The Parting of Ways
They give us a couple weeks to recoup after the battle. Make sure we're all healed, and able to start on the next mission if necessary. During this time SHIELD arranged for Thor to take Loki back to Asgard, seeing it best that he "face Asgardian justice", whatever I just don't want him causing anymore trouble here.
Also during that time, I had to explain myself and my powers to my very clueless brother. That was a fun conversation.
"Alright Clara, spill." Tony says as we sit in the Med room.
"What are you talking about?" I ask innocently, looking down at my hands to avoid his look.
"You know what. How did you heal so quickly? Plus the whole killing the aliens without a weapon..?" Tony says, using the tone of voice that I can't help but make eye contact with him.
"I'm honestly surprised Dad didn't tell you..."
"You knew Dad Clara, he wouldn't have told me anything."
"That isn't true Anthony. You guys might not have seen eye to eye all the time, but he really did love you." To this he scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"So you say. Stop trying to change the subject Clara. What are you hiding?" I sigh, knowing there isn't anyway to go about this easily.
"I have a condition I guess you can call it. You should remember before mom and dad passed, there was a time I locked myself in my room? Focused on my studies?" He nods, but for once keeps quiet so I can continue.
"Dad and I were working on something, I was focused intently on what he was showing me, and things started to move. I was making things move. Without touching them."
His eyes widen at the revelation.
"We kept it a secret within the family, he knew how SHIELD could be, and he didn't want to subject me to experiments. So he helped me to try and control it. It went on like this for a while, until I noticed how he was treating you-because he was so absorbed with helping me..."
He quirks his eyebrow at this, obviously surprised that anyone noticed, let alone myself.
"That's when I decided to lock myself away. I didn't want this to continue to tear our family apart."
"So then, this mutation, they never figured out how it was caused?" He asks quietly, and I shake my head before explaining.
"No, Dad could never figure it out. It wasn't until after I joined SHIELD that I wanted, with the help of Coulson, to figure it out. Also, Phil promised me it'd never go on my permanent files. Apparently with enough stress put upon the body, which is what we were doing at the time, it causes the dormant mutated gene to be expressed—"
"Thus causing your mind powers right? What else are you able to do?"
"Yeah." I say with a slight laugh. "Telekinesis is what we found it to be. Increased healing and metabolism, ability to manipulate things around me, and there was an instance that I was able to look into Phil's mind, but it was quick and unstable, and I haven't attempted it since."
With that I grow silent, waiting to hear Tony's verdict and what he thinks of my abnormalities... Hoping he isn't scared or angry with me for keeping it secret for so long.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that Clare." He says grabbing my hands and rubbing circles in them. "I wish you would've told me sooner, I would've helped you. You wouldn't have had to go through this alone."
"I know, and I realize it wasn't that great of an idea seeing that it didn't help you and Dad like I thought it would—"
"Hey. Don't you dare blame yourself for my relationship with Dad. It just...wasn't ever going to work. There was nothing you or Mom could've done. Okay?"
I just nod silently, when he suddenly brings me tightly into a hug. One we haven't shared since we were younger.
"Thank you. For telling me. Trusting me. Honestly I think it's wicked. We could make a killer team." There's my cocky Anthony, he says with a smile making me smile in return.
I smile at the memory as we make our way to Central Park to see Loki and Thor off. We all ride in, ready to get it over with, to move on from this disaster. Thor goes around each of his teammates, giving us hand shakes, well in my case a bow and kiss to my knuckles making me blush.
"That's enough Point Break.." Tony buts in.
Tony and Bruce give Thor the Tesseract and with a begrudging look Loki grabs the other side of the case, with a nod Thor and Loki are gone along with that damned cube.
"You sure you don't wanna stay at the Tower for a bit?" Tony asks me as we group up to say goodbye. For now at least.
"I'd like to really, but SHIELD is moving me up to DC to work out of our HQ there. But I promise to visit—"
"As you should." He says with a smirk.
"You should visit too Anthony. Get you out of the Tower for once." I say with a smile, causing him to smile a real one too, before pulling me into a tight hug.
"You be careful there will ya? I don't wanna lose you Clara."
"You won't. I promise I'll be fine. As long as you keep safe too." I say with a pointed look. He nods waving it off, like no big deal. I worry about that man...
After we say goodbye, I say goodbye and good luck to Bruce, telling him it's okay to hit Tony. I tell Clint to have fun on his time off from being a bad ass. And before I can say bye to Nat too she informs me, she'll also be stationed in DC. So that'll be nice, I don't have to pretend to like the new recruits there in order to make friends.
"So...uh..where you headed?" Steve asks me as I come over to him.
"SHIELD HQ in DC.. They want me working Intel there. What about you?" Suddenly his face brightens up at the mention of Washington.
"That's exactly where they're sending me. Seems like we can get that coffee then?"
"Are you asking me on a date Captain?" I say slyly.
"That depends on what the lady wants..?" He says quirking an eyebrow to cover the nervous gleam in his eyes.
"The lady would like that very much." I say with a smile.
"Would you like a ride then mi'lady?" He asks making me giggle at the cheesy grin he's wearing.
"Thank you my good sir." I say getting on his bike behind him, zooming off to the next chapter.
**ahh!! I'm so sorry this is so late! I've had family in town, so I've no time to escape them and write! It's also kinda shitty but that's because I'm excited to finally be done with Avengers and move onto the Winter Soldier!
Thanks again for reading and voting! I love the fact that people are reading my story! :) lemme know if there's things you wanna see/things I need to change.
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