Leaving Steve during this time was a lot harder than expected. So many secrets floating around, some I don't even know. So when Hill and I get to the secure van, I begin to demand answers.
"What's going on Maria. Why all the secrets?" She sighs running a hand over her face before answering.
"Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful."
"You mean—?" I cut myself off, could he really be alive still?
"He's alive Clara. We used FitzSimmions' tetrodotoxin-D formula. After he learned that SHIELD was compromised he called me and we decided on the plan. I'm sorry you had to go through all that in the dark." She explains as we pull up to an uninhabited area and leads me to a cavern wall.
"So then why did you need me?" I ask, still not fully understanding why I was called in.
"We're going to need your medical knowledge to help Nick heal. Also, we've got to stop Project Insight—"
"That's Tony's work. I don't–"
"We can't get a hold of him, but you two are more alike than you think."
We walk through the hidden SHIELD base, meeting the doctor halfway. He quickly gets Nick stabilized, and I've got to sit down when the instruments start to shake and move uncontrollably.
Placing my head in my hands, I try taking deep breaths hoping to will away this particularly strong wave of nausea.
"Clara?" I barely hear Hill call for me over the roaring in my ears.
"Clara, what's wrong?" I open my eyes slightly to see her kneeling in front of me, and the doctor coming to my side, a bin in hand.
I squeeze my eyes tighter as the wave grows stronger, as well as the movement of the tools. Which are now levitating off the table. I reach for the bin, quickly emptying the little contents of my stomach, the metal tools clashing loudly to the floor.
"What the hell was that?" Hill asks while gently rubbing my back as I catch my breath.
"It's been going on for about a week." I say, taking a deep breath halfway through.
"Some sort of bug I've picked up." I smooth my cold hands over my feverish face, thankful for the soothing feel.
"A week you say? That's no normal stomach bug Miss Stark." The doctor butts in, concern lacing his voice.
"That's the only explanation I can think of. Whenever I get sick like that, my abilities– they go out of control."
"So you made those things move?" The doctor asks, since he probably had no idea about my abilities.
"Yup. They seem to be coupled with the nausea." Maria hands me a glass of water while the doctor studies me.
"Would you mind terribly if I take a blood sample from you Miss Stark?"
I guess it would make sense... with Nick's condition, he's immunocompromised and if this is a bug, we don't want him getting sick.
"I guess not." Feeling better already, I take off my–well Steve's jacket while he gets his supplies.
"When can we expect Nick to wake up?"
"He's hooked up to the proper heart monitor and it should alarm when he finally wakes up." The Doctor comes back and I have to look away when he readies the needle.
"After everything you've been through, you're still afraid of needles?" Hill laughs at me from my right side.
"Shut up. I'm just not a fan okay?" I glare in her direction, but she just chuckles some more.
"Alright, I'm done. How do you feel?"
"Fine. Just exhausted, it's been a long 48 hours."
"Why don't the both of you get some rest? I'll watch over the director and run some tests." He says looking at Maria and I, myself watching my friend, hoping she'll be smart and take a break.
"Alright, fine. But wake me immediately if his condition changes." She says and the Doctor nods. Once she's satisfied with her answer, we head to the living quarters of the base.
"And you," Hill stops me before I can head into a room. "Little miss I-don't-tell-my-best-friend-anything, you let me know if you feel shitty again. Okay?" I laugh at the sass level, but nod anyways.
"Yes mother. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
I say with a smile making her smile before we both head into our rooms and I'm out the moment my head hits the pillow.
I lazily reach to the other side of the bed, attempting to gain the warmth of my fiancé, only to find it cold and empty. It takes me a couple of seconds to remember where I am and the circumstances I'm dealing with. Once I remember I'm in an old, hidden SHIELD base, there's a knock at my door.
"It's open." I mutter trying to clear the sleep from my voice.
"Well good morning." Maria says as she opens the door smiling.
"How long was I out for?" Running my hands through my hair, trying to tame my curls.
"About 3 hours. Nick's awake." I jump out of bed at her words, eager to see how my friend is fairing.
"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I say as we walk the corridor.
"Because it looked like you really needed the rest." I shrug while she pauses a bit. "Everything alright Clara?"
