Adrien was having the best sleep he'd had in weeks. He knew he'd gotten absolutely hammered last night, the ache increasing with his rousing state was a clear sign of a night well done.
The basketball season had finished a week ago, and even though the Charlotte Hornets weren't victorious in the NBA's finals, they still came away with a very respectable second place; a huge improvement on last year's 10th.
Adrien had been lucky enough to gain a scholarship to Stanford university at the age of 18, which had arrived at the most perfect moment in his life. They'd just defeated and unveiled Monarch, the man turning out to be none other than his father, Gabriel Agreste.
He needed to get out of Paris; he needed to escape from everything linked to the years and years of battling his own father, the torture and restraints the man had put on him. So as soon as the offer came in he packed up his belongings, said the most horrendous goodbye ever to his friends and travelled halfway across the world to study in America; a country not overly familiar with his father and his villainous activities, except for that one time he attempted to blow up the world from NYC.
Whilst at Stanford he managed to get into the basketball team, even without sport being one of his majors. He quickly progressed from seat warmer, to starting player, opening the door to a whole world of brand new possibilities, and a career he'd never even considered.
At 21, Adrien was a starting player for the Charlotte Hornets - point guard he'd have you know - and was a lead star for the team once known as the Bobcats (which in its whole entirety was quite amusing); he loved it; and though his life in Paris had come to an end as Adrien Agreste, Chat Noir was still a prominent hero. Attending patrols, galas and interviews as often as possible. To Paris, Chat Noir was still around, he'd never left - only his Lady knew better.
It had been agreed he would take Plagg and Kaalki, that way if he was ever needed to return the option would be simple, quick and easy, and as much as he would have liked to have said his and his Lady's story ended with a reveal, a kiss, and a fully blown declaration of love, that unfortunately didn't happen. Maybe it would be included in the extended version when Adrien felt strong enough to return home.
He regularly returned to spend time with Ladybug; his Lady who he refused to reveal his identity to.
Knowing his father was Monarch had shaken him to the core and he couldn't help but panic about how she would see to him, knowing full well he was part of the reason as to why they were in this position in the first place. She was understanding about his fear of revealing and didn't push, letting him know she would be there when he felt the time was right; he'd never been more grateful for his partner than at that moment.
So last night...
Due to the championships he'd been busy every Saturday for the past six months, playing everywhere from Alaska to Texas. So the first Saturday he had free it just had to be a 'date' night with his Lady. A date night which...
His thoughts were blank as he began to wake up from his deep sleep. The jigsaw began to slot together; the outline first. Drinks, Thai food, karaoke and...
A sudden shriek caused his mind to explode, his whole body becoming alert of something happening as a blast of cold air hit his naked body and the sheets were yanked off him; the cold air prickeling at his skin. He was jolted to the side, almost being thrown out the bed after whatever was onhim decided it wanted to get off.
"Transform!" The voice shouted. Had no one told his bed mate that it was rude to wake someone up by shouting at them?
He groaned and rolled over, burying his face into the most wonderful smelling pillow he'd ever sniffed, his naked body uncovering more from the sheets and his ass tensing thanks to the freezing air.
Reaching over he tried to grab the sheet, wanting nothing more than to cover himself again and settle into this sweet smelling piece of heaven.
"Chat Noir!" His name spoken with such contempt made his body do some odd things; like smiling into the pillow. He was so taking this pillow home. Whoever owned this pillow was about to be a headrest down, because as of this moment, the pillow was property of one Adrien Agreste.
"Chaton! You need to transform."
"No!" Yes, he was stubborn. Did he care? Hell no! There were no villains anymore, she couldn't tell him what to do!
"For Goodness sake, Kitty! Transform!"
"I don't want to, Bugaboo."
Bugaboo? Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
He moved a hand to his butt, realising it was on show for the world to see, and although he was proud of his assets, he didn't want to think about the how and why it was suddenly uncovered and on prime display for all to see, especially his Lady. A quick move on his behalf sent his partner running and screaming into the bathroom, the door slamming shut and the pink glow fanning out around the doorframe.
So, it seemed she may have been a little freaked out.
Adrien stood up, wrapping the white cotton sheet around his bare waist hurrying towards the bathroom door, tripping over the excess material as he attempted to move at speed. With one last step, he stamped on the end sending him hurtling forward and his head colliding with the door. The 'thud' of impact was equivalent to a right hook from Mike Tyson punching a wall.
"Kitty, are you okay?" She was standing on the other side of the door he'd just collided with. The volume of her voice was proof of that. She was right there thank god, for a moment he thought she might have sneaked out of the bathroom window, reminiscent of Rachel in 'Friends'.
