Welcome To The Craziness
Being me, the relentless nagger I am, I convinced Natasha into coming shopping with me for baby clothes. Although, I know she secretly enjoys having some time alone without the boys.
"What do you want it to be Clara?" Nat asks as we peruse the seemingly endless amount of baby's clothes.
"I haven't actually thought about that." I say pausing.
"But I'd be happy with either. If it's a girl, Steve would spoil her rotten, and if it's a boy, well, he'd definitely be the pride in Steve's life. And I would adore them either way." I say with a small smile, becoming more excited to meet our child.
"I could see that. Do you think Steve is nervous?" She laughs as she throws a cute pack of onesies in the bin.
"He won't say it out loud but he is. This is something completely new to him, and then he's worried that our baby will inherit his pre-serum traits."
She hums in agreement before we decide to check out and get some lunch before heading back to the tower. In the last couple of months, Nat slowly became a prominent presence at the tower, and I think it's because she has a thing for Banner. She won't admit it, but she does. And so it's slowly becoming a home for all of us as a team.
And not to mention, Maria got a job at Stark Industries after the implosion of SHIELD so it's been nice to have her around too.
By this time, we probably have a couple more weeks of quiet until the baby is born, and Steve is more nervous than I am. Recently he "restricted" me from doing my smaller workouts, that I've been doing to stay somewhat in shape, and he's literally been waiting on me hand and foot.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy the attention and I think his devotion is heart warming, I just already feel incapable of doing things, I can't just sit around and do nothing.
"Okay, so there's a bag packed if we have to head out of here quickly, Tony and I finished the baby's room the other night, there's—"
"Steve. Take a break." I say as I gently grab his face, making his frantic eyes connect with mine.
"Everything is prepared and ready. You and Tony have done a fantastic job of taking care of everything, now is the time to relax before it all gets crazy again. So just take a breath and enjoy this."
I watch as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, his whole body visibly relaxing. I watch as the worry lines fade from his face and am surprised when he suddenly pulls me closer.
"Thank you. I don't know why I'm suddenly so nervous..." He simply trails off as I rub soothing circles in his back.
"It's okay to be nervous. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. But like everything else, we'll do this together, and everyone here is willing help. We have a strong team behind us. We'll be okay."
A couple days later, I wake up from a nap slightly disoriented, to find a note from Steve saying that he and Tony were downstairs to train a bit. I smile at the information, and decide to make a bit of food before I go down and watch what's going to be an interesting sparring match.
I roll myself out of bed and slowly make my way to the kitchen on our floor, when suddenly pain, worse than being shot, rips through my midsection stopping me in my tracks.
I place a hand on my abdomen, clenching my eyes shut around the pain, waiting for it to dissipate. When it finally does I take a deep breath and realize it was probably a contraction, but before I can take another step, another one hits me just as hard.
"Miss Stark is seems that your contractions have started." JARVIS announces the obvious.
"You don't say?!" I say around gritted teeth waiting for the pain to let up again, but it takes longer this time.
"Want me to notify Mister Stark and Captain Rodgers?"
"Please JARVIS. Quickly!" I say attempting to straighten up, knowing that we don't have a lot of time before the baby gets here.
I walk gingerly back to the room to slip some shoes on when I hear the thundering sound of footsteps coming from, the stairwell?
"Clara!" I hear Steve's panicked voice and it makes me giggle slightly before another onset begins.
"In here Steve!" Through gritted teeth, I answer him, trying to stay upright as the pain makes me want to curl in on myself.
"JARVISsaidyourcontractionswerestarting and they were close together."
He takes a deep breath halfway through his ramble as he quickly grabs my hospital bag and makes his way back to me. Swiftly, in one motion, he slings the bag around his shoulder and lifts me into his arms and we head towards the lift.
"Tony's downstairs getting the car ready, and I believe he's calling the hospital to let them know we're coming."
"Any other time I would revel in the knowledge of you two working so well together, but holy f—" I bite my lip to keep the explicit from rolling out, as another contraction hits making me fist the fabric of Steve's shirt.
"Hang on doll." He mutters, and as soon as the lift doors open he squeezes us through.
"Let's go!" I hear Tony command as Steve somehow holds onto me and gets the car door open, and I'm finally able to get a deep breath in and calm my heart rate.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I pant out, finally able to relax and hoping it'll help the boys relax too.
The drive was surprisingly short, and I don't want to know how fast Tony was going, and when we arrive there's a nurse waiting with a wheelchair.
"I got it. I'm fine." I say firmly, placing my hand on Steve's chest as he tries to bring me to the chair.
Being as stubborn as I am, he keeps an arm around my waist and just helps me to walk and sit down in the chair before I'm hit again with the pain.
It's all a blur as they get me in a room and connect wires and tubes to me, and it's only after one long wave of pain do they finally let Steve in.
"How are you doing?" He says quietly as he grabs my hand, and I simply respond with a glare.
"Right, right. Wrong question."
I sigh relaxing into the surprisingly comfortable bed, and Steve begins to rub soothing circles on my knuckles.
"You don't have to stay you know." I mumble quietly, opening my eyes to see his reaction, and he looks at me like I'm crazy..well maybe it's the meds.
"I wanna stay. I wanna be here for you." I breath a laugh at how adorable he's being, but I have to warn him for his own sake.
"I appreciate the sentiment Love, but it's going to get gnarly in here." He looks to contemplate for a split second before shaking his head and hardening his resolve.
"I'll be alright. I'm not gonna let you do this alone." All I can do is smile at him, and kiss him quickly before another contraction hits lasting longer than the others.
After what seems like hours of doctors trying to sound encouraging, and Steve whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I nearly break his hand, I'm left with a sigh of relief as I hear a shrill cry fill the room.
My eyes close with content and pure joy chasing away the pain I was once feeling. I feel Steve squeeze my hand gently making me slowly open my eyes in his direction, and I see a shimmering smile on his face.
"You did so well darling. He's absolutely beautiful." I see tears well in his eyes, and I feel mine doing the same.
"He? We have a boy?" I smile widely through my tears as he nods and leans down to kiss me gently.
"Congratulations Miss Stark." The nurse says nothing more as she hands me a small bundle of blue blankets and I can't help the tears that stream down at the sight.
I cradle my son in my arms to see him sleeping away, and this will be a moment I'll never forget. He has a dark tuff of hair atop his head that I lightly smooth with my fingers, before caressing his beautiful little face, noticing that he has Steve's eyes and lips, and a smaller version of my nose. He is absolutely stunning.
"Have you thought of a name?" Steve asks quietly as he plays with the much smaller hand of our son, both of us unable to take our eyes from him.
I had thought of several names in the last month, but as I look at him now, he doesn't fit any of those options. As I observe his little face, and watch how his tiny mouth curves into a smile in his sleep, I think of the perfect name.
"James Anthony Rogers." I smile down at him before looking to Steve, whose movements had suddenly stopped.
"It's perfect."
Is all he says out loud, but so much more is said in his eyes. Gratefulness, sadness, happiness, and love all come to the surface and I know he loves the name and the reason I chose it, just as much as I do.
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