"Yeah. Like I said, it's been a long 48 hours and I'm just worried when I know I shouldn't be."
"It's okay to be worried. We all have a lot resting on SHIELD, that's been kind of blown up in our faces. I also noticed that pretty rock on your hand, something else you didn't tell me." She says with a smirk and I just smile shyly.
"And you have the right to worry about Steve. We all became Hydra's most wanted overnight. But it's Steve and Natasha. They'll be alright." I just nod and sigh before we both head into the makeshift hospital room.
"Clara. You made it." Nick says roughly with his usual teasing smirk.
"You are such an ass."
"I'm not so sure your fiancé would appreciate that language." The smirk turns into a small caring smile and I can't help but return it.
"Screw you. Do you know how worried I was Nick? I really thought I'd lost Phil." He reaches out for my hand which I take immediately.
"Well, you should remember Stark, you won't be able to get rid of us for a long time."
"Good. I need to annoy someone while I'm at work." He chuckles slightly before grimacing in pain, and I quickly become serious.
"How are you feeling?" I ask, looking at his vitals and the morphine drip the doctor already set up.
"I'll live Clara. The question here is, how are you?" Nick asks and I turn to him confused.
"What do you mean? I'm fine, I'm not the one that was shot multiple times." I busy myself with the familiar tools, avoiding the stare of my director.
"That's not what I mean. You're worried, and more that just for Steve. Something else is bothering you." Dammit. Why must he be so perceptive.
"Something's going on Nick." I sigh as I slump in the chair next to him.
"My abilities are raging out of control and they're making me sick. I've never had a problem before, now suddenly—" I shrug, lost, wiping at the rogue tears in my face.
"Well, I might have an answer for you." The doctor stands at the doorway as Nick, Hill, and I look towards him.
"What's going on Doc?" I ask nervously, running my hand through my hair again.
"Well, looking at the samples I took, I found a lot of your genetic markers free floating, which accounts for your elevated abilities. But I also found elevated levels of hormones, which I believe can be associated with the frequency in your abilities becoming more violent."
There's no logical explanation as to why these things are out of control... I simply raise an eyebrow and wait for him to continue.
"I don't want to insult your intelligence Miss Stark, I know you have medical background, but what physical change is able to elevate hormones?" I quickly flip through my Human Physiology knowledge, still confused I shrug when I answer.
"Stress, Anxiety and worry, sexual intercourse—" Oh. My. God. I slump back in my chair unable to finish my answer as a thousand thoughts run through my mind.
"–Pregnancy..." The doctor finishes for me. Hearing that possibility out loud makes my blood run cold.
I can't be pregnant. There–There's no way... I mean yes there was a way, but shit just hit the fan! There's no guarantee we'll make it out of this, that Steve will make it out of this... We're going to be in constant danger! The child could be a mutant, o-or a sure solider, they would want to run tests–
"Hey Clare. It's gonna be okay, don't cry." Maria says gently, snapping me out of my inner monologue. I hadn't even noticed the tears until she mentioned it.
Shaking my head so quickly I make myself dizzy, I wipe away the traitorous tears.
"It's not going to be okay Hill. I'm pregnant and we're in a war. There's no guarantee we'll all make it out of this!" She attempts to comfort me again, but I cut her off.
"Wha-What if the child is like me?! Or Steve? Who's to say we could keep them safe from those who will want to run tests or hurt them?"
At this point I can feel myself hyperventilate, and my building anxiety for an unknown future is too overpowering.
"Clara! Look at me!" Hill grabs my shoulders tightly, enough to finally get my attention. I look at her through the tears, my breathing slowly returning to normal.
"You will be fine. Steve will be fine. And this baby will be fine. Nobody, but us, knows about this and as long as we keep it that way, everything will be okay. Alright?" She says forcefully keeping eye contact the entire time, and she waits for my confirmation.
"Okay." I say meekly, nodding my head attempting to keep my breathing under control.
She brings me into a tight hug, whispering her congratulations and slowly, I feel a small smile start to form. Maybe, maybe this is the ray of light we've been hoping for.
*Goodness! This is a crazy long chapter but I couldn't possibly split it up, there's just so much to fit in. Thanks for reading, I hope you all love this story as I do! :)
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