"Yeah, it'll just be a bruise."
One hand reached for his head as he rubbed the impact spot, only succeeding in making it worse. He looked down once more at his lack of clothing, trying to piece together what had gone on the previous night.
Unfortunately, after their award winning performance of 'New York, New York' everything seemed a little...blank. "A-are you naked?" He stuttered out, hoping that he wasn't the only one, and that he hadn't made a colossal ass out of himself the previous evening.
Okay, so they had most certainly done something last night. Why else would they both be naked?
"Can you... oh God, this is so embarrassing, but could you do me a favour? Could you-um- could you check the bin for me please?" her voice was shy, the words barely sounding through the door.
"The bin?" Why would she want him to check the bin?
"Yeah, for - um - well... you're naked aren't you? And I'm naked, so..." she dragged out the last word, giving him a chance to catch up and figure out what she was indicating. Looking down, it hit him like a cue ball to the centre of his forehead.
His face heated up and he was surprised his ears weren't letting out two lines of steam. Of course, if they were both naked they would have, you know...they were both in their early twenties and attractive, it wasn't exactly a riddle... two attractive people are locked in a room, will they kiss? Or, in this case, go a little further?
Holding onto the sheet he crawled over to the bin and looked inside, shocked when he saw exactly how many items had been thrown away. Four? Wow! He had more stamina than he ever thought.
"We were safe," he shouted back, before moving back over towards the door. "Call me curious, but aren't you on the pill too? I mean most girls around your age have some sort of birth control, right?"
"Girl? Come on Minou, I think after all our escapades last night you can at least call me a woman. But to answer your question, yes, I am on birth control, but I'm not exactly...punctual with them. I've never been active in this way so it's not something I've had to worry about, it just help calm my period cramps."
"I'm so sorry for taking... you know...." Even though he hadn't done anything like that before either, the guilt overwhelmed him that he'd taken her virginity from her without her even remembering. What an absolute idiot!
Damn! He was a weak man when it came to his bug. A weak, weak man.
"Yep." He heard her breathy sigh, and banged his head backwards against the door, causing it to slightly rattle on its hinges.
He needed more than one word answers. This was becoming excruciating. Did she hate him now? Would she disappear and cut him out of her life? Oh God, would she take back his Miraculous?
"I'm not taking your Miraculous back." She said and he audibly gasped for air.
"Thank you." He breathed out, placing a hand to his forehead and running it down his face. He left his hand covering his mouth as the other hand remained holding the sheet in place, when he felt something unusual on his lower lip.
He moved his mouth up and down, feeling his delicate flesh run over something hard and smooth. He moved his lip to another finger, moving it once again up and down only this time flesh met with flesh. That was a more normal feeling than his other finger. He moved back to the first finger again, the difference evident between his two explorations. What was up with that?
Pulling his hand from its position rubbing against his noticeably raw lips (had they been kissing that much last night?) his hand began to shake. He was used to seeing a ring on his hand, after all, he'd been wearing his Miraculous for eight years. But this wasn't his Miraculous, and this wasn't on the 'right' hand.
This ring meant more than magical powers. He knew that. The plain gleam of the platinum was a different kind of commitment, a commitment to one person.
"Oh shit!" The words left his mouth when really he wanted to keep it in his head.
"Figured it out, eh?" Her voice let out a little giggle which he could tell was a million percent fake.
"Do - do you have one too?"
"A raging hangover? Oh yes." She replied. He didn't know if she was trying to be funny or purposefully avoiding the subject but he couldn't help the smile on his face as he turned his head slightly and looked to the seam of the door. He let go of the sheet, allowing it to balance over his knees and between his legs, freeing his hands to mess with what he was certain was a wedding band.
"You know what I mean, Bug."
The room was silent except the overly excited air conditioning unit which was doing nothing for his bare skin or the pounding headache behind his eyes. He imagined she was doing exactly the same as he was, twisting her new jewellery around her finger.
"Yeah," she whispered, "I have one too."
"So does that mean -?"
"You two bozo's are hitched! You even signed the wedding documents in your civilian names." Plagg howled as he flew around Adrien's head, obviously taking pleasure in the mess they'd gotten themselves into.
"And you consummated the marriage last night too." Tikki's voice echoed through the door. Adrien couldn't help but think that she was a little too enthusiastic about it.
