slits pt.2
Cas woke up in a hospital bed. He was about to freak out when he remembered what had happened. He look at his wrist and for arm. They were bandaged fully. They didn't hurt at all.
"Cas?" Someone said. Of course it was dean. It was always dean. "Ohh. Hey dean." Cas said weakly. "Can you tell me what happened cas?" Dean said quickly. He looked ready to throw down someone. Maybe even kill.
"Well," cas started off nervously, "I was walking in front of the school building and someone called me. I recognized it was Crowley." Dean's fist got tight from hearing the name 'crowley'. "He wanted to know where you were and crap like that. I refused to tell, so he made his friends hold me against the wall.
"He began slitting my wrist. He said, ' here's for being ugly'. I was gonna yell but he put his other hand on my mouth, and said: 'you dont want to wake everyone dont you?' All I could do was cry silently. He smiled through all of it. He then made them let me go, and they ran off. That is when I called you."
Dean angrily got up. Cas could tell he was in full rage. He was biting his nuckles. "Cas. Get dressed. Were paying a visit to someone." Cas went to that little hospital bathroom, and changed. Unfortunately, he had no jacket. So his bandages were there for everyone to see
Cas went to the lobby, were dean was signing him out. Dean looked at cas. He then put his jacket on cas. Castiel could feel a blush creep on his face. "Uhh. Thank you."
"No problem my angel." Dean said, putting his arm around cas. Cas didn't even want to move it. They went out to the Winchester's car, and drove off.
Dean pulled into a driveway, but not his. Castiel got out of the car with dean. Dean ran over to the door and furiously knocked on the door. It opened, "hell-" it was Crowley. He immediately stopped talking.
"Hey bitch." Dean said punching Crowley. Crowley acted as if it didn't hurt, "oh hey dean. Where were you. You missed all the fun."
"I was at the hospital with my friend you dick bag!" Crowley smiled at that, "I thought he was your boyfriend." Crowley said. Dean only grew more furious. He quickly turned Crowley around and kicked him behind the back of his knee. Crowley fell to the floor instantly.
"Playing games aren't we deanie. We're too old for this."
"Lets play hide-go-seek then. I'll count to 10 and you'll hide." Dean said smiling. "One....two.....three..." Crowley stood there. "You might want to hide Crowley. This isn't regular hide-go-seek. It's the killer version."
Crowley slowly backed up. ""
He then stared at dean and laughed, "aww you funny boy! Haha! You won't hurt me!"
"Eight....nine....teeeeeen!" Dean came marching up to Crowley and punched him so hard, Crowley couldn't barely get up. Dean then kicked Crowley on the nape of neck. (It's a reference. Not a supernatural one. And anime one.) He picked up Crowley's shaking body.
He was about to knock him out, when Castiel grabbed dean's arm. " dean stop! I think he had enough!" Castiel said frightened. Dean obeyed cas, and walked outside. "Don't you dare! Touch my angel you ass! Crowley slowly nodded
(Hey guys! Thank yall so much for 65 reads! I was expecting 10, but wow!people like me book....anyways I'd like to give a shout out to: reader176568
She is my 'friend' yes. Only she would get it.
Girlfriend is what it ment. Yes I know that I'm a girl, but it's true love.
I love her till the stars fade out, and there's no moon light left in the night to cast that beautiful shadow on her.
I need ideas for ny new chapters! Please help. To the people who help I'll give a shout out. Thanks my mishans! Bye!
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