Lab Partners? Sweet!
I've been in the lab now for a couple of hours working on finding the spectrometers needed in order to find the cube when I get a notification that Dr. Banner and Captain Rogers have arrived, and to report to the bridge.
On my way there, I bump into Coulson and he's smiling like a goof, so I walk with him to the bridge and ask about the smile.
"What's the smile for? Finally got a date with the cellist?" I say with a smirk and I see him blush.
"Not now Clara." He whispers while nudging me and I smile at him. "But no, do you know who I just rode in with? Captain America!" He says with childlike glee that makes me smile. He's been an admirer of the captain for some time now.
"So he did decide to come. Did you ask him about signing your trading cards?" I smirk and Phil gets all giddy again.
"Not yet. I don't wanna overwhelm him." I can't help but giggle at my old S.O., he seems so happy in the midst of what's going to happen.
"Well I guess you're right, I'm not sure he realizes just how popular he is." We smile making it onto the bridge and we head toward the computers that will begin scanning for Loki and Barton.
I feel the engines start to kick up, excited that soon we'll have to "disappear" which is my favorite little trick. Everyone running to their stations to get this baby up and running, making me glad I'm not part of the flight crew as Maria yells her orders out.
"We're locked in sir." She says towards Fury and a smile appears on my face making Coulson laugh, knowing how much I love what comes next.
"Good. Let's vanish." Fury commands, and the screen cuts to an outside view showing us the process of the panels, it's eyes in case something goes faulty with them. I just like the view.
Soon after that Nat comes to my side looking at the progress of finding her partner, I smile and she smiles back. We've been good friends for a while now, and I'm worried for her. Clint is a big part of her life, if anything were to happen to him, she'd never forgive herself.
"Gentlemen." I hear Fury say. So I jump up and head in that direction, knowing Dr. Banner and Cap are here. As I come along side Fury, Steve pulls out 10 bucks and I can't help but laugh when he gives it to me, remembering our bet the night I met him. Fury looks on in confusion as I just smirk.
"See, I told you we still had some tricks up our sleeves." I say with a smile at Rogers and he smiles, one glorious, smile back. Before he can say anything Fury starts talking and we listen in.
"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the clear." He tells Banner.
"How's that going?" He asks folding up his jacket, and before I can start explaining, Phil beats me to it.
"We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite it's eyes and ears for us." He says.
"That's still not going to find them in time." Nat says, sifting through images of Barton on the computer.
"You have to narrow the field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" Now I can jump in with my findings, hopefully he'll have an idea to create a larger sample size.
"I've been able to log into the labs I've worked at and have gotten access to their spectrometers, but I've yet to gain access to any others." I say and Banner looks to me seeming relieved he's not the only one that knows how to do this. He nods, probably liking the fact I got a head start on all this.
"Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. That way we can rule out a few places." He says directing the last part to me, knowing I'll understand how much work we've got ahead of us.
"Agent Stark, would you show Dr. Banner to the laboratory, please." I nod as I walk past, ready to go start looking for this damn thing!
"Until next time Captain." I say with a slight wink in his direction, as I walk toward Banner. "You're going to love it Doc. We got all the toys." I say as we walk out of the bridge and down the hall.
"So your uh...helping me find this Tesseract?" Banner asks breaking the silence on the way there.
"Mhmm, so I've been told anyways. Oh! Clara Stark, it's a real pleasure to be working with you Dr. Banner." I say slightly embarrassed I forgot my manners, holding my hand out for him to shake which he does, gently which throws me off a bit.
"Please call me Bruce. And Tony Stark's sister? The one everyone thought disappeared?" I cringe at that, knowing whatever he's heard can't be a good thing...
"Well..yes and no. When my parents died, I couldn't handle being in 'the limelight' if you will. Tony did and still does enjoy it, but I had things that I didn't want the public to know and well being me I guess, S.H.I.E.L.D recruited me and I've been here since." I let that sink in, not noticing until now that if he reads deep enough I could jeopardize the whole reason I'm here.
"What, didn't want the public to know how smart you are?" I let out a sigh of relief, "I've read up on your studies, Clara. It makes sense why you're stuck working with me." What? The Doctor Banner has read my papers? This is like every smart nerds dream!
"You've read my papers? Really? Well that's an honor Bruce, I'm a fan on your work with anti-electron collisions. It's always been so fascinating to me." I say as we finally reach the lab, seeing a light blush cover his cheeks, making me giggle slightly at the doctor.
"Thanks. Alright, so you said you've gotten access to a couple spectrometers so far?" He says getting right to business and I nod. "Okay, let's see what else S.H.I.E.L.D has to offer." He says with a smile and we get down to business.
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