Recruiting the Captain
"You called for me sir?" I asked as I met Director Fury on the bridge of the helicarrier.
"I did Agent Stark. I'm gonna need to you go and recruit the Captain." He says while turning around to glance my direction. Captain America? The guy my dad knew back in his army days?
"Captain Rogers? Sir I thought we were going to let him adjust to this time before bringing him in on anything big."
"That was the original plan Agent, but seeing as we're actually needing to put together a team, he is a necessary piece to it. I'd go myself, but it seems I'm needed here. I hope it isn't too much of an interruption in your search for the cube?"
"No sir, not at all." I reply. I've been wanting to get off this boat for a while now, so might as well take the chance.
"Alright, here's a debrief packet for Captain Rogers, and also a bit on the Tesseract. I'm sure you'll be able to locate him?" He says handing me the folders and turning to his meeting with the World Security Council.
"Yes sir. I'll see to getting him on board." I turn away, looking through the info on my tablet for the location of the captain and find it to be Brooklyn. Well he seems a bit sentimental..
Walking into the old gym I hear what sounds like someone hitting the shit out of a punching bag and head in that direction. As I make it to the doorway I have to stop in utter amazement as I see a man, literally hit the bag off the chain, spilling the sand across the floor. This must be my solider, no one else has that kind of strength. Watching him attach the next bag, I start to speak so I don't fully interrupt him.
"Trouble sleeping?" I ask, not as a joke that he's slept for 70 years, but because this is how I spend my nights unable to sleep.
"I slept for 70 years ma'am. I think I've had my fill." He says trying to start up again, but it seems his manners get the best of him, and he slowly stops punching the bag.
"Then you should be out celebrating. Seeing what's new in the world." I say walking closer as he unwraps his hands. He looks up at me briefly before going back to his task, getting a drink of water.
"When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost." I side track for a second thinking of my mother and father and how I lost them years ago..
"We've all made some mistakes through the years. Some very recently." I say shaking myself from my memories and focusing on the task at hand.
"Are you here with a mission ma'am?" He asks finally looking up at me, and I can't help but notice how very attractive this guy is for being, what 96 years old?
"I am. If you're up for it." I say with a smirk, and it seems he has a ghost of a smirk on his face.
"Trying to get me back in the world?" He says breaking eye contact and looking away again. I grab the Tesseract file and hold it out for him.
"Trying to save it." He takes it, and seems almost in shock of what he sees.
"Hydra's secret weapon."
"My father, Howard Stark, fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we believe, that the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited clean energy. That's something that can truly help the world." I say and his eyes widen a bit when I mention Dad and I notice him stare at me a bit harder as if trying to see pieces of my father in me.
"Who took it from you?" He asks flipping through the packet a bit more, probably trying to wrap his head around all this.
"He's called Loki, he's not from around here. There's a lot I'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world's even stranger than you thought it was." And yes, Fury gave me the wonderful task of teaching the Cap what I know. When I'm not finding the cube that is.
"At this point I doubt anything could surprise me." He says and I can't help but smirk, knowing the helicarrier will blow his mind.
"Well..ten bucks says you might be wrong. There's a debriefing packet waiting for you at your apartment." As I say this he hands me back the packet and picks up a punching bag. Does this guy ever stay still?
"Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract?" I ask in one last attempt to keep his focus, but he's already headed out the doors.
"You should've kept it in the ocean." I sigh as he leaves...well that was a big help. There's something about this whole Tesseract business that doesn't sit well with me, I'm not sure what yet, but I'll just have to figure it out.
I head back to the helicarrier, since this was the only thing Fury needed me to do might as well go back and start zoning for the cube.
*I apologize for these first couple chapters being so short! I promise I will make them longer! Thank you for reading! Lemme know what you think!*
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