA of a raven spliced into mine. And they gave me the ability to turn things into different colors. Who knows why or how?
I close my eyes, imagining the combination of white and black, or truth and lies. When I open them again, Ruby looks at me, astonished. She has never seen me do this before. Her pen lies on the white table, next to the three now gray cups.
"Very good. That was amazing! Now, let's test how well you can fly." She walks over to the part of the room with an higher ceiling. I sigh, getting up and walking towards that area.
This is going to be tiring.
After quite a while, I am finally finished with the flying tests. Though I do enjoy the feeling of being airborne, it takes a lot of effort to stay above the ceramic tiles floor for over five minutes. I settle down on the cold floor and I drink some water, thirsty and tired.
Then Ruby asks me if I've ever seen a rainbow. I am confused, for I've never seen this "rainbow" before.
"No," I reply.
She smiles.
"Well, I'll show you one the next time we meet."
Well, how was that? I hope that I didn't waste your time ^-^"
Anyways, comment if I should continue this story or not. This was pretty fun to write.
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