Chapter 31
Remus looked up as the brig door slammed closed.
"I hate you." Janus growled.
"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me." Remus picked at his nails. "Any particular reason this time or am I going to have to dissect your mental state again? Because honestly, that's getting rather boring."
"Making me worry about one of my friends isn't-"
"Isn't what? Humane? Neither am I."
"I was gonna say isn't fair, nice, there's about a hundred other words I could've used instead."
"You're acting like I care at all." Remus said. "But guess what. I don't. Wow, shocker." He rolled his eyes.
"What's up with you?"
"Like you actually care."
"I don't care, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with you." Janus shook his hair out of his eyes. "Cause first, you're really annoyingly hyper and you won't shut up and then suddenly, you just stop. But now you're back to being annoying as fuck but you're not as hyper anymore. So what's going on?"
"I've had a revelation." Remus said sarcastically. "What's the point of wasting my energy on annoying you when I can just do that but with much, much less hyper activity."
Janus narrowed his eyes at Remus but didn't say anything. Was this working? Was Janus starting to believe him now?
"Well, whenever you actually want to be truthful..." Janus trailed off. "We're arriving at Risuca in about a month so I'd suggest thinking about ridding yourself of the sin of lying or whatever pretty soon."
"Like you can preach Christianity when you look like that." Remus snarled.
"Who said I was preaching?" Janus' voice was mostly normal but Remus could tell what he'd said had cut quite deep.
"Say, how long d'you suppose it's gonna be until you lose your head again?" Remus asked, moving on as if nothing had happened.
"Why d'you want to know that?"
Remus ran his claw along the crack in the glass. "Cause that was awful fun to watch. And it'll also help with-"
"If you think I'm going to help you escape, you're clearly delusional."
Remus blinked at him slowly. It creeped Janus out a bit.
"That's what you think."
"Hey, Patton? Can I talk to you?" Janus asked, shuffling his feet.
"Uh, sure Kiddo. What's up?"
Janus looked down to the brig door before grabbing Patton by his arm and dragging him away.
"Can't let him hear." He muttered.
"Who, what?" Patton shook his arm out of Janus' grasp. "Kiddo, you're kinda hurting me."
Janus looked up at Patton before looking back down. "Sorry." He mumbled. He looked around before sitting down, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his knees.
"Kiddo, what's going on?" Patton asked, sitting down next to Janus.
"It's Remus. He's scaring me." Janus mumbled. "That sounds childish, doesn't it?"
"No, it-"
"Yeah it does." Janus sighed and put his head on his knees. "It's like there are these dark... tendrils creeping around in my head. I can't think straight and it's all cause of him."
"You're not making any sense, Kiddo. Try speaking slower, I can't understand you."
Janus shook his head, lifting his head off his knees. He looked so scared and confused.
"It doesn't matter. Sorry."
Stop stalling and get to the damn plot point, Blaize! You're spending more time on Janus and Remus than on the main characters! Not gonna lie, though, this was fun to write.
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