"Woah! Hang on! Our civilian names?" Adrien asked, looking at his ring again. He was married to Ladybug. Holy Mary and Joseph, he'd managed to finally bag the girl...that's if she wanted to stay married. There was still a chance she'd want a divorce. The thought sank into his stomach like a rock plummeting to the bottom of the ocean, with hard force and completely unstoppable.
A phone began to ring continuously, not even giving Adrien thirty seconds between rings to try and stop the vice from tightening in his head. Dear Lord! Did he drink a whole brewery last night?
"Is there any paracetamol in there?" He asked through a groan as he grabbed his head once more.
"That's what you're worried about when Plagg's just said we signed our wedding certificate with our civilian names! Are you kidding me?"
"Bug, I'm struggling to remember what my civilian name is right now to be honest, let alone figure all this out, and to add to this wonderful event, it seems your damn phone won't shut up."
"Neither would your kwami's nasally voice this morning."
"Hey!" Plagg said. "Leave me out of this. It was you two who decided to tie the knot."
"Who came up with the idea?" Ladybug asked sternly, Adrien grimacing at the fact that there was a rather large possibility it was him.
"It was you, Ladybug. The proposal was quite dramatic too." No way! The 14 year old in him almost emerged from his body just to do a little victory dance, he'd finally made her fall in love with him... now he just had to find out how.
A sudden gasp, and a bang and groan sounded through the 'door between them'.
"Are you okay?" he winced, slightly worried by the bang. Was she okay? Did she need a paramedic? He was her husband now, he was in charge of making sure she was alright, wasn't he?
"Yeah." Her voice was shaky and he felt for her. This was a shock most certainly; but to him it was a bloody fantastic one. She had asked him to marry her. He couldn't imagine what it was like on the other side of the door.
"Do you want me to call a lawyer? See if we could get this annulled or something?" It hurt him so much to say it, the buzz from the ring on his finger dying a slow painful death, but he wouldn't dream of keeping her trapped in something she didn't want.
He placed his hands together and looked at his rings. Two rings which stated that he - Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste - belonged to the most wonderful woman in the world. He liked that. He liked that he belonged to her. He knew Nino would be going mad stating no one owns anyone. But he didn't care, that woman on the other side of the door could have everything he possessed. Body, money, heart, soul. All she needed to do was name it.
"Before you decide, I think you need to see this." Plagg flew to Marinette's phone, before heading back towards the door, Adrien craning his neck to try and look at the homescreen. "Don't you dare try and peek!" He warned Adrien, before calling for Tikki to come and collect the device.
The door opened a crack, Adrien falling back with it only to be flung forward again once Tikki had shut it.
"Yikes!" He said only for Ladybug to echo the term on the other side of the door.
"You know there's that one person who knows my identity? Well, she may have sent me a couple of news articles. Do you have your phone near?"
Adrien looked around the room, attempting to find where his trousers from the previous day had been discarded. Standing up, and pulling the sheet tightly around him once more, he scoured the floor in search of them, before moving to the rather impressive lounge area
"I'll be back," he announced. .
Many bottles, cushions, and bits of discarded food were scattered around everywhere, and he was quite sure the housekeeping bill was going to be massive. He continued his search finding his tee and her bra, mentally battling with his eyes to stop staring at it. Finally he found something a little more interesting, a discarded menu on the coffee table.
Oh! That will have dented his back account rather significantly especially as they seemed to have gone for the 'Penthouse Suite' rather than a standard room. He continued looking around, unable to find any other items of his clothing, but by the state of the furnishings they'd had quite a wild night.
He headed to a side table near the kitchenette and noticed a card on the table congratulating 'Mr and Mrs Noir' on their wedding nuptials.
Mr and Mrs Noir. He liked that!
"Chat Noir?" Tikki flew towards him, before nodding up to the ceiling.
Hanging from the light which probably cost more than a month's rent, were his jeans.
"How did they get up there?" He questioned, only for the red kwami to turn, if possible, progressively more red.
Adrien lifted his eyebrow at her, impressed by their obviously raw desires last night. He didn't know they'd have it in them.
Stretching up with a slight jump he grabbed hold of his trousers (and boxers... oh, wow!) pulling them down and into his hands before retrieving his own phone from his pocket.
Alongside the phone a red piece of string fell from his pocket, the multicoloured plastic objects glaring at him from their home on the string. He picked it up with a smile, before placing it back in his pocket.
Tapping the screen, he started his return to the bathroom, only to still after two steps. Loading the news app he held his breath as article after article appeared complete with a picture of himself and Ladybug leaving the 'Chapel O'Love'.
Paris rejoices as 'Ladynoir' make it official.
Well, damn!
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