Chapter 45
"Patton?" Patton looked up at Logan. "I'm not the best at telling the time but I believe the sun's setting." Logan tilted his head in worry. "It's been 8 hours. Usually you'd be gone by now. Is anything wrong?"
Patton shook his head. "Nah, Kiddo. Nothing's wrong. Just like spending time with you, that's all." He checked the pocket watch hanging around his neck. "But you're right, it is late." He made to get up, then hesitated. "Is it alright if I stay here tonight?"
Logan shrugged and gestured around. "It's more your ship than mine."
"Right, right. You know that if you want some privacy, you can just tell me, Kiddo." Logan nodded. "You still alright with me staying?"
Logan nodded again. "It's nice to have company. Normally, there'd be the sounds of the Spirit's Triangle all around me. It's vast but... comforting, in a way." Logan smiled a small, wistful smile. "It feels like company. Which is the next best thing. But when you're locked in a brig cell," he shrugged, "not much comfort or company."
Patton nodded and sat back down. "You're really sure you're fine with me staying here?" He checked again.
"It's really fine, Patton." Logan said, smiling a little again. "You're wonderful company and it's an honour that you want to spend more time with me."
Patton grinned and an almost unnoticeable blush dusted his cheeks. Almost unnoticeable.
There was something about Logan's smile that always made Patton feel special. Maybe it was because Logan wasn't really one for showing emotions, it wasn't really what mermaid's did. Or maybe it was because Logan's smile was such a rare, delicate thing, even when he was smiling. There was something flighty about Logan's smile. Here now, gone the next second.
That's why Patton kept replaying Logan's smile over in his head and why it gave his heart a warm bubbly feeling. Surely. Surely that was the only reason.
"I'm such an idiot." Patton thought. "I love sorting out other people's emotions but I can't face my own." He wriggled around in the corner he'd managed to squash himself into, as if turning around would turn him away from that thought.
Patton hadn't been getting much sleep, cramped into a little corner, so he opened his eyes and looked around. The whole cell was illuminated in the blue glowing of Logan's markings on his arms. It wasn't enough to light the whole cell like daylight but Patton could still make out shapes.
"I shouldn't really be watching Logan while he sleeps." Patton decided. "That's creepy." That thought niggling at the back of his head still didn't stop him from tilting his head as he tried to understand what was different in Logan's face as he slept.
Logan looked peaceful, that was it. There were no lines of worry in his face, no frown between his eyebrows. He looked at peace and happy.
"He's so sweet." Patton thought, resting his head on his hands. "And he's my best friend." Patton smiled at that thought. "Logan's my best friend. I've found him again."
It was then Patton realised that he loved Logan.
ABOUT FUCKING TIME, BLAIZE! I've gotten to the romance, finally! And, fuck, it's cheesy. So cheesy I don't even know if it should be in the book. But it is so... get used to it. Now, to the death!
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