I promise.
Ugly ass virgin
Kill yourself faggot
No one likes you
Eww you ugly
Those words pounced in his head
Do the world a favor and kill yourself!
Over and over they said.he woke up in a sweat. He had tears in his eyes. He looked over at the clock. The time was 5:29. Guess I'll get ready early he thought. He took of his shirt carefully. He didn't want the scabs to open. Once he successfully got it off, he put a panic! At the disco tee shirt on. Then, he changed his pants to his favorite grey ones.
Anna walked in, "why are you up so early?" She said. Cas had to come up with an excuse quick.
"Ohh I just..woke up early." He said quickly. Anna gave him a weird glare.
"Ok then..." she left the room. Cas sighed. He went to the restroom to brush his teeth. Once he was done, he looked at his wrist. Tje bandage was damp with blood. Je changed it. He put on a 'my chemical romance' bracelet, because...why not?
He went downstairs to eat breakfast. The plates were set up, and there was a note. It read:
Cas I went to the store to get a few things. Since you are up, you can walk to school. Wake up gabe for me please! -anna
"Great." Cas sighed. He went up stairs to wake up his little brother.surprisingly, gabe was already up. He was ready too. "Morning cassie!" He said happily
"Why are you up so early?" Cas said,rubbing his eyes.
"Because you were talking in your sleep, and it woke me up..." he said slowly, "anyways, where's anna?"
"She is at the store to pick up some stuff."
"Ohh ok. I hope she gets candy." He said while running down the stairs. They ate breakfast, and walked to school. They were five minutes early. He went to his locker. Not surprised, there were more notes.
I love you
Wait...he thought to himself. Did he read that right. 'I love you' one said. He tried to smile. Someone loved him. It couldn't of been dean. Dean looked straight as hell.
"Hey YA cas!" Someone sad. Cas turned around it was dean. "Ohh.. hey dean"
" why didn't you come to my house yesterday." He said frowning. Cas totally forgot about that.
"Ohh dean," he started of, "oh dean. I'm sorry. I forgot. Please forgive me." Cas begged
Dean laughed. "Of course I forgive you. It was just one mistake. Don't worry about it." He said teasingly. Cas smiled.
"Can you come tonight?" Dean said. He did the doggy face.
"Of course I can! I don't want to make another mistake." Cas said instantly. " yay!" Dean hugged cas. "Bye friend!" Dean ran off waving. Friend... cas thought to himself. He smiled
During first period, he was called to the office. "You forgot to finish the tour!" The principal said, " come and finish it please." Dean was waiting for cas. Dean smiled at the sighting of him
"Hey buddy!" Dean said throwing an arm on Cas' shoulder, "you still got to show me the football field." Dean winked. Did he wink at me... cas felt a blush creep onto his face he turned away to hide it.
"Ok then..." cas said, "to the football field. They went to the football field. They exchanged glances every once in a while. Once they got there, there were boys there.
"Hey nerd!" One of them shouted. Cas turned around. "What do you want, Crowley."
"Who's your little boyfriend" Crowley said teasingly. Cas was blushing. "He's not my boyfriend!" Cas yelled. Crowley looked pleased. "Yea right dirtbag. Go kill yourself." The other boys laughed.
"You shut up!" Dean yelled. Crowley turned to look at dean. " hahaha. What did you tell me to do? Do you know who I am?"
Dean looked angry. Like he was about to burst into a million pieces. "Yea I know who you are! You are some dumbshit who makes people feel bad about themselves!" He shouted.
"So you do know who I am!" Crowley laughed, "who are you?"
"I'm dean Winchester! A muscular jock who hates people who are asses to others!" Dean yelled.
"Ohh so I'm glad to know you won't make the team." Crowley said. The other boys laughed.
"I didn't want to join your dumbass team anyways!" Dean grabbed cas by the hand and walked back into the school. He ran with cas still in his hand. He went to his car. "Why did you bring me here?" Cas said.
"Just come with me." Dean said. Cas just got into the car. It was a beautiful one. A 67' Chevy impala. Dean drove off with cas. Dean pulled into a driveway. Cas assumed it was dean's house. Dean got out the car. So did cas.
"Where are we?" Cas asked. Dean smiled.
"My house," dean said, "I took you here, because I don't want people to hurt you today." Cas smiled. Someone cares... " thank you dean."
They went inside. Dean took cas to his room. Dean sat on his bed. "Are you hungry?" Dean asked cas.
"No." Cas said. Cas' stomach made a sound. Dean smiled. Tell that to your stomach." Dean went downstairs to make something. Cas followed.
"What do you want?" Dean asked.
"Uh. You decide." Cas said shyly. Dean smiled and made waffles. It was 12 in the afternoon, but who cares! Once they ate their waffles, they went to the living room to watch a movie.
"Thank you Dean." Cas said. Dean looked at cas. He hugged cas. "Anything for a friend." Cas smiled. A friend.
" may you excuse me, I got to go to the restroom." Cas said
Cas went into the restroom. He locked the door. He didn't have to use the restroom. He lightly cried. He didn't want Dean to hear. Friend. It hit him hard. Castiel Novak has no friends. He flushed the toilet, and washed his hands. He didn't want dean to find out about anything.
"C'mon cas!" Dean said happily, "here's the best part!" They watched the rest of the movie. Once they movie was over, they made cake. They were throwing flour at each other. Laughing. Playing. Sam came home
"Wooow. What happened here?" Sam said. They both immediately stopped. They both looked at sam. "Ohh hey sammy..." dean said nervously. Sam backed up into his room."well this is awkward..." cas said. Dean nodded in agreement.
They went to dean's Room to change. "Dean...can I borrow a shirt....I don't have one...." dean smiled at him. "Of course." Dean handed cas a shirt. Cas changed his shirt. Someone grabbed his arm. Cas froze. He realized it was dean. Dean was looking at cas' wrist.
"Did you do this?" Dean said. Cas tried to get voutvof dean's grip, but failed. "Cas. Did you do this?" Cas stayed silent. He looked at the ground. "Yes..." cas mumbled. Dean had tears in his eyes.
"Cutting is not the answer. Why would you hurt that beautiful body of yours?" Dean said. "Because..." caS said. "Because why!?" Dean said. "Because I wanted relief!" Cas shouted. Tears were rolling down his face. Dean was hugging him. Sam came into the room
"I heard yelling so I came in." Same said. Cas was crying into dean's chest. Dean looked at sam. "Sam please leave." Dean said softly. Sam closed the door.
"Cas..." dean said. Cas looked at him. "Yes dean?"
"Please don't do it again."
"I promise." Cas lied.
"I love you too much for you to hurt yourself cas." Cas was shoked by the word love. He hugged dean tighter. He fell asleep in dean's arms.
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