Lena's POV
Pouting, I sit at one of the tables, picking at some yogurt I snatched from the mess hall, I just eat little bits until one of our newest recruits came and sat next to me.
"Quéonda amíga?" She says, sipping some water, I glare at her, looking at the gadget on her belt, "What do you want you THEIF?" She holds up her hands in surrender with her trademark cocky, sarcastic grin "Calm down amíga, I just BORROWED them, and I'm here to talk about your little, er, fight with that guy they have held up downstairs..." my eyes widen in disbelief, "How do you know that?" I ask, backing up a bit, she chuckles and pulls out a purple hologram like square, showing the security cameras where the fight took place and the one in the cell "Scout" was in, I growl, "You hacked into the cameras you cheeky bastard..." her teeth clench a bit, I think I hit a sensitive nerve there, she sighs, "What else can I do? While you heroes are out there, i'm stuck upstairs taking moron phone calls..." she gets up, leaving a file on the table as she walks off, "Here's something to start you off..." I take the file but I think I hear her mutter something, I shrug it off and look at the file, it's labeled "Mann Co. Assets" I look through it and find information on people called Redmond and Blutarch, a woman only called "The Administrator", her assistant named "Rachel Pauling", and lastly, nine mercenaries all under labels of "Scout", "Soldier", "Pyro", "Engineer", "Heavy", "Demoman", "Medic", "Sniper", and "Spy". I look through them all, finding two megalomaniacs, a mystery woman, a servant, a failed womanizer, a war criminal, a potential psychopath, a drunk anarchist, a gun loving maniac, two mad scientists, and two cold blooded assassins. My eyes widen even bigger finding their feats, double jumping, rocket jumping, teleporters, disguise kits, "Random Crits", and even "Respawning". I rush to Winston, Angela, and Captain Amari, handing them the file, completely forgetting to ask the new recruit where she got this.
Angela's POV
Ana, Reinhardt, Winston, and I are discussing what might happen with "Scout", he sounds like he's not lying, but it's so bizarre that I'm not sure whether or not to believe it, the room is silent before Rein clears his throat, "I say we let him join us..." Ana accidentally spits her tea on Winston, leaving the scientist (monkey) wet and burning, the tea still hot, "Are you serious?" She asks, he nods, "He managed to fight Lena and beat her, survived Fareeha's barrage, and snuck up on McCree, he has potential..." Winston, now dry and not burning, thinks for a bit eating a banana, "That IS true, but I'm not sure Lena would appro-" he's interrupted by Lena coming in panting out of breath and handing us a file, I call everyone over and we look through it in amazement, bios, weapons, abilities, and even straight up UPGRADES of what they had, but I had a certain interest in the "Medic" file, I look at Dr. Ludwig Von Kaiser's picture and blush a bit, he was quite the looker, but I frowned when I saw that he was one: a former Nazi, and two: experimented on his own teammates, even "Scout". But he managed to created multiple versions of something he called an "Über-Charge", and his equipment could even rival Ana's and mine. Rein is looking at the "Heavy" and "Demoman" ones while Winston is reading "Engineer" and Ana is looking at "Sniper" and "Spy". After reading everything, we set the files down and look at eachother, Lena included, who just finished rereading "Scout", she seemed to have quite the interest in him. We nod and Winston clears his throat, "Who votes we recruit Scout?" Me, Ana, 76,, Zarya, Winston, Torbjorn, Zenyatta, Lucío, and Rein raise our hands, "And those who oppose?" Pharah, Efi, McCree, Mei, Lena, and Genji raise their hands. Winston looks at everyone, counting the votes, it was 10 saying yes while 6 said no, not counting Bastion and Orisa who raised their hands both times, "Well, the votes stand we let him in, but to be fair, we keep a close eye on him, you all are dismissed for now..." all 18 heroes leave for their rooms for the night, but Winston and I stop Lena and wait for everyone to leave, "What is it luvs?" She asks, we look at eachother and nod, "We want YOU to work with Scout as he gets through things..." her eyes widen, "WHAT?!"
Sombra's POV
I look at the cameras, watching the whole thing, and laugh, infiltrating this place was easy, these fools are so desperate they'll take ANYONE, and with what I've gotten from Talon, Overwatch, and NOW Mann Co., I can finally finish my plan, I look at my locket, muttering, "It'll be over soon, I promise..." before closing it and getting back to this wretched job...
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