Parties Are Fun, Right?
"If you had to guess, what's it look like it's doing?" Tony asks, and deciding this is a good time as any to butt in, I do.
"Looks like it's thinking." I say walking behind the two, successfully scaring the both of them, James giggling from my hip.
"Exactly. They're like neurons firing!" The doctor says enthusiastically while Tony still glares slightly.
"Thank you for the heart attack sister. But the brainiacs are working."
"I needed the distraction Anthony. And what have we all discussed about you assuming you've got the most brains?" At this Bruce laughs, making Tony pout.
"Anyways!" He glares slightly before continuing. "When I was down in Strucker's lab, I saw some very advanced robotics. I gotta guess he was working towards a very particular door."
"Artificial Intelligence." Bruce and I say at the same time. I don't like where this is going.
"This could be it! This could be the key to creating Ultron."
"No. Tony, I told you Ultron wouldn't work." Bruce looks at me worriedly, probably not knowing I was aware of my brother's project.
"That was before we had the opportunity to harness this power and run it with the Iron Legion protocol."
"No Anthony. This is a dangerous door, and anyways. Something this big, you'd need to consult the team. Just think, before you do anything stupid."
I say, not wanting to hear the rest of his schemes, hearing it all once before and going to find sanity somewhere else. I quickly find Nat and a healing Clint and sit with them for a while, my son providing the perfect distraction for all of us.
It's now the night of the party, and I still haven't heard anything from Steve. Don't know if they're alive, or if they've found Bucky, and part of me is still upset to not worry about calling either, that could jeopardize his mission anyways.
So instead I focus on getting ready for tonight, deciding to pay Nat a visit with a wide awake James in my arms, as we knock on her door.
"Hello handsome! You helping mommy get ready for the party?" She exclaims as she grabs him from my arm, spinning him around, as James giggles at his favorite aunt.
"I thought since you have the largest dress supply, I'd come and raid it. Plus, I've missed our girl time." I say with a smile as she waves me towards her closet, sitting on the bed with James in her lap.
"Nat, do you have anything in red?" I ask before smiling as I turn and see her completely enthralled with making funny faces at the laughing toddler.
"Do you know who you're talking to Clara?" She deadpans, and her expression almost makes me laugh.
"Yes I have red, but I didn't think that was your preferred color? Looking to draw someone's attention tonight?" She replies with a smirk and an eyebrow raised in sarcastic question.
"Well, I realized it is stupid to stay angry with him. In our line of work, you never know who's going to come home." She nods sadly at the truth, no doubt thinking of Clint's close call.
"Are you going to be mommy's plus one tonight then?" Nat coos as I make my way out of her closet in my chosen dress.
"No, I don't need him staying up that late. Plus, after everything that's been going on, I deserve a night to let loose." I say with a small laugh as Nat stands, placing the smiling toddler on her hip.
"About time woman. This will be a well needed night for all of us." With a big yawn from my son, I take him from Nat smiling at the sight.
"I'll see you downstairs, yeah?" I say as I turn to leave.
"Of course. By the way, I love the dress you chose." She smiles as I close the door.
Making my way back up to my personal floor, I'm met with quiet little snores coming from my right shoulder which James is snuggled into, making me smile. I make it to his room, placing him in the bed that my brother unearthed, one that once belonged to the both of us.
"Don't worry baby, Dad will be back before you know it." I say with a sad smile, not knowing who I'm really reassuring...
Hearing the music begin downstairs, I decide it's now or never, and if Steve held true to at least some part of his word, he and Sam should be coming back for the party. With one last look at my sleeping son, I quietly make my way to the hall, and begin the decent downstairs.
As soon as I hit the main level, I'm overwhelmed by the loud sounds of laughter, music, and clinking classes, and decide I should get a drink before finding my team.
"I mean really guys, where's the ladies?" I hear Maria ask making me turn and smile, heading in their direction.
"I'm here, don't fret." I say with a smile, not missing the eye roll from my brother, making the others laugh.
"Ha ha. About time you got here sister, I was worried you were going to stay upstairs brooding." I glare at my idiot brother before taking another drink.
"Don't ruin my night Anthony. We're here to have fun, right?" I quickly smile, taking care not to react to Hill's slight nudge on my arm.
Once the conversation resumes, I face Maria with a questioning look and she simply nods behind me. Turning I see, Steve and Sam, make their way to the upper bar my brother installed. Throwing back the rest of my drink, I place the empty glass on the bar, with one last look at my friend, I walk as quickly as my heels will take me, and catch up to the hulking Super Solider and his friend.
Just before I'm able to catch up with them, I catch a bit of their conversation which causes my blood to boil.
"No, no. I enjoy chasing cold trails for your crazy friend."
Sam laughs, making Steve shake his head and before he can respond, I quickly make my way around the two men, knowing I didn't escape their notice, and I'm just able to catch Sam's dig at my fiancé.
"You better go fix that."
"Do you mind if I stick with you tonight?" I ask Maria as I quickly find Barton and Hill in a conversation and butt in while grabbing another drink.
"Don't ask." She simply nods, but looks behind me and nods in understanding.
I quickly down the drink before getting another, and after that one, my anger has faded to the back of my mind and I'm able to have a good time, not thinking about the conversation bound to happen later.
"I don't think I've seen you drink this much since you were in college."
I hear Tony laugh as he stands next to me at the bar, I smile sarcastically before his face falls as he gets a good look at me.
"What happened Clare? What did he do?"
I shake my head not wanting to talk about it, but he lightly grabs my arm, and in my drunken state it makes it hard for me not to break down in front of all these people.
"It's what he didn't do Anthony. I overheard he and Sam...The trail was cold. And he didn't come back early." I simply shake my head, and he hugs me for a bit before smiling.
"I'm sorry Clare, but hey, if it's any consolation, he hasn't been able to look anywhere else, even through my glares."
This makes me laugh and he smiles victoriously, dragging me back into a conversation, as my gaze drifts quickly to see what he says is indeed true.
"But it's a trick!" Clint exclaims as we all sit around a coffee table, Thor's hammer on open display.
"Oh, no. It's much more than that."I laugh as Clint rolls his eyes, not believing any of it.
""Whosoever Be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick!" I cover my giggle, (thanks to my brother pushing more drinks my way...) at Clint's terrible impression of Thor.
"Well please, be my guest." Thor raises a brow gesturing to the hammer on the table, Tony being the first to pressure the poor guy into it.
"Come on man."
Clint gets up, as Thor gives another word of encouragement, and I catch Maria's eye causing us both to roll our eyes at the guy's need to display their "manliness".
"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up."
At this, we all laugh and I can feel holes being burnt into the side of my face, but I ignore them like I have all night.
"You know I've seen this before right? I still have no idea how you do it." Clint comments after he can't budge the hammer.
"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony chimes in making me smack his chest, before Clint gestures to him.
"Please Stark, by all means." Tony gets up, unbuttoning the single button on his suit jacket, making it look easy.
"Here we go." Nat and I say at the same time and I just shake my head. Boys...
"It's physics."
"It is not physics.." He simply looks at me before grabbing Mjilnor.
"So, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?"
"Yes of course." Thor says to appease my brother, but we all know he wouldn't let that happen.
He attempts to lift it, the hammer not budging until he runs to get the gauntlet of his suit, trying to use the thrusters to lift it, which doesn't work either.
"Just so you're aware brother, we are all judging you for not being able to get it up." I saw throwing his words back in his face, making the group laugh again, and he simply looks at me.
"Then please, sister, be my guest." He steps away and offers me a try to which I quickly shake my head.
"I worked for SHIELD. That should be explanation enough."
Nat quickly agrees with me, so then Banner steps up next. Shocking us all when he can't lift it and tries to change into the Hulk and fails. Nat simply smiles at him, making me smile at the both of them, hoping soon enough they'll make a move on that.
"Let's go Steve, no pressure."
Tony chides, and I lift my head to see that indeed my fiancé is in the process of rolling up the sleeves of his already tight shirt, and I have to remind myself I'm angry with him, but am interested in seeing what will happen.
Rhodey cheers him on from his seat and we all watch with baited breath, and the hammer budges just the slightest, causing Thor to look alarmed, but he still can't lift it. Thor laughs loudly, not wanting to admit Steve almost unseated him.
"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged." Tony states simply.
"You bet your ass." Clint points his beer bottle to Tony in agreement.
"Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria chimes in and I snort in laughter.
"Did you tell everyone about that?"
But Tony simply ignores Steve, who turns to look at me and all I can do is shrug before looking back to my swirling red drink in my hands, not wanting to give into him.
"That's a very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." I tune back in to see Thor flip his hammer. "You're all not worthy."
Suddenly, a sound of metal screeching fills the room and we're forced to cover our ears until it finally fades, but our attention has been drawn to the far side of the room.
"Worthy...No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers."
What looks to be a dismantled Iron Legion suit limps its way to us, making us all slowly ready ourselves for whatever is next. I notice Hill go for the pistol holstered under the table, and everyone shifts as Steve looks to Tony.
"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream?"
"Reboot Legionnaire. We got a buggy suit." Tony mutters, tapping into his hand-held control device.
"There was a terrible noise...and I was tangled in strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."
This makes all of us on high alert, standing to face this enemy. My blood runs cold, knowing the only other person in the tower is my son, and I hope that's not who he's referring to. I see Steve quickly look to me, and my petty anger is quickly diminished.
"You killed someone?" He asks, but attempts to calm me with a look.
"Wouldn't have been my first call. But sometimes we have to make the ugly choices."
"Who sent you?" Thor finally asks the question we've all been wondering.
""I see a suit of armor around the world."" He replays in Tony's voice and my blood turns to ice.
Bruce and I say at the same time, and I'm stunned for a second, that my brother would even attempt the interface... I begin to make a mental shield, separating the team from Ultron, not knowing what will happen next.
"What mission?"
"Peace in our time."
At his words, the Iron Legion bots burst through the back wall, and Steve kicks up the table knocking a couple of them back. Nat takes cover before finding the gun in the bar and firing from there. I'm able to manipulate the space around two separate bots and pull them apart, and smashing the masks together effectively "killing" them.
Steve yells and I turn to see Tony on the back of a suit trying to shut down the suit as we take care of the rest.
"One sec!"
In the mean time I take out a couple more suits, narrowly dodging Steve's shield as Clint throws it to him in order to dismember the last of the Iron Legion suits. Catching our breaths, we see that the original suit hasn't moved from where it first confronted us.
"That was dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to, evolve. There's only one path to peace: The Avenger's extinction."
Suddenly Thor's hammer smashes into Ultron, affectively destroying the suit, and we all wait a breath as we watch the light fade from the suit, and that's when my panic sets in.
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